"No way..." his eyes could not have been wider as he stared at her. "You did NOT just..."

She grinned in triumph. "I play dirty, Mulder. You never had a chance."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "I underestimated you. Maybe I was going easy on you." He leaned in, while sliding one hand up her side to rest under her breast. "No more Mr Nice Guy" he whispered, sweeping a thumb over her nipple.

She couldn't help it, the electric shock that shot through her made her buck off the bed and a whimper escaped. "Hey, not fair!" she complained

"It's above the belt" He did it again, and this time the current ran deeper, making her legs shake. She drew in a ragged breath and swallowed. He ran the very tip of his tongue along her bottom lip and she drew away sharply.

"Let me go, cheater!"

"Am not" he pouted, but he reluctantly rolled away, allowing her to sit up.

She felt suddenly cold as the heat of his body disappeared. It must have shown in her face, because he reached for the blanket folded at the end of the bed, and shook it out.

"Here, do you need this?" He wrapped it around her, never breaking eye contact as his arms encircled her. Damn him, he could be so very, very lovable. Even in this dream. But was it a dream? The colours weren't nearly as weird as they had been, and her brain seemed a lot less fuzzy. What if it was real? No, it couldn't be. Mulder would never behave like this with her. Hadn't he said he was in love with her? Ha. Like THAT would happen in reality. She felt his fingers smoothing a lock of hair behind her ear, and then trailing on down to trace her jaw. "You are so beautiful, Scully" he said.

Her bottom lip trembled and she sternly told herself not to cry.

"When this stuff wears off, Scully, we are going to have a serious conversation. I wouldn't dream of taking advantage while you're potentially under the influence of some unknown substance, but..." he seemed to reconsider for a moment "That's not true, I would dream plenty. You know all about my dreams..." He winked, trying to make light of that terrible, wonderful night in Arcadia when six years of hidden desires had broken through the surface of their denial. "But I don't want to do anything that might make you leave me. So I'll wait. But when I'm sure you're yourself again..." he leaned in again so they were almost touching, and whispered "You're in trouble, gorgeous."

She shivered, but smiled. If this really was real... no, she couldn't allow herself to believe it. Waking up would be too horrible. But there was no harm in enjoying the moment. She climbed into his lap and put her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, over the blanket.

"Oh Scully" he murmured softly, and squeezed her gently. She hummed contentedly, and felt sleep start to swallow her up.

As she drifted off, she thought she heard him mutter "When you wake up, things are gonna change."