Why Me?

A Damien: Omen II story

Please Note: I had 3 chapters, put up. But I wasn't happy with them. I'm going to make Damien and Mark 15/16 from the start. If you watch The Omen Legacy documentary, it was the studio who didn't want the kids to be older. It makes more sense to have them to advance their ages. Some alternate universe, more focus on Damien and Mark and not the Buher/Thorn Industries storyline. Some original characters added. Canon characters created by David Seltzer and Joseph Howard for the novelizations and also Seltzer for the screenplay of The Omen. Plus Harvey Bernhard,Stanley Mann, Mike Hodges, for the D: OII script. I own nothing. This is a Hollywood version of a Hollywood story and not meant to be an accurate description of anyone's religious doctrines or beliefs. This was written just for fun and because I always thought the film wasted an opportunity by not focusing more on Damien and Mark. Some slashy surprises contained note: Damien would be 15 until 6/6 when he turns 16.

Chapter 1

Why Me?


When the afternoon sky did not answer the boy's anguished pleas he forced himself up as the tears after finding out his true identity stuck to his fifteen-year-old face. The sky was growing darker and the light wind ripped through his back. He didn't have his outer coat on let alone his military blazer. It was freezing and he wondered if the sky was indeed mocking him. The events of today echoed throughout his whole body, not just his mind knowing all the answers in history class, it was as if another body, another self took over. The Sgt. told him to read the Bible most specifically the book of Revelation, chapter 13, it was about him, and when he found, the part that he couldn't deny, the part that confirmed his identity, the number of the beast — 666 — on his scalp. There was nothing in front of him, but water and trees. He briefly thought about drowning himself, but the new part of him that became so recently awake was not about to let him do so. He was frightened, but he tried his best not to show it. He wiped his eyes and slowly walked back to school. He needed to process this new found knowledge. He needed to go deep down into the very core of his soul before facing anyone.

"You look as though you can use a smoke, Damien." Offered his friend George when he found Damien behind the gymnasium an hour later.

Damien had no plans to enter through the main doors and face Sgt. Neff or worse yet, Mark.

What about Mark?

"Yeah. Thanks."

The sky was a darker midnight blue color than the morose gray at the pier. The stars were out. It seemed like any other ordinary night.

"Why did run out of school today? Is something wrong?"

Damien took one last drag on the cigarette and put it out on the ground. "I just found out who my real Father is." He replied matter-of-factly. He needed to tell someone. Someone who wasn't obviously a part of the scheme of things like Sgt. Neff and — Paul Buher! That quite explained all of his philosophical words at Mark's birthday party. He understood that he couldn't tell George the complete truth, but he needed to get some of this weight off his chest and he was fully aware that he couldn't tell Mark even this much, at least not now.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Was all he could reply with.

"You can't tell anybody, George." Damien added while feeling a mix of tiredness, hunger, impatience, anger, and even a wonderment about this new revelation about him.

"Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. You missed dinner, I bet you are starving."

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you going to meet your Father someday?"

Damien blinked his eyes. "I'm not sure." He whispered.

Neither one of them had permission to go off-campus but Damien knew it would be okay with Sgt. Neff if they went out to a local diner. He really didn't want to face any other familiar faces right now.

After Bed Check

"Where'd you go, Damien? Are you all right?" Mark inquired.

When Mark and the other cadets on the floor were getting ready for bed check Damien was able to sneak into his bunk. The sheets were cold on his skin. He tried to ignore him in the dimly lit room, but Mark wouldn't let up with his well-meaning questions of concern.

"Are you angry at me? Did I say anything to upset you?"

Damien sighed, "No."

"Where'd you go?"

"It's all right," Damien reassured, "I'm okay now. Go to sleep." He turned off the light and while Mark eventually did fall asleep, Damien stayed up until three o'clock in the morning staring at the ceiling. He wondered as his body was finally starting to fall into slumber — what would tomorrow be like?

When all the cadets were assembled safely into their classrooms Damien woke up. He remembered Sgt. Neff telling Mark this morning to "Leave him be." He took a long, hot shower; almost hoping that the mark would have disappeared, got dressed, and gave himself one last look in the mirror he realized at that very moment why he was contained in such a pretty package. He walked down the main staircase, past the secretaries, and straight into Sgt. Neff's office. He closed the door sharply behind him and announced with no emotion whatsoever in his voice.

"I know you know that I now know who I am."

"I wonder why Damien isn't in class today?" Mark gazed at his watch as second period calculus class was about to begin.

"Shut up, Mark," George looked him squarely in the eye, "Not everything that happens to Damien is your business."

Before Mark could respond the professor walked in the room.

Damien was able to slither in unnoticed five minutes later.

"Are you okay?" George whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

Damien replied as he opened up his math book not bothering to look at Mark. When Damien was done copying the notes off the blackboard two things entered his mind. Last night while sleeping he recalled his fifth birthday party and his nanny called out his name proclaiming that It Was All For Him before she hung herself and at the beginning of their first term at Davidson when Sgt. Neff replaced Sgt. Goodrich. It was after his cloak and dagger private session with the Sgt. that he saw Teddy beating Mark up and how he didn't have to make a fist in order to stop him. He could will. Damien had trouble thinking of the right words to describe it. It was something that went beyond words. He just knew that he couldn't run away from it. He didn't know if he liked who he was and who he was about to become yet or not, but he knew one thing for certain that he would not run away from it ever again.