Okkayy guys! This is officially the last chapter ever of "Do not speak to me of Dragonfire"

If you are reading this, thank you SO MUCH! Thank you for your support and your kind words! You have no idea how much it means to me ^_^

Peredhel: awwww I'm so glad you liked the ending! I was actually kind of worried about it ^_^ hannon le!

Me: THANK you so much! So glad you liked this! It's so sweet of you to say I'm a good author ^O^, I'm glad you liked this one! I have a lot of future stories planned...too much to keep track of *laughs* I hope you'll like them too ^^

kei: thank you! So glad you liked it! And I'm happy you like Celeberyn too ^^ (he sends his thanks) I'm actually quite surprised at how accepted he is. it makes me happy though ^O^

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything... T^T

Note: This epilogue happens many many years after the last chapter, so Legolas is a grown warrior. And if you find anything strange in here...*koff**koff* like the fate of Cel, for example...it's because my plot bunnies have gone crazy and there are stories that happened inbetween chapter 12 of Dragonfire and this epilogue here...(am I confusing you? Sorry!)

IMPORTANT: Okay, so this is the scene between Thorin and Thranduil in DOS, with Legolas too, of course. Most of their dialogue is strictly movie-verse. But I would like to say, that I am not HATING on Thorin! In fact, I think people hate on Thranduil way more. I am just trying to emphasize the pain our Elvenking has gone through, and how most people don't know about it...I have mixed components of movie-Thranduil and book-Thranduil (though I personally like book-Thranduil more ^^) If you feel like you don't like reading things that talk about how elves hate dwarves and all that, you might not want to read this epilogue. But I promise this is all necessary.

Still here?



Thranduil was confused. The Elvenking sat back in his throne, watching as a group of armed warriors approached him towing a small crowd of itty-bitty strangers. There were never many travelers in Mirkwood, and definitely not….dwarves. He leaned forward a little, interested to know what they were doing in his land.

As the king watched, a warrior broke away from the group and bounced lightly up to him, grinning that elfling smile that always brightened Thranduil's day. The warrior was tall, dressed in green and brown with golden hair cascading over armored shoulders and a strong bow that when wielded, could destroy anything in its path. But what the king loved the most were his eyes. Beautiful, clear blue eyes that always showed a flash of mischief and were full of joy.

The warrior grinned and kissed Thranduil on the cheek. "Ada, I'm back, and no injuries, see? I promise I'm not hiding anything."

Thranduil looked his son over and nodded with satisfaction. "Good. You're getting better, Legolas. This is the fifth patrol in a row that you haven't come back to me half dead!"

Legolas crouched down next to his father, eyes wide. "I'm sorry Ada! I don't plan on getting hurt, I swear! It's just that…"

"That you are too selfless and stubborn."

The prince offered his father a crooked grin. "Well….I believe I have you to blame for my stubbornness…"

Thranduil sighed. "Legolas, you will be the death of me someday. Ever since you were an elfling…"

"No Ada, please don't say that…..especially not after….." The prince shook his head, unable to continue.

Thranduil smiled weakly, redirecting his attention to the strangers approaching. "So, who has been wandering around in our forest?"

Legolas looked towards the dwarves with a slight frown. "It's Thorin Oakenshield and his company consisting of thirteen dwarves."

Thorin Oakenshield? Thranduil raised an eyebrow in surprise. "What business do they have?"

"We don't know. But they hold swords forged by the high elves."

"Oh? Interesting…."

The king and prince of Mirkwood watched as the patrol shoved the dwarves forward, bowing to Thranduil and glaring at the short creatures. The dwarves looked up and scowled with dark glares that could have melted any other king. Thranduil stared back coolly with a whirlwind of emotions stirring in his mind. What were they doing? How long had they been here? They better not be causing trouble in the villages…

Among the dwarves was one that seemed more powerful then the rest, with dark hair and an intense look in his eyes. "Thorin Oakenshield. What business do you and your company have in my lands?" Thranduil asked calmly.

The dwarf king merely scowled at him and said nothing.

Well, they have been trespassing in our forest, and the penalty for that is… Thranduil waved his hand at the patrol, gesturing for them to take the company away. "To the dungeon. Make sure they have food and water. As for Thorin, I will speak to him separately."

Thranduil was already being extremely kind to the dwarves, and he wasn't to blame for his distrustful behavior. After an incident many years ago, Mirkwood had grown distrustful of strangers and even more protective of their king.

The dwarves weren't very happy about getting separated - kicking and cursing in Khuzdul as the patrol dragged them away. Thorin stood alone in front of Thranduil, silent and steaming with rage.

"If you do anything to them, I will – "

Thranduil waved his hand dismissively. "I won't. they'll be well treated. Or, as well as you might expect from a dungeon." The king stood and descended the steps of his throne, feeling that maybe if he stood eye level, the dwarf would be more inclined to talk. Legolas settled himself on the side of his father's throne, eyeing Thorin warily and hoping that everything would go smoothly.

"So," Thranduil started. "What business do you have in my lands?"

A glare. That was at least a response.

"Well, I know why you have come." This was partly true. The Elvenking had a good guess as to what they were doing. "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to claim a homeland….and slay a dragon." Dragon. The word rang painfully in Thranduil's mind, threatening to break him down. But the king just held a slight smile on his face as he continued.

"I myself suspect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary. Or something of that ilk." The king stared at Thorin's stone cold eyes. "You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. The King's Jewel. The Arkenstone." Thranduil had heard a great deal about that stone, and he knew how important it was to the dwarf king.

"It is precious to you beyond measure." Like mithril is to me. "I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems, of pure starlight." The ones that his wife used to love. She claimed they were almost beautiful as the stars themselves, and Thranduil made it his mission to get her some. Now that she was gone, there was nothing more the king wanted then mithril, to remind him of her unmatchable beauty.

"I offer you my help." The king never really loved dwarves, but he also knew what it was like to face a dragon, and how it felt to be opposed by everyone. The dwarf standing in front of him was a king, and Thranduil knew what it was like to be driven from your own kingdom. He really did want to help.

Thorin smirked slightly, looking up at the Elvenking with a cool stare. "I am listening."

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine." Thranduil replied. He desperately wished he could get the gems for his wife, even if she were no longer here with him. But I know she will love them.

Thorin fixed Thranduil with a glare as he slowly turned around, taking slow paces away from the throne. "A favor for a favor."

"You have my word." Promise. "One king to another."

The dwarf king froze in his tracks with his back to Thranduil. When his voice rose, it was cold as the Misty Mountains themselves. "I would not trust Thranduil the great king to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us!"

The Elvenking froze in horror and rage as the dwarf's words grated over him harshly. Does he not understand how important keeping my word is to me?

He is still angry that I didn't help him…..Thranduil felt a cold frost spreading over his body. People could laugh at him, they could mock him. But they couldn't doubt his dedication to his people. No. There was nothing the king cared more then his family and his kingdom.

The day that Erebor fell, Thranduil could have helped the dwarves. But he had remembered all the elven families in his kingdom that had lost warriors to battle. How broken and hopeless they were. And he didn't want that to happen. So that day, he turned his elk around. To save his people.

But the Elvenking knew no one would understand…

Thorin whipped around, pointing an accusing finger at Thranduil. "You, who lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once. Starving, homeless, seeking your help. But you turned your back! You turned away from the suffering of my people, and the inferno that destroyed us! Imrid amrad ursu!"

Those words.

Thranduil's mind went blank with rage. Black filled the vision of his right eye. You who lack all honor…..turned your back….the inferno….imrid amrad ursu…..No. The dwarf king knew nothing. Nothing!

The king was immediately sucked back to that awful day when Mirkwood nearly fell to those cursed serpents. He remembered the fire consuming him. Remembered sending Legolas away. Remembered Argeleb reporting the elfling dead. Remembered his entire world collapsing, the great pain in his heart. He remembered the pure darkness that was his future.

You cannot say this. No. you have no right. Imrid amrad ursu…Thranduil knew some dwarvish, enough to understand those words. No.

I have already died once. What else do you want from me?! Intense pain suddenly seized Thranduil's heart and squeezed as if trying to kill him.

When Legolas heard the dwarf king's words, he leapt up from where he was, glaring at Thorin with his mouth wide open in horror.

"You….!" The prince's words died in his throat. He couldn't express his swirling emotions in any way. Or rather, no words could do him justice. Legolas only knew that no one had the right to speak to his father in such a way. He too immediately remembered that day…and how he thought Thranduil was dead, lying on the bed with bandages criss crossing the entire left side of his body and his right eye closed.

The prince remembered how long it took his father to get accustomed to having a blind left eye, and how long it took for his brain to fully heal. He remembered how long it was before Thranduil stopped having horrible flashbacks. Remembered how he always held his father in his arms to assure him his little green leaf was still alive. He remembered the tears, the pain, the horror that shone so evidently in Thranduil's clear blue eye. And those horrible scars that still lingered.

Imrid amrad ursu. Legolas also knew what those three words meant, and his vision went dark with rage. No. how could you?! How could you say that to Ada? Not after all that he's gone through. Not after…

Rage blinded Thranduil, and he felt the magic covering his scars slowly start to weaken. The magic did that sometimes, when the king's emotions swirled out of control. If he was thinking clearly, he would have forced himself to calm down. But Thranduil wasn't thinking clearly, and before he knew what was happening, he was staring deep into Thorin Oakenshield's dark eyes. "Do not talk to me of dragonfire!" He hissed. "I know its wrath and ruin! I have faced the great serpents of the North!"

The king realized his mistake. He felt his magic receding from his skin like melting frost, pulling back to reveal the scars on his face and his blind left eye.

Legolas was still paralyzed in horror, and after seeing his father's scars surface, he hurried down the steps of the throne and towards Thranduil, trying not to explode in fury at Thorin Oakenshield.

When the king sensed his son's presence, his mind managed to calm down, and he pulled back to his throne as the magic reapplied itself perfectly to cover the left side of his face. Thranduil turned to Thorin, struggling to stay in control as he said, "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon. But he would not listen. You are just like him." The Elvenking slowly treaded back up the steps of his throne and waved his hand. Instantly two warriors grabbed the dwarf king and started dragging him away from their king, furious that such words had come from the creature's mouth.

"Stay here if you will." Thranduil continued. "And rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I'm patient. I can wait."

Aredhel sure felt good when he shoved Thorin Oakenshield into the dungeon. He had been standing in the throne room as a guard, and when the dwarf king said those things to Thranduil…..well, let's just say that Thorin was lucky to have been sent to the dungeons.

However, the Elvenking still insisted the dwarf be given food and water, and made safe, which honestly made Aredhel furious. The warrior thought his king was just too merciful. If it were me, I wouldn't just throw him in the dungeon! I'd….

Aredhel pushed Thorin hard into the small-ish space, and slammed the door shut with a bang, locking it snuggly. No one speaks to king Thranduil like that. No one.

The warrior would never forget that day the dragons came…..in fact, the entire kingdom of Mirkwood would never forget it. But Aredhel especially. After the royal family had healed completely, the warrior continued to protect Legolas, quickly forming a tight friendship with him and strong bonds with the royal family. His own father having died in battle, Aredhel looked towards Thranduil as his king and father figure.

The warrior shot a dark glare at Thorin, silently letting him know how angry he was and how grateful the dwarf should be. Food and water! Valar, King Thranduil's kindness will be the death of him someday!

"Ada!" As soon as Thorin was dragged away and Thranduil sunk back into his throne, Legolas crouched down by his father, looking up at him with pained eyes. "Ada….don't listen to the dwarf king."

Thranduil smiled weakly and brushed the prince's cheek. "Hannon le…..I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"But I am worried. Ada, you haven't had a flashback since…." Legolas shook his head angrily. "Thorin Oakenshield," he muttered. "If you weren't a king, I would….Ada, you have too much mercy."

"Life is precious, green leaf. And the dwarves are all living creatures, are they not?"

"They are, but I really think you should throw them out. Or at least don't give them so much food…."

Thranduil smiled and kissed his son on the cheek. "Someday you will understand, ion nin. When you become king."

"Nuh-uh. You will only ever be the king of Mirkwood, Ada. And you're not going anywhere." Legolas cocked his head as he added, "The mithril. Is that because of nana?" The queen of the woodland realm had passed a short while after the little prince was born, so Legolas had no memory of her. He only knew that his father loved her deeply and wished nothing more then to bring her back.

"Yes." Thranduil replied quietly. "She loved them, claimed that they were like holding stars in your hand."

"Humph. Those greedy dwarves. Can't spare a few gems in their mountains of gold? Don't worry, Ada. I promise I'll get some mithril for you somehow." Legolas' heart was instantly filled with hate for dwarves. A deep, intense hate. Thorin Oakenshield. I despise you, your kin, your Company, the kin of your Company…..I swear if we ever cross paths again, you will regret your words today. I will never forgive you, not for all of eternity. You want to speak of dragons? You want to claim that you have suffered from dragonfire?

Let me tell you, Thorin Oakenshield, Legolas thought, steaming with rage. You will never know the extent of dragonfire. You have never experienced true pain, not the way my father has. You have not been scarred beyond repair, not as deep as my father. You will never speak such words to him again. How dare you say he lack honor! How dare you say Ada is a cold, unfeeling king?

There were many things Legolas could endure, but listening to people insult his father was not one of them. Thranduil had been misunderstood too much in his life.

The prince grinned at the king and sat next to him on the throne. "So, Ada. Aredhel's talking about how we need to tighten our patrols around the southern borders. There has been too much suspicious activity."

"If you are asking permission to go on more patrols, then the answer is no." Thranduil replied, fixing his son with a glare.

"But we need to protect the people….don't worry, I have Thalion and Aredhel. They wouldn't let anything happen to me for fear of feeling your wrath, even though I know you wouldn't do anything to them."

"Hm." The king snorted. "If they brought you back dead, I may not be responsible for my actions."

Legolas could sense the sheer pain underneath his father's words, and his heart shattered. "I'm sorry, Ada…I know what will cheer you up! How about a round of 'Mirkwood versus orcs'?"

Thranduil shook his head, smiling. "Green leaf, we haven't played that in centuries! And it won't be the same without…." The king's voice faded and his right eye suddenly flashed with unimaginable grief.

Legolas' heart constricted in agony when he thought of his older brother who had passed onto the Halls of Mandos not too long ago. Nothing was ever the same. In fact, the young prince had only just recovered from the sheer grief and brokenness that resulted. "That's why we have to play it." The prince whispered. "It'll just be like old times again, before that day the dragons came…." and our lives were changed forever.

"Alright." Thranduil smiled weakly. "My skills have probably been dulled even more, but I'll try my best."

Legolas grinned. "I bet you still can't beat me!"

"Oh we'll see about that."

The prince laughed and bounced down the steps of the throne with Thranduil following behind. Don't worry, Ada. Don't take Thorin's words to heart. And even if all of Arda stands against you, despises you, I will stand beside you.

For I have also felt the ruin of dragonfire, and no one has the right to speak to you of it. No one.


*phew* It's finally over guys! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this story! I'm so happy that so many of you have liked it! ^_^ *group hug with Thranduil, Legolas, and Cel*(they all send their many thanks)

As for my next stories...so I have entire armies of plot bunnies that are threatening me, but I'd like to know what kind of stories you guys would like to see...

Now that you've read the epilogue, you've come accross the part where I mention Cel's death. Yeah, that plot bunny is part of an army that's been attacking me for...months, actually (yeah, a LONG time!) It's actually kind of complicated, about traitors in Mirkwood and whatnot...however, it's really angsty and tragic...and I don't know if you guys like those stories - what do you think? (but I promise my stories always have happy endings! ^^)

I also have another huge plot bunny army that centers around Thranduil ascending the throne (it's really complicated) that I most likely will write very soon...

I can maybe possibly handle three stories at once, so what do you guys like? Legolas? Thranduil? Aragorn? Elladan? Elrohir? (I'm just in love with these guys, so... ^^) Friendship? Angst? Fluff? Adventure?

Anyway, so what's your opinion? Personally I have so many plot bunnies that I dont' know what to do...*laughs*

Note: I have GINORMOUS exams coming up mid-may, so there will probably be not much activity from me through the end of April and until the fifteenth of May. ^_^

Thank you so much for reading (especially if you're reading all this rambling! Sorry) ^^

Have an awesome day!
