Blank Canvas

Chapter 2

Seattle turned cooler as people moved through the door of an old distribution building that was renovated with new aesthetics and turned into an art and music studio. Bella had bought it on a whim as a surprise for Edward with her money that she got back from Renee. He was surprised. They quickly moved all of his art supplies and canvas's out of their home.

It became a sanctuary for them, of sorts. Large walls were replaced with stained glass windows that the neighborhood kids created themselves as large amounts of plants were brought in to curb the ethers of paint and the thinners. It also helped they had a botany program for adults and children, and a garden out on the plot of ground in the back. Locals often tended to it, sharing the produce with those in need.

Tinkling of notes filled the space from the grand piano in the center of the space. Its glossy obsidian shine was in stark contrast to its rustic, lush surroundings. Large canvas's draped over the walls and dangled precariously on their thin wires and swayed slightly with the drafts through the windows. Several handfuls of pictures that were blown up to life size scale graced the walls of the space. Artists and their muses, musicians, patrons, and a handful of celebrities milled around the room waiting for the silent auction to start. All proceeds were going back to the center to provide after school programs for local children interested in art and music as well as other studies. They were already hoping to reserve the top story and roof for an aerospace program, eventually.

They would also have funding for scholarships, if this event went well.

Bella stared at the hinted silhouette of her body, trying to accept the pictures as art and not to self-criticize her perceived flaws.

She couldn't help but think about how far they had come as she fidgeted with the ring on her left hand.

It had been quite a year since she was thrusted into Edward and his family's life, but she never regretted a second of it. They had helped her more than anyone had before and she felt indebted to them, though they would never take anything monetarily once Bella got her money back.

"Make my son happy… and maybe give me a grandbaby," Esme laughed the day Bella handed her a check for her services though it was refused. "Not necessarily this second on the baby part but eventually."

Bella nodded tearfully as she watched Esme tear up the check. She had stayed with Edward, finding sanctuary with him, his home, and his family. They all became her family on a warm summer day on a large house boat in the middle of Crescent Lake.

She enjoyed the time off, watching Edward create his music and art. It was exactly the calm she needed from being in a lifetime of storms.

Charlie and Sue even came to the house, though they kept quiet of all things pertaining to Renee.

Bella remembered the last time she saw Renee.

Renee sat outside the courtroom in a dark dress as if she was ready to read the last will of someone close. She had a smirk over her face as her hands lay idly over the files in her lap. She was waiting for her lawyer and actively trying to avoid looking at Bella where they sat across the hallway from her.

Bella tried to avoid her mother's glare each time it hit her. She knew it was meant to intimidate her and she did her best not to react.

They had quite a team with them with Edward, their lawyers, and witnesses but Rosalie Hale-McCarty showing up with her own team of lawyers was the biggest surprise to Renee Dwyer. They also had several private investigators show up, looking sharp in their suits and thus confusing Renee on who they could possibly be.

Bella's lawyer grinned when he reached his client, grabbing up her hand to shake it as she graciously greeted him. The new lawyer, Garrett Stone, had replaced Esme yet she was still quietly on their legal team.

"Fine day isn't it?" He grinned like a Cheshire cat as his piercing blue eyes darted toward Renee. Bella nodded, thankful for the distraction and that he was on time whereas Renee's was so far a no-show, as was her husband, Phil.

Edward stood and greeted the lawyer before he sat back down next to Bella. His tattoos were covered within his sharp suit; his hair was hair styled with only a few rebel hairs. Edward laughed at a seemingly funny joke that Bella missed.

The Cullen's came in like a wall of bodies that finally shielded Bella from Renee's glare, standing tall and protective as a show of unwavering support.

It was overwhelming.

Renee's cell rang and she was quick to answer it, skirting away quickly with a look of abject horror.

"Wonder what that was about?" Edward whispered in Bella's ear.

Bella watched her mother run off and shrugged. She couldn't help the slight frown before Edward gave her a quick nudge to break the tension.

It had been a tough few months since Renee had found out that Bella knew she had taken everything.

Their relationship wasn't something that was fixable, either, not that Renee even tried.

Renee did, however, try to blackmail Bella into submission but with the help of her new family and friends she wasn't successful.

This led to their court date.

Renee walked back into the room glaring at Bella as she tapped at her phone in a hurried text.

"Is that Phil?" Esme leaned forward and whispered to Bella.

Leaning slightly, Bella could see the familiar silhouette of her stepfather and gave a curt nod before moving back into place.

Tension was through the roof.

"Swan vs Dwyer," was called loudly and people started stirring to grab their belongings to follow into the courtroom.

A small man who looked to be about a hundred years old sat in a chair around a large table in a large room. He watched as the people piled into the space, filling it easily as more chairs were brought in. Garret sat next to the judge, then Esme, Bella, Edward, and flanked Rosalie.

No one but Renee sat on her side of the table. Her husband sat in the empty seats that lined the walls of the room.

"I take it the Defense is without present council?" He looked at Renee with a bit of disdain waiting for her to acknowledge the truth.

"Yes, your honor." Renee spat angrily.

The judge looked at a woman typing quickly in the corner of the room.

"Defense council is hereby held in contempt of court with a $5000.00 fine."

Renee's mouth puckered.


Garrett stood up then and presented the case to the judge.

Bella watched as he stood there confidently and provided copies of evidence of bank statements, copied checks, and other paper items that the private investigators had managed to dig up. But it was what he did quietly that had Bella's curiosity. He had opened a large book with an index card seemingly holding its place in front of the judge but on their side there was name of a woman, another person Renee was suspected of stealing her identity. When Renee looked at the card she visibly paled.

Bella didn't know the woman, nor did she really care what it pertained to, but it did its job of intimidation.

The door thrusted open about an hour into the case and Renee's lawyer quickly moved through the space and slid into the chair next to her, but it was too late. He frowned when he learned of the fine he incurred; no doubt he'd try to add it to Renee's bill.

He looked seedy, his dark eyes and slicked back hair was so glossy that it reflected the overhead lights. The judge called for a 15 minute recess for the lawyer to be brought to speed on the case so far.

Once they came back to the courtroom, the air seemed to have shifted. More information was presented. Bella's transcript was offered, as well as one from Renee. The judge listened as both lawyers took their time to question everyone.

Renee's lawyer seemed to be a rat in a suit as he claimed that Bella was inept, which is why his client had to take over the finances when she misused the funds. That it was all was done with Isabella's knowledge and for the best interest at heart for Renee's daughter. He further explained that his client made sure Bella was provided for, had all needs met, provided jobs for her and income and made sure Bella was able to do her job without any previous complaint to Renee from Bella herself.

That was until Bella was brainwashed by the Cullen's during the paid photoshoot that Renee hired them to do.

He claimed the Cullen's had seen Isabella as someone they could exploit and wanted her money for themselves. They were using Bella's sensitive mental state and provided a faux love interest to manipulate her further.

Edward saw Bella's shoulders sag minutely. He squeezed Bella's hand, showing her he was there with her and it was just enough of support for her to square her shoulders to remain strong.

Renee further claimed that Bella be committed for evaluation in a psychiatric facility and that Power of Attorney for Bella's medical and finances to be reinstated.

Bella watched in horror as Renee's lawyer provided signed and notarized copies of Power of Attorney over her to the judge.

Garrett motioned for the evidence be dismissed as they were clearly forged. He then provided multiple documents where Bella's signature was forged by Renee, which matched the POW documents. He then provided a card to Bella and had her sign all variations of signatures of her name for the judge's discernment.

Bella stayed strong, seemingly unmoving to whatever item Renee's lawyer casted her way.

When all evidence and testimony was exhausted the judge called for an adjournment as he reviewed the evidence provided. They took a two hour break, heading towards a local restaurant, though they didn't seem to want to eat.

When they returned, everyone stood and watched as the judge made his way back into his chair, holding a transcript in his hand and a timeline of events in the other. He looked around the room at each person in the space, no doubt measuring them all up as only the way a seasoned judge could do.

"I'm always surprised on the amount of pain one person could do to another, especially when that person is their child." The judge said quietly but forcefully. "As a parent and a civil and family court judge I have seen the very best of humanity stripped away by forces out of their control and seen people destroy themselves and others that were entrusted in their influential care. I've seen their children suffer in the hands of their parents' blind destruction and this case is no exception."

Bella swallowed, her throat constricted as he looked over to Bella and then to Renee.

"Though, you're daughter hasn't been a child for a long time, she has suffered greatly in your wrath. I've never seen such a pathological stream of destruction meant to harm, disparage, control, and manipulate another human that you claim to love and have in your best interest- as you have, Mrs. Dwyer."

Renee sneered a bit before she caught herself but the judge saw it and shook his head in disappointment.

The bailiff moved from his spot and stood behind Renee, making her fidget.

"Judgement is in favor of the Plaintiff, Miss Swan."

She nodded but remained in her seat.

A man came forward who was standing at the door. He didn't look familiar.

"District Attorney Ben Sheppard, right on time." The judge leveled Renee's lawyer with a glare. "It's been presented adequately to the court by the Plaintiff's council that there is enough unprejudiced evidence of crimes committed by Mrs. Dwyer to warrant her arrest. District attorney Sheppard…"

The words of the judge droned on as Bella watched as Renee was made to rise and the officer seemed to reading her rights as handcuffs were put on. She didn't look in Bella's direction at all as she stood there facing the judge. Her face was a mask of shock and anger.

"Mrs. Dwyer will be arraigned following adjournment. As her council, are you willing to represent her?"

Renee's lawyer nodded.

He slammed the gavel over the wood block adjourning court and gave Bella a soft smile. "You have a new life now. Use it well."

Phil left quietly, leaving his wife there with her lawyer.

"Stop thinking about whatever you're thinking about and smile." Edward whispered in her ear.

Bella smiled brightly, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"Were you hoping she would be here?" He turned Bella to face him and watched her features twist with each emotion.

"It's easy to say no that I don't really want her here, that I would dread her being here- but the little kid in me with unwavering faith, even with her mother's unrequited love- still wishes she could be different... could change."

"People can't give you what they don't have." Edward frowned.

"I know." She did know and she knew Renee hadn't changed.

It got worse for Renee and the restraining order only did so much to help Bella when Renee vehemently denied the charges and tried to bully Bella into dropping them. It wasn't for Bella to drop, though and Renee had to know that on some level. After Renee's no contest pleato the charges filed by the court, she paid a hefty fine in lieu of jail time and twisted the events around to suit herself in the eyes of the media.

Bella still worked on certain projects that weren't associated with her mother as did Rosalie Hale. But roles were slow coming and both had taken that in stride until things calmed down.

Eventually, it was as if Bella never existed to Renee Dwyer.

She went on to make two other movies, which were due out in the spring and summer but neither had the backing she once had with Isabella, Rosalie, and Phil in her pocket.

Phil divorced Renee and quickly remarried a woman half his age. There wasn't much animosity between him and Bella or Rosalie. He had sent a letter claiming little to no knowledge of the extent of Renee's deception and crimes and apologized for not being more present on the financial side of the relationship to notice.

He vowed to do better by her if Bella would let him.

"But that mother adores you," Edward pointed to Esme. "Absolutely adores you, as do I."

Swallowing the thickness of emotions, Bella nodded. "I love her, too. I love you, more."

"And she or he will love you." He placed his hand over the small but round bump.

A tear escaped and Edward quickly caught it on his finger and put it to his lips.

Bella scoffed, grinning. "You are so weird."

"But it made you smile." Edward shrugged, pulling her into his arms. "Let's go see some art and eat some food."


A/N: Sorry for the wait. It's unedited and I've sat on it for too long not knowing where I wanted to go with it. Since then I had a book published and then retired, moved twice, survived a hurricane and tornado, been a featured artist in several art shows and more to come and have been concentrating on my art career than writing. I'm thinking about publishing again when the stories are ready.

Also, I'm not a lawyer or have any part other than personal experience in the two court trials I was a part of so if I got some of it wrong overlook it or PM me on what to fix. This part of the story is fiction but based on real, personal life events and the trial was in a similar room, but not a court room. Renee Dwyer in this story is based on a real person doing very similar things to her child but with child custody and she was arrested in court. We won that case. I will never forget that judge. He said, "You have a new life now, use it well." The kiddo did.
I hope this story finds you well.

There will probably be an epilogue if you all would like one.