Disclaimer : I do not own Love Live!

This moment right now is precious. We're being rushed towards destiny. That moment when we were holding each other was our sign of farewell.

"I'll be waiting…" You said as you smiled and held my trembling hand. I could feel that my face was wet because of the tears I keep spilling from my eyes. As I look at you, the view in front of me was blurry. Again, it's all because of this tears from my eyes. Though I tried to stop it, in the end I couldn't.

We were surrounded by the pile of rubble here and there. The smell of blood and burned meat entered my nose as I took a breath. Your head was lying on my lap. There wasn't any single wound on your body but here you are lying down lifelessly in front of me.

I could hear someone shouted my name from distance.

"Umi! I can't hold this thing any longer!" as she finished saying that, I could hear something exploded behind us. You opened your mouth once again for the last time before you completely fall to your eternal slumber.

"I'll be waiting, always waiting…" you repeated what you said before and after that finally you closed both your eyes. You didn't look like you were in pain. In fact you were smiling right now.

Aaah, how heartless… You left me alone in this world that full of sorrow….

I carried your body and placed it under a tree that still standing. All the other things around it already turned into rubble and surrounded it. I gently kissed your lips for the last time and wiped away my tears.

"Those drifting words you said, they do not vanish in the wind; they exist definitely in the warmth of my chest! Wait for me, always wait for me… I'll definitely come back to your side!" as I said that, I took my sword from my waist and shouted. I ran toward the source of the sorrow that started all this. I swing my sword and killed every familiar that blocked my way. After getting closer to its core, I could see all my companions already lying down on the ground, blood covered their bodies. Anger rushed to my head, making my blood boiled from it.

I ran again, trying to get closer to the core of this familiar I'm facing right now. It was big, enormously big but I don't care. Whatever it takes, I have to defeat it. She's waiting for me and I promised her that I will come back to her side. It throws several fire balls at me but I dodge it all. It summoned another familiar but I kept killing it like it was nothing. I'm sure I didn't look like a human myself right now. It's alright as long as I could bring down this thing.

"Wooooaaaaaaaa!" after its core is within my reached I jumped with all my might and held my sword with both of my hand. I swing it as hard as I could. The ball that looked like a crystal and ten times bigger than me finally started to break. Though I didn't manage to cut it in a half, I managed to make it break and just like a glass, once a familiar core is break it can easily be crushed. I step back a little and prepared another attack. I jump again and swing my sword for the last time with all the power I had left in me. When my sword managed to cut its core, a laud groan could be heard all over the places, making the earth tremble by its powerful sound. What comes after that was white covered both the sky and the ground.

"Wait for me I'll come to you right now…"

I wake up by the sound of my alarm. When I opened my eyes I could see a familiar ceiling above me. I reached for my phone beside my pillow. I turned off the alarm and let out a sigh. I lift my right hand and covered my eyes with it.

"That dream again…" lately I've been dreaming that same dream over and over again. The girl with the same name with me, fighting alone enormous thing she called familiar. That's the only thing I remembered from the dream. The Even though it's only a dream, the sensation I felt really feels like it wasn't a dream at all. Even though I always having this same dream over and over again, I never managed to saw the face of this girl with the same name as me nor the girl that was lying down on her lap.

"Maybe it was because I always dream about it every night, of course it would feel like it was real…." I tried to find an excuse to myself.

After cleared my head from all unnecessary thought, I got up from my bed. I walked to the bathroom. After washing my face and brushed my teeth, I come back to my room and opened my wardrobe. I took the school uniform and put it to myself. After I finished putting the ribbon, I looked at myself in the mirror. As I thought, my face was pale like a ghost. Whenever I had those dream, I always woke up in fatigue for no reason. I let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen. I prepared some breakfast for myself. Roasted bread and a coffee would be enough for today.

After finished I sat down on the dining chair, eating the bread I made before and turning on the TV. I scanned every channel but nothing managed to get my interest. I looked at the clocked. It's seven past thirty. I took my school bag that was hanging on the chair, turned off the TV and walked toward the door of my apartment. I wore my shoes and then closed the door. After making sure I already locked the door, I started walking down the stairs.

My name is Sonoda Umi. I'm a second year high school student. Both of my parents are working outside the country. Today marked the new semester but I'm sure nothing remarkable will happens anyway. Soon after I arrived to the school, I know that what I said will be proven wrong.

"Okay, I'll start the homeroom so get back to your seat!" As the teacher entered the classroom, the hectic class before now turned into a silent cemetery-like class. My chair was at the fourth row from the door, the second from behind and right beside the window. Sometimes I spaced out during classes and just keep looking at the sky. I know that it wasn't a good thing to do but somehow the sky looks more interesting for me than the lessons are.

"Ah that's right, starting from today we'll have a new student joining our class." The homeroom teacher gestured to someone behind the door to enter the room. As soon as the teacher give the signal, a girl walking slowly into classroom. Her long grayish-ash hair is dancing beautifully in the air as she walked inside. The first thing I noticed from her was her weird hair style.

Doesn't it troublesome to do it every morning? I thought to myself.

"Now introduce yourself." The homeroom teacher said to the transfer student.

"My name is Minami Kotori. Nice to meet you all." The transfer student bowed and smiled. Her voice is really soft and unique. As soon as she started talking, I could see several students already attracted to her. Not like I care anyway.

"Okay now, your seat is…" The teacher was scanning the whole classroom, trying to find an empty seat for the transfer student. She looked at my direction and then grinned widely. I turned my head to the right, trying to find out what her grinned meant is. When I looked at my right, I already understand what it was but it's already too late.

"Minami, you can sit beside Sonoda there on the back."

I let out a sigh. I'm sure having a transfer student beside me will only bring nothing but troubles. I looked at the transfer student and she looked at me. The moment I met her amber eyes she let out a smile. I didn't reply it. I just let another sigh and turned my gaze outside the window. I could hear the transfer student walking toward my direction and finally sit down on the desk beside me. I still looking at the sky when I hear she says something to me.
"I'm Minami Kotori, nice to meet you." She offered her hand to me. I looked at it and hesitated for a second before I finally took it.

"Sonoda Umi." I immediately let go of her hand and gazing back to the sky.

I hope nothing troublesome happened today…

The bell is ringing, telling that it's already time for break. As usual I would just go to the canteen, brought some bread and spend the rest of the break on the rooftop. When I got up from my seat, Minami Kotori's seat beside me already filled with a lot of student. They asked her about a lot of things and won't stop until their question being answered, making it hard for me to leave my desk.

Aaaah this is why having a transfer student will only bring trouble.

I let out a sigh. As I made my way outside the student that gathered around Minami's desk, I caught a glimpse of her face. She looked like she was troubled. Not that I can do anything to help her. After being freed from all that commotion, I walked towards the school canteen when I spotted a familiar blonde walking to my direction. It seems that she notice me as well.

"Hey Umi!" She called my name and waved at me, making the paper she carried around fall to the ground. She immediately collected it. I walked to her direction and help her collecting the paper.

"Sometimes you really are clumsy, Eli." I said as I gathered the last piece of paper.

"I don't want to hear that from you." Eli replied and thanked me afterward. I decided that I would help her carry this paper. And so we walked together on the hallway.

"Where are you going anyway? Student council room?" I asked the girl beside me. Ayase Eli. She was a childhood friend of mine. Her parents and mine was a good friend too. We used to be neighbor, but since my parents work outside the county I decide to moved to an apartment near the school. Sometimes I came over to her house because her parents often invite me for dinner and Alisa her sister, was really close with me. She's a quarter Russian. At first glance everyone thought that she was a cool, serious and composed person but inside she was actually clumsy sometimes. Despite being a year older than me, she's still afraid of the dark and you can bribe her easily with a chocolate.

"Yes, there's a lot of works pilling up lately." Eli let out sigh.

"Being the student council president sure is tough." I said my sympathy to her.

"It is, but I'm happy because I can help and hear different point of view about this school." Eli smiled softly. "Speaking of which, I heard that you got a transfer student in your class?" Eli shifted the topic of the conversation, remind me of those look Minami had on her face before I left.

"Yes." I answered her straight to the point.

"What kind of person she was?" I could see that Eli was really curious about Minami. I don't know the reason though. I closed my eyes for awhile to search for the best words to describe the transfer student.

"A girl with a weird hairstyle?" I opened my eyes and said my honest opinion to Eli.

"What's with that?" Eli frowned when she heard my answer. "You know Umi, if you keep going on like that, you won't have any friend beside me for the rest of your life you know." Eli let out a sigh.

I realized that I was being too stiff around someone beside Eli, but that's simply just because I don't want to be attached to them. If you get attached to something and ended up losing it, wouldn't it be better if you didn't attach to it from the start? I couldn't say anything back to Eli. I know that she's saying that because she was concerned about me. And I do realize that she wasn't going to be with me forever.

"Here we are. Thank you for helping me carried this." Eli took the pile of papers I was holing before. "I'll have a meeting after school so you can go home ahead without me and don't forget to eat your lunch okay?"

As the mention of lunch I then walked my way to the canteen. I bought two breads and milk and then heading to the rooftop after. As usual, the rooftop was empty. I climbed the stairs and throw myself on the floor. I looked at the wide sky that spreading above me. No matter how much I see this same sky over and over again, I always fell in love with it. When I was going to eat my bread, the door to the roof opened. I looked down to see who's coming. A grayish-ash haired girl with weird hair style entered the roof while holding her lunch box in her hands.

I tried not to make any noises so that she wouldn't realize my presence. She was now walking to a shade beside the wall. She spread her handkerchief on the floor and then sat down on it. She opened her lunch box. It was filled with home-made lunch I often saw in the TV. She started eating her lunch box slowly.

What am I doing spying on her like this...

I let out a sigh. I opened my bread and then ate it while trying not to let out a sound. After I finished eating my lunch I tried to look down again to see whether the transfer student was still there or not. She was still there, humming a melody to herself.

If this keeps going on, I don't know if I could go back down or not….

I let out another sigh. I sure sighed a lot today.

Just when I was about to go down and excused myself, I heard the transfer student singing.

"This moment is precious…

Being rushed towards destiny,

That moment we were holding each other was our sign of farewell."

Those words, where did I have heard it before?

Her soft and beautiful voice entered my ears again.

"I'll be waiting, always waiting…

Those drifting words

They do not vanish in the wind; they exist definitely in the warmth of my chest."

The transfer student continued to sing. Without knowing it I was singing myself.

"Wait for me, always wait for me

Communicating with our eyes,

I'll wait at the place of our memories, until someday you return…"

I continued her song. The transfer student was surprised when she heard me sing. I was surprised myself. I'm positive that I never heard that song before. How did I know the continuation of the lyrics?

The transfer student looked up to where I was and I looked down at her. For the second times today, my eyes met with her amber.

"That song…" she opened her mouth when suddenly the cloud turned black and a thunder coming down near the transfer student, making a black spot on the floor.

"Minami-san!" I immediately climb down the stairs and running toward her. She was falling from the surprised but except for that, she doesn't look like she's hurt anywhere.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and helped her to stand.

"I'm okay, thank you Sonoda-san." She nodded and thanked me.

The dark clouds gathered above us. For years I've always looked at the sky but I never see something like this before.

Somehow I have a bad feeling about this…

"So it finally began huh?" a girl with black robe wearing a hat standing on top of building. She looked at the distance where a black cloud gathered around. "Now, show us what you can do, Sonoda Umi…"

A/N : Hello it's me again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for my bad grammar and any other mistakes, I hope this story is readable. Another KotoUmi, I don't know why I'm so addicted with KotoUmi now, they're just too cute X3

This story is AU and the characters really really OOC, I'm sorry for that. My first time writing a fic with action, sorry if it was lame, I still learning ehehe

A question from me, should I add side pairing or not? and advice from me, if you read this chapter try to read it while listening to μ's - だってだって噫無情 (Datte Datte Aa Mujou) this chapter is basically inspired by the song hehe

Well then see you next chapter~