Hi there! I just had this idea running in my mind for days and I wanted to get it out there. I hope you like it! Please read and review! :)

Caroline drove onto the highway as she wiped her tear stained face. Mystic Falls, officially, had nothing left for her. Her mom was gone, forever. The thought made the tears flow down her cheeks again. The funeral was yesterday morning and she had visited her mother's grave before she left. She hadn't really decided where she wanted to go, but she just needed to get away. The next thought that came into her mind was her friends: Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Stefan and even Damon. She wasn't quite sure if she considered Enzo her friend yet. At that moment she wanted to turn the car around the need to get out was greater. She'll miss all of them but right now, she needed to leave and be alone. They would have to understand.

She couldn't help but think that this was all her fault. Only if she had not given her mother the vampire blood, perhaps she would have lived longer. Then again, who was she fooling? Her mother would have died anyway due to that stage four cancer. The tears started again flowing down harder. She was gone! Her mom was gone and there was no way she could bring her back. Just then Caroline's phone started to ring. She peeked at the display screen and saw Stefan's name. Caroline decided against picking it up. Now that she really thought about it, he was only her best friend and always remain, only her best friend. Why did she ever think that there could be more between them? She knew that even though she and Stefan did eventually become a couple, he would never forget Elena. Thinking about it further, she and Stefan didn't even have that kind of chemistry he and Rebekah did. She snorted at the memory of Stefan telling about him and Rebekah once upon a time. He said that there was a fire burning of passion inside when he was with her back in the twenties and even recently when they got together. Overall, she and Stefan would be that boring couple. Her relationship with Stefan was only pure friendship, there was no passion or fire or that feeling of your heart fluttering at the mere sight. The only time she felt that heart fluttering feeling was when she saw Klaus. She hated admitting it but it was true. She blushed at the memory with him in the forest a few months back. She knew that one day she would end up at his door step allowing him to show her what the world has to offer. However, right now didn't seem like the right time.

She continued to drive along the highway when all of a sudden; she had to slam on the brakes. There was a woman, with ravenous curly brown hair with child, standing in the middle of the road. She had come out of nowhere. Caroline having vampire vision would have seen her way in advance. The car stopped a few inches away from the woman.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? What the…. What were you thinking?" Caroline said as she stepped out of the car. "Are you out of your mind?" Caroline walked towards the woman. The woman slowly turned around to reveal a very familiar face. A face Caroline would never forget because it belonged to her best friend and the vampire who turned her.

"Elena? What are you doing here?" Caroline said. "And where did you get a baby?"

"I am not Elena," she said as she lowered her face and arched her eyebrow.

"Katherine? How is it even possible? You died!" Caroline said.

"I'll explain later but you have to help me," Katherine said as she walked towards the car.

"Why should I help you when all you've ever done is make our lives miserable," Caroline said as she put her hands on her hips.

"Because I am human and I've changed but if not for me, please help me for the sake of this child," Katherine said with distress.

Caroline was thoroughly confused. How did Katherine have a child, why was she human and how is she even alive? There were many other questions roaming in her mind.

"Please!" Katherine begged. "I don't have much time!" Katherine looked around like she was scared to her wits.

"Okay," Caroline said as she walked back to the car. Katherine got in the passenger seat and Caroline started the car.

"Where do you need to go?" Caroline said.

"Just Louisiana," Katherine said.


"Because I need to find a witch."


"To do a cloaking spell," Katherine said. Caroline observed her and it seemed like Katherine was thinking through every answer before speaking. Caroline had had enough. Katherine had always been manipulative and she was not going to be pushed around by her this time. She stomped on the brakes and pulled over.

"Whose child did you steal?" Caroline said.

"He's mine. I gave birth to him," Katherine said.

Just then the baby started to cry. Katherine tried to soothe him but he continued to move about and cry.

"He's hungry," Katherine said as she lifted her shirt and brought the baby's mouth to her breast. The baby happily started to suck on it. Caroline watched in awe. She knew all about it but watching it first hand was a different experience. She gave up all hopes of becoming a mother once she had turned into a vampire but seeing this sight just made her want it. It was such an intimate and heartwarming scene.

"Please drive," Katherine said.

"Okay, but I want the whole story right from the beginning and don't leave anything out or you'll be the one getting out of my car," Caroline said. Katherine took a deep breath.

"This started when I was in my personal hell. I was living through all five hundred years of deaths and misery I had caused on Earth. It was like a road of misery that never ended. There I was approached by a witch. She gave me an offer," Katherine said.

"What kind of offer?" Caroline said.

"She would transport me to the land of the living if I was willing to do something for her and she knew fairly well how bad I wanted out of that hell. She said that she would allow me to go back as a mortal and I can peacefully live out my human life and in return she wanted a child. She said she would make one of my mating fruitful and once I had the child, I would give it to her. I agreed but I knew there was no way I would give up my child this time. Before she transported I took the liberty to ask why she chose me to give her a child. She said because I was a doppelganger, this kind of magic was possible and also the fact that I had mated with his father. Anyways, she transported me here and I was already seven months pregnant. I made living arrangements, found a job at a diner and waited for this little one. I also gathered information on how I can protect him from that witch. I spoke to some witches until one told me that if I got a hundred and forty-four cloaking spells done on us, then she would never be able to find us. So far I have had a hundred and the witches have been kind enough to refer me to other witches. Then I gave birth and a week later, that witch was there to collect but I escaped. I've been on the run since," Katherine said.

Caroline was impressed. Leave it to Katherine to make it always on the run. She seemed like a changed person but Caroline was curious about some details.

"Remember when I said tell me everything. It meant, don't leave anything out. Who's the father?" Caroline said. Katherine swallowed.

"Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson," she said.

"What? But how? I mean why does that witch want Elijah's child? How is this even possible?" Caroline said.

"I was curious too so I ended up doing some research on the original family," Katherine said.

"And?" Caroline couldn't help herself. Her curiosity was getting the best of her.

"It starts with Esther, when she was in the Old World newly married to Mikael, she was barren for a year. So she made a deal with her sister Dalia, who also a powerful witch."

"What kind of deal?"

"That she would sacrifice her first born and each first born of every generation as long as her line shall live."


"I know apparently the witch who came to me was Dalia and that's why she wants mine and Elijah's child. She was unaware of Klaus's daughter at the time but it was too late. Dalia decided on this before nature's little loop hole with Klaus. My son was born first and Esther thinks it was Klaus's daughter," Katherine said.

"Klaus has a daughter?" Caroline said. For some reason it hurt deep down.

"Oh right, you don't know. Klaus knocked up Hayley and they had a daughter," Katherine said. Caroline's grip on the staring wheel tightened. Katherine could tell she was hurt.

Caroline felt like she had been stabbed and was left bleeding by someone who was supposed to be hers. Her hurt was turning into rage.

'Forget it,' she thought. 'All his claims of being her last love can go down the drain for all she cared.'

"I know you must feel hurt but it was only a one night stand," Katherine said.

"What?" Caroline looked at Katherine. "How do you know all these gory details?"

"Well after Elijah came back from New Orleans, I went to see him and to ask him to come with me so we can start our lives together. But he chose his family. I happened to overhear Elijah talking to Rebekah about what happened. Klaus didn't believe Hayley at first and even after it was confirmed, he wanted to kill her. It was Elijah who talked sense into him. But from what I heard, Hayley had eyes for Elijah," Katherine said as she looked at her son. She burped him and placed him in her lap as he dozed off.

"You were hurt that Elijah chose his family over you," Caroline said.

"Yes, and that's why I went after Elena who then shoved the cure down my throat," Katherine said.

"So how did you end up right in front of my car?" Caroline said.

"Well, the last witch I went to for the cloaking spell sent me there. After the spell was done I asked if she could help me. I mean I'm human and so is my child…sort of. We need food and going all the way to Louisiana was a little out of my budget. So she spoke to the spirits and then she transported me there saying I will find the one who will help me," Katherine said.

"Okay…." Caroline said.

"Will you help me Caroline?" Katherine said sincerely.

"I will," Caroline said and smiled at her. "So what's the little guy's name?"

"Emmett Zakari Mikaelson."