A/N: Hello! Sorry for not updating for a bit, I had an emergency and had to fly back to my family's estate right away! (Flight was awful) Then when I got there I realised I didnt bring my adaptor for charging my laptop sooo dead laptop and then I stayed longer than expected and got distracted.. T.T I Love you France but you distract me with your food and family... ANYWAY Here we go! Mai: Sid does not own Ghost hunt!

I wonder what they will think about the toys and stuff I got them! Mai sang in her head as she got out of her car. "I just love smiles! Today is fantastic this is just awesome!" Mai practically shouted as she went through the gates and made her way to the childrens area.

"John? Helloooo?" Huh... Wonder if he is in the confessional... Oh well.

"Children! Come here I have a surprise for ALL of you! Come on!"

About twenty children came running into the main hall all excited and among them Mai's son was wearing a huge smile because he knew about the toys having overheard the phone conversation between his Okka-san and his Uncle John . "Alright pick out One per person ok? Anyone you think looks fun! And one rule... Treat them with love and respect ok?

"Ok Miss Mai!" The children chorused.

"Have any of you seen Father John?"

The children looked to eachother and looked back to Mai and shook their heads.

"Oh.. ok, do you all want to go outside? Its nice out today and you can all play with your new toys out there."

And with that Mai took all of them outside to play, little did she know John was out back of the church just now, greeting two long absent guests...

Johns POV

I was just closing the lid to the large dumpster when I saw a large black car round the corner... Hmm who could this be?

Just then the car rolled to a slow stop near the dumpster

"I see you have gotten a bit taller there John!"

I stopped in shock when I saw two familiar faces come out of the car...

"No way! Kazuya- Oliver I mean! What are you doing back in Japan? And Lin too? Both of you have changed too it seems!"

Now that I stop and look, Oliver is taller and his hair is shorter and he has more muscle mass but is still kind of lanky. Lin, is the same height but his hair is shorter too! He no longer has the bangs but now he has it cut sort of like hoe Takigawa had it cut.

"Hello John, you can still call me Kazuya or Naru, what ever you are comfortable with." He said with a amused look on his face

"Ah! very well, it's nice to see you both but why now?"

Naru and Lin looked at eachother "We may be opening S.P.R up again. We had alot more cases here in a short time than we have in a while over in England."

This slightly took me back... opening the S.P.R again.. I wouldnt mind but my main concern is Mai... It took her a while to start being herself again... What will she do? What will they think about her son? Do they know? I dont believe they would know...

"Well how about we move this conversation inside? And get you guys a drink?"

"Thank you John, a drink would be nice. Do you still run the childrens center here?" Lin said

"Yes I do, or rather we at the church do, I cant take credit for all the others hard work. Here have a seat, I will ask Kelly to get some tea so I will be right back."

Both just nodded to confirm.

Normal POV

Now as John sat and began speaking to Naru and Lin, Mai played with all the children and showed them all how the toys worked and put them together when needed.

"So John do you still have contact with Ms. Matsuzaki and Takigawa?"

"Oh, Naru I don't really know about either sorry.. Here this way we renovated this half of the church, I am happy to show you around"

John led the two men around explaining what was done and how much th children love it but not once did he mention Mai... He knew that if he did she might do something truely evil like she did when she was angry and pregnant... He never again wanted to see that side of Mai, he swore he had nightmares.

As the trio moved outside by Lin's request they were greeted by the sight of happy playing children and they all had brand new toys with them. Naru noticed that the toys still had tags on them and wondered how the church could afford to get such high end things. Lin noticed that some children were running into the trees and calling for someone but he could tell what they were saying.

Then John with a horrible feeling in his gut noticed that the children were looking for Mai and playing hide and go seek.

"So you two want to head back inside? Hehe?"

Both of the men noticed John's nervousness but were interupted from asking why when they all heard an eruption of triumphant yells and cheers from the trees just then a woman emerged from the shade and caught all eyes of said men.

Lin stopped in his tracks and looked and the woman playing with the children so happily and noted she was extremely beautiful. Naru did the same and his jaw even dropped a little.

"John! I lost again can you believe it? Oh and I have something for you to-" Mai cut off her sentance upon seeing the two men.

Naru immeadiately thought John may have a girlfriend and as did Lin but upon closer inspection of the woman they both noticed those same chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could knock out the sun.

"LIN! NARU!? When did you guys get here!? John why did you not tell me? Children time to go inside ok be ther in a bit."

As all the children filed inside two completely shocked men stood and stared in awe, this was Mai?

A/N: So my updates are sporadic mmk? I am in the process of moving into another flat since the rent on my old one was to steep. Ahg my luck is non existant... But on the bright side I got my cast off of my right hand! YAY


Mai: Awww Sid why didnt you put in my full discription here!? I look soooo good for a Momma!

Sid: I wanna keep things Interesting ok? That and I am hitting some writers block cause of the moving...

John: Also can we not relive what Mai was like while pregnant... I would like to not have nightmares again... T.T

Sid: ... Ok? She wasnt that bad was she?

John: ... Hell has no fury like a pregnant Mai...

Mai: OH COME ON I WASNT... never mind I totally was well.. See you guys next chapter!