Hello everyone! New story focusing on my favourite OTP! I kind of want this to blow people's minds, but I don't think that will happen. Oh well. I hope you like it, and make sure to leave a review of what you think!

Tatsumi P.O.V

-Oh man, that was a tough night.-Lubbock yawned loudly.

In order to prepare for the revolution, Night Raid was filling in small assignments and killings. We usually did a few in one night, so our group was becoming nockturnal. Right now, the thing everyone dreamed of, was a bed. We were just walking home to the base, cracking jokes and being all over the place, when we saw a basket under a tree. We stopped in our actions and stared at it.

-Whoa, people check this out!-Lubba said, running over to it. Leone took hold of his hair and yanked him back.

-Don't get ahead of yourself. It could be a trap, for all we know.

-Maybe it's a bomb!-Mine cried.

-Or maybe it's empty.-Akame said.

-Um, maybe the best thing to do is just open it?-Sheele said shyly.

I walked to the basket, keeping my hand on my back, just to have Incrusio ready in case of it being a trap. I gently lifted the cover.

It wasn't a trap. It wasn't a bomb, and it definitely wasn't empty.

It was a child.

A child, a beautiful, baby girl. She couldn't have been older that a week. I read the letter that was on top of the covers.


Her name is Akame.

That was it. No signature, no anything. The letter had my name on it, so the person that left the child here must have thought it was mine. The little girl opened her eyes. Even though they were nothing like mine, at that moment I understood:this was my child. And from now on, I must raise it.

-Hey, Tatsumi, what was in there...Holy shit!-Lubba looked over my shoulder, then jumped away.-What...is...that?

-Never seen a child before?-asked Mine sarcastically.

-The letter states that the child is mine.-I said.-So I'll take it in.

-But Tatsumi...Boss...Will she allow this?-Leone asked unsurely.

-I don't know.-I took the child in my arms.

-And what about her mother?-Akame asked, with her arms folded.

-I don't know that, either.

Boss was waiting for us at the door. Her arms were folded, and a cigarette was hanging from her lips.

-You're kind of late.-she said.-And what is that you're holding Tatsumi?

-Ummmm...please don't kill me, Boss! This is my child. I found her today. I want to keep her.

-I'm confused.-Boss said.

We got inside, sat at the table and we explained the whole situation to Boss.

-I see. But the thing I don't see is how this could work.

-Boss...I can't just leave her. She'll die alone...After all this is...my precious child.

-I know that. I think in the end we'll have to keep her.-My face lit up with hope.-But that doesn't change the fact that this is no place for a child to be brought up. We are assassins.

-And for an assassin we'll raise her.-I said.

Everyone looked at me like I was joking. But I was serious.

-What's her name?-Sheele asked.

-Akame.-I said. All eyes turned to Akame, then to me.-It was her mother's will. But her second name will be Sayo, as chosen by me.

-Very well. However, it'll be confusing, having two Akames in the house.

-We can call her Meme.-Mine said.-It's a cute nickname.

-And I'm to understand the identity of her mother is still unknown? So it's up to you, Tatsumi, to find it out.

-But how? For all I know, her mother can be Esdeath, or some random whore.

-Wow, Tatsumi, I never knew you had a V.I.P card at a brothel!-Leone laughed.

-That's not it!

-Well, I guess we have no choice. We have just put a burden of bringing up a child on our shoulders and we have to bear it. Akame Sayo, welcome to Night Raid.

We didn't know what to do, so we let out an awkward cheer. Boss sighed, but then smiled and said:

-That aside, how was your assignment, Sheele?

-Ehh, I-It was fi-fine I guess...-Sheele stammered.

-Are you okay? You're not wounded, are you?-Mine asked, concerned about her friend.

-No, I'm alright. But...A whole 10 days of just killing was tough...I think I'll go rest for now.

Sheele headed upstairs to her room. She grasped the stair rail to keep her balance. She looked as if she was about to collapse. She turned and gave us a brave smile. I followed her with my sight until she was no longer visible.

Hey, are you gonna manage to raise this child on your own?-Lubba asked me later on. I went outside when everyone was sleeping. Lubba threw me bottle of milk beer, Boss' specialty. She made it in secret, and didn't let anyone sneak a drop, not even Leone.

-Thanks.-I said, uncapping the bottle and taking a drink.


-So...yeah, so? I don't know! Meme was the unluckiest girl in the world, having me for a dad.

-Naah, it's not that bad. The thing is...she's a girl, Tatsumi. Maybe I'm not the one to talk, but...I know that you'll want to help her in every way possible. And there are things that you won't be able to help her with.

-Like when she'll get her period, or something like that?-I asked.

Lubba nodded. He finished his drink and threw the bottle into the horizon. We heard a crack of glass breaking.

-Well, I'm going to bed.-Lubba said and walked away.-Oh, and also...-he threw something at me. I caught it in my hands.-Good luck charm.

I looked at the thing in my hand. It was a little piece of string, a part of Lubba's teigu. When did he have a chance to cut it off? I didn't know. But I put it my pocket. I knew what I was gonna do with it.

Back in my room, I looked in the tiny, last-minute, trashy cot that Meme was sleeping in. I stroked her head delicately.

-Darling, I promise to be a good father. I don't know if I'm promising the impossible, but I'll try. I'll try to make you be brought up as best as possible. I also...I'll find your mother. That's for sure.

The woman who heard these words smiled to herself.

I hope Tatsumi...I hope.

Okeeyyy, first chapter, guys! I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't notice, this fanfic doesn't follow the manga, nor the anime. It's kinda its own way, 'cos Sheele is alive, but Bro isn't, and the Jaegars and Esdeath are here...I don't know. Anyway, be sure to leave a review and tell me what you think! I hope none of you will guess Meme's mom's identity, but I guess you kind of figured it out already :). Bye, love u all! :*