So, here I'm again with a brand new story! Gladly the writer's block is gone. Well, I'm into dark and mellow fics these days and I wanted to write a melancholic and twisted story. It's an interesting idea to get off to violence and mistreat, and how many people in this world still end up with people who use those as a tool. A person has changed only when he or she has actually changed. Still, it doesn't make those people bad per se, and we keep on loving them albeit their flaws. It isn't love that heals necessarily, but time and the ability to correct one's own ways and then let that love in. Do tell me what you think of this!

Please do not flame (I do not find a reason for it so you better not either). I apologize for the possible misspellings and other errors.


Pairing: Naruto x Sasuke

Summary: It's a constant battle of hate that escalates to a point of no return. Somehow the reluctance turns into real feelings, but it's one-sided. Can mistreat and insecurity kill everything? How can love ever blossom from this? NaruSasu. Rated M for sex and language.

Disclaimer: I have no rights over the characters or whatsoever (do not sue me Mr. Kishimoto), I am just loaning them and returning to the rightful owner (Mr. Kishimoto).

Can't Let It Go

I cannot believe that of all the places he could be sitting on, he is sitting next to me in this cramped room. The room is full of more or less drunk people and I am not saying that I am any better, but still. I wanted to rest for a second and try to clear my head, and what better than the black leather couch. It kind of called my name so pleasantly, but eventually betrayed me as it seemingly so called his too. Not just him either, but this quite ditzy girl that has a hard time keeping her dress on while sitting on his lap.

It is not like I care what Naruto does specifically, but this girl is almost on my lap too. His hands wonder on her back and sneak under the hem of the dress. This all makes the girl giggle like a maniac, and due to that she has even less self-control over her body. In a way she slides down from Naruto's lap and is all the more on me and fuck, it is not what I want and she is heavy too.

I am getting aggressive and I fume inside, since Naruto does nothing to fix her position, even though he must see that I am next to him suffering. Actually, I am quite sure he does nothing for the reason that it is me, since we do not get along. At all. The reason being that he is a dumb jock, while I make love to my guitar. And guys. This little quirk of mine surely is the reason to this hate-and-be-hated thing that has gone on since God knows how long. Not to forget that he does not live that far off, and I have known him since we were kids and we did not get along then either.

It is not that I babble my life all around, but there was this incident when Naruto saw me, ahem, in a questionable situation with the goalkeeper of his team. Since it was his team member, he could not go and crucify my arse with the announcement of my gayness. It was not that I was doing it with the guy, but a mere groping did not make the situation any better.

I know Naruto had a word with the guy, and after that the guy did not even look me in the eyes. After the incident Naruto started to treat me like total shit, though he had done that to some extent before too. Fuel to the fire, I would say. Either way, I had never liked him all that much, so this situation fit with me. Now at least I had a real reason to hate him openly and project my anger on him just for the heck of it, if nothing else.

Now Naruto and that girl are swapping sloppy kisses and really, I just do not want to see this for the reason that it is sickening. I am already feeling unwell and now I have to watch two disgusting people go at it. I decide to make it stop my own way. I lean closer to Naruto so that my mouth is next to his ear and half whisper to him that perhaps he is way much more interested in the fact that it is me sitting next to him instead of the girl on his lap. I continue that his show is floppy as it is clear that he gets his boner from my body so close to his. Then I quickly offer to ease his tent pole with my sinful but luscious mouth.

Swiftly he pushes the girl off of him and as fast as an lightning is on top of me his fist like five centimeters away from my face. You son of a fucker, he curses while shoving me more inside the couch. His arms feel heavy on my chest and I have hard time breathing, but still I smile. You have been a fucking eyesore the whole goddamn evening, you faggot, he curses while I try to pry his hands off of me. Admit it, you want me, I whisper to him seductively and that just makes him madder than before. I knew it or otherwise I would not have done it – I just wanted that our stupid bickering could have a grand final and I could vent everything out now.

We are both pushing and pulling. The couch is not the best place for a fight and Naruto ends up pushing me off of it. We both slide down the couch on to the hard wooden floor, and I land on my back and hit my head. Naruto is on me, we end up rolling on the floor and both of us get punches through. In the heat of the moment I notice that he has steadied himself over my crotch all the while trying to pummel my head. I guard my face, but his movement on me makes it goddamn hard to concentrate. The adrenaline in my system turns into a heat of different kind as he rolls his arse on my groin. He surely does not get what he is doing and I am fucking humiliated as I get a fucking boner due to it.

He has to feel it and try my hardest to erase it, but to no avail. His breath is hot on me, and I see it from the slight change in his facial expression that he knows. I know I am doomed and I turn on to my stomach in panic and try to crawl from under him. He is so fucking going to kill me, I know it for sure. I am cursing shit under my breath while trying to escape from him, but he pulls me back that fucking malicious look on his face. Where are you going you little birdie, he whispers while pressing his body on mine and locking me under him. His hands end up around my throat swiftly and choke me and I am scared shitless.

My brain is screaming that how can I be so fucking stupid to get an erection when the violent arse kicker is on me. I am starting to panic, since I really cannot breathe. I try to get his hands off, but nothing seems to work. He looks like a fucking sociopath until he suddenly loosens his grip and whispers to me, that surely the little metal face black bird did not get scared and shit his pants, now eh. My breath is ragged and I cough a lot until Naruto suddenly gets off of me and pulls me along.

No one seems to care we are fighting, and I so hope that no one saw my humiliation. Some people look at us warily and whisper, but sure as hell they do not dare to say anything. I can see it from their faces that they think the Goth rocker deserved it, and I do not have the strength to fight back. It is like I am letting him take me to my final execution and no one does anything. Naruto drags me upstairs and into the large toilet there. I go all the scenarios through in my head, but they all end up in me being dead. I kick myself mentally for standing up to him when I should not have. Now I am paying the price.

Thoughts? Comments? Anyone?