A/N Happy Birthday H6p8gv...I hope that you and the other readers enjoy this story...It's a drabble length multiple chapter story. I am not sure yet as to the number of chapters but I'll let you know when it gets close to the end... Also I'd like to thank Loki's Only Love for betaing this story for me...

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the recognized places or characters...

Sincerely, Juliet...

That's how I signed the letter in front of me instead of "Sophie" like I usually would when writing a letter. But I was in the Office of the Juliet Secretaries not in my own home. The letter I answered was from a woman, Kim, who was in love with someone who didn't notice her. She worked with the guy and in her letter mentioned that it wasn't against policy to date a coworker. She just never had a crush like this before and she didn't want to be rejected by the man she cared for. My advice to her was to talk to him. He might have the same feelings as her and been too scared to talk to her or if he really was blind to her he could start to like her once they got to know one another. My best friend's mother had told her that same thing when we were teenagers when she was too afraid to talk to a guy she liked. The advice had paid off and my friend went out on a few dates with him. That relationship didn't work but my friend never forgot what her mother told her and now she is happily married. I really hoped that the advice that was given to my friend could also work for Kim. Placing the letter in the basket to be mailed, I heard the door open.

"I knew that you'd still be here," a familiar masculine voice said bringing a smile to my face. I looked up to see my husband of seven months, Charlie, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, an amused expression on his face.

E/N Next chapter will be up shortly...