Perennial Love

Chapter 1: Graduation Gratitude

Amaryllis- Success after a struggle, Recognition/achievement in art.

Eren would never admit it, at least not to her anyway, but he would forever be grateful for having met Annie. Despite the millions of face plants, knock outs (from her), and complete lose of whatever dignity he had left, he could not bring himself to hate her. Makes him sound like some sort of masochist, what with him coming back for more after she'd numerously forced him on his back without a second thought. In the end he stuck it out, sucked it up, and took it like a man (most of the time), and now here he is. Standing in the top ten cadets. Ranked at fifth place, just below Annie who took forth place. Another thing he would never admit to anyone is how unbelievable and unfair it is that she was not second because let's face it Mikasa is a straight up BAMF.

For the past 3 years Eren has favored Annie as his preferred sparring partner. Not because he liked her (okay maybe a little, but that's not the point), the fact is she was interesting. From her fighting style to her estranged, aloof personality. She was an enigma, a mystery that kept him in suspense and no matter how hard he try (if he ever did) he just could put down the book. She was a definite page turner, in more ways than one and he thoroughly and wholeheartedly enjoyed every single second of it.

Now here he stands in a small flower shop. The graduation ceremony was tonight and he wanted to get something to thank her for her 'generosity' for training him. Resting between his arm and chest was a book on flower symbolism.

3 years ago...

It was late at night. Not so late that it was early, but somewhere in between. It had been a week since he got his ass handed to him by that horrifyingly strong female cadet (not Mikasa mind you). It was mind boggling. He had never know anyone strong like Mikasa. It had been eating away at him for days. He couldn't get it or her out of his head. Tonight was especially bothersome since he had such a weird dream about her. Which is why he is out here trying to clear his head and hopefully tire himself out enough to stop caring. Unfortunately it hasn't worked at all, plus it was kinda chilly out here.

Sighing in defeat he decided to call it quits and just head back to his quarters. Silently praying that when his head hit the pillow he would be out like a light. He was currently on the other side of camp where the girls' quarters resided. He moved quickly through the night praying the guards wouldn't notice him. He got lucky with his ODM gear, but if he got caught he would not only be sent to work in the field, but he would be the laughing stock and utter disgrace of the 104th Trainee Squad.

Slipping between two cabin, he pressed his back to the wooden wall. Silently taking a deep breath, he peered his head around the corner to make sure he was alone before slipping back to his shared cabin.

As he leaned back to take another breath another voice broke his thoughts.

"What are you doing?"Eren's eyes snapped open, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sound of the voice. Covering his mouth before he called more unwanted attention.

Standing feet away was the current plague of his life: Annie Leonheart. "Annie?!" It took all his will not to run like a horse that had been spanked upon seeing her.

"Eren." She replied back with a bored tone and deadpan expression. "What the hell are you doing out her? Do you have a death wish or something?"

"No," looking away he continued. "I just couldn't sleep so I was just getting some air. I'm on my way back to my cabin now actually."

"Dumbass." She scoffed.

At that he became pissed, but decided to let it slide for now. "Oh yeah well what about you?" He tried his best to keep calm.

"Same as you only I decided to sit outside rather than wander around camp like an idiot."She crossed her arms, smirking slightly.

This girl was really trying his patience. "Ugh, whatever. I don't have time for this. I gotta go. See ya tomorrow." If he stayed any longer he would definitely lose it and both would be caught. He glance back, but Annie was no where to be scene. Mildly disturbed by the vanishing act, he shrugged it off any continued his trek by to bed.

The next morning Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were heading to the mess hall for breakfast. Eren and Armin were conversing when Mikasa tapped Eren's shoulder. Looking up his eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the current bane of his existance.

"Annie? What-"He started, but was cut off.

"I need to talk to you." It wasn't a question and he knew it. Sighing he told his friends to go on ahead.

Armin, having no idea didn't mind, Mikasa on the other hand glared at her until Armin tugged her away.

Once they were out of sight he turned back to her. "Okay so what do you want?" He asked immpatient.

"Here." Handing him a light green book. "Last night. This is what I was doing." Still same expression as last night.

"Reading?" He ask.

She only nodded then. "It's about the meaning of flowers."

"You... like flowers?"He raised a brow.

"Yeah. I do. Got a problem with that?"She narrowed her eyes.

"N-no. Of course not. I mean..."He is stunned.

A million thoughts ran through his head. 'So Annie like flowers...I did not expect that...Why is she telling me all this...' He stared at the book in his hand.


"Why what?" It was her turn to raise a brow.

"Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"He looked up a her again.

She takes the book back and flips through the pages for a moment. Find the page she gives it back to him now open. "This one." She points to the picture of an exotic looking orange flower with white striped petals and a green center.

"Okay, what about it?" He's confused even more.

"I want it."She says simply.

"Okay. That' guess."He has a bad feeling about this.

"You're gonna get it for me."She smirks a little.

"What?! No way! Why should?" Now she's just being ridiculous.

"Yes you are. Unless...You want me to report a certain male cadet sneaking around the girls dorms last night." Her smirk widens a bit.

"You wouldn't."He called her bluff.

"Wanna bet."She challenged. "Think of it as a thank you for keeping it quiet."

Eren thought about. 'If word get out I'll not only be dead meat, but I could get kicked out. No way. I worked to damn hard to get this far. No choice then... "Okay. I'll get you're stupid flower."He grumbled .

At that she beamed. He couldn't tell if it was real or fake. "Seriously. Great," She caught herself. "I mean you better."

At this he chuckled lightly. "So where do I get them and how much?" He became serious.

"There's a flower shop not too far from camp. You can go there when you get the chance. I won't rush you since I doubt we'll get much down time. As for the cost I'm not sure. I just found out the stored had them on my last visit. I'll pitch in with money, but it's too much to afford then I'll take whatever. Deal?"

She held out her hand.

He stared at it for a moment then shook it. "Deal."

"You can borrow the book if you forget what it looks like. I've had it since I was a kid so know it already."

"Thanks I guess." With that they headed inside the mess hall and separated. Even though he was just black mailed, Eren was surprisingly happy she shared that fact about herself with him.

"What happened back there, Eren?" Armin asked once Eren sat down. Mikasa watched Annie from across the room.

"Nothing. She just lost something during training and wanted to know if I'd seen it." He replied cooly.

"What'd she lose?"

"Some piece of jewelry, an earring or something like that." While Eren was with Annie, Armin and Mikasa had a weird feeling that something was up.

"Oh Okay." Armin decided to let it go. Annie wouldn't just suddenly become social unless it was important. At least that's what he figured. Turning to Mikasa he notice her glaring at the back of Annie's head. The latter of which didn't seem to notice or just didn't care. When he looked back to Eren he was staring at Annie as well with his chin in his hand except his expression was way different than usual. For one thing his gaze was soft and he was smiling like he was recalling a fond memory. It was oddly suspicious. "Um, Eren are you alright?"

Snapping out of his daze. "Huh? Y-yeah I'm fine."He blushed a little barley noticeable.

"You sure? Because you were smiling weird just now."

"I was just thinking about stuff." He returned to his usual demeanor.

"What stuff?"He knows this is probably annoying, but he couldn't help himself. Curiosity always got the better of him. It was a habit of his since he was younger.

"Enough with the 20 questions, geez." And now Eren is pissed.

"Sorry I'll stop." Armin rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"It's fine. Just stop talking so fast. Slow down and breath would'ya."Armin just nodded as response.

So here he is, Eren Yeager, standing in the middle of the flower shop. Staring at the page with the flower he needed to get.

"Hello, may I help you sir?" Eren jumped at the sudden voice of the shop keeper. A young girl around his age. Blonde hair tied up into a bun by a red ribbon. Aquamarine almost green eyes. About Annie's height. He'd be lying if he thought she didn't bear a striking resemblance to another blonde maiden he knew. Except her nose was a button shaped rather than a triangle, not that he minded. "Sir?"

"Wha-Oh, ah, yes. Yes I'm-I'm looking for this flower." He showed her the picture.

"Amaryllis. Wow haven't sold one of those in ages. Great choice." She grinned widely at him.

"Actually I didn't pick it. My friend did." He blushed lightly.

"For your girlfriend or...?" She inquired as she searched the shop.

"What? No, no. I mean I don't have a girlfriend." He blushed more.

"Oh so you're trying to get one is that it?" She teased.

"No." His face continues to redden.

"Ohh, so it's a boyfriend then?" she smirks. "That's fine I don't judge."

"What!? No! I'm not gay." Now he was getting mad.

"Graduation?" she smiled sweetly at him.

"Huh?" he changed back to his original color.

"Your uniform. You're graduating today aren't you?" Things seemed to have calmed down.

"Yeah we are."

"Congratulations. Do you want a single flower or a bouquet? We're having a discount sale to celebrate the graduates just so you know." She smiled wider.

"I was just gonna get the one." he replied.

"Okay coming right up." She moved to the counter. "Your friend has good taste. In fact this flower is perfect for a graduation. Being as it represents success, achievement, and recognition."

"I know. That's kinda why I came today." He said sheepishly.

"Well I wish you guys good luck and safety." She claps. "Here you are. One Amaryllis bouquet on the house."

"Wait you don't-" He starts but she cuts him off.

"Oh look at the time. You better hurry if you don't want to be late." she pushes him out the door.

"Hold on-" the door slams in his face. Sighing he glances back and smiles a little before heading back to camp.

Annie at the note once more.


Meet me in the class room as soon as you get this. It's important.


Standing outside the door she sighed heavily before opening the door. "This be important Yeager."

She voiced in her usual deadpan tone with her eyes closed. When she opened them, she was surprised to come face to face with a bouquet of Amaryllis held out by an obviously embarrassed, nervous Eren.

"E-Eren what the hell?" Surprised is an understatement. She was completely stupefied.

"Here. It's the flowers you made me get." He handed them to her, which she took timidly.

"Flowers...?" Click. "Oh yeah." She blushed.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Well, how could I not. We were busy with training, for 3 years mind you, who wouldn't." She felt like an idiot for forgetting. To make it worse it was in front of Eren 'Suicidal Bastard' Yeager. She just want to crawl under a rock and hide.

"I don't believe it." He grinned like a madman. "You call me stupid all these years, but I remember something you FORCED me to get at the beginning of all this, and you forget it." He clutched his stomach laughing.

"You know I wasn't really serious. Even if this was reversed I wouldn't of cared either way." he replied softly stroking a petal.

At this he stopped and straightened up. "I know. It was pretty obvious when you stopped reminding me

a week later."

"So then why'd you get them?" She had a distant look in her eyes. The same one that took his breath away every time.

"Honestly I forgot for a while too until I found your book." He handed here the book she'd lent him all those years ago. In perfect condition or at least the same condition it was in 3 years ago.

"I was wondering where that went." She stared at the green rectangle.

"Seriously Annie." He deadpaned.

"..."She touched the cover of her beloved book then reached up to caress the flowers.

"Congrats on making the top 10." He broke the silence.

She looked at him with that far off gaze that inwardly turned him to putty, before smiling the way only he could make her. "Thank you. You know you're surprisingly nice."

"Uh, thanks. You too." He's blushing madly now.

"Um, Eren," She catches his attention. "What is this?" He looks at her only to see a red rose in her hand. She was currently reading a note that was hidden with the rose among the amaryllis. When she's finished she places her book and the bouquet on the desk near her. She's looking down her face hidden by her bangs.

Eren gulps before speaking, nervous of the sudden tension. "Annie...?" His voice is a whisper.

Annie doesn't talk only walks towards him. He steps back, but she catches his wrist. He stops moving and she places her hands on his chest. Clutching his shirt for a moment, she lets go and gives him the note.

Eren glances at the note and then her. She was looking down away from him blushing faintly. He began reading the note.

Dear Annie,

Thank you for all your help throughout the few years we've known each other. It's because of you that I am in the top ten. 5th place right behind you. By the way congratulations. You earned it. Actually I'm surprised your're not 2nd. I would say first, but Mikasa's my sister and pretty much trumps all of us. Don't tell I said that. Anyway thanks again.



Not only was his face redder than the rose, but he also had an expression of complete horror on his face. That was a letter he wrote the previous night, but wasn't planning on ever giving her. He was mortified.

"How, When, What? Oh God, Oh God. This can't be happening. This. Can't. Be. Happening." His mind was reeling he didn't bring the note with him. So how did it get in the bouquet.

He squeezed his eyes shut trying to think.'Okay calm down. Retrace your steps. Let's see I wrote the note after everyone went to sleep. Then I placed in the book for safe keeping...'

"God dammit!" He shouted startling Annie out of her trance. "Annie, Oh God Annie I am so sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that. I just-Ugh!" He groaned frustrated, rubbing his hands on his face and running them through his hair. "Listen Annie," She looks at him as he grabs her hands in his and they lock eyes. "It was stupid so just forget about it okay-"

"Did you mean it?"She interrupts.

"What?" 'Man how many times am I gonna say that word?'

"You said 'Love' instead of 'From'. Did you mean that, Eren?" He's never seen her like this before. She looks like a lost puppy. A cute, adorable puppy that he just wants to hug and kiss for the rest of the night.

"I-I...," He stutters. What does he say. Okay it's true he's in love with her. Has been for 2 and a half years, but he can't tell her that. Not with the war for humanity's existence going on and his pledge to erase the titan off the face of the Earth. So what the hell does he say to her. The choice is clear.

Looking down like she did before, bangs hiding his face he answers. "No. I'm sorry. I left the letter in the book and forgot when I went to the flower shop. I guess the shop keeper got a hold of it when I gave them the book and rewrote it." He can't bring himself to look her in the eye.

Annie places her hands on his chest once again and slides them up to his torso. One settling on his shoulder the other on his cheek. Gently turning his head Annie lean up and places a soft kiss on Eren's cheek. "Thank you." Is all she says before gathering up her things and leaving the classroom.

Eren remains in the room. Leaning on the desk with his hand on his cheek trying to comprehend what just happened.