Author's Note: Hello everyone! After nearly four years of hiatus I am back! Hope you enjoy.

June 27 1994

Dumbledore's Office, Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk reading through the first application for the head DADA teaching position. Of course, it was Severus Snape. Every year since Severus started teaching at Hogwarts he applied for the position. The man in question was currently standing in front of him ranting about how he would do nothing for a Potter.

"Albus you asked for the boy to be raised like a normal child now with Potter Sr. he will be even more of an arrogant fool than his father!" Albus could almost picture Severus stamping his feet like a child.

"Severus I understand how you feel on the matter, but James Potter has finished his mission which kept him from raising Harry. Here have a lemon drop. What I am about to tell you is only known by James Potter and myself." he picked up the jar and opened the lid offering it to Severus.

"And why may I ask would you trust Potter with something before me?" he spat angrily. "And this is no time for muggle candies."

"Severus calm yourself. You are usually short tempered, but ever since the beginning of June I have noticed a change." he took a lemon drop for himself popping it in his mouth.

"Fine, but get to your point of this, this meeting. With the Dark Lord returned to a temporary body by Malfoy and his gang I must manage my time."

"As you wish Severus. I have a lot to tell, but will try not to get sidetracked. I have always been honest in saying that James was on a mission to find ways to defeat Tom Riddle. Well, the key to his downfall is the destruction of dark magical objects called horcruxes. Are you familiar with the concept?" Severus nodded.

"I have read about them in books in some death eaters family libraries. I would have thought Hogwarts would have similar books in the restricted section, but it seems not."

"There once was Severus, but when I became headmaster I removed all books on them. No student should have access to magic as dark as the horcrux. I believe Tom Riddle learned to make them while he was in school here. I have proof through the diary that Harry Potter destroyed at the end of his second year. From what I was told water did nothing to Tom's diary, and was destroyed by being pierced by a basilisk fang. James has helped me collect some objects, and memories that contain information about his horcruxes." Dumbledore takes Snape into pensive and they go through a bunch of memories.

When they have return from the pensive Severus looks shocked. "You have memories of the dark lord through the majority of his life? What object have you and Potter Sr. found?"

"James has destroyed Tom's ancestors the Gaunts' ring. As you may have figured out he killed his uncle to get the ring. Luckily James did all the work. If I had I am afraid I would not be here today. We are in possession of Slytherin's locket, but have no way of destroying it. I believe Harry will need to open it with parseltongue, but that will need to wait. This time we were lucky that Tom was so far gone at the time. We had to travel to a cave from his youth as you saw, and it was highly protected. We found a note from Regulus Black, and we found the locket in Grimmauld Place which as you know is now our headquarters. Thanks to James's friendship with Mr. Sirius Black we were able to gain access to the property. James has found through his connections at Gringots bank that Hufflepuff's cup is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault. This was discovered in the fall of '93. We decided Bellatrix might be given a similar honor as Lucius. The events of the Chamber of Secrets last year helped us greatly. I know you and James Potter will never be friends, but Severus you must understand that if it were not for him it would take years longer to get where I am now in the quest to help the Potters defeat Tom."

"And you seriously believe we should trust the Potters to defeat the dark lord? A thirteen-year-old boy, and a fool prankster?" Severus was barely containing his frustration.

"Harry and James Potter have survived multiple confrontations with Tom already, and have unfinished business with him as you well know." Severus looked like he wanted to argue, but let Dumbledore continue. "Getting back to the objects there are others. The gringots goblins were unhappy to find a goblin made object tampered with dark magic, and destroyed it with their own stock of basilisk venom. Before Harry started Hogwarts James interviewed all the ghosts here to get information on Tom Riddle, and found out about the whereabouts of the diadem of Ravenclaw. The Grey Lady was able to lead him in the right direction. We have held out on the destruction of this one to introduce the concept to Harry. Now, in the memories we viewed I am sure you figured out that Tom was asking Horace Slughorn about the magical numbers in horcruxes. I believe he wanted to create sev." Dumbledore's blue eyes had no twinkle.

"You really believe the dark lord has created seven horcruxes? So far you have told me of five. What else has he tainted?" Dumbledore clenched his hands anxiously.

"I am sad to say that the other two horcruxes are living things. One, is a snake that he brought back from Albania. The other is even worse. Harry Potter's connection to Tom has concerned me since the beginning. I believe he is the seventh horcrux." As Dumbledore was speaking Severus spoke over him.

"What? And you have put him under the protection of muggles, and now the fool James Potter?!"

"Severus we must not make Tom's followers suspicious of Harry's connection. I have ideas on how to deal with it, but we must keep Harry alive until he is older in order to succeed." Severus looked distressed.

"The only child of hers is tainted by not only by Potter, but dare I say it even worse by the dark lord! Now what are you going to tell me?"

"Unfortunately Severus there is more, but please you must keep everything discussed here to yourself. I trust you with not only my life, but Harry's."

"As much as I hate his father, he is still Lily's son. I have never stopped loving her."

"I know. That is exactly why I have trusted you Severus."

"Great. I hope you are right in doing so. Now what else is there to know?"

"In a conversation I was having with Harry and his father yesterday we were trying to figure out how to keep Harry out of trouble during this school year. Harry seemed to think there were only ten Gryffindors in his year, and in every other house and year. He did not know of half the staff here either. Do you have any ideas?" Severus was shaking violently.

"It can't be." he whispered. "I can explain." he spoke at his normal speaking level again. "The dark lord wanted the fewest distractions as possible in his rise to power. He knew of my experience in spell creation, and had me come up with something. What the dark lord does not understand is having distractions, and seeing a lot is not always a bad thing. The spell affects every aspect of life. Potter must have gotten it passed on through the connection. In order for its removal there must be the castor, and another spell creator present. The only way to remove it from Potter Jr. is to close the connection between him and the dark lord. Otherwise the dark lord would find out about the connection, and my position."

"I do not see any other solution then to hold off on removing the spell, and continuing to concentrate on defeating Tom. James will understand the situation I'm sure. I did not want to do this, but I am going to have to have James work with me on training Harry earlier then planned." With that decided the two men went on to discuss Hogwarts business, and moved on with their day.

Meanwhile at the Weasleys

Ron Weasley had always been grateful for what his family could give him, but have was always self conscious. His best mate Harry Potter may have had to live with people who hated him, but now he was living with his father one of the most wealthy and influential men in the wizarding world. When Harry had said throughout the years his parents were dead Ron had always just figured that Harry meant that literally in his mother's case and figuratively for his father. Up until the past month Harry had thought that his father was literally dead and gone which really surprised Ron. Yesterday Harry seemed really happy, and hoped that would continue for his best mate. The problem for him was he did not know what would happen next. His mother now wanted him and his siblings to have nothing to do with Harry. All he could do was hope that his father, and maybe Percy could make his mother see sense.

"FREDERICK Gideon and George Fabienne Weasley get down here this instant!" Ron could hear his mother screaming from his bedroom and stood up abruptly, and ran downstairs.

Ron met up with Ginny on the first landing and found Ginny. "What's going on Gin?"

"Mum found more paperwork and prank materials for Fred and George's joke shop. Mum needs to wake up the twins are geniuses with pranks!"

"They really are even when they annoy me. They changed my room from the Cannons to the Tornado yesterday. Harry fixed it for me, and they somehow made it even better with the Cannons beating the Tornados! Even when they frustrate me to no end they end up doing something good!"

"That's nice Ron, but your Cannons wouldn't realistically beat the Tornados, but my Harpies may have a chance." Ginny said laughing. "What I really want is that broom from Harry. Mum has got to understand Harry was giving us that as a thank you. You may want to wait and play quidditch with Harry, but I might just try out for the gold team this year. I know it's family tradition to play on scarlet, but I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines."

"Good luck with that Gin, but let's go see if Dad is home maybe he can get through to Mum." the two youngest Weasleys went downstairs, and outside to find their dad in the shed working on some sort of muggle automobile.

"Dad that's not another car is it?" Ron asked eagerly.

"Nah it's a motorcycle. Hagrid got it through a friend of his and sent it to me a while back. He knew how much I missed the car. Whatever you do don't tell your mother." Mr. Weasley looked nervous while Ginny was now grinning like the twins when they were about to pull the greatest prank. Ron could tell his little sister had a plan.

"You know dad'" said Ginny, "Mum got pretty mad at Harry Potter yesterday."

"Yes, your mother told me he wanted to give the two of you and the twins top of the line broomsticks." Mr. Weasley said nervously not knowing where his daughter was going.

"Dad Harry has never done anything to bribe us all he wants is to thank us for being his friends, and isn't it too much to have us never talk to him again?" Ginny asked. "Dad Ron and I will keep your secret from Mum, but can you please talk to Mum? We don't care about the brooms but we will see Harry again at Hogwarts anyways." Ginny pointed out.

"You do have a good point. I will see what I can do. And you are definitely right as young as Harry may be a few weeks will not have changed Harry's morals." Mr. Weasley put an arm around his little girl. "Now come on kids lets go save Fred and George. Those two would never fit in at the ministry. They really should open a joke shop, and Molly is just wasting her time trying to stop them." the three Weasleys left the shed laughing about their chaotic family.

The Black Home Dundee, Scotland

After thirteen years of being in Azkaban Sirius Black was ready to be home. Not many people knew about his wife and children who shared the home. Aletha Black had been his beater partner in school, and they did not start seriously dating until he finished Hogwarts, and she had one year to go. She currently is a healer at Still. Mungos hospital. They got married in December of 1980. He did not find out until his children were born that his wife had become pregnant right before he went to Azkaban. Meghan Lily, and Marcus James were now twelve-year-olds who just finished their first year at Hogwarts. Both parents were not surprised when they were sorted to Ravenclaw. One thing Sirius looked forward to, and worried about constantly was building a relationship with his children. They had exchanged the occasional letter while he was in Azkaban, but that did not give him much to go on. He had now visited the children three times to start. Now, Sirius was moving into the house full time with Letha and the kids, and they sat at the dinner table.

"Sirius." whispered Aletha. "You have nothing to worry about from the children. They know you are innocent, and want a relationship just as much as you do." Sirius sighed deeply the woman knew him too well reading his mind.

"Marcus your into Quidditch?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah he is, and he's been practicing all summer for the Ravenclaw team tryouts. he doesn't even want to prank Mama Letha with me anymore." Meghan pouted.

"Come on Meg you could try out too, and why prank Mum when we've got a brand new target?"

"Hey now!" whined Sirius. "You're supposed to be my children."

"Oh Sirius you really have missed a lot." Aletha said patting his hand. "I think our family will be just fine."

"Yeah, and your raising children just like me." Sirius groaned. Why couldn't they be more like you?" he whined.

"Oh, they are both of them want to be healers." Aletha said proudly.

"Okay I get it, and I guess we will be just fine." Sirius said now feeling he was truly where he belonged.

Malfoy Manor

Draco Malfoy was currently out in a field by his home. His father had made him leave the house, and he did not understand why. The Dark Lord is now back he thought. Why can't I be in on the plan? Aren't I valuable to the cause? I'm at Hogwarts where our enemies are.

"Who am I kidding?" Draco muttered. "I'm dimmer then the Granger mudblood.." Draco threw his Nimbus 2001 and watched in horror as it broke into pieces on a nearby tree.

"Now what?" Draco groaned. "Oh well maybe Father will get me the newest broom now. The Nimbus 2003 is supposed to be better then Potter's Firebolt." Draco laughed thinking of how Potter and his sidekick Weasley would look in September.

June 28th, 1994 Potter Manor

Harry sat on the bleachers of the outdoor quidditch pitch next to his adopted sister Natalie. They were watching Nathan and his friend Jimmy bash bludgers around.

"Do they do this often?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, they have been wanting to be future Gryffindor beaters since I can remember." Natalie said rolling her eyes.

"If they end up in Gryffindor they'll have a tough act to follow." Harry said grinning picturing Fred and George in their last match against Slytherin, and winning the Quidditch cup back in May.

"We'll be ready won't we Jimmy?" asked Nathan confidently bashing a bludger toward his friend who immediately knocked it right back at him with his bat.

"Definitely. Besides my older brother Kyle in Hufflepuff says that the current beaters will only be there for two more years."

"That's true." Harry said nodding.

Harry was enjoying his time so far at his family home, but could not help thinking of the Burrow with the Weasleys. He hoped Mrs. Weasley would come around, and understand he just loved her family and wanted to thank them for their friendship. Harry got up from the bleachers and went inside hoping to clear his mind. Harry stopped in the kitchen to talk to Mary who was working on lunch, but then he moved on to find his father and Professor er Uncle Remus. He ended up by his father's office and heard them talking behind the closed door.

"The horcruxes are now all located?" asked Remus.

"Yeah, and Dumbledore told Snivellus all about it." said James frowning. Remus laughed at the ridiculous nickname.

"Come on Prongs. Severus Snape is alright."

"Maybe, but wait til you hear the worst of it. He wants to train Harry earlier then planned, and start teaching him about Tom Riddle and..."

`harry!" called Mary. "Ron Weasley is on the floo." Harry frown.

"What kind of timing is that?" whispered Harry as he walked over to the kitchen. He also couldn't help but grin since it must mean Mrs. Weasley was reconsidering what she said the other day.

"Harry!" cried Ron. `Mum says we can come over for two hours, and she'll think about the brooms. Can we come through?" Harry looked over to Mary for permission.

"Definitely. We don't have anything going on until tonight for dinner with the Blacks." Mary replied.

Ron, Ginny, Fred, And George came over and they had a great time. The twins worked with Nathan and Jimmy on their beater work. Harry and Ginny took turns looking for the snitch and playing chaser against Ron as keeper. Ginny and Natalie went off for a bit and did girl things while the guys went in and Nathan introduced the Weasleys to muggle video games. It was a great time, but Harry could not stop thinking of what he overhear his father and Remus talking about with being trained by Dumbledore. He did not know what to think, and needed answers.

Authors Note: How was that for a comeback? Let me know in the reviews what you would like to see next!