This whole thing started when Bella came by to the house too early and everyone else had gone hunting except for me of course.

There I was playing videogames on my Xbox when I smell a human nearby and hear someone knock on the front door. Imagine my surprise when I open the door and see my favorite human. "Belly!" I yelled before giving her one of my world famous bear hugs.

"Hey Emmett!" she wheezed out then I finally let go of her. "You gotta lighten up on those hugs I still need to breath."

"Whatever Belly, I know my hugs are your favorite thing about coming here, Or maybe your second favorite thing if I include what you and Eddy do upstairs in his room." I joked. She elbowed me in the ribs and probably ending up hurting herself worse than me, but I just loved getting a reaction out of that girl.

"So where is everybody?" She asked walking past me and looking around the living room.

"Uhh out hunting like they usually are right now."

"What! But Alice told me to get here by 7."

"I think she meant 7 p.m." I said. Her face immediately turned a scarlet red as she realized her mistake.

"Oh my god, of course she meant 7p.m. what was I thinking? I'll come back later then." She tried to walk past me again out the front door but I blocked her.

"Well you already came this far annndddd I don't have anyone else to play video games with me so why don't you just stay?" I suggested excitedly.

"Hmm I don't know..." She said cautiously .

"Oh come oonnnnn, I'm bored and if you leave I'll be by myself for the next twelve hours." She still didn't look sure. "Do you really trust me without supervision for that long?" This last sentence must've convinced her because she immediately flopped down on the sofa, picked up a controller, and asked what game we'd be playing. I flopped down next to her as fast as I could and told her we're playing Halo.

We played for a couple of hours and I had to admit she was pretty good. She beat me about as many times as I beat her which was much better than Edward or Jasper could do. After her gaining another one of her victories she jumped up and started boasting again.

"In your face! I win! I win! I win!" She stuck out her tongue at me.

"And I thought I was the childish one."

"You're just saying that because you lost, bad." She said as she started doing her little victory dance which, as much as I hated to admit it, was pretty damn cute. "You ready to play again?"

"No, I'm done." I said putting my controller down on the floor.

"Wow, what a sore loser." She teased. I gave her a little fake snarl and tackled her on the floor. Her hands were pinned above her head and she couldn't stop laughing even as I tried to have on my best serious face.

"Take that back." I growled.

"Never!" She declared. I put my fangs down to her neck and I felt her breathing stop for a second. I got her now, I thought, I put a little pressure on her neck with my teeth just so I could get her adrenaline pumping even more, but before I put enough force to prick her skin I withdrew just slightly and placed a kiss there instead. "Ewwwwwww!" She screamed still laughing. She released one of her hands from my grip and wiped away where I kissed her. "That's even worse than you biting me." She joked.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. I lowered myself down to her neck again and kissed again and again leaving a trail up to her mouth but I stopped before I reached her lips.

"Oh very funny Emmett." Her giggling subsided some.

The sun must have just risen because a beam hit her face just right. It made her curls shine into different shades of brown and lit up her chocolate brown eyes into bits of amber and honey. I was reaching my limit.

"What if I'm not trying be funny?" I asked getting serious.

She let out a forced laugh. "Come on stop Em, stop joking."

I leaned in even closer to her face. "No you come one Bella. You seriously don't know how I feel about you?" Her smile completely faltered and I was trying to see if she understood the full meaning of my words.

"But Rosalie..."

"Rose knows how cute I think you are. Why else do you think she doesn't like you?" I started leaning in closer and closer to her face, and I could hear her heart beating faster. I stopped just an inch away from her face. Her breathing increased, her heart was fluttering, and her eyes were wide. She was scared, and I can't do that to her. I pulled back.

"Haha you thought I was being serious?" I said while trying to laugh it off. She looked confused for a second that smiled again. I thought that she must've been so relieved that I stopped but out of nowhere she lifted her head far enough up to place a kiss on my lips.

"If you're kidding, then I'm kidding too." She put her head back down on the ground and let out a small giggle. My mouth spread into the dumbest freaking smile, and I looked at the clock.

"Well then that means we have seven more hours to kid around." With these words I lowered my lips unto her and kissed her with all the passion I'd been building up since I first met her. I should've invited her over to play video games so much earlier.