Author's note: These character's are not mine same with the story line since it was Tim Burton's however I'm changing it to fit the character's choices and responses. Also the Slender Man story is not mine and it has been written by many people. So, if you want to read it go to the original Creepypasta website or Creepypasta wikia.

Quick note: Allistor - Scotland, Dylan - Wales , and Seamus - Ireland.

Please do enjoy this chapter.

The sun began to dip down beneath the forest scenery, the sky itself slowly started to morph into a soft red and pink, colors of orange and yellow beautifully accented the painted clouds above. The only movement deep within the forest is the occasional bird, taking flight in a tree or a squirrel scrambling up a nearby trunk. As if it were rehearsed insects started to hum in harmony as soon as the last sign of sunlight left. While leaving, it left behind it's indigo cloak, diamonds embedded within the material.


What's this?

Apparently, the forest did indeed held some life to it. Hidden beneath the roots of a tall oak tree were a pair of children, one was huddle close to a small campfire while the other was talking. A boy and a girl by the names of Arthur Kirkland and Amelia F. Jones. Their hushed whispers were barely audible over the crackle of the lively flames. The night was still young and one of them was telling the other about a story he heard. "I was told of this tale by my brother Seamus, it was a while back when I heard of this you see," Arthur began, pale face poorly lit from the flame, the shadows danced eerily over his face.

"This tale you are about to hear is of one of the most dangerous things a person can come across in the dar- What are you even doing?"

"Digging myself a grave, because this campfire story is boring." She said, hands full of dirt. He rolled his eyes "Please, as if you could do any better. Now pay attention or else I'll send after you." Arthur warned. Amelia shuddered the idea of the little haughty fairy coming after her. Once there was no sound but the crackling of the fire and the chirping of nearby crickets, he spoke once more "As I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted," Arthur shot her a look to which she ignored.

"The topic of 'Fear Dubh' is no laughing matter Amelia. It is a story that has been passed around for some time. Nobody knows exactly where he originated, nor pinpoint on how long he has been around. Some say he is a malevolent entity that haunts footpaths and forests at night, doomed to wander the land for all eternity. On the other hand, some say he is a demon, as ancient as time itself. And some say that he is an agent of the devil. A spy, if you will.

"People who do see the cursed creature do not live to tell the tale, Those who do are doomed on having his image haunting him for the rest of their lives." Arthur paused. "Or mysteriously disappear soon after they see him."

Amelia unknowingly wrapped her arms around her, staring at him in fear and interest.

"However, everyone have different things about the Fear Dubh." The boy continued. "But each one has a similarity in each description: he is very tall, pale, and slender, with unnaturally long limbs which are tall as trees, but lacks a face of any kind. His clothing are black, made with the souls of the damned and is normally spotted in the dark wooded areas like this," He gestured around their spot. "It is a rarity to see him in broad daylight and considered as bad luck. But in places where he frequently visits you will on occasion find trees marred with carvings of circles with x's through them. Not many know what the signs mean yet they refer it as the 'Operator Symbol'. Sometimes, you can find bits of parchment scattered around with drawings of that symbol, along with warnings to turn back and not to find him.

"To those who have seen him say there are signs to know whenever he is near. The air itself will become colder, and it will seem as if all the happiness and warmth in your body has been snatched away like that." He snapped his fingers in exaggeration "You will begin to feel very scared and sick. Your sight will seem to fail you and begin to see hallucinations, not to mention your mind will play tricks on what you hear and your heard will start to ache. And then, before you know it, he will appear." Arthur dramatically paused one more for effecf and looked at Amelia who was shaking.

"Then what happens" She asked, wide eyed.

"Some say that Fear Dubh takes his victims and harvests their souls from their bodies for personal use, his clothings for example as I said earlier. Many say that he eats them on spot. Either way, those who encounter him were almost never seen again."

"How does he catch them?"

"Well, he will appear nearby and if the victim tries to run-"

"Why doesn't he have a face?"

"I have no idea, now as I was saying-"

"What if I ate something bitter, would he still eat me?"

"Oh for the love of God do you want me to tell the story or not?" He snapped.


"We need to work on your manners when people are talking. As I was saying..." He paused trying to remember on what place he ended at "Now, If the victim tries to run, he will continue to appear, closer and closer each time, and more frequently. Then, once he is close enough, he will reach out and snatch them. His limb will extend and grasp them in a tight hold, and some have said that tentacles will emerge from his back to make sure that there is no escape."

"Where is he mostly seen at?" Amelia whispered.

"He is mostly seen in a forest in Scotland. But really, he could be anywhere." He lowered his voice. "And maybe, just maybe, he is here with us right now."

An owl hooted nearby, startling Amelia as she looked around the area, scooting a little bit closer to the fire.

"You won't suspect a thing. Oh, no, no Amelia...You won't know what's coming to you..." Arthur said with a secretive smile, "UNTIL HE GETS YOU!" He shouted, arms out as if the boy was going to get her.

"AHH!" Amelia yelled out and fall backwards with a squeal. "NO! Don't let him get me!" She cried out and went after him, her tiny arms wrapping around the older one. Arthur stumbled backwards and landed on his bum with a 'yelp!'.

"Alright, alright! Get off me." He giggled as she clutched onto him, shaking like a leaf.

"Don't do that to me ever again." the girl muttered into his chest "My heart nearly stopped."

"I'm sorry Amy, I couldn't resist." Arthur didn't look the least bit sorry at all.

"Not funny." She huffed and pulled away from him, sticking her tongue at him childishly.

"Rude, how did I become friends with you again?" he joked.

Amelia tapped her finger onto her chin and tried to think "Well, Mother and Father met your parents and thought you would be a great match for me so they made us play together. I heard Father saying 'it was the best for both families', whatever that means." She shrugged. "Can you tell me another one? With no scary monsters please."

He smiled "Alright, and this time refrain from asking questions?" Amelia nodded at this.

"Good. Now let's see here..." Arthur pursed his lips as he tried to think of a story. "Oh! I know, ahem! Once upon a time ago, there was these little women who would tie flowers to their small hips and wrap leaves around their chests. They had wings that looked like they were stolen from butterflies, bright and delicate. They didn't paint their faces, but there was no need for that, for they were beautiful all their own.

"They liked to sing often with voices only children could hear and to the elders were nothing but nonsense unlike the children who would hear nothing but melodic tunes. They tend to offer flowers, coins, and sweets, from which they have smuggled from others, only so they could make friends.

"What were they?" She asked in wonder however she knew the answer. Instead of that 'Fear Dubh ' story, she was far more interested than the ghost stories he told earlier.

"Faeries Amelia, or known as the Fae." He explained. "The magick of these astonishingly beautiful faeries could cause flowers around them blossom in their everyday glory. Color and happiness would always radiate from their smiling faces as they rushed around the forest in search of animals to help or plants to revive. I love how I am to be able to hear the flowing of their music as it calmed my senses and brings me to their reality." Arthur sighed and stood up. "It's getting rather late, where's the bucket? Nevermind, found it." Grabbing it he poured the water over the campfire causing them to be nothing but in complete darkness. Although, being smart as usual he brought a lantern and by then they were surrounded by light once more.

As they made back home Amelia went and grabbed his hand, still frightened from the story but less since the 'Faerie Story' calmed her nerves. Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, they walked home together.

Author's Note - This took me forever, I was debating whether Amelia should tell the story or Arthur. So far Arthur won~

I did a bit of research and the Slender man story did came out around this time period which is like a bonus for me. Also just to explain to my confused readers out there, this is a memory. Amelia is still , sadly, dead. Every once in a while I'll post a memory chapter so you can see how their friendship was or how'd they changed from back then to now. Next chapter shall be present wise, also Seamus is Ireland or so it said on the webs.

Also I just want to make a shoutout to those two lovely reviews, thank you very much and I hope you would enjoy this chapter.

Thank you for reading and please do review/favorite.