"Um, are you sure this is what everyone wears at this 'camp' you're talking about?" at the moment, Aphrodite was putting something on my lips that smelt nice,

"You will be the most stunning demigod there." That didn't exactly give me reassurance that this was a normal thing to wear but she was trying to help so I let her do what she wanted to,

"I really don't want to stand out." I told her, "To be honest, I would be happy if a lot of them didn't even know that there is a new person."

"Of course you want to stand out." She said, "You want to make a good first impression."


"Aat." She interrupted, promptly grabbing my shoulders softly, "You are a beautiful girl and nobody has the right to make you feel like you're not. It doesn't hurt to show it once in a while." I didn't have anything to say to that. She was the love goddess, telling me that I was beautiful, "Now." She said, "Let's fix up those clothes of yours."

I stumbled in high-heels along strawberry fields,

"Are you sure this is the right place…" I turned around, but Aphrodite was gone, "Great. Just great." I kept walking anyway until I saw a big house in the distance,

"Aphrodite!" I whisper-shouted, "I don't want to ask a stranger for directions! Please come back!"

"Don't worry Sophie." Said a voice in my head. It must have been Aphrodite. Either that or I was going mad, which was possible, "You're in the right place. You're normal to them. Zeus told you that you were a failed experiment, which means whatever he did to you, didn't work. You're normal. I've told Chiron you're here so he'll be galloping up in minute. Good luck Sophie!"

"Galloping? What do you mean galloping?" soon enough my question was answered for me. He was a centaur. Half man and half gleaming white horse,

"What-ho, Sophie!" he called as he approached me, "You know, I do love saying that. I'm Chiron. I have been informed on what has happened to you and I can assure you, no one will hurt you here." He sank down until he was lying on his stomach. He held out his hand. He gave off a vibe that just said you could trust him, so I took it. His grip was firm as he pulled me onto his back and stood up, "I only do this in special cases for a reason. Hold on." I didn't know what he was on about; he felt perfectly strong as we set off at a fast pace,

"Um, Chiron?" I said,

"Yes my dear?"

"Does my dad know where I am?"

"He knows where you were. I have to send him and iris message to tell him where you are now when we get back to the Big House. It'll be up to him to decide where you go from there." Right now, I really wanted to go back to the safety of the Underworld and never even think to leave again. But there was still something about this camp that kind of made me want to stay with Chiron. We kept going until we made it to the big house I had seen in the distance that was actually called 'The Big House.' Made it easy for me. He let me off his back,

"Have a seat. You can wait here while I contact your father." I did as he told me and waited. As I did I heard a few muffled shouts that sounded like they belonged to Dad. I turned to look towards the door and wondered if I should go in. I contemplated for a while as the shouts continued, until I heard a voice behind me,

"Whoa! What's going on in there?" I turned and saw a tanned and muscular guy with startling lime-green eyes that had an unmistakable glint of mischief in them, "Levi. You must be new here." I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, "What? Drakon got your tongue? Don't worry; most girls are speechless when they see me. You are not alone."

"N-no…" I tried to say,

"So you're saying I'm ugly? I'm quite offended." He said in a terrible attempt at a hoity-toity British accent. I smiled at him and somehow managed to say,

"Sophie." This time it was me holding out my hand,

"She speaks!" he said and took my hand, "It was a pleasure, Miss Sophie-no-speaky."

"And the opposite for you Mr Levi-lime-eye." I mentally slapped myself for saying something so cheesy and dumb,

"That was harsh. But thanks for the compliment on the eyes." He grinned. At that moment, Chiron walked out,

"Ahh, I see you have met Mr Sage here. Levi if you wouldn't mind waiting at the stables. I'll meet you there in a minute."

"Sure." And he started to walk around the strawberry fields,

"So. Your dad and I have been…" he paused, "Talking. And he thinks it best that you stay here."

"Really?" I didn't really know how I felt on that subject,

"Anyway, I need to give you these." He handed me an orange t-shirt and a pair of sport pants, "I'll have one of the daughters of Hecate send you a suitcase filled with all the things you need soon enough, but first, you need a tour.

After I was changed, Chiron led me in the same direction that Levi walked and I soon realised that we were going to the stables as well. We arrived to find Levi stroking one of the horse's necks. I looked around and soon discovered that not all of them were horses,

"Are those Pegasi?" I asked,

"Yes they are, and the finest in Long Island Sound too." Replied Levi, gesturing around to them all,

"They're beautiful. I mean, Persephone's told me stories about them… Persephone's told me stories about lots of things, but they're so much better now I'm actually seeing them." I said, walking over to one. I reached out my hand and it nuzzled me,

"What's your name?" I turned, expecting Chiron or Levi to answer my question but soon got the answer from someone, or should I say, something, else,

"Rocket miss." Said a male's voice. I whirred around to see a stranger answering my question,

"Who said that?" I asked, still looking around. Levi, Chiron and some accompanying strangers were looking at me funny,

"Me miss. Rocket, at your service" I looked around at the Pegasus. "It can't be…" I thought to myself,

"Oh, yes it can miss!" I then decided to try something crazy,

"Can you read my mind?" I thought,

"Thoughts, yes. We can have mini-mind-conversations with each other. It's really fun miss. No one knows what you are talking about!" That comment reminded me that I had people with me, I turned and saw them, still looking at me like I was strange,

"Look Rocket, I've got to go. People are waiting for me"

"All right then miss. Don't forget me. I hope I'm gonna see you again. Farewell, miss." I walked away, back to Chiron and Levi,

"Can we go outside? I really need to ask you about something."

"Pegasi can read your mind?!" I asked, exasperatedly,

"No. Only with children of Poseidon? Why, what were you doing before?" He asked me, obviously keen to know,

"Well, I'm not. Rocket was talking… having a mini-mind-conversation with me. Well, that's what he called it anyway."

"I don't understand…" breathed Chiron, "It's not possible…"

"Maybe, some of the powers that Zeus gave me lasted? Maybe he accidentally left THE BEST one?"

"Hmm." He muttered,

"Wait, hold up! Powers that Zeus gave you? What are you talking about?"

"I think you can explain to Mr Sage on your tour. I have some errands to run so, if you wouldn't mind Levi?"

"Sure." he was still looking at me like he was trying to somehow see my secrets just pop out of me, "I'll take her."

"Great!" said Chiron as he dismissed us with a wave of his hand. We started walking in silence, not knowing if it was a good idea for either of us to bring it up. Eventually, Levi broke the ice,

"Sooo… Zeus, powers. Want to explain." He said,


"You don't have to if you don't want to!" he said quickly and rather loudly. He coughed and laughed nervously, correcting himself, "I'd just like to know that's all."

"Well…" I started telling him the story from the beginning as we walked towards what looked like a blacksmith's. I summed it up so it didn't drag on. Levi didn't interrupt me once, he just walked along, watching me and listening to me intently,

"But, apparently I'm failed so… I'm normal. None of the powers he gave me lasted. Well, except one of course but…" Once I was done talking he didn't say a word, and neither did I. He just stood there, staring at me. Finally he spoke,

"Well that'd explain your eyes then."

"What's wrong with my eyes?" I asked. I hadn't had the chance to look in the mirror and make sure Aphrodite hadn't drowned me in make-up, "Aphrodite didn't go overboard with the make-up, did she?"

"No. They change colour."

"Oh. Does it look bad?"

"Not at all. They're like a swirling rainbow. It's actually really beautiful…" he looked away, rubbing his neck and looking like he wanted to punch himself, "Sorry…"

"It's fine. Giving people compliments isn't a crime you know? And most people love getting them!" he still looked mad at himself, "I don't mind. Really. Now let's get this show on the road. Take me on this tour." He let out a grin and nodded,

"Well! First up we have the armoury!" he took me inside and immediately I saw two people kissing,

"Leo, no slacking on the job!" he yelled, smiling,

"Hey! I'm older than you! You shouldn't be able to tell me what to do. Plus, it's not my fault, Calypso distracted me!" answered the guy. The girl he was with snorted,

"You're sure acting older than him right now!" she answered. Levi laughed,

"Sophie, this is Leo and Calypso."

"Hi." I said, nervously,

"Nice to meet you, but I've got to run. Bye."

"Luv ya, baybay!" called Leo. He had curly black hair and elfish features, "So, you here to get a weapon?"

"Um, I guess? Do I have to make it?"

"Well, you could try. But none can match up to the power of the Valdezinator!" he punched and kicked the air, "Do you need instructions?"

"No." I said, "I think I've got the concept."

"Well, all the stuff's there so, you can get started." I started slowly but as I got on, I don't think that I was even controlling my hands anymore. Everything was coming naturally. I don't know how much time passed. I added the hilt and I was done, and covered in grease and soot. I held out the celestial bronze sword I had just made to Leo. He whistled,

"Not as good as mine would have been but, nice handiwork. You're not a kid of Hephaestus are you?" I blushed,

"No. Hades."

"Woah! Haven't seen anything like it before. Does it feel natural to hold?" I held it out and swung it around,

"Yeah." I answered,

"Wow! Do it again!" he jumped up and down like a child, not a guy in their 20s,

"Maybe another day Leo. Gotta show her around everywhere else." We left and Levi showed me around everywhere else. I had to admit, the camp was amazing. A lot better than the Underworld anyway. Eventually we made it to my cabin,

"This is where you sleep, stay and do all those homey things people like to do!" said Levi,

"So, will I be the only person in here?"

"I don't actually know. There are bags in here so I don't think you will be completely alone. I know Nico has half-moved into somewhere different, now him and Will have adopted a kid but I don't know if anyone else ever stayed in here. Might be one or two. Maybe not because of the whole Big Three pact but…" he looked around to me, "Sorry, I was rambling. You know what, I'll leave you here to settle in. You know unpack and all." He gestured to the unopened suitcase that Chiron had sent me, "So, I'll see you at capture the flag tonight?"

"What's capture the flag?" I asked,

"Don't worry, Chiron will come and get you. He's going to give you a grand welcoming! Anyway, I'll leave you here. I was great to get to know you…" he waved and left. I sighed and collapsed onto my bed. I started to unpack. Once I finished, still no one had walked in so I came to the conclusion that I would be alone. I didn't mind. In fact, I liked the fact that I was going to be alone. No one to tell me to shut up. (That was going to take a while to get used to.) I thought about the fact that I was going to stay here for a while and finally realised what my point of view was. I genuinely wanted to be here. I liked my own home and all, but here I could actually see the sky and there was light! There was something about the camp that made it special.

And off the topic, I had no idea what capture the flag was. Let alone how to play! I was going to get annihilated…

A/N Yay! That chapter was so long compared to my other ones! As you know, I am introducing the old characters again (Yay) but I don't know if I am writing them properly! So, I need you guys to comment and tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong. And that goes for anything that you think I am doing well or badly. I need people to do that or I won't know if I am doing well or not. I want to do Percy Jackson justice! Thanks for all your support! I'm going to stop writing now, because I don't want to bore you, but, I am going to start doing this thing where I ask a question in my authors note about random things and you can write all your answers in a review! To do that, I need you all to write all your fandoms in a review so I know what to base the questions on! Best answer gets a shout-out at the start of my chapters! Thanks, Bye!
