Written for Let's Dig Holes! (Competition) (Sign Ups Closed).

Hagrid looked at the little puppy in his arms. All three little heads looked up at him sleepily, and one of them yawned before trying to burrow himself into Hagrid to get warmer.

Hagrid had never known a love such as this.

He squinted his eyes and titled his head, while wrapping the puppy in his coat. He needed to think of a good name for this little guy. A name that perfectly described everything about him, a name that he would grow into and that would fit him for the rest of his life, a name that. . .


"Yer name is Fluffy," Hagrid said, pleased at thinking up such a wonderful name. Fluffy blinked his big, brown eyes at him, clearly not caring about his name as much as Hagrid did. Hagrid didn't notice. "I can't wait for yah to meet Fang. Fang's yah big brother, and hopefully yah'll get along great. Or yah should at least. Fang sometimes has jealously problems, but I'll talk to him if he does anything dontcha worry 'bout it. Now, let's go show you off to Professor Dumbledore. He's just going to love you."


"Hagrid, I'm not really sure it's wise to keep a three-headed dog at Hogwarts!" McGonagall said, keeping a wary eye on the dog. "What if it tries to attack one of the children?"

"Fluffy?" Hagrid replied. "He's harmless! Aren't you, boy? Of course you are, you couldn't hurt a fly!"

Fluffy wagged his tail on hearing Hagrid's voice in that tone.

"You have to agree, Minerva," Dumbledore said, "that the dog seems remarkably well-behaved. It might not be a bad idea to keep it. In fact, I have an idea for it."

"Whatever it is sir, Fluffy can do it. He's ready for anything."

Dumbledore smiled, though not in a way that reached his eyes. Softly, he said, "I hope we all are, Hagrid. We need to be."