A/N: This is the first thing I have ever started writing. I welcome all advice and suggestion. I want to make this fun for the readers as well as myself. Please enjoy! I will always post trigger warnings at the beginning of the chapters. If there is one I forget, please let me know. I know what its like to have triggers and being warned about them helps immensely.

I do not own Attack on Titan or any of its characters. (I wish)


The sun was setting. Just above the horizon of maple trees. The deep oranges and reds shimmered on the river.

Eren tried to calm his breathing. As he stood on the bridge, looking to the deep swift river below. He was ready, without another moment to delay he lifted one leg over the bridge and straddled it for a second before climbing completely over to the other side. He held the railing behind him and closed his eyes. Knowing it would be over fast, as he couldn't swim, he let go.

Levi drove along the slightly lit road, going above the speed limit. His car was loud and he loved listening to the engine purr. He was only 10 minutes from home now, his work was about 40 miles away. It was worth the drive though. The beautiful maple trees were abundant with yellow, orange, and red leaves. The leaves were a foot or so deep on the ground. It was almost as if it was raining, so many of them falling and dancing in the wind as they tumbled from the trees.

He just turned the long corner in the road and was almost to the bridge. Seeing a dark figure on the wrong side of the railing his heart sped up. He pulled over as the figure fell. "Fuck!", he yelled as he turned his hazard lights on and leaped out of the car, not even bothering to close the door.

He ran up to the bridge and began looking for whoever it was that decided to jump. Suddenly seeing a shadow under the water, being dragged along by the fast current, Levi jumped right over the railing and into the water. He was a strong swimming and wouldn't be dragged under easy.

He gasped at how cold the water was when he hit the river. He forced the stinging out of his head and began to swim hard with the current. As he got closer to the person in front of him he noticed the river getting wider and deeper, the current slightly faster now. Finally Levi was close enough as he dove and reached for the body, finally grabbing ahold of an arm he shot back up to the top, taking a big breath when his head broke through the top.

He started swimming to the side of the river with his arm under the shoulders of the unconscious person that he was slowly dragging to shore. He immediately knew that they, whoever they were, was not breathing.

Quickly reaching the shore he carried them up the bank, setting them down once the land was flat. He looked at the person he had just saved and realized it was a boy. A boy with a beautiful face and dark brown hair. Levi was quick to check for a pulse but he couldn't feel one. He started doing chest compressions right away, stopping after 30 to give the young boy 2 deep breaths. He continued doing this for 2 minutes before the boy suddenly spit all the water out of his lungs, coughing hard. Levi suddenly picked him up, with one leg under the boy's knees and the other supporting his shoulders. He ran down the bank towards the bridge and his car, it was about a half mile away. The boy continued to cough but he didn't open his eyes or lift his head. Levi ran as fast as he could, feeling like he was walking at a snails pace. Levi knew he needed to rush as every moment was important to saving the boy.

After what felt like an hour, they got to the car in a little over 5 minutes. Levi hurriedly opened the back door and put the boy down in the back seat. He reached into the center console and grabbed his phone, calling 911.

After hanging up with dispatch, he took the boy's hand in his and studied him. Levi guessed him to not be any older than 20. He was impatient, waiting for the paramedics. He was breathing easy by now but still not responsive. Blood ran down his head from a wound that Levi assumed was from the sharp rocks at the bottom of the river. Levi took off his shirt and applied pressure to it.

His eyes fell to the many horizontal lines on his arms. The scars were obviously self inflicted, but they were accompanied by burn scars and bruises. His other arm was the same.

Suddenly his heart dropped. He saw a deep bite wound in the muscle below his left thumb. It was deep but also looked a few days old. It was one that should have gotten a number of stitches. Judging by the scar tissue around it, he knew that he had bitten himself there more than once. He found himself worrying about this boy he had saved. He wondered what pushed him to jump, what he had gone through. Before Levi could get in too deep of thought he heard the sirens.

Soon the ambulance was beside his car. The paramedics jumped out and ran to Levi. One was a small boy with blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was the first to get to him and asked, "What's the….", His eyes moved to the young boy. "EREN!", he yelled in fright and rushed over and grabbed his arm.

"Jean!" the boy yelled behind him to the other approaching EMT, "Its Eren!"

"Fuck! Seriously?!" He rushed up besides the blonde boy who was checking his pulse. "What happened?!" Jean turned to Levi who had gotten out of their way.

"I was driving by when I saw him jump into the river", Levi spoke up. "I jumped in after him, when I got him up to shore he wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse. I did CPR until he started breathing on his own, and carried him here."

"Not again." Armin said in a quiet voice, not thinking the others would hear him.

"Shit", Jean said while writing on his clipboard, "Armin, what's his pulse?".

"89." Armin said as his voice cracked.

"Do you two know him?" Levi asked with curiosity.

"Yeah, he's my best friend. We all grew up together. I live with him and his sister." Armin replied sharply as he continued getting Eren's vitals. "Thank you so much for saving him."

Jean brought the gurney to the side of the car. He and Armin lifted him up onto it and buckled him down. Jean wheeled him to the back of the ambulance when Armin turned to Levi.

"What about you, are you ok?"

"Yea, just cold"

"Ok, I just need some of your information to finish our report and then you can go."

"Thats fine." Levi paused before asking, "Can you tell me his name? I want to know how he recovers."

Armin blinked and responded hesitantly, he didn't know this man, however he just saved Eren's life and couldn't think of a reason to not tell him. "Eren Jaeger, we will be taking him to North Trost Hospital."

"Thank you."

After Armin was done gathering his information, including name, address, and phone number he left. It was now dark and the moonlight made the river glitter.

Levi groaned as he realized what a mess his car was. There was a good amount of blood in the back seat, not to mention the mud and water from the river. He was a mess too, soaked to the bone and he didn't have any clothes to change into. As he sat in the driver seat he couldn't help but be irritated that he was wearing his nicest suit. "Oh well." he mumbled, and began his journey home.