DAY 1 : Masquerade ball.

Regina was looking around, sighing. She was wearing a gown that seemed directly taken from the Enchanted Forest, a deep red and cut behind, and was wearing a red mask that fit with her dress.

A masquerade ball.

There was only Snow White to think of such a thing in Storybrooke. She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched Henry danced with Emma while the two Charming idiots were dancing together.

Yes, this was her family.

And she couldn't be more proud of them.

After defeating the Queens of Darkness and after peace finally fall on the small town. And Mary Margaret decided – as the the new mayor, that a huge ball would be held, a masquerade ball.


It had been such a stupid idea.

She didn't want to come at first, Henry forced her.

Regina looked up and her heart stopped, her breath leaving her lungs.


It couldn't be.

For a second...

For a second she thought she saw Robin there in the crowd ...

But it wasn't possible.

Tears shone in her eyes.

It couldn't be.

Robin was lost to her.

Regina shook her head and closed her eyes but then a gasp escaped her and she looked up, looking around her, frantic and lost.

His scent.

She was not crazy, it had been his scent.

This fresh, forest scent she loved so much. This scent that made her feel so safe, and loved, and hopeful.

A tear escaped her eyes as she tried to get herself together.

Robin wasn't here.

And he would never be again.

She needed air.

She needed to breathe.

So she turned around and escaped in one of the balcony, clutching at the barrier and a tear escaped her eyes. Then another and soon, she couldn't stop the tears running down her cheeks and sobs from shaking her body.

She had not cried since the night he left.

She missed him so much.

It had been 6 months since he crossed that line but to Regina, it seemed like he left yesterday.

She buried her face in her hands and for the first time in months, allowed herself to break.

"May I have this dance, m'lady ?" an accented voice asked and she froze.

Oh God.

She was dreaming again.

She must be.

She didn't dare turn around at first, refused to face a blank space where he should be.

But something was different, call it a feeling.

Regina took a deep breath and turned around.

And a small cry escaped her.

For it was her Robin in front of her, wearing a green cape and a green mask, blue eyes shining while tears were leaving his eyes. He was holding her his hand and she took it, trembling before he brought her to him and squeezed her to him and Regina's heart began to beat again, so fast, so hard against her chest, like it suddenly got back to life.

They began to sway slightly to the music, both lost in the feeling of the other. Regina was snuggled in Robin's arms and he was holding her so close to him.

"Is this real ?" she murmured and heard his teary chuckle as he kissed her temple before cupping her cheeks,

"It is very real, my love."

"But how ?" she asked and he wiped with his thumbs the tears leaving her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I am here, now." he leant in and nuzzled his nose with hers. "I love you." A tear escaped his eyes, "I love you and I should have told you that day on the town line, regretted everyday that I didn't. " he leant a bit more into her, "I love you, Regina Mills."

Regina cupped his cheeks and looked into his bright blue eyes,

she didn't understand what was happening but ...

"I love you, Robin." she breathed and he smiled that dimple smile she was in love with. "I love you so much."

The outlaw leant in and finally kissed his Queen, his hand squeezing hers against his beating heart ; here under the stars. With the promises of so many much to come.

And after that day,

Regina never disliked masquerade balls again.

Because they brought back her soulmate to her.

A/N : Here is the first prompt my friends !

Hope you liked it and love you all ! 3