Hi guys ! I've been gone a while...I had this random idea at work the other day, and I do have mostly a full story fleshed out this time (for real...there will be multiple chapters.) Now, I want to try and run this with a companion blog, as one of the plot points is the blog Arnold follows. If you'd like to be able to interact with the story in a way that gets character interaction, feel free to use the blog along while reading. I'm excited to see how it turns out. So check the FAQ out on that and have fun!

(so hells-and-bells is the tumblr user to look for)

I don't own these characters, tumblr, or "My Fair Lady."

"I recommend an elective. Colleges like to see that you are interested in extracurricular activities. Any sort of club you might be interested in?"

I blinked, scanning the list that Mrs. Anderson had placed on the desk in front of me. I wasn't really interested in extracurricular activities to be honest, but with senior year rolling in strong, it had finally occurred to me that maybe I should boost my chances of college acceptance by delving into one of the groups on campus. Isn't that what they always said? Colleges like extracurricular activities, of which I currently had an outstanding zero of.

Of course senior year was probably the worst year to decide to do this….all my classmates had settled in and found their niche spots and I'd just be crawling in and hanging out in the shadows. I should have started caring about my college goals earlier, but with work and keeping up the boarding house, I just hadn't. I still had no idea what I even wanted to do with my life yet!

"How about drama club? Now don't look like that," she quickly explained, and I tried to pull my eyebrows down from the space they were floating in. "They're just starting work on the semester musical, and they're actually in need of a Stage Manager. Melissa had to drop out due to…unforeseen circumstances. Stage Managing involves leadership responsibilities, which would be wonderful to list. Colleges like leaders."

"…and that's how I found myself down here, offering myself up as Stage Manager," I finished lamely, releasing all the pent up breath I had been holding. Mr. Simmons smiled up at me warmly, making me wonder why I'd ever been nervous in the first place. He'd moved up into high school last year, and had fit in wonderfully with the literature and drama students – most of which he'd watched grow in elementary school.

"Well of course, Arnold!" he gushed. "What with Melissa having to drop out so soon and this show being a particularly large cast and heavy with set, I just know you'll be able to keep this group on track." I grinned, feeling a weight life. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad!

"But as I'm sure they told you, it's tradition to let one of my senior students act as my Director while I offer input and help where needed. So you'll be working very closely with Helga-"

My stomach dropped immediately. I could see Mr. Simmons's mouth moving as he gestured to different students milling around the theatre, but nothing was clicking with me. I'd be working with Helga. Miss Punch-you-for –so-much-as-walking-next-to-her. Miss Don't-even-so-much-as-breathe-on-me. It was going to be a long fourteen weeks…

"..and if you'll just go through the door over there, you can find Helga backstage. She's with the rest of stage crew, and auditions will be in two weeks. In the meantime, we all need to focus on getting set together along with costumes and all that. Won't it be fun?"

He looked so excited I couldn't help by force myself to smile. "Sounds….great. Just great. Can't wait."

I shrugged my backpack back up onto my arm from where it had started to creep down into the crook of my elbow. Okay, so maybe she wouldn't be that bad. Maybe this would go smoothly. I tugged at the fraying ends of my shirt, walking in the direction Mr. Simmons's had directed. I could hear her grating voice before I even pushed the door open.

"We're doing "My Fair Lady," get it? It's been decided and I don't care if you think it's too old fashioned. I happen to think it's awesome!" she was explaining, proudly tossing her head back as she brought her hand to her chest. She'd always had a flair for dramatics ever since she'd done "Annie" back in middle school. I sighed, trying to creep forward without drawing a whole bunch of attention to myself.

"Question!" I could see Sheena raising her hand from her position in the middle of the semi-circle. "Who's going to replace Melissa?"

"I'm not sure who is gonna replace her, but we'll worry more about that-"

"Actually, that would be me," I piped up, tiptoeing out from behind Helga. I gave a small wave to the group, and I could practically feel Helga's shocked gaze boring a hole in my side. Just keep smiling, I reminded myself.

"You?" She barked out a laugh, tossing a blond pigtail over her shoulder as she looked me over. "Seriously football head, you wander into the wrong room?"

"Nope," I quipped, trying to sound more chipper and less like the bearer of bad news. "I've already confirmed with Mr. Simmons. I'm a natural leader and I'm great with construction," I explained, using the same speech I'd rehearsed earlier. "I think I could be really helpful to you guys and I want this to be the best show it can be."

I watched as many of the skeptical faces I didn't know shifted into ones of begrudging acceptance. Those I did know, like Sheena and Eugene, where quick to give me thumbs up and words of encouragement.

"You'll do wonderful," Eugene gushed, grinning ecstatically. "You've always been so good with this sort of thing."

"Yeah yeah, Arnoldo here is just mister freaking perfect sunshine. Can we get back to work?" Helga snapped, waving the clipboard she was holding. She shot a dark look at Eugene, effectively quieting him.

"Should...I sit down? Okay, I'll just – excuse me- here is fine," I muttered, squeezing into a vacant seat in the semi-circle between Sheena and a small green eyed girl with curly brown hair. She gave me a nervous smile, which I returned.

"Our budget really isn't that wonderful at the moment, so we need to brainstorm a few fundraising ideas to roll out over the next month. We want to start actually getting set up as soon as possible, and once we cast we need to know what we have available for costuming. Who's got suggestions?"

"Bake sale!" "Can we do shirts?" "How about a pie fundraiser?"

The shouting stopped as everyone turned to face the young girl next to me. She shrugged. "You know, where you set a certain limit and if you raise enough you get to pie someone in the face?"

"I think we'll stick to the bake sale, but we'll keep that in mind, thanks Shelley." Helga's tone was acidic as she scribbled down notes. "Everyone has their respective tasks assigned, so we'll meet back on Wednesday and have Mr. Simmons give final approval before we get started. Later guys."

Everyone nodded, and a dull chatter erupted as everyone gathered their materials and exited the room, talking in excited tones about the upcoming weeks. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, watching as Helga began to put away chairs. "Here, let me help you," I offered, quickly gathering up the remaining folding chairs and stashing them against the wall where others were resting.

"What're you even doing here?"

"Helping put up chairs?" I offered, confused. I bit back a yelp as I wedged my finger between two chairs.

"No, in drama club. You've never showed any interest whatsoever –"

"Well there was that time in fourth grade-"

"Oh please, Mr. Simmons begged you. Did he beg you this time too? I could have handled it on my own," she banged her chairs down against the wall before turning to study my face. I instinctively scratched my nose and dropped my gaze to the floor.

"No, and I'm sure you would have been just fine. I just dropped by to see our adviser and asked about extracurricular activities. She suggested drama might be a good fit and that you guys were short a stage manager. So I thought I might be useful."

There was silence as we both gathered out respective bags, not making eye contact. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say anything else, and I was surprised as she grabbed my hand and scribbled a string of numbers down.

"I'm directing, which means you're pretty much my bitchboy. Shoot me a text, and I'll add you to my text group for stage crew." I nodded meekly, and she gave me a two figure salute before clicking off the lights and leaving me in the dark.

"Drama? Seriously?" I rolled my eyes as Gerald gave me an appalled look.

"Seriously." I shrugged, clicking off the Skype screen and pulling up my tumblr screen. "Actually to say Stage Manager on an application sounds better than just saying random drama nobody," I countered.

"Well what do you even get to do? When's practice?"

"Apparently it's defined as 'bitchboy', but I don't know. It's Monday, Wednesday , Friday. 4-6." I pulled up another screen, typing 'stage manager' into the search bar. "Stage management is the practice of organizing and coordinating a theatrical production. It encompasses a variety of activities, including organizing the production and coordinating communications between various personnel, example between director and backstage crew, or actors and production management," I read aloud.

"So yeah, Helga's bitchboy."

I groaned. "Pretty much. Maybe she's gotten better since freshman year."

"Or maybe she got worse," he offered, grinning.

I frowned. "You're no help at all, did you know that?"

He continued to grin widely, and we settled into respective silence.

"Hey, I'm gonna go work on some of this stupid math. I'll hit you up after and we can get some donuts or something? I have to bribe myself.'"

"Sure thing," I laughed, and he exited off Skype. I clicked back to the tumblr tab and scrolled down to see if 'hells-and-bells' had updated recently. 'hells-and-bells' was a rather popular blogger who posted lots of personal poetry as well as musings from her high school. She was pretty funny, and we'd actually began to IM regularly on yahoo after I'd finally mustered up the courage to message her a few months back. I sort of had developed a tiny crush on her- well, what I knew of her- and I had a somewhat guilty pleasure of blog stalking.

It didn't take long for me to find where she had posted recently, and I grinned to see where she had tagged me. I quickly reblogged and added my own little clever note. I continued to scroll when a second later my messenger pinged.

Hells-and-bells: Shouldn't you be studying?

Lordofthespies: Shouldn't you be less nosey?

Hells-and-bells: Touché.

Hells-and-bells: So what's the deal, pickle?

Lordofthespies: Besides your awful jokes, very little. Joined a club today!

Hells-and-bells: Where you not in one before?

Lordofthespies: No. Just hadn't really had time to yet. But new year, new stuff.

Hells-and-bells: Very good philosophy, I have taught you well, oh young one.

Hells-and-bells: Hey….you're a guy, right?

Lordofthespies: As far as I'm aware.

Hells-and-bells: Can I ask you a relationship question?

I cringed. There was a guy I knew she liked. She posted about him sporadically, but from what I could tell he didn't even pay her any attention. But I was going to be a good friend, and it wasn't like we'd ever become anything. I didn't even know her real name or where she lived. So I took a deep breath and sent back, 'Fire away.'

Hells-and-bells: So that guy I sort of kinda maybe have a thing for is working with me now.

Lordofthespies: Oh, really? And?

Hells-and-bells: I don't think he really wants to work with me…which I can't blame him. But close proximity for weeks on end…Should I get my hopes up?

Lordofthespies: You're fabulous. He'd be crazy to not like you.

Hells-and-bells: ….if you weren't just a person from the internet, this is where I'd hug you.

"If only," I sighed, signing off as I trudged off to do my own homework. If only.