This is going to be quite a flashback~


Chapter 07

The Color of which I Dearly HATE


The color of my hair, the color of my eyes, and the color of my blood have the same color as the name of my family. The color associated with my name is the same as the colors associated with my surroundings. The color of my surroundings is associated with the scent of rusted iron which ironically looks like dry blood.

It is such a magnificent color of which I have come to hate.

The color of passion and love became the color of anger and death.

Is it obvious now?

I hate the color red.

Kuroko remained staring in awe at Akashi's statement. There was a sharp stabbing pain in his chest as he saw that brief expression on Akashi's features.

It hurts.

He looked back at the window. He watched clouds obstruct the sun's rays. It became so gloomy even the outside was somewhat affected. He rolled his eyes back to Akashi whose expression was still hidden behind his fringes. Kuroko mustered up all of his remaining strength and slowly walked his way to Akashi. A part of him was practically shouting while another part urged him to continue. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek when he was already infront of the said red head. He knelt before Akashi just for the innocent reason of seeing his face.

Once again he was taken aback.

Akashi looked like he was dead, literally. His complexion was far from good, more or less, it was along the lines of seriously bad. His eyes had no light just like that time where he said he killed his family. He could tell that Akashi was cold. He also seemed to be not eating properly.

He wanted to hold Akashi's hand so badly. It was like as if he wasn't scared of this demon in the first place.

A hand was placed on Kuroko's shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, Tetsuya… but let me be just this once…" Akashi breathily said. He slid out of his seat then pulled the shorter male closer to his body. He buried his head on Kuroko's shoulder, snuggling in the process.

Cold. Akashi is cold. That was the first thing that registered in Kuroko's head. Who is Akashi exactly? This Akashi was very vulnerable and open, not like the one he met during his sleep… Brutal and ruthless. But then again, the first time he met Akashi, he was somewhat commanding and authorative. This was the first time he couldn't pin down the personality of someone.

"Akashi-kun..?" Kuroko slowly said.

Akashi did nothing. He just remained in his position. Then Kuroko noticed the relaxed position of Akashi's shoulder plus the steady breathing rate.

He paled upon realization.

Akashi was asleep.

He wanted to push the demon aside but experiencing this kind of Akashi was somewhat refreshing. His eyes showed panic when Akashi was releasing a menacing black aura. Kuroko's pulse sky rocketed in fear of the next episode Akashi was bound to give. He was evidently cowering at the very thought of receiving yet another set of wounds and bruises.

The black aura got bigger and surrounded the two of them.

Then it was darkness.

"The color of my hair, the color of my eyes, and the color of my blood have the same color as the name of my family. The color associated with my name is the same as the colors associated with my surroundings. The color of my surroundings is associated with the scent of rusted iron which ironically looks like dry blood." He saw a person that looked like Akashi. He was poking something with a stick. Kuroko slowly made his way to that person only to see that he was poking a dead cub with a stick. Younger Akashi grabbed the dead cub by its neck, allowing the insides to slip out of the cub.

Kuroko covered his mouth at the horrendous sight. Blood spread on the floor but younger Akashi wasn't faltered by it.

"It is such a magnificent color of which I have come to hate." Younger Akashi said to no one in particular. He unceremoniously tossed the cub aside, stabbing it with the stick once it hit the ground.

"The color of passion and love became the color of anger and death." Younger Akashi watched its blood seep out of the body as it spread on the ground.

"Is it obvious now?" He said, making Kuroko tense as if the question was directed towards him.

"I hate the color red." He looked behind as if looking at Kuroko. His eyes were those of the dead. His face was stained with the color he hated so much.

Just as Kuroko was going to reply, another voice spoke instead of his.

"Even if you say that, nothing will change…" The teal haired male turned around to see a young Midorima-kun in a yukata. It was as though Midorima had not changed. Even during those times, the green haired demon believed in horoscopes. As evidence, he was holding an odd-shaped mushroom on his right hand –it looked like a *censored*

Midorima went past Kuroko—much to his surprise—and went to Akashi's side. He wiped off the blood off of his face then threw the tissue aside. "You'll be the next demon king, so you should stop complaining about killing when it's actually our job to do so."

Akashi snapped his head to the side, as if ignoring the statement coming from the other demon. "I'm not taking that advice from a demon who likes to cure injured beings."

Midorima looked offended, "At least I don't let males hold me like a certain SOMEONE OVER THERE!" He shouted, directing his voice over to the bush just a few meters away from them.

A few moments later, rustling sounds were heard and revealed a blonde demon, "Wasn't that a little TOO rude..?" Younger Kise muttered, brushing off the leaves off of his shoulders, "I mean, it's not my fault that I attract both genders!" Kise released a smoke screen and showed a daring sexy blonde with an outrageously gorgeous body, "I'm just too beautiful!" He stroked a sexy pose for the two only to receive a bundle of leaves in the face—making him revert back to original state. "Phweh! –VERY FUNNY, GUYS!" Kise shouted as he spat out some of the leaves that got into his mouth.

"You're being a disgrace towards all of the male demons out there!" Midorima shouted at the blonde demon.

"I can't help it if I'm an incubus! I need those seeds to keep me alive!"

"Regardless, you only need females to suffice, right?!"

"I'd like to but getting seeds from males have a greater impact on my health!"


"The seed from males makes me last for a week while female seeds make me eat twice a day!"

"That is enough, both of you!" Akashi shouted.

By then, everything became ever-so-quiet—even Kuroko was forced to hold his breath at that commanding presence. Akashi clenched his hand into a tight fist. He clicked his tongue as he uncharacteristically glared at the two demons fighting before him. "Stop this foolishness this instance, Shintarou, Ryouta." Akashi's eyes turned heterochromatic, "In the end, we are disgraces of our families." He snapped his head to the side—which also happened to be turning to Kuroko's direction.

Akashi's eyes reverted to back to normal.

"It's not only us. Daiki and Atsushi are disgraces as well. I may not be one to talk but Daiki is responsible for leading Ryouta to a stray path and Atsushi kept playing with the humans even though he clearly knows that it is a taboo to connect with humans." Akashi crossed his arms then looked at the two demons before him. "Shintarou keeps healing those beings that are clearly not demon, Ryouta keeps playing with men even though he is a guy himself, and I keep disobeying the words of my father. Unfortunately enough, all five of us compose the next generation of leaders for the demon world…"

Kuroko watched the three child versions of Kise, Midorima and Akashi look guilty for themselves. It looks tough to keep a high profile of themselves, although it is far from their true selves.

Midorima adjusted his glasses, "We'd better go back… it'll be a problem if those annoying gargoyles find us here…"

Akashi nodded in response, "I agree. Those guards would probably drag as back if they found us."

Kise then agreed at the very thought of having gargoyles drag them back to the respective homes. "I think it would be better if we go now..!" He worryingly added.

With that, they went separate ways.

The scene changed into a fancy house of some noble who turned out to be Akashi's. It was an understatement if it were to be called a mansion for 'castle' was better name for that very house.

Kuroko knew that the demons who took him in called Akashi by another name, 'Emperor'. He used to think that it was just some sick joke since he was the authorative type but seeing his status in that society made him take back his words.

"Welcome back, young master. I have prepared some snacks for today, what would you like?" The house butler cordially said. Akashi just brushed off the greeting and the offer and headed upstairs.

Of course, Kuroko just followed to wherever Akashi was headed—which happened to be his bedroom. There was no malicious intent whatsoever in following Akashi, and it was just pure coincidence that he was going to undress (well it was his bedroom after all). And by pure chance, he saw brutal scars imprinted all over his body. Akashi didn't seem to be bothered by it but Kuroko was.

He can tell that those scars were meant to serve as a warning for Akashi—that and nothing else. Akashi changed his clothes to a simple shirt and slacks before heading down. Akashi went to a different door and saw yet another figure before him.

Said figure was giving off a cold aura. His eyes were way different from those that Akashi had. Like the feared person he was, he stood before Akashi in a commanding manner.

"I'm back, father." Akashi curtly said.

Akashi's father acknowledged his presence by nodding at the greeting. He motioned Akashi to come in. Biting, Akashi was lured into a trap. His right leg was caught by the quick sand set just infront of him. He just looked at the trap like it had nothing to do with him. He saw Akashi's father dangerously smirk then controlled the quick sand making Akashi be dragged.

The speed of the quick sand that was dragging increased in speed making Akashi lose his footing which ultimately made him get scraped by the ground. "Consider this as a punishment, Seijuurou…" His father coldly said. Akashi was then tossed into the air. Akashi looked good as dead in Kuroko's eyes. He didn't care what happened to him—as if as though he was protecting someone during that time given that he wasn't fighting back.

Akashi chose to be a stress reliever for his father so the other person wouldn't receive it.

A boulder flew across, hitting Akashi's back.

End of session.

His father curtly walked out of the room.

Akashi sat up, rubbing the sore parts of his back, "That was fast…" Akashi said to himself. He produced new clothes from thin air then got out of the hell room. Kuroko just watched how Akashi casually brushed off the cold treatment he was receiving from his father.

As Akashi got out of the room, he spread his scaly wings then flew off somewhere.

The scene changed once more.

Kuroko suddenly slipped as soon as the scene changed into a murky one. The place was seemingly dark but he saw Akashi land nonetheless. His scaly wings dissipated into the air. Kuroko wondered what Akashi's business here was.

Akashi deeply inhaled, "GRAAAHHHHH!" He shouted, spewing flames in the process. "WHHHYYY?!" Akashi produced spikes from the earth then pierced them to the trees, making them fall—which made the ground grumble. "I WISH YOU'D DIE!" Akashi summoned a strong gust of wind, making more trees to fall. He continued to shout his agony while exponentially exhausting himself.

Fire burned the trees then ice froze it halfway. Water sliced the other lives living inside then fire caused it to evaporate. More chaos wreaks havoc around since Akashi still wasn't content with his rage. The moment he cannot bring himself to release more power, he decided to physically take it out with his fists.

He straddled the fallen tree then punched it with all his might. It only took him a few punches to break the tree into two. The sheer forced used on the tree scraped off the skin of Akashi. Blood was definitely there to seep out.

Just the sight of it made Akashi disgusted of himself.

It was red after all…

He closed the wound by burning his fists.

Then he fell dead tired.

The scene changed once more.

"… Akashi..!"

"Oi! Akashi!"

Said demon woke up with a numb body. Fortunately enough, Shintarou was already healing his wounds—a family doctor alright. "What in the world were you doing, Akashi?!" He sternly said.

Akashi just looked at the side, "Venting…"

Midorima glared at Akashi for his foolish actions. He looked at the side but continued with healing him, "You know… There have been rumors in regards with your family. Can I assume that this is actually false?"

Akashi brushed-off Midorima's further medications. He glared at the bright sky that seemed to mock his very existence, "It depends. Would that rumor be accompanied by my mother or is it my father?"

"It's your father, actually."

"False." Akashi sat up then stretched his limbs. He pointed his palm to the big tree parallel to him then crushed it. The middle part of the tree was crushed making it unable to support the remaining upper half. As it fell, two younger demons were exposed.

Apparently, it was Kise giving a fellatio to Aomine.

Midorima gave an offensive grunt, "I'm amazed that you can do it here of all places, Kise."

Kise removed his mouth from Aomine's member, "It's a new week, so I need to replenish myself! Other than that, I didn't know that you guys were here!"

A sudden gust of wind rendered them silent.

"I believe that this is enough." Akashi brushed off the leaves that got stuck on him while lying on his back just a little while ago. "I'll let this slide, but swear to me that none will speak of this event."

It was gratefully accepted.

The scene changed once more.

Kuroko could only see darkness at the change of scene. He could feel some faint air though. He could also feel Akashi's pretense but there was no proof whatsoever on where he was located.

Knock, knock, knock… Slide.

Finally, there was light and there was a feminine figure before him and Akashi. Kuroko can immediately tell that she was Akashi-kun's mother.

"Sei-kun, are you up?" She sweetly said. Her voice was filled with warmth just like any mother would've possessed. Despite being a demon, her face was near angelic especially with her eyes. It had so much concern and love for her child.

Kuroko took notice of Akashi's position. The younger Akashi was sleeping in a fetal position. It was that kind of position that tells Kuroko that Akashi-kun was in a fragile state during those times.

Akashi curled even more, "Please leave me alone."

His mother sighed good-naturedly, "It's already morning, sweetie."

"Not on my watch."

Additional heavy footsteps were heard. Kuroko saw how Akashi's mother was carelessly pushed aside by his father.

Said father pour piping hot water on Akashi.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Akashi's mother exclaimed only to be slapped by the said father.



Akashi's mother was slapped on the face once more. Akashi slowly got up from his futon, most likely because of the burning sensation from the hot water just now.

The father's gaze was slowly directed to Akashi, "You!" He dashed to Akashi then punched him on the face.

"THAT'S AS FAR AS IT GOES, MIKOTO!" Akashi's mother shouted only to be hurtfully shut by a vine Mikoto created.

"SHUT IT WOMAN!" The father went back to Akashi's direction, "You snuck out of the manor again!" He grabbed Akashi by the collar then raised him to suffocating level. "How many times have you disobeyed me, Seijuurou?! HOW MANY TIMES?!"

Akashi grabbed his father's arms then gave a cold glare, "I also have my freedom." He spat a small fire on the man's arm, making him lose his grip on Akashi.

Akashi managed to land on his feet but luck immediately turned against him as he met spikes at the ground. Then vines managed to snake up his legs, rendering his chances of running away to less that 20%.

Mikoto smirked dangerously, "Listen Seijuurou…" He clenched his hand into a tight fist then created a blazing hot fire, "Fire can be your best friend and your worst enemy.". He threw it at Akashi's direction—thankfully, Akashi managed to dodge it by a hair's breadth though it managed to graze his cheek, "Lose control and you get hurt." He created a fanning motion directed towards the fire, effectively killing it, "Gain control and it obeys."

Akashi hid his expression behind his fringes. By all means, he wants this to be as fast as possible. So he has to ABSOLUTELY stay obedient until it's done.

"Do you understand?"

Akashi just dumbly nodded at his father's words. Regardless of thoughts of staying completely obedient, he was already grinning ear-to-ear. His father flicked a large mass of flame, engulfing Akashi's body.

The red demon just smiled maniacally. If it was anything, it would be the fact that everything is getting to him. The scorching heat of the fire, the absurd treatment he was receiving, the rules he had to abide to, the pressure he constantly gets, the expectations the people have for him… what else..? Ah. The level of his control was slowly reaching insanity. It was more than enough for him to grin like a madman.

Akashi motioned his hand up and down, sweeping the flame out of his body and into his fist. It burns. Obviously. But the thought of throwing it back to his father was rewarding for him. The idea of resorting to violence was supposed to be his last option but he was becoming a loose screw so it became nothing to him.

His eyes were covered with rule-bidden insanity. His patience had already snapped. Violence was the only option where he can vent his anger towards that person.

He didn't want this to happen but it felt as if it was the best thing to happen—even though he was gradually becoming unconscious of his actions.

His father summoned an ice cocoon then encased Akashi. To make it worse, it was bound by a ring of fire. Spikes from the soil emerged and pierced though the ice berg. Each tip contained the blood of his son. He snapped his fingers, enabling the ring of fire to spin rapidly as it came closer to the ice berg.

Akashi was supposed to die that moment if it weren't for the hail of spikes barricading the encased Akashi.

Akashi, still trapped in the ice cocoon, stared wide-eyed at nothing in particular. The soil spikes did a good job in locking his joints. It weren't for those obstructions, he would've been able to get out of there in record time. He reluctantly checked if there was even one joint that wasn't locked by the spikes.

He grinned from ear to ear. This may be the most vulnerable position he has been in. This should be the time where he should be shivering in fear but he wasn't.

He found an opening wherein his wrists were able to move. He had this dark gaze the moment he felt such a grand opportunity, "Gain control and it obeys… it obeys, it obeys, it obeys, it obeys!" He started to laugh maniacally as he pulled away his hand from the spiked soil. A disgusting sound of cracking bones could be heard. After yanking it out, he proceeded with destroying the ones obstructing his limbs. Then he destroyed the ones on his legs then he produced an explosion magic, making all obstacles go with the flow of force.

A dark and ominous shadow leaked out of Akashi's body as he stepped out of the cocoon that was reduced to ice and debris. His eyes turned heterochromatic. Large horns grew longer and thicker. He developed black leathery wings with a matching leathery tail swinging behind him. He grinned from ear to ear once more as he rearranged his joints to where they originally were.

"Gain control…" Akashi took one step and everything turned monochrome as if time seemed to slow down. The debris that was supposed to meet the ground slowed down midway. He closed his hand into a tight ball of fist. A bloodthirsty glare emerged from his features as he produced scorching hot flames—hotter than those he met with his fathers. He threw the ball of flame at lightning speed immediately hitting the target with no such effort. "… And it obeys…"

As he went towards the explosion, vines from below grabbed him by the joints, making him immobile once more. The smoke gradually cleared and a sight more gruesome he could ever imagine burned in his eyes.

He covered his mouth with his hand and knelt at the sight before him.

Sadness, guilt, rage, anger, loathes, hatred, guilt, more sadness… guilt and blood-boiling rage were the very emotions swirling in his system.

He suddenly found himself gasping for air as the vines crawled their way around Akashi's neck. His father snapped his fingers summoning thin, barely visible wires that surrounded his close-to-insanity son. Another snap of the finger, and the wires proceeded to cutting portions of his body. Another snap and Akashi was engulfed in flames.

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!" Akashi kept repeating. "COWARD!" He wasn't afraid of the fact that he can die any moment. He knew what he saw and it will continue to haunt him for the rest of his life.

Akashi's father used his wife to shield him from the horrendous attack.

"I will kill you." Akashi regrouped the scorching hot fire into his fist. The temperature exponentially increased all thanks to the rage that was lingering in his system. He found himself manipulating gravity as the wires and vines were ripped away. His eyes were wide and open as he dashed to attack his father.

The first hit landed on the face. Then Akashi reversed their positions as he created multiple attacks on the guy.

Spikes of soil immobilized every joint his father had. Vines wrapped themselves on the wrist, neck and ankle. Fire engulfed his body then was encased in an ice cocoon then was wrapped in yet another layer of fire. Wired wrapped around the cocoon then.




Everything just splattered in multiple directions. He's dead and she's dead.

His eyes went back to normal red eyes and so did the rest of his features.

The moment he came to, he could only see that it was raining blood.

"Hey… did you hear about the son of that household?"

"Oh! I did! I never knew that the offspring would be so demonic enough to kill his parents!"

Shut up.

"Mikoto-sama was the best leader we could ever have."

You don't know anything

"Why did he let that child go rampart?"

Shut up.

"I heard even the mother didn't receive mercy!"

"No way! Just how brutal is Akashi-sama?!"

Akashi clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white. He called the elders just so he could be officially banished from the kingdom, much to the dismay of the elderly. They knew what he has been going through but they had to keep quiet about this so that Mikoto's image won't be tarnished.

"Tell them that Furihata is the next heir."

With that, five demons were erased from existence that day.

Kuroko woke up while within Akashi's embrace. He noticed that there was a stabbing pain in his heart just seeing Akashi's current state. He doesn't deserve this, Kuroko mentally said. He found this demon in a new light.

He was just afraid of losing more important things that's why he continued to become cold and unapproachable.

With a simple peace of mind, Kuroko let Akashi continue to sleep even if he might get attacked during that period of time.


Shishishi~ I think I'm in the zone XD

Next chapter~ A crisis appears!

