La vie est belle

Lady Nefertiti

Summary: Caged and cornered with the devil himself…

A/N: Newest Fic I've been working on-this was due to my sudden 'disappearance' lol...sorry everyone! This is also a part of my 'sticky situations' collection. And as usual I don't own Inuyasha or the supplement known as Folic Acid. **Scratches head** (is that important to put in this disclaimer?) anyway, don't forget to review!

The title is French for "Life is Beautiful" and it's pronounced "la-vee-ah-bell"

Chapter 1: Dip (Urban Dictionary: To leave fast/get the hell out of somewhere)

-Higurashi house- (Future)


"Gyyaaah! Owww! That hurt!" Kagome's voice came from her room. She rubbed her head glaring at the top of her closet then at the object that had fallen at her feet. Damn it! Was it her fault that her closet was so messy? She barely had time to clean and organize-let alone breathe here (future) because Inuyasha was always dragging her back to the past—always about the jewel this Naraku that-Kouga and countless enemies never before seen and/or that would pop out of nowhere so be 'at the ready!' For anything.

Sheesh! It was out of the goodness of her heart that she was actually helping find that damn Shikon! She could sure as hell walk off, seal the well with a 'Sayonara everyone! See you in 500 years! So good luck?' She scowled, mood getting darker and angrier as she thought about the hanyou who mistreated her and didn't care for her 'girly needs'. Even his un-dead Miko Kikyo could find/sense the shards. She wasn't that bad at it (not that Kagome was complimenting Kikyo or her skills at all).

Kagome huffed as she sat on the ground cross-legged staring at nothing really. Kikyo was still after her soul so that put her in more danger…rather than some random demon coming their way to 'do away' with Kagome and grab her shards. It had been so many years that she had been coming back and forth through the well. It was starting to get frustrating? Annoying? Was that the right word for it?

Every day it was the same thing. Wake up, bathe, dress, work, eat, travel, fight, sleep. Sometimes she felt bad for the feudal era, they did nothing new and nothing was fun. It seemed it was more 'survival of the fittest' since there were demonic creatures as well. She wondered whether they'd died off over the years or something like that since she didn't sense any here.

Odd. Had humans beat them? Even demons like Sesshomaru?! Really now….Nah! What was she so concerned about? She was sure he was lurking about as a C.E.O or something else in his large mansion and didn't want to be seen. That had to be it.

Speaking of demonic, Shippo should've come back to the village now since he was visiting his old village. Even if he was with his 'kind' he preferred to stay with 'mama Kagome' just like little Rin stayed with Sesshomaru-sama-even though everyone knew she should've been dropped off to the nearest human village so 'her kind' could take care of her.

She sweat-dropped as she thought of someone daring to call Sesshomaru 'Daddy Sesshomaru'. Ha-ha now that would be the day. Well someone would in the future she supposed. Once he decided on a mate. Well he wasn't getting any younger. Whatever that meant.

Picky guy…that he was.

She shook her head. Why was she thinking of him? She barely saw him even when he dropped off Rin to baby-sit her. She stood up, stretching, muttering something about 'wild inu's with annoying mannerisms' and looked out her window. She'd locked it so Inuyasha couldn't come storming through. She deserved days off too.

"Hmm maybe a bath, then I'll call Eri or Yuka so they can come over-they probably think I'm dead anyway-and then I'll take a nap and start packing later." Kagome said out loud. She made her way downstairs and decided she was hungry.


As she walked into the kitchen she heard delicious aroma wafting towards her. Normally it was Ramen she smelled. Chicken, pork, beef, oriental, shrimp, vegetable...etc. Seriously Inuyasha should know that'd he 'pack up the pounds' and gain weight at the rate he ate those noodles.

Again, it was out of the goodness of her heart that she brought those noodles back here. What? did he think (at the rate he ate -less than a week) that Kagome was some type of millionaire? And HE was the one that threw temper tantrums if he didn't get any?

Ha! Then since he could come to the future-maybe he should go grocery shopping instead of her. Poor guy was going to get himself arrested after he threatened to kill someone (waving that sword of his that he carried around normally in the feudal era) asking why he had to pay money, how dare they tell him what to do and where he could go to buy it…or something along those lines. He didn't like to be ordered around.

In any case, right now she had to go and investigate the kitchen. It was time to eat-feudal era needed to wait. "Hey mom. It smells good." Kagome said as she walked into the kitchen to see the already waiting high piles of Ramen on the table and sighed loudly. At this rate Inuyasha would get constipation. He needed a change to what he consumed. Maybe she should bring him some Folic Acid.

Inuyasha didn't even eat his greens or fruit and pondered whether fruits would kill him-not that she was having those thoughts! At all! Great (she sweat-dropped) She should and needed to keep those thoughts to herself. She'd leave it up to Sesshomaru do the killing. He always gave him random death threats every once in a while but never did really 'do away' with him.

He was a puzzle to her sometimes. She wondered if his inner beast had the same thoughts or was on the more primal 'let's do this now!' Type. Usually the inner beast had more power but she guessed Sesshomaru did a good job of keeping a good hold on letting his beast out.

Inuyasha could not hold his inner beast in. When he reached a certain point-angry, eyes going red-attacked anyone. He couldn't even turn into Sesshomaru's 'large dog form' (like he did in their father's grave) looking all regal, dangerous and stuff.

Interesting that if she just heard herself you'd think she wondered, thought and worried over Sesshomaru like she was his mate with her 'Sesshomaru this' and 'Sesshomaru that'.

Normally her thoughts consumed of how many times she had to sit Inuyasha when she got/went back to the feudal era…..

-Kaede's village (Past)


"Houshi-sama! I'm telling you that once Kagome-chan returns I'll have her burn you with her powers! Or something along those lines!" Sango said while holding, waving her boomerang in a threatening manner. He grinned at her lovingly, while rubbing his head-a smile meant to melt her heart….to no avail though.

"But I'm holy-a monk! my dear Sango-sama! Can Kagome-sama possibly kill the ones who are holy?" Miroku asked in a mock hurt voice.

"Holy my a**!" Sango said (learning this vulgar term from Kagome a while back)


"Why don't you annoying humans just stop arguing and declare your stupid love for each other already?" Inuyasha said from the corner of the room, holding his sword in his arms and glaring elsewhere. Feh. Stuck with humans all the time! He was going to lose his mind at this rate!


"What does that term mean? Auntie Sango?" Rin asked in a cute innocent voice. Damn it! She was here with them! How could she have forgotten? Was it time to panic?

"You're polluting Rin's mind! Sesshomaru will slice you after SHE asks him what the term means! And who said it. Good luck explaining THAT one to the bastard." Inuyasha said in an annoyed tone still not looking at Sango.

How awkward….

Sango looked irritated. Rin shrugged (thankfully) as she settled down next to Auntie Sango-saying she was sleepy. Sango sighed as she beckoned Rin closer while giving Miroku a 'stay where you are and behave' look. Anyway,

Miroku shrugged, gave Rin a wink and walked out of the hut saying something about needing fresh air since it was beautiful, warm and sunny, what a day! what a day!

Yeah right….

Sango sighed not having the energy to follow or fight him-shrugged inwardly-knowing he'd get 'taken care of' where she knew 100 percent he was going. She had to watch Rin at the moment. She didn't think Inuyasha would be a good guardian or nanny….rather 'manny'. She sighed as she looked down at the peaceful Rin.

Oddly she hadn't thought Sesshomaru to be a great guardian to the child. Her first thought was to take Rin away from him asap when she saw her walking alongside him singing something about Green Jaken's, pretty flowers and the great warrior Sesshomaru. Sango grinned as she ran a hand through Rin's raven locks. Perhaps she had been wrong.

-Present-(with Kagome)

She entered the kitchen-unaware of what was going on in the feudal era at this moment-and sat at the table. The table was piled with Ramen so her mom didn't notice her first. No surprise really. "Mom." Kagome said again. She seemed too preoccupied and hadn't even heard her (Kagome) ask what she was cooking as she walked in.

"Oh honey. There you are. I bought the Ramen a few days before you got here-knowing your friend Inuyasha who loves those noodles. Hmm….do dogs really eat/can digest pasta though? Chocolate is poisonous to them." Her mom said thinking out loud while Kagome just listened to her ramble on and on answering questions herself.

"This is Sukiyaki (beef hotpot) I'm making. The families are doing Pot-luck. The festival is this weekend too and we have friends coming over and oh no….honey don't shake your head like that! You love festivals! With games, prizes, dressing up in kimonos and Hojo is going to be there as well!" she said. Didn't Kagome miss him?

"Mom." Kagome tried. Why did mom always have this notion that she was with Hojo? But 'time' drove them apart… what? Were they star-crossed lovers or something? Romantic thought but it wasn't so…..

"Oh Kagome you didn't did you? Maybe that's why you don't like Hojo? I don't know how things work in the feudal era but…" her mom started while pulling out biscuits from the oven.

"Did what mom?" Kagome tried slowly-face turning red knowing what and where she was getting at. And hell that Feudal era was much more strict and conservative than here! What was she thinking?!

"Well I just assumed that since you and Inuyasha have been together for almost 5 years now I just thought that…." Her mom continued. Kagome could swear she was blushing and turning shades of red no one had seen before-right down to her roots.

And her mom? She seemed OKAY? With that fact? What made feudal boys better than boys here in the future? like what? that they wouldn't cheat or something? Poor Miroku popped into her mind and she shook her head. "Mom you should know me better than that." Kagome said trying to keep her voice even staring at the ground.

She breathed in deeply. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5….okay! She wasn't staying here. Change of plans. She was going back sooner than she'd thought. To hell with the festival, games and good food.

After all, she saw fireworks every day in the feudal era…

She raced up the stairs to grab her half-full yellow pack, turned the lights out (forget the messy room too) and raced back down faster. She started throwing in countless bags of Ramen and said she'd be back if she ran out (which she would) and to just leave the Ramen there on the table.

She gave her mom a quick kiss and said, "I'm off mom. Love you! See you later!" Kagome said and dashed out of her house-yellow pack and all-a happy smile on her face (for some odd reason) as her mom came running after her, something about staying behind for a while and about her duties here like being a carefree teenage girl. Not someone literally dumped with heavy duties. The feudal era where she didn't belong! even Kagome should know it too.

Kagome's mom sighed as she watched her daughter disappear into the bone-eaters well. She had originally wished that Kagome stay here for the festival this year even just for a few hours… Sometimes it seemed that Kagome's real family resided in the feudal era-months she spent there looking for a jewel and whatever else she did or was doing at the current time.

It was almost like she didn't know her daughter anymore. Where she went? Did she find a boyfriend-or someone she was in love with? Thankfully she hadn't done 'that'. She sighed as she stepped out of the Shrine house and closed the door, not wanting to see the flash of blue at the bottom of the well.

Seemed like her daughter was growing up too fast? Maybe. She didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. She walked to the bottom of the stairs of the house/shrine to go pick up Sota from Karate practice while wondering which illness she should come up for Kagome. Nothing fatal of course, otherwise Kagome should've been way dead by now….

-Bone-eaters well (at the bottom)

Kagome stood at the bottom of the well staring into the darkness. Resting her forehead against the wall she replayed the conversation with mom. She didn't know why she just ran off like that. Was it embarrassment? Surely-normally she could've had a boyfriend and wouldn't mind if it WAS Hojo if she didn't have duties here in the past. He was caring enough and wouldn't persuade her to do 'that'. She shook her head. What was wrong with her? Almost starting banging her head against the dark walls about her being a brainless baka….anyway,

Then what? Then what was she looking for? Someone? Something permanent? She'd never thought of mating or even marriage especially at this point. Her husband or mate probably wouldn't want her or let her go off frolicking (skipping, playing) around, dressed in that green uniform killing and slaying demons who were after her for a jewel.

He'd probably send out his soldiers and guards to 'do away' with Naraku and have her collect the jewel later when it was safe-and have countless soldiers trailing after her just to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Heck she'd been possessed, kidnapped and almost killed plenty of times after all…..

She decided now was not the time to think on it as she looked up to the blue sky's of the feudal era from the depths of darkness she was standing in. She had other worries on her mind and then she'd think on what to do about her love life much later. She brushed away the fact that it could take months, years even to put the jewel back together and she would wait till she was in her late 20's? 30's maybe?

What if something happened to the well and she was stuck here forever? Would she go back home after having experienced so much 'history' here? Would she feel weird once she got back to the future? Since she had to get back to a normal life? Yes it seemed like Kagome had a lot of worries on her mind….

Lady Nefertiti: Please read and review! I have broken down this one-shot into three chapters...Thanks.