Notes: This one is going to be a two-shot (two chapters and no more, I hope). The prompt is at the end.

Robin Role – Part 1

Robin the Mole?

Artemis found out completely by accident. She had been training late into the night and decided to get a drink before heading to bed.

Except Robin, his face illuminated by his holographic computer glove, was in the kitchen and talking to someone.

At first, she was stunned by the capabilities of his holographic computer and that it had video conferencing. Then she was shocked by what Robin was saying.

"You're in Happy Harbour? Why?" He was whispering but there was a frantic edge to his voice. "You know the team's here."

"Of course I know that," the voice on the other end didn't bother with quiet, his voice coming through loud and clear. "And I don't care about that childish team of yours. I demand a meeting. Lunch time. You can pick the place."

"What if Batman finds out?"

"-tt- You underestimate me. I'll pick the place if you won't. Um... what is a 'Burger'?"

Robin gave an amused snicker.

"I'll show you tomorrow. But, we'll go to this place I know. Kid Flash swears they have the best burgers in Happy Harbour."

"I guess I will trust West's assessment when it comes to food, considering how much he eats," the voice was dripping with disdain and Artemis' heart stopped.

This person knew who Kid Flash was! He had forced a meeting with Robin! A meeting Batman wasn't supposed to know about.

It didn't paint a good picture. Artemis didn't want to believe the rumours of a mole in the team but, this warranted investigation.

While the rest of the team didn't believe her, they were inclined to give her the benefit of doubt. Her tone was not accusing when she told them about Robin's secret meeting and, while excluding Kid Flash, Robin's best friend, hadn't earned her any points, not outright accusing Robin and asking them to help her get to the bottom of it had.

She had made a very good case for keeping Kid Flash out of it too; he would go straight to Robin and, if the improbable and horrible was true, then that would put them in unknown danger.

M'gann bought sunglasses for the occasion and shifted her clothes into a trench-coat. It was the 'designated outfit for following someone' as shown on her shows.

Kaldur reminded them that they were following Robin. Batman's protege. If they were going to do this, they were going to have to prepare and have Superboy's assistance.

That's why, at the time of the meeting, they were sitting as far away as they could get, where only Superboy's super-hearing could pick up what Robin and his mystery person were saying.

Artemis' jaw dropped when she spotted the tan skinned, dark beady-eyed, ten year old in white dress shirt and fancy black slacks. He looked out of place in the colourful shirts and shorts of Happy Harbour.

"That's Ra's al Ghul's grandson!" Artemis hissed to the team.

"Who?" M'gann questioned.

"Ra's is one of Batman's opponents," Kaldur commented, "he leads the League of Assassins."

"He's the one whose assassins we end up fighting half the time," Artemis added. "The other half of the time, they're assassins which have been kicked out or left the League."

"Why is Robin meeting with him?" Superboy questioned with a sad frown.

"Quick! What are they saying?"

"The assassin kid is saying that 'Father' is insensitive and that he doesn't trust him. He says that he thinks he and Robin make the best partners and would Robin consider coming back to his side and forgetting about the team."

M'gann let out a whimper. She didn't want to lose Robin to this assassin kid and she certainly didn't want Robin working with said assassin kid.

"Robin's saying that he would return to Damian's, the assassin kid's, side except he believes that Damian needs to spend time with his father. And Robin's telling him about us. How I managed to fight without getting angry the other day, how M'gann's working on lifting more and more things with her telekinesis, how Artemis - you have a Kid Flash insignia pillow?"

"No I don't!" Artemis responded quickly. Too quickly. She cursed Robin because he had promised to keep it a secret!

"Robin is telling an outside information about our abilities and how we fight," Kaldur concluded, "now, what do we do about it?"

Superboy's face was stormy while M'gann's was depressed. Artemis wasn't happy and her lips were pressed into a thin line which suggested she didn't like this at all.

"You're our leader," Artemis finally said, "you decide."

Kaldur thought about it for a moment. None of them wanted to believe there was a mole on their team, least of all that it was Robin. It if was Robin, then they were all in trouble.

"Maybe, maybe Robin's not the mole," M'gann said on their way back. "Maybe, Damian's like his long lost brother or something?"

"He's Ra's al Ghul's grandson, so probably not," Artemis responded with patiently.

"Maybe Robin's being blackmailed! Maybe they know his identity!"

"I would like to think that it would take more than the threat of revealing his identity for Robin to betray us," Kaldur said.

"Maybe they're threatening Batman," Superboy mused in a low voice.

"That's it! Robin would betray us if it meant saving Batman!"

"Batman? Saving? Unlikely," Artemis snorted.

They entered the cave, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Superboy was frowning and trying to decide between beating out his frustration in the gym or watching 'no signal' until he feels better. M'gann immediately flew over to the kitchen and started baking while Kaldur pondered with Artemis hovering over him.

Robin's arrival was announced by the computer. He appeared with a cartwheel and his signature laugh.

The group froze and Artemis shivered. She wondered how he could do this; lie right to their faces while giving away their information to an enemy.

At that moment, everything she was feeling burst. The anger and hurt at being betrayed. She thought she had found a place and that the team was close and yet, the member who was friendly with everyone, the first young partner, the one who people everywhere looked up to, was someone who would give up their comrades and friends to assassins.


She leapt forward, training taking over as she readied an arrow. Behind her, a bowl dropped to the ground, slipping from M'gann's hands as she reluctantly readied herself.

Superboy surged forward, upset but also trying to not harm.

Kaldur pulled out his water-bearers and hoped that they could end this swiftly and get answers.

"What?" Robin questioned in surprise, jumping and flipping over Superboy. "What's wrong, guys?" He cartwheeled out of the way of one of Artemis' foam arrows and onto the back of the couch. He made his way back along the spine as Superboy's fist and Kaldur's water-bearers came crashing down. "Guys?" his voice held hesitation as he looked at them and noticed the anger and determination.

M'gann appeared behind him, and he had known she was there, he had known and yet been unable to dodge her. She grabbed him and tossed him to Superboy, who held him tight.

The hairs on Robin's neck stood up as Artemis drew her bow right in his face.

"There's an arrow in my face," and he couldn't keep the edge of hysterical panic out of his voice, "why is there an arrow in my face?"

"Talk!" Artemis ordered. "Where were you?"

Robin relaxed a little, theorising that they were angry about something that had happened while he was out. Maybe one of Kid Flash's pranks went wrong.

"Oh. I was getting lunch."

"Where and with who?"

"Okay. Kind of an odd question there."


Kaldur put a hand on Artemis shoulder.

"Be calm and let give him a chance," he said to her. Artemis frowned but relented. "Robin, it is important that you answer these questions truthfully."

"Okay? I was getting a burger. Remember the place Kid Flash was talking about? I went there. Alone." Immediately he realised he had said something wrong.

M'gann gave him a sad and apologetic look. Superboy's grip tightened until it was sending needles of pain up Robin's arms. Artemis growled and Kaldur sighed in a disappointed manner.

Maybe he should have said he went with Kid Flash and asked Wally to back him up?

Prompt: Robin the Mole?

So the whole team is pretty wired about the "Who's the mole?" situation. No one wants to believe there is one, but everyone is suspicious anyway.

One night, Artemis happens to catch sight of Robin hanging out and looking pretty friendly with one Damian al Ghul, who she happens to know is the little prince of The League of Assassins and the grandson of the Demon Head himself. Cue her freaking out, thinking Robin is the mole.

Damian however has already left his mother and grandfather, choosing to live with his father Bruce. Typical Bruce hasn't really told anyone of Damian's situation (outside of a few nosy JL members, aka Superman, and the YJ isn't exactly on chatty terms with him).

Artemis starts drawing up all kinds of wild conclusions, and drags the rest of the team (sans Wally) into it. Craziness speculations ensues.

-Wally won't be told, because he's Robin's best friend and if they told him of their suspicions he'd probably run straight to Robin and tell him. Too bad Wally knows all about who Damian really is.
-Damian can be either older or canon age (10-12?).
-Artemis doesn't have to be the one to start the suspicions. It could be a 4x1 type of series, one for each member (besides Wally and Robin).

TL:DR - Robin is seen with Damian, who is only known as Ra's al Ghul's grandson (not Bruce's son). Cue everyone thinking Robin is the mole.