With all of the story arcs, at some point, I'll post a list of character profiles! Which will list all of the POV characters for that arc, as well as a few of the major new OCs that appear in the arc (unless said OC doesn't play a large role until a later arc, in which case they might get skipped over briefly, like Hana and Yomi were for the Rumia Arc). And the profiles will just include a new original character title, the usual species/ability info, and a brief bio that shouldn't spoil the plot of the upcoming arc.

The first chapter of the second story arc, the Lydia/Adele Arc, AKA Twilight Gensokyo, should be posted next week! ... I would have posted these profiles on Monday, but the site wouldn't let me log in for some reason.

Shrine Maiden of Devout Light

Reimu Hakurei

Species: Human
Abilities: Flying in the air, powers as the Hakurei Shrine maiden

The human shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, located at the border of Gensokyo. Whenever an incident occurs in Gensokyo, it is almost always Reimu who confronts and defeats the perpetrator.

She tends to treat humans and youkai the same, making the Hakurei Shrine a frequent gathering place for her friends and other 'nuisances'. Among them being the poltergeist, Kana Anaberal, a frequent freeloader and source of trouble.

When Rumia begins to attack Gensokyo, Reimu is among the first to catch her trail, becoming a crucial player in hunting the darkness youkai down.

Rowdy Black Magician

Marisa Kirisame

Species: Human
Abilities: Light- and Heat-based magic

An ordinary human magician, living in the Forest of Magic in Gensokyo. She has a habit of collecting things, and alongside Reimu, is one of those most frequently involved in solving incidents.

She considers herself to be Reimu's best friend, having known each other since early childhood, and can frequently be found loitering around the Hakurei Shrine. She values raw firepower and flashiness in battle.

Wanting to protect her home and her friends, Marisa is quick to offer aid to Reimu in protecting Gensokyo from Rumia.

Acute Maid of Scarlet

Sakuya Izayoi

Species: Human
Abilities: Capable of manipulating time

The human head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Another frequent incident solver, yet she rarely takes part unless directly ordered to by her vampire mistress, Remilia Scarlet.

Despite not having been involved in many of the more recent incidents, she was still informed about Rumia's latest actions. She found herself forced to get involved by her mistress once again, who worried that her food supply of human blood would be in danger if Rumia were to keep all the humans for herself.

Puppeteer of the Sombre Realm

Alice Margatroid

Species: Magician
Abilities: Able to manipulate dolls

A puppeteer magician that lives in the Forest of Magic. Formerly a human, she was once adopted by Shinki, the goddess of Makai, after she'd wandered into the demon world on her own. She has since become a magician, and has returned to Gensokyo to live on her own.

She normally prefers to win through strategy, rather than brute force, very contrary to Marisa's style. Despite this, the two are close friends, and she has even been involved in solving several incidents herself.

Though she doesn't visit Shinki as often as she would like, she was nonetheless outraged upon learning that Rumia had taken up residence in Makai, and that her mother's fate was in the youkai's hands.

Phantom Swordsman Cleaving the Dark

Youmu Konpaku

Species: Half-human, half-phantom
Abilities: Advanced sword techniques

The half-human, half-phantom gardener of Hakugyokurou, and a skilled swordsman. She has served under Yuyuko Saigyouji, the ghost 'princess' of the Netherworld, since the day she was born. She has a very straightforward personality, and has trouble understanding Yuyuko's often enigmatic way of thinking.

Recently she has become rather distraught at the arrival of Yomi Konpaku, her own ancestor and Yuyuko's own former gardener, who seems to outclass Youmu in almost every way.

Advocate of the Mountain Gods

Sanae Kochiya

Species: Human
Abilities: Causing miracles

The human shrine maiden of the Moriya Shrine, on Youkai Mountain. She is still a relatively new arrival in Gensokyo, but has been involved in solving a number of the latest incidents, alongside Reimu and Marisa.

Originally from the Outside World, Sanae is still getting used to Gensokyo, and becomes particularly confused upon meeting the young Miasma Melancholy. Since she lives on Youkai Mountain, she has almost no human friends anymore.

She eventually offers to allow Reimu and the others to use Moriya Shrine as a base of operations during the Rumia incident, and takes part in hunting Rumia down.

Unexpected Power in Full Bloom

Miasma Melancholy

Species: Half-youkai, half-doll
Abilities: Able to amplify physical strength

A young half-doll youkai, born as the illegitimate daughter of Yuuka Kazami and Medicine Melancholy. Until recently, she had never left the lily-of-the-valley flower field, where she lived with her mother, Medicine.

Having been raised by Medicine's belief that all humans and youkai are evil, she is eager to prove her mother wrong by making friends with both humans and youkai. She is easy to get along with, but quick to anger. She takes up residence at Myouren Temple shortly after venturing out from Medicine's flower field.

In battle, Miasma lacks magical potential, and instead relies purely on physical strength, a trait very unusual in Gensokyo. Despite her apparent disadvantage, she aims to prove herself by helping to take down Rumia.

The Warding, Bitter Poison

Medicine Melancholy

Species: Doll Tsukumogami
Abilities: Manipulating poison

A doll-turned-youkai, after having been dropped in the lily-of-the-valley flower field. She absorbed the poisons from the flowers, and came to life after a hundred years.

Originally wanting to emancipate dolls from their owners, believing that they were being manipulated by humans, she has become very reclusive. After a fateful encounter with the flower youkai, Yuuka Kazami, she has begun to hate both humans and youkai, a belief that she has since imparted upon her daughter, Miasma.

The Neutral Party Flower Master

Yuuka Kazami

Species: Youkai
Abilities: Manipulating flowers

A long-lived youkai that lives in Mugenkan, a mansion on the border between Gensokyo and the Dream World. Despite her normally friendly exterior, she is known for being a liar and a sadist, and is one of the most powerful youkai living in Gensokyo.

Also having a penchant for sexual deviancy, with a particular inclination toward individuals whose abilities interest her, she impregnated Medicine Melancholy without knowing. Her latest target is the hell raven, Utsuho Reiuji.

She was involved in Rumia's initial sealing, but decides to take no part in the effort to put a stop to her rampage.

Boundary Youkai of Light and Dark

Yukari Yakumo

Species: Youkai
Abilities: Manipulating boundaries

The youkai of boundaries, living somewhere on the border between Gensokyo and the Outside World. She is highly intelligent, and one of the most powerful and ancient youkai living in Gensokyo. She helped to create the Hakurei Border, and always acts when Gensokyo's very stability is at stake, but she is known for being incredibly lazy on any other occasion.

She was involved in sealing Rumia's powers many years in the past, and becomes Rumia's primary target for revenge. Understanding the danger that Gensokyo is in, Yukari assists Reimu in leading the effort to find Rumia.

The Mountain Tengu Auxiliary Patrol Unit

Aya Shameimaru

Species: Crow tengu
Abilities: Manipulating wind

A news reporter living on Youkai Mountain. She frequently writes articles about the incidents in Gensokyo, and the prominent individuals involved in them, but she often exaggerates the truth in order to sell papers and write more interesting articles.

Due to the nature of her paper, she is on less than good terms with many residents of Gensokyo. But when Rumia becomes a threat to its populace, Aya lends her assistance patrolling Gensokyo.

The Great Protector Acharya

Byakuren Hijiri

Species: Magician
Abilities: Using magic, specializing in increasing her own physical abilities

A great magician, formerly a human Buddhist monk, who was sealed away in Makai for her beliefs that humans and youkai could live together peacefully. She was eventually freed, and founded Myouren Temple near the human village.

Upon meeting Miasma Melancholy, who had since abandoned her rather hateful mother, she allowed the young girl to move into Myouren Temple. When Rumia threatens the Human Village, Byakuren acts alongside Keine Kamishirasawa to protect its people.

Truth-Seeking Shoutoku

Toyosatomimi no Miko

Species: Saint
Abilities: Capable of hearing and sensing human and spiritual desires

A Taoist saint, who had once been sealed away by Buddhist monks. Her mausoleum found its way into Gensokyo, where she was eventually restored to life. She lives in Senkai with her disciples, though they're more like servants, and she hopes to become a celestial and live forever.

When Rumia's powers are awakened, Miko is the first to notice the disturbance in Makai. Fearing what may result if this disturbance is left unchecked, she decides to investigate for herself.

The Effervescent Demon Empress


Species: Goddess
Abilities: Able to create demons, able to create worlds

The demon goddess who created Makai, and all of its inhabitants. She does not involve herself in Gensokyo affairs, and has never once stepped outside of Makai since its creation.

Many years ago, Makai was brought to ruin by the combined efforts of Yuuka Kazami and Mima, who had attacked its residents for seemingly no reason other than to alleviate their own boredom. Shinki was understandably heartbroken, as she viewed the people of Makai as her own children.

When a child-like Rumia wandered into Makai one day, Shinki quickly bonded with the young youkai, and is inevitably responsible for unsealing Rumia's true form and powers.

Youkai of the Eternal Dark


Species: Youkai (?)
Abilities: Manipulation of darkness

A youkai of darkness, with unknown origin or age. Many years ago, she was responsible for a massacre in Gensokyo in which many thousands of youkai were killed. Her powers were eventually sealed away by the combined efforts of Yukari Yakumo and Yuuka Kazami.

In the years that followed, Rumia wandered about Gensokyo as a simple-minded child with no aim in life. She eventually wandered into Makai, where the seal on her powers was then broken, triggering the start of a new disaster.

Maiden Poltergeist in the Wandering Void

Kana Anaberal

Species: Poltergeist
Abilities: Able to wield the Void, able to possess inanimate objects

A poltergeist with a strange power. She is able to manipulate portals of a world she calls 'the Void'. Having abandoned the mansion of her creator, a young mentally unstable girl, she has possessed the Hakurei Shrine on numerous occasions. Reimu has exorcised Kana each time, but she always returns, making a constant nuisance of herself.

She is mentally unstable, and prone to speak without thinking. She allies herself with Rumia, who seeks to use Kana's abilities for her own personal gain.

Empress of Anima

Lilith Maestra

Species: Succubus
Abilities: Able to manipulate souls

A mysterious succubus, claiming to be new to Gensokyo. She is the older sister to her siblings, Alan and Melony Maestra. She plays things very close to the chest, never revealing her past or her true intentions.

She offers assistance to Reimu in protecting the humans of the village from Rumia, and seems to be an ally at first glance.

The Bright Eyes of Seduction

Alan Maestra

Species: Incubus
Abilities: Able to manipulate desires

The youngest of the Maestra siblings, brother to Lilith and Melony. He is notable for being one of the only pure-blooded male youkai in Gensokyo. He is friendly but none too intelligent, and is often the subject of abuse from Melony.

He apparently has the power to affect people's wants and desires, but it doesn't seem like the sort of thing he's really capable of.

The Whisper of Ruin

Melony Maestra

Species: Succubus
Abilities: Able to manipulate dreams

The middle of the Maestra siblings, sister to Lilith and Alan. She has a crude personality, and frequently abuses her younger brother to no end. She is the only individual who Lilith seems to trust completely, and she obeys her older sister with undying loyalty.

Those around Melony may find a feeling of hopelessness overtake them; Melony possesses the capability to manipulate hopes and dreams, both literally and metaphorically. This practice seems to be one of the only things she delights in.