Part 54

Cameron was nearly asleep but fighting it. "Sweetie?" Elizabeth gave Jason a grin as sat on the edge of the bed next to him. "Why don't you take a nap?"

He shook his head. "Not tired." It was a big claim for a boy with eyes nearly closed against his will. "Waiting for you."

She leaned over and gave him a kiss, no small feat when her stomach was becoming an ever increasing barrier between them. "I'm here, so sleep."

His hand slid under his pillow and he finally gave in.

Elizabeth felt a hand on her shoulder. "He wanted his mother." She turned and found herself a scant inch from Jason. There was something about the look in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. "He's not the only one."

Edward Quartermaine stared at Alice with a look of disgust. "Tell that…that woman to go away."

"If you want, I'll toss her out by her hair, but she says she's got some information about Mister Morgan."

"Jason?" He looked up with caution in his eyes. "Then let her in, but you stand outside the door. When I give you the word-"

Alice nodded. "I'll take out the trash."

Elizabeth looked back at Cameron sleeping in the bed and then back at Jason. "Maybe we should take this... outside?"

He nodded and followed her out into the other room. She stopped a few feet out of the bedroom and turned back toward Jason. "Thank you."

"Thank you?"

"For today." She looked back at the bedroom. "For spending time with Cameron."

"It wasn't a problem. Did you make a decision?"

"About?" She shook herself when she realized that she was staring at his lips. "The house… the house?" She laughed when he nodded. "They're all wonderful… but I'm sure that you have to take a look at, uh… security issues."

"I had someone look them over, before we went to see them."

"Oh." Elizabeth smiled and reached out a hand, laying it on his chest, just a little bit away from his heart. "That's good."


She looked back up at his face and noticed the way the corners of his mouth twitched when she moved her hand, even just a fraction of an inch. Elizabeth moved closer, her hand sliding up and over his shoulder. "Jason?"


"I've made up my mind about other things."

He looked at her, his lips pressed together, his eyes expectant as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't… wouldn't.

She slipped her fingers into the ends of his hair and brushed the tips of her fingers against his skin. "I feel like I should tell you something, but I don't want to make you think that I'm pushing you into anything."

"Pushing me? I don't understand."

Elizabeth rose up on the tips of her toes and gently pulled down on the back of Jason's neck. He didn't resist at all, controlling his movements so that their lips met gently, her lips parting under his as he tilted his head to the side.

She leaned back and felt his hand settle on her hip. "I miss you. I miss being with you, I miss-"

"Loving you."

Elizabeth read the truth in his eyes. Jason loved her, but he also wanted her. She reached for the hem of his t-shirt.

"I don't see how you can give me any leverage here, Carly. Elizabeth is no friend of yours."

"No," she conceded, "but Jason is."

He laughed and dropped his fountain pen onto the desktop. "You must really be in trouble."

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, but managed to hold her head up. "Why would you say that?"

Edward leaned forward on his elbows. "Your poker face isn't what it used to be, Caroline." He gave her a Cheshire grin. "I'm used to you having a fire in your eyes and a little bit of spit in my eye when we cross swords like this." His lips pealed back and it seemed as though he was baring his teeth. "So, you must really be in trouble if you're willing to come to me and offer Jason's head on a platter."

"I'm not betraying him, I'm saving him."

"Delusional as well, I'm liking this more and more."

"Do you want my help or not?"

His laughter sounded like he was choking on it. "Let's see what you bring to the table before you ask me for a favor, shall we?"

As pregnant as she was, it took a little bit of creative positioning to make the baby comfortable, but Liz was willing to experiment and Jason was a patient student.

Her hand fisted in his hair when his lips descended on the hollow of her throat, her other hand splayed over the muscles of his chest, exploring, memorizing every inch.

"Elizabeth." The vibration of his voice against her skin was thrilling, sending spikes of electricity through her body.

She reached down between them and unhooked the button on the waistband of his jeans.

He stopped her hand, wrapping his fingers around hers, his hand completely enveloping hers. A groan fell from her lips and her gaze as it descended on him showed her irritation. "Jason…"

"Are you sure?" He asked the question, trying to be noble, but the truth was in his eyes. He didn't want to stop.


He blinked back at her, unsure of what she said.

"August," she repeated and he nodded slowly. "It's been a long time, Jason." She withdrew her hand from his and grasped the metal pull of his zipper.

He gave her proposal thorough consideration, enjoying every second of her pain. She sat in the chair opposite of his desk and fidgeted while he thought through the offer.

Edward gave her a wolfish grin as he leaned back in his chair. "I want to thank you for taking the time to come and see-"

"You're blowing me off?" She couldn't believe it. "You're not going to help me?"

He nodded, childish glee playing across his features. "I don't need you."

"The hell you don't!" She rose from her chair and paced a few steps away. "Jason will never listen to you now!"

"You know, I don't think you understand, Carly." He rose from his chair as well. "If I put my cap in with you," he sighed, "it will do me more harm than good. Elizabeth Webber is a smart young woman. If she finds out that I've crawled into bed with you, for lack of a better analogy, I'll never get near my great-grandchild."

She gaped at him, her mouth open and eyes disbelieving. "You're wrong. I am your best chance at-"

He waved a hand at the door. "I don't think so, Carly. Whatever trouble you've gotten yourself into is without a doubt well-deserved." He couldn't stop the laughter bubbling up from inside and he didn't try. "However, you're going to have to get out of it yourself." He punched a button on his phone. "Mrs. Corinthos…" he looked up into her face, "or whatever you call yourself these days, is leaving. Make sure she's given a 'proper' send off."

Carly snatched up her purse and rounded the desk toward the door. "You'll regret this. I swear to God you will."

He didn't even bother watching her go. "That's nice dear. Good bye, now."

Jason was dressed by the time Elizabeth came out of the bathroom and if truth be told he loved her disappointed pout.

"You have to go?"

He nodded. "Business."

It was a concentrated effort for her to school her features into the right expression.

He got up from the couch and took her into his arms. "I'll call you later."

She nodded.

Jason leaned closer and brushed a kiss against the lobe of her ear. He smiled when she moved closer into his embrace. "Don't worry too much."

Elizabeth looked up at him and offered a smile. "I've got the early shift at Mercy in the morning, so I'm going to get some sleep."

He lifted her chin and gave her a smile. "I'll be thinking about you."

She shook her head. "Just worry about keeping safe… that's all I want."

"That, I can manage."

Jason shared one last kiss before he headed out to his car. He was one step out her hotel room door when his cell phone rang.

Carly paused outside on the street, watching the traffic blow by. She dug through her purse and yanked out her cell phone. She blinked back the tears as she waited for him to pick up.

"What is it, Carly?"

"We have to talk."

"All right, come on over."

Part 55

Carly left Sonny's office and took one last deep breath of freedom. Max stood behind her, just a step to the side and gave a little cough to get her attention. "Where to now?" She whirled on him and he gave her a sheepish look. "I'm just trying to help."

She looked away, her own expression contrite. "I'm sorry, Max… I forgot you were waiting for me… I'm just-"


Carly nodded. "Everyone's turned against me."

"No everyone, Car… Mrs. C, you still have me."

She stared at her hand, the engagement ring winking in the light. "Everyone I love…"

It didn't matter that she probably hadn't heard him, the words hurt just the same.

Max walked ahead of her to the car and opened the back passenger seat. "Let's get your things."

That's when she looked up. "I'll take car, just call and have someone from the Metro Court pick you up. I'll meet you later.."

Shaking his head he motioned helplessly, frustration written on his face. "You don't care, do you?"

She stopped in her tracks. "Care? About what?"

"Never mind." Max gave her a somber look. "Go… I'll meet you at the house."

Carly gave him a relieved smile. "Thank you, Max… you're a good friend."

He nearly choked on the fumes as she sped off. Staring at the retreating taillights, Max shook his head. "Too bad you're not."

Jason walked up to the front door of General Hospital as Alan walked out into the sunlight. "Jason!"

He looked over his father from head to toe. "I thought they're supposed to wheel you out." He looked to Monica for confirmation.

"Well, you know your father…. Stubborn to a fault." She touched Alan's chest gently as she smiled up at him. "He got all the way to the front door and told the nurses that he was taking the last few steps on his own."

"Who's going to argue with the Chief of Staff?" Alan gave Jason a smile. "I'm glad you're here. We have a few things to talk about."

Jason looked from one to the other. "You should sit down."

"I'm fine, but thanks." Alan looked at his son with an apologetic smile. "It's about your grandfather."

"Edward? What-"

"He's trying, Jason… he's really trying."

"You can say that again."

Alan smiled at Monica's dry tone. "He's trying to find a way to be a part of your life… the baby's life."

"What has he done?" Jason's tone was flat, detached, but his hands were fisted at his sides.

Monica looked a bit unsure but she did tell him. "He's been to see Elizabeth."

Jason nodded. "I heard a little about that."

Alan smiled. "Good. I'm glad you and Elizabeth talked about it." He paused at the end and gave Monica a questioning look.

Jason read the expression as hesitant. "There's more… right?"

Monica nodded. "Alice told us that Carly came by to talk to Edward. She heard some of the conversation." Monica looked a bit chagrined at revealing that Alice had tried to listen in on the conversation. "Carly was offering to help Edward get back into your life. She didn't hear all of it, but we haven't had a chance to ask him… Jason?"

He stopped a few feet away, realizing that he had started to leave. Instead he turned toward Alan. "I'm glad you're going home."

"Thank you." Alan gave him a warm smile.

Jason paused as if he was mulling over something in his head. "Elizabeth and I will call you… about dinner sometime if you're interested."

Alan shook his head and smiled. "We'd love to, it'll be our treat."

"Alan… Dad…" Jason looked up at Alan and saw his shocked expression. "I think we can afford to take you both to dinner and it was our invitation."

Monica put a restraining hand on Alan's chest. "Just say… Yes, Jason, we'd love to have dinner with you and Elizabeth. Let us know when and where and we'll be there."

Taking the hint, Alan smiled. "Yes, Jason, we'd love to have dinner with you and Elizabeth. Let us know when and where and we'll be there."

"Good… good." Jason fidgeted with his hands and gave them both a hesitant smile. "I'll let her know." Jason gave it a moment of consideration. "Then you should get some rest beforehand. We'll have Cam with us and he'll run you ragged."

Alan gave a small sigh and his face lit up with a smile.

Monica answered for them. "That would be wonderful."

Jason knew that Alan could see the nervous energy coursing through him. Carly had been to see Edward, what an unholy alliance that could become if left alone. He wanted to stay… wanted to make sure that Alan was ready to go home, but he also wanted to find Edward and get to the bottom of everything.

"We really should be getting home, Monica."

Jason hoped his expression wasn't too grateful as he met Alan's eyes over Monica's head.

"Is Elizabeth still staying at the Metro Court?"

Jason nodded to answer Alan's question.

Monica shook her head. "I don't know if I'd have the courage to go back there after being held hostage."

"It works for us."

Alan nodded again. "Then that's all that matters. It was good to see you Jason."

"Good to see you… both… too."

Elizabeth put away the toys that Cam had left on the floor and gave a little groan when someone knocked at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Elizabeth, it's Sonny."

"Sonny?" Her hand flew to her middle, touching the baby for reassurance as her stomach sank with fear. She rushed to the door, kicking aside a few toys in her haste to reach the door.

It pulled open in her hand and she stared out at Jason's friend, her mind full of unspoken questions.

Sonny's open regard changed from open to curious. "What's wrong?"


"Oh…" he smiled and reached out to gently touch her arm, "he's fine… I'm not here with bad news."

"Wow," her knees wobbled with relief and she laughed… giddy with joy. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to look like a nutcase and flip out on you."

"No… no…" Sonny saw her expression, one brow raised over a dubious smile, "Well… not that much like a… a nutcase, as you put it."

The both shared a little laugh as Elizabeth collected her composure. "I'm sorry… would you like a seat? Something drink? We have a really teeny little hotel fridge, but it's got water and a few juice boxes in it."

"Well, I've had my fill of juice boxes thanks to the boys. Thanks, but I'm fine."

"Okay." She watched him take a seat on the couch, but she couldn't manage to make her knees work.

"You look a little nervous." His tone was light, his grin almost teasing. "Do you want me to go?"

"NO!" She laughed at her own nervous outburst. "Look, I'm sorry. We're friends, Sonny… I don't know why I'm acting like…"

"Like you're scared of me?"

"You know," she plopped down on the sofa next to him, "that's exactly what I'm doing."

He gave her a grin that she returned instinctively. "Do you know why?"

She thought about it for a minute. "I give up…"

"This is the first time that we've been alone since…."

"The paternity test."

Sonny looked down at his hands, clasped together, "I really messed that whole thing up, didn't I?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought… that Lucky was the father. I told you… that it was better that way."

Elizabeth looked down at the floor, flexing her toes against the carpet. She looked over in surprise as Sonny's hand covered hers. "You said what you did because you care about Jason."

"I was wrong."

She looked up at him, her shock evident on her face. "What do you mean?"

"You make him happy."

"He makes me happy." Her smile was evidence enough for him. "This baby isn't a mistake, Sonny. Unexpected, yes… but not a mistake."

He scrubbed a hand over his face and his shoulders sagged. "I wouldn't say that. Not about the baby."

She turned toward him, tucking one leg under herself on the couch. "It took a long road for the two of us to get to where we are now. We took a lot of detours and bad choices on both sides. But we were finally able to cut through all the misunderstandings and good intentions and be honest with each other."

"So, you're happy with... this?" He looked around the room. He answered the question for himself when he caught sight of the papers on the coffee table. "House hunting?"

"Yes. We've narrowed it down to three." She lifted them into her lap and looked through them one by one. "All near good schools, grocery stores, a lot of room for the kids to play-"

"What about his job?"

"Yes, what about his job?" She couldn't help the defensive edge in her voice. "Is that why you're here? To see if I'm going to demand that Jason leave his job?"

Sonny's silence was enough of an answer.

She stood up and put the house flyers back on the table. "Sonny, Jason and I have known each other a long time. I've had to deal with his job for much of that time. I've paid more than enough on account with everything Jason and I have been through together, so maybe you'll understand when I ask you why it is that you don't think that I fit into Jason's life? What do I have to do to prove?" She took a deep breath and her hand reached up to smooth along the side of her stomach.

Sonny stood and moved to the door. "I didn't come here to upset you Elizabeth. Are you-"

She looked up at him, her eyes so full of emotion that he knew her words were the truth before she even said it. "I love him, Sonny. I have loved him for so long and I'm tired of letting things get in the middle of it. Lucky's a policeman, his job has dangers… walking across the street has dangers… eating dinner has dangers…. But for Jason, I'm willing to face it and I know he'll do his best to protect us… that's all I'm asking for."

"And in return?" He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "What do you want?"

"Time with Jason. His love. To raise my family with the man I love."

Edward was in the garden when Alice let Jason in. He advanced on Edward "You don't look surprised to see me."

The older man shrugged. "I knew you'd be here sooner or later. That girl was never one to keep her yap shut."


Edward sighed, "Who else would I mean?"

Jason gave him a look. "Elizabeth?"

Raising an aged finger, Edward leveled a scathing look at Jason. "I'm wounded, wounded to the heart that you would think I'd have anything against that delightful creature!"

He could only stare in reply.

Edward continued on. "She is carrying my great-grandchild, son. If I hear you're not treating her with the utmost respect, I'll-"

"You'll?" Jason couldn't help but smile at all the bluster. "I heard you'd spoken to Carly. I wanted to know what she told you."

He turned and plucked a rose from the nearest bush and held it up to his nose. "This was one of your grandmother's favorites. It has a beautiful fragrance and very little thorns." He moved over to another bush and Jason followed behind. "This one… she liked this one because it just wouldn't die. I don't even think she really liked it. I think she admired its stubbornness."

"I don't see-"

"Carly's like this kind of rose. Prickly, stubborn and it's not even that great of a fragrance… you have to be very careful how you pick it, or the thorns will tear the skin from your fingers."

"I don't-"

Edward stopped and looked at Jason as though he could see right inside him. "I know I sound like an old fool, Jason, but what I'm trying to tell you that I know Carly's not the one to help me… not if I want to be a part of your life. I tried whittling my way in through Elizabeth, but that spitfire set me straight."

"She told me you offered her a house."

"It was a beautiful one."

"I'm sure it was."

"I kept it, too; I'll put it in trust for your baby; a present from an old fool."

Jason looked down for a moment and then he lifted his gaze and surveyed the garden. "When I'm here… I can still feel her."

"Your Grandmother?"

Nodding, Jason looked redirected his gaze to Edward's face. "And for her I'm going to make you this deal."

"What deal?" He couldn't keep out his disbelieving tone of voice.

"Time in exchange for your honesty."


"Yes," nodded Jason, "you know what it is. You just don't like it."

The older man huffed out a breath. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't try to interfere with our lives and we'll bring the baby over to visit from time to time… and go from there."

"That's wonderful, son, thank-"

"But if you break your promise. That's it."

"Done." Edward had such hope in his eyes, or at least that was what he read in the older man's eyes.

Jason looked at his grandfather, his eyes full of questions. "As long as we understand each other." He started back toward the French doors but stopped when Edward quietly spoke his name.


They faced each other across the patio and Edward looked around the garden. "Once in awhile. Once the baby is born… or before if Elizabeth wants… come and see the garden. I think Lila's the closest to us here."

"For grandmother." Jason nodded.

"For Lila."

The apartment building was still a mess. Bright yellow tape criss-crossed over the doorway and a chain link fence barred the bottom of the staircase. Epiphany put a hand on her shoulder, "First time you've been back?"

Nodding, Elizabeth reached up to massage the tension that sprung up in the back of her neck. "I've been thinking about it, but one thing or another would pop up and I'd put it off."

"Finally got fed up with the waiting?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "More like I was tired of avoiding it."

"Were they able to save anything? Anything at all?"

"No. Cameron and I had a few things left at Grams. That and a few things that we picked up right after we got to the Metro Court Hotel."

Elizabeth started walking and Epiphany followed along the two of them strolling side by side on the way to Kelly's. "You and Jason…"

"We're fine."

Epiphany took a moment to notice the flush of color in her cheeks. "I can see that."

"I've got a few weeks more before I'm set to take maternity leave for the baby and I've…we've got a lot to do before then."

"You can depend on him."


Epiphany proceeded her into the courtyard, rolling her eyes. "Yeah. Jason."

"Of course." Elizabeth took hold of the door handle and waited for Epiphany to pick a table. "He's one person that I don't have to worry about. Ever."

"What can I get for you?"

They looked up as Georgie came to the table order pad and pen in hand. It took them just a few seconds to order, the menu was more than familiar to both of them. When she left the table, Elizabeth lifted her bag into her lap. "So… are you ready to see them?"

Epiphany opened her hands and waved her on. "Let's see the pictures."

Setting the pictures on the table, Elizabeth spread them out. "I'm not going to tell you the one I like the best. I want you to look at all three houses and give me your opinion, okay?"

"It's like an early Christmas." Epiphany gave her friend a warm grin. "I just don't think you'll be able to get any of these in a box."

Elizabeth took her cup of tea from Georgie and set it down on the table. "No, there's no box, but maybe a bow?" They shared a laugh, "but I'd be happy with a paper chain and an angel on a Christmas tree."

Epiphany covered Elizabeth's hand. "You are one strange girl."


"I guess it's more like simple."

Elizabeth gave her a pained look. "That isn't much better."

"Don't put words in my mouth, Webber." Epiphany took a sip of her coffee and set the mug back down. "I just think it's a damn good thing that you don't put too much stock in all the… extravagant stuff that Jason could offer you."

She shrugged. "I don't." She looked down into her tea cup as though she could read the future at the bottom of the cup. "I just want him."

They sat in quiet for moment and then Elizabeth continued. "I watch him, sitting on the floor with Cameron, the two of them playing or reading a story and I feel like my heart is about to burst open." She balled up her napkin in her hand. "Other people can say what they want about Jason, but when he's there with me, with my son… the quiet moments mean the most to me. It's not money or gifts… it's time."

"No…maybe, but it's more than that. It's love." Epiphany slid the center flier back across the table and Elizabeth picked it up with a smile. Epiphany touched the top of the picture. "This one."

When Elizabeth looked up she caught site of Carly putting a box into the trunk of her car. She could walk around to the back of the building, or she could try to duck around while Carly was packing up her car, but that didn't sit right in her middle. She wasn't going to shy away from Carly. Not anymore. Not again.

She walked toward the car but didn't get a chance to offer the first greeting. Carly whirled around, probably having caught site of her in the chrome on the car. "So," her smile was twisted, cold, "did you come to gloat?"

Elizabeth stopped short on the sidewalk. "Gloat?" She looked around to see what this was about. "What are you… what do you mean?"

Carly waved an imperious hand in the air. "Oh please, princess, like I'm going to believe that you don't know all the gory details." She huffed and leaned up against the car. "If I didn't know Jason better, I'd say you put him up to it."

"Put him up to what?"

Carly pushed away from the car and stepped closer. "Getting rid of me. Don't play coy with me. It's not going to work."

"If I was behind this plot you're talking about, apparently I did a horrible job of it," Elizabeth sighed, "you're still here."

Carly slammed the trunk shut. "Really? Jason didn't tell you?"

She shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about. Is this a trip for the wedding?"

The laughter that Carly could muster up was dry… bitter. "You are either really evil or really stupid. Which one is it, Elizabeth?"

"You really haven't changed in all these years, have you Carly?" She took a step to the side on the concrete and started to move past her on the way to the front door, stopping when she was just opposite. "It's all about you. Not Sonny, not Jax ...not Jason. You don't consider their feelings or how things that you do can hurt others."

"Oh, that's just rich coming from you."

Elizabeth was speechless for a moment, her eyes wide in confusion. "What are you talking about now?"

"You don't get it, do you?"

"What, Carly… what is it that I don't get."

"It always comes back to you… they'd do anything for you."

"Who?" She was so confused. "Jason?"

"Jason," Carly agreed, "Sonny… Jax! I just don't understand why they can be so completely snowed by you. Sure the little miss perfect act should work for a little while and then there's the abused virgin card. How long are you going to play that for, huh? Is that what you used to keep Lucky's hands off you? Do you look into his eyes and tell him you're scared someone's going to hurt you? Do you?"

Her throat was dry, parched with pain and disbelief. How could Carly be so hateful?

"Is that what you told Jason… is that how you got him to fall for you? Did you tell him how that man dragged you off a bench in the park? Did you tell him that it hurt, how poor and defenseless you were? Jason thrives on that. On being the hero. That was some of the best sex we ever had, when the adrenaline was pumping through his veins."

Elizabeth had a number of thoughts running through her head in a cycle… continual… on fast forward. A number of them involved angry words… a slap or two… but the only reaction she could muster up was a smile.

Judging by Carly's reaction, it was the best thing she could have done.

"You know, Carly… I don't believe I've ever seen that shade of purple on you before, but really… it's not your color." She took another step toward the front door of the Metro Court. "When Jason gets around to telling me what happened with you I'll be there to listen, but as far as my relationship goes with Jason, Sonny or Jax. It's none of your concern."

Elizabeth continued on, reaching the door before turning back to look at Carly. "I love him, Carly. We're going to make a life together. I hope that you can be happy, if not for us… for Jason."

Carly walked around to the other side of the car and got in through the driver's door. "I'll never be happy for him when he's wasting his time with someone like you. You watch yourself little girl," she nearly spit out the words, "I'll be watching you… I'll make sure you treat him right, because I'll be back." Her hand gripped the top of the door. "You can bet on it."

That said, Elizabeth turned her back and stepped inside the Metro even before Carly shifted her car into gear.

Just a step in past the door she had to stop and smile. While not quite St. George, she now had hope of hiring herself out as a dragon-slayer.

Elizabeth woke from her nap and looked around the room, confused. It took her a moment to realize that someone was knocking at the door.

Her gaze shifted to the table by the door. "Jason's key." The card key was sitting on the table where he'd left it when he rushed out after his call. "Hello?"


She smiled and managed to lift herself off of the sofa cushions. "Just a second!" The giggles were merciless, they took hold of her and wouldn't let go. By the time she opened the door her shoulders were shaking and her hand was holding her belly. Jason stood there for a moment staring at her.

Elizabeth braced a hand on the door frame and stepped into his arms. "You forgot your key."

He returned the embrace and gently kissed the top of her head, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile. "I didn't realize it was that funny."

It took a moment for her to collect her thoughts and step back from him. "No… that's not it…" she looked up at him, taking his hand and leading him inside, "I woke up when you started knocking and getting up was a whole production in itself. I was worried that I'd fall flat on my face and have to commando crawl across the floor to get to the door."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant. Hugely so, and apparently, my legs are getting tired of caring my big butt around all the time."

"So," he began, his gaze focused on their hands and then on her rounded belly, "do we have to get one of those… uh, wheelchairs to take you around?"

He heard the gasp of surprise that flew from her lips and his shoulders started to shake.

"You!" She smacked him on his shoulder with her free hand. "That was a joke!"

"I tried."

"I should give you the cold shoulder."

He tried to look contrite. It didn't work. "So?"

Elizabeth reached up and slid her fingers around the back of his neck, drawing him down for a kiss. "You'll have to make it up to me."

Jason slid his hand over her hip and let his fingers trail down her thigh. He repeated the gesture over and over again, each time, drawing the edge of the blanket further and further down off of her body.

He reached down toward her knee and his lips brushed against her shoulder. She finally shifted on the bed, her hand sliding up the mattress to bury itself under the pillow. "You're killing me here."

"Why?" His lips were still against her skin, his voice humming through her body.

"I'm tired?"

"Try again."

"I'm sleepy?"

"Don't buy it."

"Because you're taking too long."

He touched his lips to her neck. "I thought you liked it when I… took my time."

Elizabeth rolled over in his arms and touched her hands to his chest. "I do… I really do…" she smiled over the over eager tone of her voice. "I just have something I'd like to talk about first."

"Hmm… talk. Sure, but if you want me to listen," he leaned closer, his smile warm; "you're going to have to stop touching me like that."

"Oh?" She looked down and snatched her hands away from his abs.

Jason groaned. "I didn't say you had to take them away, just stop… exploring."

She fought past the blush that flooded her face. "I went back to the apartment today."

He sat up a bit, bracing his weight on his arm.

"I was on the way to Kelly's with Epiphany and I just had to stop by for a minute, just to see it." She looked down at her hand, her pale fingers in slight contrast to the sheets. "I needed to remember that night."

Jason gently slid his fingers through her hair, starting at her temple and trailing down until his fingertips grazed her shoulder.

"I needed to remind myself how grateful I am that you were nothing less than my guardian angel that night." She looked up into his face and bit her lip before continuing on. "I like being with you, Jason. I like being able to reach over in bed and touch you… I've loved you for so long and kept it a secret from myself for so many stupid reasons I begin to wonder how you can stand me."


"Jason…I love you and-"

"Elizabeth." Jason took her face in his hands and silenced her with a look. "I don't know how I've managed to find you… save you so many times. Just like you've been there when I've needed you..." He kissed her gently, "The night you came to me… you said that's it's all a matter of timing and I agreed with you… I agreed because it seemed to fit."

"And now?"

He sighed and trailed his fingers down her cheek and over the pulse in her neck. "Now, I realize that it's more like gravity." He gave a weak smile as though he couldn't seem to get past the humor of the situation. "Circling around each other again and again, sometimes coming close…"

"Just not close enough… until now."

Jason smiled. "Now."

"And," Elizabeth slid a hand over his hip and into his waist band at his lower back, "now?"

He hissed out a breath. "Now?"

She slid closer and pressed her lips to his ear and whispered a few choice words about gravity and its possible applications.

They didn't leave until a few hours later.

A week before she started her maternity leave they closed the escrow on the house. It was a who's who of Corinthos guards that had volunteered to move boxes. Granted there weren't more than a score of boxes to contend with. Much of the furniture had been included in the price, but it was the brand new Chuggin' Charlie toddler bedroom set that had everyone smiling and Cameron dancing on the carpet.

Resting on the porch swing for the better part of the hour, Elizabeth was ready to put up a fight when Jason offered to carry her inside. "I'm not an invalid."

"Tread carefully there, Jason." Epiphany leaned against on3 of the porch posts, her arms folded. "This is one of those times in a man's life when he has to wonder…" she gave him a wink, "if he has enough medical insurance to cover his next sentence."

With a smile in Elizabeth's direction, she disappeared into the house to serve lunch.

Jason lounged against the railing, his jeans marked with paint and dust. "I know, but there are certain things… traditions that need to be observed."

"When did 'tease the fat woman' become a tradition?" She huffed at him, but she knew she wasn't all that convincing.

"All right." He held up his hands in surrender. "Get inside on your own, and-"

"With my ankles swollen?" She pushed herself to her feet and leveled a look at him. "I thought you were supposed to save me."

He smiled and lifted her up into his arms, stopping long enough to lower a kiss to her lips. "Always."

"Always." She agreed and as they stepped into the house Cameron rushed up to throw his arms around Jason's leg.

Jason leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Just like you save me."