Only 10

Two pain filled eyes open slowly, blinking around in confusion. 'Who turned out the lights?' The owner of those eyes attempts to shake his head, in an effort to make the world focus only to find ropes biting into his neck, wrists and ankles.

"Sleeping Beauty finally awake," a familiar female voice says. The man feels something pull away from his face, a cloth bag he guesses.

Blinking from the sudden blinding bright light a female figure comes into focus. "Bianca. What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me; to us?"

"There is no us," the woman, Bianca, spits. "The only thing I know about you is what was nessasary for the job. That job is almost over, after that you mean nothing to me," she stalks into the shadows.

"Bianca! Wait!" He calls out desperately, the rope cutting into his throat with each syllable, she stops. "How can you be so cold? How can you stand there and pretend that we meant nothing to each other? You know, deep down that this isn't right, that what I say is true, please we can be together now, it's over."

Fast as lightning Bianca rushes towards him, there's a flash of silver, pain explodes in his cheek and Bianca's back on the other side of the room. "You mean Nothing to me, and I know deep down that this is right, this is so we can be together, nothing can stop us."

Pain makes his head spin but Bianca's words are even more confusing. "We? Us? I thought you said I meant nothing to you."

Bianca turns towards him a cold smile on her face. "I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about him," she says and a man steps out of the shadows and wraps his arm around her waist.

Horror fills him as he stares at the man before him. "No..." he whispers.

"Yes. You thought you killed me, but you didn't, all you did was make me stronger. Don't you get it now? No matter what you do, Nothing will ever change. Nothing. The world will always fall, fall from the foolishness of Good versus Evil and rise to the absolute power of a world United. Peace in our Time. This is our time, Camelot has been reborn and shall rise once again. We will no longer have to hide our magic, die needlessly, protecting those who would turn on us in a second or follow the rules of the ignorant humans. They need a King."

"No. They have earned the right to rule themselves," he retorts, spitting blood.

"Have they? Look around you! Wars, famine, nations, families torn apart, weapons of mass destruction! No, they are tearing this world apart!"

"Nobody said they were perfect, neither was Camelot!"

"No, it wasn't. But we will and have learned from their mistakes. This time Camelot will last Forever! How's about it little brother, we can rule together as brothers, we can be a family again, all of us. Will you join me?"

"My answer will be the same as it always has been. I will Never join you! There's nothing left on your side anyways," the last bit he directs at Bianca.

The other man laughs, Bianca joins in, a cruel smirk on both their faces. "What do you think Babe, should we show him? I'm getting rather bored with this charade."

"Why not?" He grins and Bianca's form blurs and shifts.

Her long, straight, bronze hair shortens, curls and turns bright orange. The tight, regulation Phoenix attire also disappears, a bright green dress in its place.

Her form stops whirling and becomes clear. "I'd like you to meet Morgan La Fay," the necklace with his ring drops to the ground with a clink.

"Now you see we could be completely unstoppable with you. I mean we already are, but we could be a family. Join us Chris, come home."

Chris shakes off his shock, his eyes harden and narrow to slits, his mask returns. "I said No Wyatt. I Will Never Join You! And you're wrong, Nothing lasts Forever."

Then with a flash of white light, chair, bindings and brother vanish.

"Welcome back Chris," a voice says, the the tinkling of breaking glass can be heard.

Chris feels his powers return to him and using his telekinesis he undos his bindings and orbs the chair into a volcano. Opening his eyes he finds himself in the Attic.

Leo embraces him. "You need to stop scaring us like that," as soon as they touch Chris flinches and tenses his body, refusing to return the hug.

Leo steps away, pain flashing in his eyes. Chris scans the other faces. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo, Victor, Darryl, Melinda and. "Wyatt."

Wyatt takes a step towards him and Chris reflexively flings his arm out in a controlled movement, sending his older brother flying to the wall.

"Chris!" Everyone shouts, astonished.

"He's evil! You're all Dead! You're not real! Go away! Stop these mind games Wyatt! I'll Never join you! Never!"

Wyatt lifts his head and Chris thrusts his arm up, his fingers closing slowly into a loose fist. "How does it feel? How does it feel as your own flesh and blood chokes the life out of you? You stole Everything from me! My home! My family! My friends! My whole life! You have No idea what I've been through! And for what!"

"Chris-" says Piper moving towards him.

Not breaking eye contact with Wyatt's struggling form Chris thrusts his other arm out, pushing Piper into Leo and forcing his family to stay back. "Don't Chris me Piper! Just Don't!"

"Chris-" starts Phoebe again, using her empathy to step forward.

Paige takes Phoebe's hand and joins her.

"Stop It!" Yells Chris, tears brimming in the corners of his eyes.

Piper takes Phoebe's other hand. "Chris, stop this."

"No, no, no..." together the three sisters draw closer, Phoebe's empathy combined with her sisters overwhelming Chris with each step. "No, no...I have to..." finally it's too much and Chris' hold on Wyatt fails dropping him to the floor.

Chris sinks to the ground, curling up in a ball, clutching his head. "No, please forgive me."

"He's awake."

"Chris bro, can you hear me?"

"Ow- What the Hell? Where's Wyatt?" Chris murmurs.

"Right here bro," says Wyatt from his position a few feet away.

At the sound of Wyatt's voice Chris sits bolt upright. "Wyatt! You're good! Oh God, you're good... I'm so sorry!"

Wyatt chuckles at the dismay on his little brother's face. "It's okay bro, no hard feelings. We cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool. Now why the Hell am I in a crystal cage?!"

"Just an extra precaution," explains Piper chuckling and removing the crystals as she said so.

"Right...sorry about that," says Chris getting up.

"Come here," says Wyatt and holds out his arms.

Chris crosses over to the older man and accepts the hug. "Thank God I didn't hurt you."

Wyatt releases his brother. "Well, that's not entirely accurate. You pack quite a punch little brother."

"Sorry," says Chris sheepishly.

"Hey, like I said we're cool. Now let's go downstairs and you can explain to the rest of the family what the Hell that was."

Wyatt, Piper and Chris head down to the living room, there they find the same group of family members from the attic.

"Chris! You're awake. I was starting to get worried! Sorry we used my, our, whatever empathy on you," rambles Phoebe.

"Yeah, what was with that?"

"I've been practicing, although I never imagined we'd end up using it on you," she replies.

"Speaking of which, what was that back in the attic? What happened to you with Bianca? Cuz we actually had No idea where we were summoning you from," asks Paige.

Chris sighs heavily and sits on the couch. "I'm not exactly sure either. All I know for sure is Bianca took me to her employer, Bianca's not really Bianca, Evil Wyatt is back and they're trying to resurrect Camelot."

Everyone turns to stare at either Chris or Wyatt. "What?"

To my loyal reviewers (thanks to you)...

Charmedwho20, Yeah, I guess that means the weddings off... again. Thanks for reviewing.

Lizardmomma, Thanks for the suggestion. I couldn't think of anything new for them to do so I skipped that bit, thanks anyways though. Thank you again for reviewing.

Rina, Hola, ummm. Gracias para Review.

Brendafay, This chapter is for you, thank you for the review.

As you may have read on the updated description but this is on a sort of temp hiatus, it's not officially but updates may be months between right now. Sorry to all who are enjoying this. Reviews make my day and help keep the writer's block away. Drew a bit from The Librarians S1 finale, was Wyatt's rant okay? S2 Librarians November 1st