Long time, no update for few hours Sorry for the long wait but please forgive me *pouts*. I thought I have published it, but in fact what I have done is added the document but not posted on new chapter. Also I didn't notice that I uploaded the incompatible format... I use libre office to write.

Bitter Happiness Part Two

"You guys… I'm going to stay with Felicity," Oliver said with bright eyes and a ridiculous grin.
Barry instantly pumped his fists in the air over the announcement, "Yeah! He's breaking up… wait, what?!" He stopped his celebration and his mouth dropped in shock at his friend.

"This can't be true. It has to be a hoax! Queen, please tell us that this is some terrible joke?!" Ray nearly screamed.

A shook of their lovesick friend's head confirmed their fears.

"No way," they both said in a low, disbelieving whisper.

"But why?" Barry was the first one to recover.

Oliver cupped his chin, "Hmm… you guys, have I ever told you about how I became a playboy in the first place?"

It was Ray's turn to speak, "One time, Queen. Some popular girl broke your heart so you went and got your revenge on her. So what?"

"So what?" Oliver repeated the question with a sigh, "I-… Felicity taught me something about myself. It's correct that I made this playboy persona to get my revenge and having the popularity and the girls was everything I wanted, but I guess I let it consume me."

"Your point from this gibberish that you're speaking?" Barry had cut in sharply, "I don't get it. Like you said, you have the popularity and the girls. Now that Ice Queen Smoak came into the picture, you've became putty in her hands. What happened to you, man?"

"Allen is actually right for a change," Ray agreed with his fellow buddy, "It's like she has you wrapped around her icicle finger."

"Oh shut up! What do you guys know about Felicity? Nothing! I advise you two keep your mouths shut! As for knowing what happened, I fell in love, damn it," Oliver snarled with agitation reaching his eyes. "I don't want to be a playboy anymore. I'm done."

He excused himself in a rush, leaving the other two in bewilderment. They stood in silence in what seemed like forever before Barry finally spoke.

"You know, Palmer, he was angrier with you, just so you know."

"Shut up, you idiot," Ray glared at him, "I don't know but I feel like that he's not going to be in love anymore soon…"

The school day ended with Oliver being the last student out of the building. His hands were stuffed in his pockets with his backpack slung across his body. He sighed heavily, head bowed down, obviously deep in thought about the events that happened a few hours ago. As he took a few steps down the sidewalk, someone tapped his shoulder.

"What is it?" He mumbled, his head still looking down.

"Penny for your thoughts, Casanova," a familiar sarcastic voice questioned the distracted boy.
Oliver blinked sceptically, "Felicity? Where have you been?"

"idiot, I told you that I was going to wait outside for you or did you forget about little ole' me," she feigned a hurtful expression then smirked, "You seem out of it today."
Oliver merely smiled at his girlfriend and reached for her hand, "It's nothing, love, today's been stressful. Are you hungry?"

Felicity narrowed her eyes at the sudden shift of his answer, "Your day has been stressful, yet you're asking me if I'm hungry?" She decided to not acknowledge the new pet name he just used for the moment.

"Well, are you? We can stop somewhere."

"How about I cook us both something to eat at my house?"

Oliver grinned devilishly as they began to walk, "I'm already being invited back to your house so soon?"

The girl scoffed and removed her hand from his. "Invited? Soon? Technically, your presence at my house during those other times should be considered as trespassing on private property, Oliver," one of her hands came up to her lips to stifle a yawn.

"Oi, how is that considered trespassing when I was allowed inside," he argued while attempting to clasp his hand over hers once more.

"Using ladders or trying and miraculously entering through the back entrance doesn't necessarily grant you access into my home. Hence the big word, TRESPASSING, into the picture," she retorted smartly. "You should be lucky that none of the neighbors called the police on you."

"If you didn't want me around you could've said so," Oliver grumbled, his feet shuffling against the pavement.

"It's not that I didn't want you around, it's just the way you appear at my house that's creepy. Kind of like a burglar."

"Again, you could have warned me or use a better choice of words. Being any type of burglar or a criminal doesn't quite fit into my personality," Oliver deadpanned with his mouth in a tight line.

"Oh?" Felicity slightly tilted her head to the side as a glimpse of amusement flashed through her eyes, "No one labeled you as a burglar or grouped your stalker tendencies as one.
"Geez, you won't let me have a break, wouldn't you, Felicity? How far are we are from your house? I'm hungry," he whined as he rubbed his now growling stomach in circles before wincing in pain from the punch Felicity threw at him hours ago, "You didn't have to hit me that hard."

A tiny smile graced her features, "Poor you. We'll ice it down once we get there in about five minutes, you big baby."

Oliver hummed in agreement before coming up with another suggestion, "After you ice it, can you also do something else for my bruising stomach?"

"And what would that be? After all, the ice is going to draw the swelling from it."

An all smug grin appeared on him, "I want you to kiss the pain away. Right here and of course here," the grin turned into a full-fledged toothy smile.

Felicity cut him off with a glare, "You're still a disgusting, perverted, pig," she sighed.

Done fine-Oli! A little peace in this chapter before the drama starts back up in the next one. PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF ME REVIEW, REVIEW, AND REVIEW. Please and thank you!