"Come on, Mako!" Ryuko shouted, dragging the sleeping girl towards what's left of the prier.

Early into the morning, Ryuko was ready to say goodbye to the Straw Hats, but the problem is... Mako is barely awake, clinging onto the guitar case like last night, and no matter how many times Ryuko tried, Mako could barely walk by herself. Not wanting Mako to be disappointed when she misses the chance to say goodbye to them, Ryuko have to bring her there herself.

When did she suddenly get so heavy!? Ryuko thought with her eyes dead set on the Thousand Sunny.

The black-haired girl stopped for a moment when she heard loud shouting from the ship they were heading towards to. She couldn't make out wheat they were saying, but she could guess what alarmed them.

Ships from the Marines were heading their way to the Straw Hats' ship as Ryuko could already see some action happening between them.

Ryuko pick up the pace as the still sleeping Mako is now in her arms like a bride.

I wished they've lied about that! Usopp 'somewhat' panicked in his mind, as he shoot his projectiles at the determined soldiers.

The pirates had noticed a difference with these Marines, besides the fact their uniforms are a different coloration. There was a slight improvement in their abilities, though they were still no match against the Straw Hats.

Sanji felt a small pain of guilt in his chest once he realize that Ryuko and Mako wouldn't be able to say their last goodbye to them. Though it was quickly dashed away when he heard the screams of the soldiers, along with some protests.

"Stay back!" Ryuko shouted, defending herself with her Scissor Blade in one hand and holding a sleeping Mako in her other arm.

Trying her best to fend off these Marines, who tried to stop her, Ryuko was slowly making her way towards the Thousand Sunny until she felt something wrap around her waist.

Oh no... Ryuko thought, then she was slingshotted right into the direction of the ship, screaming.

Crashing into the ship's grassy lawn, Ryuko heard the familiar voice of that humanoid reindeer shouting, "Luffy, don't do that!"

"Why? They wanted to say goodbye to us." Luffy said as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

"I'm okay if anyone was wondering." Ryuko said, lifting her head up.

"The Navy will now think they're associated with us! Don't you think that they won't take that advantage!?" Nami shouted at the captain.

"...Um." Luffy said, trying to think.

"Have anyone notice that the Marines have stopped fighting?" Brook said.

There was a collective amount of "Huh?" from the pirates, letting their guards down as Ryuko stood up and dusted herself off. As for Mako, somehow she was still able to sleep on the dirt ground, clinging onto the guitar case.

The soldiers have stopped fighting the Straw Hats, and were standing in a military stance that was much more uniform than usual. A sickening feeling in Ryuko's gut, noticing the Marines' uniforms were an awfully familiar shade of blue and gray.

No... Ryuko thought at first, recognizing this event all too well.

The sound of heels clicking bought everyone's attention.

No. Ryuko thought, automatically looking up at the middle Navy ship's crow's nest, which was oddly taller than the other ships.

A heavenly light suddenly appeared from that crow's nest, almost blinding anyone who would look directly at it.

No! She thought, balling her hands into fists.

A long-haired figure stood in front of that heavenly light, which simply cause Ryuko to think, Fuck no! Why does she have to be here!? When did she became part of the Marines?!

"Who is she?" Luffy ask, cocking his head to the side.

"Presenting Lady Satsuki Kiryuin, Commodore and council president of Honnoji Academy!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"Commodore? My, my, she seems to be quite young to be one. She's even wearing a different uniform." Robin said with a bit of shock in her voice.

Satsuki Kiryuin... Sanji thought, remembering the name from yesterday.

The uniform the woman wore was very different from the other uniforms the Marines usually wear even for a commodore. Her uniform was more like a militaristic and regal sailor uniform in blue and white with a high collar, shoulder epaulets, golden adornments along the sides, a blue metal band on the upper part of her left sleeve, and white and blue boots.

Sailor uniform... She's suppose to have clothing like Ryuko's. Sanji thought as his eyes stared at the blue and white uniform's multicolored eyes, which reminds him of Ryuko's kumai.

"Mellorine~!" The cook shouted with a bit more passion than usual as Brook was fawning over her too.

"What are you doing here?!" Ryuko shouted towards the woman in white and blue.

With a deep frown on her face, the young Commodore said, "Ryuko Matoi, we've may lost contact with you over the last three months, but I still haven't forgotten about our promise if you win the Sudden Death Runoff Election."

Ryuko gritted her teeth as Mako slowly open her eyes and yawned.

"What's going on?" Mako ask, sleepily.

"If you still want information from me, you have to travel back to Honno City with us, so we could have the battles there."

"Please tell us she's letting us go?" Usopp said, knowing he's being too hopeful for that to happen.

"I'm letting Matoi and her No-Star friend go. For you pirates, meet my Elite Four."

Four people suddenly appeared on the other four ships' front. Each person was very different from their hair to their body type. If they were part of the Marines, then their uniforms didn't match to the typical uniforms. They were a lot more stylize, like how the pink-haired girl seems to be dressed similar to a leader of a high school marching band.

"Well, that's odd." Brook said.

"And that's coming from us." Usopp felt like he had to point out.

"I AM IRA GAMAGORI!" The much more bulky of them shouted, which almost cause the sea around them to vibrate.

The soldiers almost didn't flinch at that.

"So loud!" Chopper complained, covering his ears.

"I am Captain and the Disciplinary Committee Chair!" Ira shouted slightly less loudly.

"Emphasis on the 'disciplinary' part." Ryuko said under her breath.

"Hoka Irumuta, Commander and the Strategy Committee Chair." The blue-haired one said much more calmly compared to the Captain (which isn't too hard to do), as his high collar opened up.

"Nonon Jukuzure, Lieutenant Commander and the Non-Athletic Committee Chair." The pink-haired girl said, trying to act cutesy.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to hate you most of all?" Zoro said, sensing an oddly familiar feeling from the girl.

"I think Mako talked about them before." Luffy said.

"She did." Usopp sighed.

"Wow, when did we get here?" Mako said, rubbing her eyes.

"You didn't wake up when he practically caused an earthquake?" Nami said, referring to the Captain.

"Uzu Sanageyama, Lieutenant and the Athletic Committee Chair!" The masked person announced.

Why do I sudden want to call this guy 'seaweed' all of a sudden? Sanji thought to himself, eyeing Uzu's sword for a bit.

"Hey, Marimo, do you have a little brother or something?" Sanji causally said to the swordsman.

"What are you talking about?!" Zoro shouted at him, suddenly feeling insulted by that.

"So, Matoi, what is your answer?" Lady Satsuki ask the girl in red and black.

Ryuko glared at her, but suddenly, there was a chorus of "Hallelujah!" A light from above shined down upon Mako, who have her arms crossed in the air. The pirates look flabbergasted, even Robin.

"You can't just arrest them for being pirates! Sure, pirates are known for bad things, but don't arrest these pirates! They're nice! I bet they're the nicest pirates in the world!"

As Mako continue her speech of how the Straw Hats should be saved, Nami quietly hissed towards the cyborg, "Franky!" She pointed downwards, which immediate made Franky know what she wants, giving her a thumps up.

"Silence!" Mako let out a frighten yelp, fearing Satsuki's sudden shout.

With that permanent frown on her face, she said, "Matoi, your answer! Don't you want your information?"

With a soft growl, Ryuko knows that she have to go. That would be the only reason why Ryuko even want to go to the Sudden Death Runoff Election was to get information out of her since that would be Ryuko's reward for defeating all of the Elite Four. No matter what way she looks at it, she have to go with them.

Hey, I'm pretty sure they can take care of themselves. Ryuko thought. They're not involve with my problem. I shouldn't be worried for them.

"I-" Ryuko was interrupted by a "Hands on, everyone!"

The 17 year old felt the now familiar rubbery arm wrap around her waist, including Mako's, as Luffy grab onto the nearby railing.

"I see," Satsuki said, narrowing her eyes.

She tossed a hourglass-like object to them, which was caught by one of Robin's hands.

"Since you don't want to come along with me and my marines, I'm guessing you'll be going with your pirates." Sunny's rocket begin to store up energy. "See you at Honno City, Matoi."

"Coup... de Burst!"

Thousand Sunny rocketed the Straw Hat Pirates, Ryuko, and Mako away from them. Once they're gone, Nonon said, "Lady Satsuki, why did you let them go?"

Satsuki just look straight on ahead and said, "We need to go back to Honno City."

AN: Okay, I need to admit that this chapter didn't do justice for an almost 2 year wait and maybe a bit rushed. I'm sorry about that, but I was very busy with life and I kind of lost some inspiration for it until now. I mean, I didn't stop thinking about it, like I had a couple of ideas for future chapters but I decided against it.

Here's the idea I was going to do for the entire story but decided not to (and anyone can take it if it interests you): Originally, I was going to sort of mix Kill la Kill and the Dressrosa arc with Ragyo and Donflamigo working together because Ragyo would use Donflamigo for his String-String abilities to possibly make more Life Fibers and Donflamigo thought he could use Life Fibers to his advantage. I even thought up sort of original jokes, which is kind of hard for me to do, but then I soon begin to doubt myself with if it'll work. I mean, would Ragyo and Donflamigo really trust each other enough to work with each other and not think they wouldn't betray each other in the end? Also, originally, Satsaki and the Elite Four were a rank above the ones they're in now.

Please tell me if there's anything in this chapter I need to work on (I feel like I defiantly really need to work on Satsaki's and the Elite Four's personalities, but I don't know how to do that).

Anyway, I'm still sorry about not updating sooner, I hope you like this at least a little, and I hope I could update a chapter much sooner than almost two years.