"Emily…Emily…Wake up. Come on open your eyes…please…..EMILY!" Jennifer Jareau was pleading with her friend to wake up after two guys grabbed them when they were on their morning run.

It was early around 5 AM when the girls went running just like they do three days a week. The were running around the Tidal Basin in D.C. when out of nowhere a guy ran into JJ. They toppled down to the ground and Emily started to go over to help JJ up when the guy pulled a knife and held it to JJ's throat. Emily stopped her movements and held her hands up in surrender.

"Stay right there and don't move or I will slit her throat." The man told her as he pressed the blade harder into JJ's throat.

Emily wished in that moment that they didn't have the rule to not bring cell phones or anything with them when they ran. She had no phone, no ID, and no weapon. Both her and JJ's stuff was sitting in her car on the other side of the basin. She frowned to herself. She looked at JJ and could see the panic in her eyes. But before she could do anything she felt a rag around her mouth and nose and then she was unconscious.

Emily slowly started to stir hearing the blonde call her name. To say when she woke up realizing that her hands were chained behind her back and connected to the wall scared her. She looked around and noticed that she was in a basement. A few feet in front of her she could see a table that had straps on it and also a cement column that had chains hanging high above. Both her and JJ were chained up JJ on one wall and her on another. They were close

"JJ! Are you ok? What's happening? How long have we been here? Are you hurt?" Emily rushed out

"Whoa Emily calm down. Take a deep breath. I'm fine, they didn't hurt me beside a small cut on my throat but it's honestly not bad at all. Do you remember the two guys that grabbed us while we were running?" JJ informed her friend.

"Yeah I remember. But how long have I been out?" Emily asked

"Well when the guy knocked you out they forced the two of us into their van and we drove for about an hour. I had a hood over my head when they brought us to whatever this place is. They didn't say a word to me. They just chained us both up and then left, which was about an hour ago. I don't know Em. I can't believe that this is happening."

"So I've been out for two hours?" Emily was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that two men have abducted two FBI agents. Deep down she knew they stood no chance against them. The one guy was holding a knife to JJ's neck and she didn't even realize there was a second guy. JJ obviously didn't put up a fight when she was unconscious probably for fear of what would happen to her if she had tried something. "So we don't know anything about them so we have no clue what they are looking for or what they want with us. We are going to have to play this very smart when they comeback whenever that is don't say anything. Not one word. They have no idea who we are and are probably not aware that we are FBI. We can't let them know that. It could spook them and then they may just kill us. Did you get any type of profile from them? I know they didn't say anything to you but could you get anything about them?" Emily asked hoping she might be able to figure these guys out.

"Well I think the one that knocked me down is the alpha. He is just in more control. He is more physical he pushed me around quite a bit and threatened to kill you if I didn't get in the van. I believe he really would have which is why I didn't run. The one that knocked you out was nervous with everything that he was doing. Really I had a limited interaction with them so I don't know.

"That's ok I didn't think we would get much just yet. Which is why its important to get them to gives us the information. You have to promise me you will remain silent until we get more of an idea. No matter what happens. I don't know what they want to do but we can't give them anything. Promise me please." Emily was pleading with her friend.

"Of course Emily You know more about profiling than I do. If you say to keep quiet then I will."

"It's almost nine so the team will be getting in and then they will obviously notice that we aren't there. They will have Garcia trace our phones', which will lead them to our car. All of them know that we run together in the mornings, so they will realize something has happened. I doubt we are the first women they have grabbed. So hopefully they will figure it out and then we will be saved." Emily was trying to reassure he friend but she didn't entirely believe in everything she said. She knew their team would find them she just wasn't sure how long it would take.

"Lets just hope they find us sooner rather than later." JJ half smiled she was really nervous. She had no idea what was going to happen. But he trusted her team and knew that they would figure it out. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.

They both sat there for hours and hours neither knowing what to say to the other. They both tried to make conversation but it always seemed to die rather quickly. They were just anticipating a return of the men and what was in store for them.

It wasn't until 10 PM when the men returned. The two men were both medium height medium build. One had jet black hair and the other had dirty blonde. All's Emily could think was that these guys were so average it would be impossible to figure out who they were

"Well hello ladies, we are glad you are here." The man with black hair said.

Now the girls were really nervous.