I own nothing... except for the cover image


Perched on her bed with laptop in hand, a young crazed fanfiction writer had a plan... A plan that would send countries into a month of living hell... A plan that would change good old Uncle Sam into lady liberty- solely for the purpose of her messed up entertainment...

Alfred winced at the harsh sunlight on his face. Blearily opening his eyes, he lazily glanced at the clock.

"Oh my lord it's noon... That's way too early..."

America slumped back in bed and pulled his superman covers over his head to block out the light from his window.

"...that's better…" he mumbled.

Before he could drift off to sleep again, he heard the Star-Spangled Banner blasting from his phone.

"Godammit who is it?" He complained as he blindly reached for the phone. After a few missed tries, he punched the answer button.

"Hello? This is your hero speaking," Alfred answered as he winced at his voice. Even though it was lowered because of the scratchiness in his throat, it seemed... Higher somehow.

"AMERICA! You are late again! Can't you be on time or prepared for one bloody meeting? Remember? It's January 28th? THE WORLD CONFERENCE?" Britain ranted over the phone.

"What?... That's today?" America sat up half dazed.

"Yes, you incompetent idiot. And you're the host at the UN building. Do I need to tell you where that is too?"

"Ohhh. That meeting. Whoops, sorry Iggy!"

"Yes, you bloody wanker! And stop calling me that! I'm United bloody Kingdom!* Good lord, I told you to be more punctual! I taught you better than this! Keep a calendar or an alarm, for Merlin's sake! What happened to-" England's rant was cut off by America hanging up to get ready. He jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, shivering at the coldness of the tile floor.

Brushing his teeth and cleaning up at a record speed, her eyes were too hazy from drowsiness to look in her bathroom mirror. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the spangled nation passes by a mirror as he threw on his jacket, conveniently missing the fact that Florida was absent and he gained two sizable mounds on his? her? Chest.

Slamming the apartment door open, he? she? Called after Tony.

"Bye Tony! Gotta go the meeting- sorry we can't have that movie marathon we planned!"

"...fcking...fcking..." Was the little alien's only reply. America slammed the door closed and started his? her? car, leaving Texas still on top of his? her? alarm clock.

At the world conference room, the nations of the world were becoming restless.

"Where is America? Is he almost here?" Germany asked England.

"He's probably getting ready...hopefully..." Britain sighed.

"Can we start already? Hamburger bastard is probably sleeping. I left my pasta on the stove for this~" Romano pouted angrily. Spain nearly squealed as he wrapped Romano in a bear hug. His Romano was so adorable!

"Get off me you tomato bastard! Ugh, this is horrible! I hate you all!" Romano complained.

"Ve~ fratello! It's ok I will make you some new pasta afterwards! Germany, you'll help too- right?" Italy asked, blindly cheerful as ever.

"Err- right." Germany lied uncertainly.

"How can America be late? This is in his own country. I am so confused-aru." China questioned.

"It's alright. Even after all these years, western culture still evades me." Japan replied in his monotonous voice.

"America is just being fashionably late, no?" France commented, flipping his hair. "I do that on purpose sometimes!"

"Shut up, you froggy bastard, I don't need to hear your annoying voice. I already have a migraine." England closed his eyes as he pinched his forehead. Just as France opened his mouth to insult England, the door opened loudly. The noise reverberated through the large room, as a loud boisterous voice rang out.

"Aw- do you want me to kiss it better little old man?" America smirked. Most of the nations didn't even look up to know that it was indeed America. His voice did sound a bit off though, some thought.

"No you bloody- WHAT THE..?" England was the first one to notice.

Everyone whipped their heads to see what caused the angry British man surprise. By now, the world'a attention was on 'America'. Cross that out- A loud blonde chick wearing America's bomber jacket.

After a few awkward seconds of silence, England broke it. "What the- who the bloody hell are you?!" England nearly screamed.

"…That's America…" Canada replied softly. As usual, no one really noticed him. (Poor Canada.)

"Honhonhon! Angleterre, do not be rude to this lady! I do not care who you are! You are a very pretty little belle, no?" France eyed America up and down.

Alfred had retained most of his previous height, probably a centimeter or two shorter. Her hair grew and fell in ringlets and reached just past her shoulders. Nantucket stood up proudly above her bangs which covered most of her brow. All the "fat" America seemed to gain from eating unhealthy food was curves. Texas was not sitting on her nose- as she forgot to put it on in the hurry that morning. She still had blue eyes and a permanent light blush on her cheeks.

"What the- dude, did you just call me a pretty chick?!" America yelled, insulted. (Note: America still does not know he's a female.)

"What do you mean mis amour?" France raised an eyebrow. "Are you denying your beauty to me? It's ok, I know you're awed by my beautiful visage in which yours cannot compare to~ but of course, you make a stunning opponent. Honhonhon- Why not discuss this over lunch? And then at my hotel~ and then in my bedr-"

"You're probably scarring her for life, wanker!" England yelled at France.

"France, stop hitting on the girl -aru." China scolded as he pulled France's ear.

America sweat dropped and backed away slightly, very puzzled, and very grossed out.

Japan just quietly snapped pictures of the unusual scene taking place.

"Ve~! Look Germany, a random pretty lady is wearing America's jacket just walked into our meeting room!" Italy exclaimed.

"Yes, I can see that Italy.." Germany sighed in exasperation.

"Da. Vill you take America's place instead? I have decided I like you much better than that annoying and very loud creature." Russia said with a gleaming eye.

"What! Hey! He is- I am- not annoying!" America spluttered. She was very confused… she WAS America, and she was NOT a girl! Why did the other nations treat her so differently today?

"Ooh! Are you America's girlfriend? You ARE wearing his clothing. Though he has questionable fashion choices, it still looks very nice on you~" France winked.

"What?!" America's face turned red. "Why would I date mys-"

"QUIET! Who are you and vhy are you here?" Germany interrogated.

"Wtf dude, I'm America! The real question is why are y'all calling me a girl." America retorted. "And why the hell are y'all looking at me like that. I mean, I know the hero is pretty awesome, but you're really really creeping me out…" Especially France, America added as an afterthought.

England was stunned. Wait a minute. THAT was America?

"…I tried to tell you guys that was America…" Canada muttered quietly. He silently sank into his chair, depressed.



"Why did-"

"Turn him back-"


"You bloody idiot you just hit on-"

"Ve~ I don't get it Germany! Who is the random girl wearing America's clothes again?"

Germany just looked to the heavens in midst of the chaos, his expression screaming 'why me?'.

Japan took America's hands. "America-san, this is wonderful! You can cosplay with me and fangirl with me and I have decided to make new gender bending mangas!" Japan spouted with excitement in his eyes.

"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about but sure, bro!" America yelled back equally pumped.

England was shocked, but admittedly proud that his colony became such a fetching young lady, even though she was still quite rude. Then, he realized France was hitting on his charge and glared at the frog. If looks could kill, France would most certainly be a pile of ash and roses.

Hungary buzzed in excitement, her bright eyes wide as she rapidly scribbled fan fiction and doujinshi about the new gender bender. She still wished that her ship could have become canon through yaoi, but now that America was a girl, she thought there was a better chance. Maybe… just maybe… She snickered darkly, scaring Austria, who unfortunately was sitting next to her. Japan looked over her shoulder to see what she was writing and nodded in approval.

Romano rolled his eyes- finally the meeting could start!

Germany just got progressively angrier.

Greece, as usual, slept through the chaos.

America, still throughly confused, inspected her uniform from head to toe finding nothing wrong.

Hold up-

Were those girl parts? And hips?

As she was looking down, her hair fell in front of her face. Lifting a ringlet of hair with hand, she concluded that it was most certainly longer than before. Was she really?

"WHAT the FU-" Switzerland covered Liechtenstein's ears.

"I'M A CHICK?!" America yelled, her higher voice turning it into a shriek.

"Wait, you're telling me you didn't know?!" England shrieked equally high. (In a very manly way, of course.)

"You a dumbass -aru." China sniffed.

"I'm surrounded by idiots…" Germany sighed.

In this shocking revelation, she didn't notice France sneaking up from behind, and neither did the world.

France had a plan. He loved seeing England get all riled up and wanted to meet this new America. If he touched America, England would surely blow a fuse and he could get closer to America! It was foolproof. He would get his way either way.

Expertly, France slid his hands under her bomber jacket, one hand groping her chest and the other on her ass.

"It's ok Amerika, we shall be a forbidden love honhonhonhonhon…" France chuckled in her ear, side glancing to watch for a reaction from his rival.

America's brain barely seemed to process what was happening- from being turned into a girl and being felt up by France.

Switzerland covered Liechtenstein's eyes and glared at the nation.

Ungrateful or not, England did not want his former colony to get molested, especially by his nemesis.

"Oi! Geroff you bloody molesting pedo frog!" England yelled, moving to choke France. France grinned.

"!" America snapped out of her trance and grabbed France's hands, spinning around before promptly flinging him out the window on the other side of the room. The glass shattered as France sailed out.

Everyone heard a pained groan from outside and peered out the windows to see France laying in a rose bush, looking magnificent against the roses even in pain.

"Sorry France! My bad!" America yelled down.

"VHY can we never have a peaceful, NORMAL meeting?!" Germany yelled in frustration. "Everybody, sit DOWN! You sit, you sit, and YOU sit. YOU!" Germany pointed at France. France looked up in alarm. "Stop being such a pervert and get UP HERE!"

Should I continue this story? Should I do a pairing? Which one? I really hope my first story was ok!

*"I'm United bloody Kingdom!" Haha. One of my favorite Hetalia clips.

If you have an opinion on the romance in this story and want to express it, I have a poll up!

Any ideas on how this story should continue from here are openly welcomed! Thank you for your support!