Chapter Thirty-Two

-Fighting Boredom-

"Yes, Aunt Marie, we're Roy and I are fine" Jayde spoke, cradling her cell phone between her ear and shoulder. "I'm just bored. Everyone's out on a job for the day, so I figured I would see what you and Gar are up to."

"We're busy as usual, Jayde" Marie Logan spoke, a slight chuckle in her voice. "Even though it's nice to hear from you, I can't help but be a bit suspicious…"

"Okay," Jayde relented. "Not only am I super bored, but I forgot to tell you about one of our new teammates. Her name is M'Gann and she is crazy obsessed with your old show." The line was quiet for a moment as Jayde waited for her aunts' response. "And I might have told her that you were my aunt…."

"You're kidding" Marie stated blandly.

"I'm sorry!" came Jayde's sigh. "She told me how the old episode's that J'Onn sent back to Mars were her favorite, and how much she loved it and…. well it just slipped out!" she defended almost sheepishly.

"I guess it's alright" Marie said after a short while. "I mean it's harmless, right??"

"Exactly!" Jayde smiled. "I mean in all reality it's highly unlikely that M'Gann would even end up meeting you anyway."

After talking to her aunt a little more, and promising her cousin Garfield that she would visit soon, Jayde was lounging on her couch. And it was just her luck that there was nothing on TV, at least nothing that she wanted to watch.

With a groan, Jay pushed her self off of the of the couch and grabbed her jacket, sunglasses and keys. Maybe she could find something to do outside of her penthouse apartment.

"You hit like a bitch" Jayde stated as she wiped a droplet of blood from her lip, sending a smirk towards her assailant. The feral woman with sandy blonde hair growled in contempt and lunged once more. "That the best you got?" she asked, dodging the attack with ease. "Come on, Coyote, I know you got better moves than this."

"You're right" Coyote smirked, her voice edged with a permanent growl. Slowly the blonde flicked her wrist and instantly golden claws were covering her fingertips. Taking the first move, Coyote lunged towards Jayde with her claws poised for attack. Though Jayde tried to dodge, she barely made it out of the way, and ended up with thick, angry claw marks stretched across her stomach.

As the blood soaked into her once white tank top, Jayde winced in pain as she dodged yet another attack. Coyote wasn't going to let up anytime soon, and Jayde knew it. So, all she could to was avoid the onslaught as best as she could until Coyote slipped up.

And Coyote always slipped up.

A few minutes later, Jayde was backed into a corner, standing in a puddle.

"Come on now, Susie" Jayde all but purred, "Didn't Daddy tell you, never back a wolf into a corner." And with those final words, Jayde's Sai slipped down into her hands from her sleeve, the button was instantly pressed and electricity coursed through the metal blades before they were plunged into the ground.

Coyote let out a shrill scream as the electricity moved through her body. Jayde watched as Coyote all but glowed before she was left twitching on the ground.

"Ow" Jayde hissed as the needle passed through her skin.

"Suck it up" Dinah smiled. "I'm almost done."

"You're evil" the brunette glowered. Not even thirty seconds later, Jayde's stomach was done being stitched and covered with gauze. Throughout the pain, she was glad that she had found her way to Dinah Lance's apartment. "Don't tell Oliver about this" she said a moment later as the older woman stood to pour a cup of coffee.

"What that you were bored and picked a fight with Coyote or that you're a big wimp?" Dinah laughed.

"Both" Jayde laughed as well. "Need to keep up my badass persona"

"Language" the blonde scolded playfully.

Though Jayde had started her day off with being bored, she had found entertainment quite easily. Granted it ended up being in the form of a fight with her greatest enemy, but she was occupied nonetheless.

For the rest of the day, Jayde hung around Dinah's apartment talking battle strategy and wedding plans.

As much as Jayde wanted to tell Dinah about the possibility of a mole being on the team, she kept it to Justice League still looked at the team as sidekicks, and asking for help with the young teams internal workings wouldn't help their view. So Jayde kept it to herself. If things got to bad, she was sure that Aqualad would appove outsourcing and getting help.

"Something on your mind, Jay?" Dinah asked, looking at the young brunette with concern.

"It's nothing, Dinah. Just thinking about today" Jay shook her head. "I should head out, Roy should be home soon."

"See you this weekend?" Jay just nodded and walked out the front door.

Roy wasn't home when Jayde made it back to the penthouse. Then again it wasn't that late, it was barely dinner time. So, Jayde decided to put on some music and clean up her mess from earlier in the day. Once the blankets and dishes were picked up from the living room, Jay started back dinner, hoping it would be ready when Roy came home.

Jayde liked to cook. And if things worked out with the team, then she was hoping she could teach M'Gann a few things. The martian girl needed all the help she could get.

Since she still quite a bit of time until dinner was done Jayde decided to get started on a batch of cookies for the team. She knew that Robin and Kid Flash would appreciate them.

"Wow, good timing" Jayde said. Just as the timer went off, the door opened.

"Hey, babe, how was your day?" Roy said as he came into the kitchen.

"Meh, boring."

AN: Alright, so again, I'm sorry for the wait.. But hey, at least it has only been a few days and not a few months right? Lol.

Anyways, I want to talk to you guys about this chapter. Honestly I had no clue what to do. So I just sort of wrote and ended up with 'Fighting Boredom'. Honestly it wasn't my plan to bring in'Coyote', like at all. She's not a character that will make an appearance much in S1, but will definitely show up more in the sequel (which will NOT take place in season two).

Soooo, yea, there's the chapter. Why do you guys think Jay didn't tell Roy about her fight with Coyote? I'd love to hear your theories! lol

Yea, I'm not gunna tell you guys "look out for the new chapter tomorrow" cuz honestly, my life is so hectic I might not be able to post. So I'll just tell you that I'll update soon.

As Always, Leave Love

)0( Iris RainbowWolf )0(