Hey, it's Silver, and I'm back with another story! This time, I'm co-writing it with the awesome Queen Rebelle! The two of us are ninjas, along with Foxleap and Jayfeather. Just so you know, we're all humans. Occasionally, there might be some "guest stars", which are other Warriors characters!

By the way, Queen Rebelle writes every odd-number chapter, and I write the even-number ones.

THE ERIN HUNTERS OWN WARRIORS! Queen Rebelle and I, unfortunately, do not.

Without further ado, here's the actual story!

Rebelle's POV

I'm just minding my own business, texting my friend Ivypool when suddenly a shriek runs through the air.


"What the (insert cussword)!?" I scream, jumping in the air.

"It appears that Silverblaze has lost her sandwich." Jayfeather says calmly, interrupting my own thought with his near-psychic ones.

"No DIP Sherlock!" Foxleap yells. He's running from a fuming Silverblaze. Quite literally, as Silberblaze's hair catches flame when she gets emotional. "She's gonna blow!"

I scream, "Jayfeather, duck!" As a vase is hurled at his head. He ducks swiftly, still 're-reading' his Braille copy of The Blood of Olympus.

"WHO TOOK MY NUTELLA SANDWICH?!" Silverblaze screeches, chucking a copy of the Maze Runner at me.

"It wasn't us!" I shout, quickly snatching the Maze Runner into my pale arms. I purr. "You're safe now, Minho. Safe..."

"Wait, does Minho die?" Jayfeather asks.


"Oh yeah..."

"(insert cussword)!" I shout as Divergent nearly falls on the floor. "Silverblaze! You almost hurt Willy!"

"You do know that he (SPOILER ALEEEERT, SPOILER ALEEEEERT), right?"

"I don't give a (insert cussword)!"

"Those are not nice words!" Foxleap cries.

"Shut the (insert cussword) up Foxy!" I snap. "We're dealing with a crazy Silverblaze here!" I scream again as Silverblaze tosses Revenge of the Witch at Foxleap. I jump and catch it in the air, stroking it softly. "Sorry, Tom."

Maximum Ride is thrown at Jayfeather. I catch it quickly, whispering, "You're okay, Fang."

"Why are you so obsessed with books?!" Foxleap yells. All of us but him stop in our movements, glaring at him.

"Books rule!" We all shriek. Soon, everything goes back to normal.

"We need to find that sandwich!" Jayfeather hisses, lightly grasping a flying Death Cure book. I screech and grasp it from him, petting it quietly.

"It's okay, Minho 3. You're safe..." I purr.

"You seriously name all of your books?" Foxleap hisses, swatting away the Scorch Trials.

"No! Minho 2!" I scream, jumping to catch the book. "And yes, I do name all of my books!"

"What's this one?" Jayfeather asks, holding up the Blood of Olympus.

"That's Nico 8!" I shout. "The Lightning Thief is Pre-pre Nico and the Sea of Monsters is Pre-Nico!"

"We have a bigger problem!" Foxleap shouts, pointing at Silverblaze. The blonde has now started to chuck other things at us, including my TEN-DOLLAR HEAD PHONES THAT I USE TO LISTEN TO FALL-OUT BOY, PARAMORE, GREEN DAY, THE USED, IMAGINE DRAGONS, AWOLNATION, ONE REPUBLIC, BASTILLE, PANIC AT THE DISCO, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, AND-,

Okay, Rebelle, calm down...

THEY'RE MY (insert cussword) HEAD PHONES!

Foxleap's POV

I hear Rebelle screaming from beside me, crying over her pair of headphones. While Silverblaze is distracted, I sneak out of the room.

I have a quest: to find Silverblaze's Nutella Sandwich. The SNS case. Hehe.

I look around, shuffling through piles of stuff.

"Jayfeather's third pair of glasses? No." I toss them across the room. "Silver's iPod? No." I toss that across the room. "Rebelle's journal that could be full of juicy secrets and materials I can tease and prank her on? No." I toss that across the room. I shuffle through a few more things, until my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"You will die in seven days." A deep and gruff voice growls.

I hang up, shrugging. The phone rings again.

"I'm dead serious."

"Screw you." I laugh into the phone, hanging up and screen-shotting the number, just to prank call it on Rebelle's phone. But that would come later.

I get another call barely a minute later. Not from the Seven Days guy, luckily.

"Hello?" I ask.

"I see your friend lost her sandwich." It's my sister Icecloud.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I scowl.

"I can see the destruction from my apartment."

I look out the window, seeing my sister waving to me. I wave back, smiling.

"Well, do you have any suggestions?"

"Well, I heard Ashfur bragging to Rainflower that he stole something. It sounded like Nutella..."

"That's Silver's sandwich!" I gasp. "Where is he?"

"In the Smiley Dayz Insane Asylum, duh."

"Bye!" I shout, hanging up and dropping the phone. I run out the door, running quickly to the asylum.

"Watch where you're going!" A girl (who's name I couldn't remember at the moment) shouts as I bump into her. I give her a smile, and keep running.

"Ashfur!" I shout, opening the door to the asylum.

"He is on the thirty-second floor." Willowshine, the accountant, smiles. "Stairs are to the left, the elevator is to the right."

"Which was is faster?"

"For you, I'd say the stairs. But you won't get tired on the elevator." I run into the elevator. "Wait, you need to sign in!" Willowshine shouts.

"It's an emergency!" I shout, slamming my fist on the buttons.

Hitting almost all of them.

Dang it.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" I shout. Suddenly, something poofs in front of my face.

"What do you want?" It says.

"What are you?" I frown.

"I am the Crap Genie. I appear when you say 'crap' 69 times."

I giggle. "You said '69'."

The genie face-palms. "So immature. Anyway, how can I help you?"

"Can you get me to the thirty-second floor?"

"As you wish." He bows his head. He waves his hand on the elevator button thingy, then presses the one with 32 on it. "See you later, nerd." He whooshes away, then comes back. "And by the way, this is the last time you'll be able to see me in 1000 years. So don't try and say 'crap' 69 times."

"Hehe, you said 69." I giggle. He sighs, the disappears.

The elevator bings after a few minutes. I step out quickly, roaring, "Ashfur!"

"(insert cussword), Squirrelflight! I thought you weren't going to bother me anymore!" Ashfur sobs, storming out of his room. He looks at me, then scowls. "Oh, it's you."

"Yes, me." I grin. "Where is Silverblaze's sandwich?"

"It's hidden," Ashfur cackles. "Somewhere you'll never find it!"

"Tell me."

"No, not the interrogations!" Ashfur shrieks. He curls into a ball on the floor, sobbing. "You won't get it out of me!"

"Where is it?"

Ashfur sobs. "Enough of the torture!" He weeps on the ground. "It's in that vase!"

He points to a small purple vase with the words 'Smiley Dayz' engraved on it. I smile, walking towards it and pulling out the dusty sandwich.


"Silverblaze!" I yell. "I found-,"

I look down at the mess before me. Silver and Rebelle have sat down, watching Gravity Falls. Rebelle is ranting about some dumb book, probably about the Divergent movie and how sucky it was compared to the book. Jayfeather is meditating, sitting next to a small candle. He's scowling, as usual.

"Guys?" I ask quietly. The three turn their heads towards me. Even Jayfeather. With his eyes shut.

"What?" Silver asks.

"I found your sandwich." I smile.

"Oh. Cool." Silverblaze frowns.

"I thought you were crazy."

"Well, Rebelle here summoned a bunch of peacocks ("Thanks Hera!" Rebelle had interrupted) and eventually I calmed down, and Jayfeather made me another sandwich." Silverblaze smiles.

"You know what?"


"I hate you all."

"I love you too."

...and that's the first chapter! Stay tuned for more, and don't forget to leave a review!