Prologue ~ The Vision

(Around noon on the Ghost)

Ezra stretched and yawned, he couldn't fall asleep but he needed to be alert for the mission which meant he would need to get some rest. He headed into the cargo room where everyone else was preparing for the next mission. Nothing much happened as Sabine made a few explosives, Zeb cleaned his bo rifle, and Ezra just sat waiting for them to come out of hyperspace.

Eventually he got bored though as neither Zeb nor Sabine seemed interested in carrying on a conversation. So he went the control room to talk to Hera.

"Hey, Ezra, how you holding up after that last mission with Gall Travis?" Hera asked in such a caring way that Ezra almost cried because of how much it reminded him of his mom.

"I'm doing fine." He said though, as if he wasn't upset, like he didn't compare Hera to his mom.

"You look tired, you should sleep." Hera recommended as she put her hand on Ezra's shoulder.

"Tried that, didn't work." Ezra grinned smugly.

"Well, try harder." Hera smirked back.

"Fine!" Ezra said as he rolled his eyes and left for his room.

(In the evening inside an Imperial base)

The landing had gone on without a hitch. Just like the list informer had said there were no guards on the landing platform that they landed on. Now Sabine was going to control room 37-O, Hera was ready to take of at a moment's notice, Zeb was holding their escape route, Kanan was bringing the Phantom to landing bay 9-J, and Ezra was making his way to landing bay 8-H to get to 9-J from the inside and unlock it so that Kanan could get in with the Phantom. Everybody was in position and everything was going as planned.

Ezra got to 8-H and quickly unlocked then when he was through he closed it but locked it only to where those trying to get in couldn't. Something fell behind him, but he ignored it as it was probably just something he bumped into. He then made his way through the hallways to 9-J, but as he opened it his vision went black.

(Nighttime inside an Imperial cell)

Ezra stirred just as the others started to wake. They had all been caught except for Kanan, and they would have escaped by now but their hands were cuffed above their heads to the wall so that they couldn't escape. Just then the door opened and in walked Kanan.

"Happy to see me?" he asked with a smug grin.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get me out first." Ezra said grimly though he obviously meant it as a joke.

"What happened? I got to to 9-J and it was wide open but you weren't there. Then when I tried to contact the others they wouldn't respond." Kanan explained as he started by working on Hera.

"Hera's not me, and I'm not entirely sure." Ezra said as he watched Kanan intently, as if watching him would speed the process up.

"That's far enough, Kanan Jarrus." spat the all-too-familiar voice of the Inquisitor.

Everyone's attention turned to the front of the room where the Inquisitor stood with his lightsaber in hand and Agent Kallus with a blaster. Kanan started to use the force but Kallus shot him before he could do anything else.

"NO!" Ezra shouted, trying to break free from his cuffs to get to Kanan's side.

The Inquistor walked in Ezra's direction, but Ezra was too focused on Kanan and his eyes were too teared up to notice him, and then everything disappeared into tears and darkness.

So this is only the prologue, but I will try to post chapter one today as well since they kind of go together. I know you're annoyed and tired of hearing this but please review! =^.^=

€00|¡e§ Which do you think is Ezra's favorite (::)-chocolate chip? (#)-peanut butter? (=)-other\please name!