A/N: Why, oh why do I keep posting things? I need to stop. Or maybe this just needs to fill the hole Pile will soon leave. I'm not sure right now. Anyway, another one of those disturbing, fun fics of mine. I happened to read the 'Harveste Addams' series of fanfiction and it was glorious. Highly recommended and a bit influential, though I've had a genderqueer, bisexual Taiki in my head for months.

As a fun side note, this is thirty drabbles drafted. The canon plot has gone off the rails and I have no clue where it went. Not sorry in the slightest. Apologies that these are short things, it seems to work better this way.

Challenges: what if (of which you will have to check the thread for), and AU Devils of Doom, supernatural!AU.

Warnings: murder, graphic descriptions of violence, innuendo, blood, events harmful to minors, poison, crossdressing, eventual bloodsucking as well as gender bender, possible future polyamory, etc. The trope "Conditioned to Accept Horror" is in full effect!

Please read and review if you can!


The first kill was made very young.

This is a requirement of anyone who decides to join them, or already is and needs to prove it. They have a name of course, but no one speaks it, not unless they aren't disturbed by blood and mayhem and murder but so many people are. It is quite entertaining.

So the name, too, is kept quiet,

He didn't remember (he, she, xir, we, so many pronouns, just let them think what they liked, it was well-deserved.) how old he had been when he had been told to throw the cutlery in his hand into the eye of the man on the other side of his mother. Thankfully, it didn't matter in the least that blood and flesh spilled into the soup broth and ruined the noodles. Mama had considered that a point in his favor.

Hadn't been caught, of course.

Couldn't be, shouldn't be. Not his job.

His gift for this work was a dress and a rapier. He had giggled and tackled his mother around the waist. They were perfect.

He's not bothered by the blood, even when he looks back on the event. He's pretty sure his formula and bottles were laced with it and poison from mushrooms, and it gave them that much more flavor when heated with the saucepain. He has to be kept in check, so he causes just the right amount of destruction.

Of course, he is full aware that it is his behavior they should be keeping in check.