Be advised, I claim no right to ideas/characters/ ect contained herein. I do not claim responsibility for Hetalia, or any affiliated licensed ideas.

Not meant to cause offense in any way, shape, or form. :)

Per request! I am updating it.

I own nothing. ;)


There was nothing quite as nerve racking and as heartbreaking as watching America, watch Canada.

His eyes were not possessive, they were resigned. Yet, in the soft morning light, his blue gaze seemed so full of love and care that Canada could hardly face him. They way he looked at her. It brought tears to her eyes, then his gaze would swing away. As the male nation shrugged away, all the more injured for causing her some perceived pain. It was the space between the wrong side of heaven and the right side of hell.

Being so close to her. Smelling her perfume as it wafted in the space between them. However, he was tortured by the distance, minor though it was. Seeing her in person again. Noticing her sweet expression and the way she seemed just as on-edge about this meeting as he was...

Some part of America entertained the paltry fantasy that she cared as he did.

But that... that was not his fate.

He was her protector, though he knew she was a strong nation capable of defending herself. He just wanted to protect her. He deeply regretted the battles between them. The decades spent in mistrust. It was like a hole burning through his very heart. The heart that only seemed to beat for her.

'Canada', he thought for what seemed like the millionth time', 'I love you'.

It was a statement that was written on his very soul. He'd loved her since before his own recorded history. He'd loved her long before the others had come. Since before they'd even truly known what nations were.

She was the epitome of everything he cherished and held dear. Other than his people.

Yet, he could not burden her with that. He couldn't love her as he wanted to, and America understood that. So it had been time to cease the torment. He couldn't stand hurting her. It was the one thing in the world he simply could not do.

So he withdrew.

However, his eyes betrayed him. As they were want to do. She was all he wanted, all he really needed. She was akin to breathing. Needed for his very existence. But, they were not meant to be.

A soft and sad smile crept on his face, shattering the look of obvious adoration, and left in its place the haggard appearance of defeat. It was the only battle he could not win. Jetting off into the endless vastness of space was nothing. Reaching the stars and breaking the known laws of science was a paltry task.


The chance for her love...

That would forever be out of his reach.


It was caught in her throat.

Every word she was trying to will herself to utter. Such a simple thing. To tell him the truth. To speak out how much she loved him. Even though things between them had never been exactly easy. She could do it. It would only take a moment. It was stinging at her, buzzing like angry bees in her thoughts.

Tell him.


Let me tell him.

Her fingers had turned a pale white as she clutched them in her lap. Everything about her was riveted on her Southern neighbor, who hadn't said so much as a word to her. Nothing had been spoken between them. Not even the pleasantries.

Both leaders were ill-at-ease with the sudden change between the pair. Though the President of the United States had been aware of their 'radio silence' in recent events, no one had quite known the extent of the rift.

The Canadian Prime Minster cleared his throat, not wanting to cause a scene with Canada and America. He drew the President of the United States into a discussion of pressing international concerns.

Canada herself, was a mess. She wanted to invite America to lunch. To speak with him alone, but her heart kept hammering in her chest and she felt like she was slowly dying when his blue eyes clouded over, and his smile became a strained empty mask. It caused her to fidget slightly. His blue eyes honed in on the movement. America could already tell that she was nervous, she was sure.

Because he stealthily pushed some of the coffee her way. Though caffeine would only make her problem worse, she understood that he was distracting her form her own nerves. She couldn't help but wonder just how many times he'd done that. How many times he'd noticed everything about her. Even when she felt utterly ignored by the rest of the world.


America had...

Well, he did love her.

She hoped. Canada felt sick to her stomach as she realized she wasn't exactly sure how he felt anymore. And that was driving her up the wall. Because, she loved him. And, it was not a waivering sort of love. She and America- well she liked to think- that they complemented each other very well. It was all she thought about these days, all the missed time and opportunites for them to resolve their misunderstandings. He was slipping through her fingers and she just wanted-

"I need to talk to you!" She shouted out, startling everyone in the room.

Both leaders jumped, and turned toward her. Canada blushed to the roots of her hair. She broke into a cold sweat, wondering where tha thad come from.

America's blue eyes bored into her violet gaze. A political smile was on his lips, another mask.

Canada hated that look on him. She couldn't stand it.

"We are talking," he said congenially. The male nation shifted, giving a placating grin to the pair of humans.

"Alone." She pressed.

It was so out of character for her, or at least it was these days, that America narrowed his gaze. She could practically see the thoughts whirling in his head. He likely thought she was in danger, for his attitude instantly turned serious.

"Of course," he agreed readily, "please excuse us?"

"Go right ahead, if that's okay with you?" The President questioned to the Prime Minister.

"Yes, go ahead." The Canadian official agreed.

Canada trembled slightly as she shoved herself away from the table. Her chair rolled a bit too far, but she didn't care in the slightest. America glanced at her curiously, and also with obvious concern.

"Right this way," he gestured formally, to the door that lead to another room. Smaller, but just as equally suited for business.

She nodded, scarcely able to trust herself to speak.


"Well," The President says, the moment the nations are out of ear shot. "That was awkward."

"Tell me about it," The Prime Minister responds causally. "She's been like that all morning."

"So, since I think we both know this was just an excuse for them to"

Its far from politically perfect, in fact some people would be down right scandalized. Especially when the Prime Minster agreed with knowing look.

"Why not? We have this meeting blocked off for another two hours."

"Excellent point. We'll need more beer. Hey, have you played this 'Pokémon Go!' game everyone is talking about?"


America is highly concerned by her outburst. It just isn't like her. She must have been threatened. Likely by the same characters as last time.

"Canada," he starts to assure her -because he will protect her with everything in his vast arsenal, because he'd waltz through the fires of hell if it meant she'd be safe-, because the agitated movements are so clearly visible.

"America!" She says louder than his normal volume. As if she needs him to hear her in a crowded room, though its only the two of them.

The blush on her cheeks is distracting. As is the way she stares at him as if her entire future hangs in the balance.

America knows he is a weak man. Anything she needs, he will give her.

Anything at all.

"Yes?" He draws back at the sound of her near-shout. His gaze searches her face, and Canada looks near tears again.

"There is something I need to tell you," she says trying not to look at the ground the whole time.

He can tell she's scared, and it brings his need to protect her further to life. He'll fight it away. Whatever it is. He'll chase the bag guys into the dirt and make sure they never scare her again. And, he would take every speck of blame the world might cast. All of it.

"What is it?" His tone bordered on urgent.

Violet eyes are wide and they shine brighter than anything the sky could hope to produce, as she whispers three words that he has been waiting over 300 years to hear.

"I love you."

It was so unexpected, that America believes that he has hallucinated for a moment.

"I'm sorry," he starts, and watches in mystification as Canada's expression crumples.

"What did you say?"

She blinks, and a single crystaline tear carves a path down her cheek.

"What?" She questions slightly hoarsely.

"What?" America repeats growing more confused and startled with each passing heartbeat. "What did you say?"

Canada's brow furrows and she stares at him for a long moment.

"I love you." The words are a whisper this time, and the male nation strains to hear it. Yet, he does. However, it is doesn't seem to make sense to him, what she is saying.

It wasn't possible.


Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

He swallowed heavily, unable to tear his gaze from her.


She said it.

Canada was close to hyperventilating. But, she had said it. She had been forward and told him in simple English. There was no way to mistake her. Yet, America was still as a statue and he was only staring at her.

As if he couldn't believe her words.

"I love you." She repeated as she took a step closer toward him.

Still, he did not move.

Canada needed him to respond. she'd just poured her heart out to him, and he wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't he talking? Tears stung her eyes, as she fought with the thousands of voices of doubt screaming in her head that she'd just ruined everything.

No. America loved her.

He'd told her that he did.

She clenched her jaw as hot and salty liquid spilled from her eyes, unchecked.

"America?" The Northern nation questioned with obvious hesitation. Her hand reached for him, she cupped his cheek with her cold hand.

His hand came up, startling her as he pressed her skin against his more firmly. His blue eyes slid closed, and she could see the strained look that crossed his face.

"Please, Canada," he said gently, "don't toy with me like this."

For a moment she stopped breathing.

Toy with him?

She was perfectly sincere. Why wouldn't he believe her?

It did not escape her notice that he still held her hand to his cheek. As if he could not bare to let her go.