"I'll buy a wedding ring. Will Hiro-san except it?"

The words hung in the air like a cloud of thick smoke. The atmosphere around them was heavy as if they were the only two left in the entire world and to them, they were. It was just them and that question.

"What?" Hiroki muttered. What Nowaki had said wasn't something that could be said lightly and Hiroki knew he was always serious about this sort of thing. The two have discussed the topic of marriage a few times over the years, but both men knew very well they couldn't.

"I know that we can't be married by law, but that doesn't mean we can't have rings. I mean, besides an actual wedding and marriage license, rings are how people show that they are married. We live together, sleep together, and love each other, so we're just a few steps away from that," Nowaki explained. His blue eyes drifted to the coffee table with a kind smile on his face. As he talked, he remembered the time he spent with Hiroki and how he thought they were perfect for each other.

Hiroki on the other hand was at a complete loss for words. He stood in front of his lover with a beet red face and trembling lips. Usually his body would automatically go into defense mode and start yelling about how they can't, but for some reason, he was speechless.

"Hiro-san?" Nowaki said. He looked up at the stunned brunette who snapped back into reality at the sound of his pet name.

"Huh? Oh, right." Hiroki tried to gather his thoughts but anything remotely coherent in his brain was being jumbled around.

"I know this is sudden, but I just wanted to tell you how I felt," Nowaki said.

"Okay," Hiroki said.


"I said okay."

"I heard you, but okay to what?"

Hiroki turned his head to the side, his face growing more red than before. He glared at younger doctor and then at the wooden floor of their apartment.

"I'll marry you."

Again, the air grew thick, but it was as intimidating as before. The words reached both of their ears which intensified the embarrassment and shock. Nowaki stared at the brunette for what seemed like an eternity before a smile took over his face. Hiroki noticed this and tried to look as far as he could in the other direction.


Nowaki practically jumped over the table and capture his shorter lover in a tight hug. He was shaking from excitement and squeezed Hiroki as tight as he could. Hiroki buried his face in his lover's chest to hide the radiant blush that went to his ears and part of his neck.

"I can't tell you how happy, no, how lucky I am that you said yes," Nowaki whispered into the fiery red ears.

Hiroki buried his face deeper into the broad chest.

"Me too," he whispered with a smile.

Author's Note

The newest chapter gave me so many feels. I stared at my computer for a full ten minutes just like "Is this really happening?!" Nakamura-sensei is listening to our prayers owo I hope that Hiroki does say yes, but I don't see how he can't because that's how yaoi works :P I hope you enjoyed this short, short story :)

Until next time, sayonara~!