This story hit me in the middle of the night and was also inspired by a friend's dream of mine hahaha. I need to get this out of my head before it drives me crazy again because of the stupid plot bunnies! God I don't get why they couldn't bother me while I was on winter break, but no, they choose to attack when classes have started back up for me! -dodges as another one flies over my head- but anyways, I will do my best to survive this while typing the story!

Summary: Yugi is an Enchanter, the last of his race, with the ability to manipulate the elements. Ordered by his late grandfather to keep his identity hidden from the world, Yugi tries his best to live his every day life. When he is forced to reveal his status to save the Prince of Egypt, Yugi's life spirals into chaos as a battle for the last Enchanter ravages the land...

Shipping: Blindshipping

Rating: T for now, may change to M later

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything associated with the franchise!

Reviews are welcome!


Whispers of the Enchanter


The Last Enchanter

-Ten years ago.-

"You must leave this place! It is no longer safe!"

"Where is my son? Yugi! Yugi! My child!"

Flames raged around the house of the Mutou family, licking out at everything and anything in its path. A woman, covered in soot and burns, clutched a bundle close to her chest as her husband led her towards the rapidly disintegrating entrance of their home. A fire had broken out throughout their entire village, and many have already perished in an attempt to flee or fight the ferocious flames.

"Hurry!" a gruff voice from the outside urged.

Realizing they would not make it out of the fire alive, the two handed their precious baby over to the elderly man on the outside.

"Take care of our child," the woman said, leaning over to press a final, loving kiss to the infant's head.

"You're the only one we can trust with our son. Father, promise me you will not let anyone know he is an Enchanter. If someone were to find out, war will surely break out in an attempt to win him over to their side."

The elderly man, Solomon Mutou, patriarch of the village and grandfather to little Yugi Mutou, gave a solemn nod as he held his precious grandchild close against his chest. His powers as an Enchanter were all but gone with his age, and with his son and daughter-in-law unable to enchant rain to fall from the sky, there was nothing more he could do but watch as their house burned, trapping his child and his wife within.

"Tell Yugi we love him dad," the woman said with tearful eyes.

"We will watch over him from heaven," her husband added.

Closing his eyes as the house crumbled to the ground, Solomon mounted his horse and sped off into the night, carrying the sole survivor of his family's legacy in his arms.

Yugi Mutou, the last Enchanter.

"Yugi my boy," Solomon's weary voice called, a hacking cough following shortly.

A boy of twenty years, with striking amethyst eyes and tri-colored locks, rushed into the room to kneel beside the bed. Yugi grasped his grandfather's wrinkled hand in his own, worry written upon his face as he stared at the one person who had raised him as a baby.

"I don't have much time left. Promise me...promise me one thing..." Solomon took in a deep breath as another cough wracked his weakened body.

"Grandpa don't talk!" Yugi urged, reaching for the wet towel lying in the basin beside his grandpa's bed.

"You must not...reveal your an Enchanter...if you do...war will certainly follow," Solomon continued.

Yugi nodded his head vehemently.

All his life he was aware of his status as an Enchanter, one with the ability to control the elements through spoken words. When he first discovered this power, his grandpa took him inside and immediately made him swear to never to it again. It was the main reason why his entire village was slaughtered in the night. Enchanters were feared for their powers, and although they were a peaceful tribe and chose to absent themselves from affairs of the world, some still sought to destroy them. That was the main reason why his family lost their lives.

"Keep it hidden. I have set aside enough money to last you until you join us in the heaven. Your parents saw to that. This house will belong to you when I pass, and you will have a roof over your head. I only wish...there was more I could do for you..." the elderly Mutou coughed once more.

"You've done more than enough for me grandpa!" Yugi blinked back tears that were threatening to spill down his face.

Solomon smiled fondly at his grandson. "You have become a fine man Yugi. Your parents would certainly be proud of you were they alive today," he turned his head to stare back up at the ceiling.

Then with a final breath, the elderly Mutou passed away peacefully.

-Present day, Cairo-

The streets of Egypt were particularly crowded today as Yugi weaved his way and in and out of the assembled crowd. Today was the coronation of Pharaoh Aknamkhanon's only child, Atem, as Crown Prince of Egypt. Many have set out from their home, near and far, to witness this grand occasion. Normally Yugi would not bother to attend events such as this, but he needed fresh air. After spending nearly two months in his house, he missed feeling the warmth of the sun's rays upon his skin. Donning a cloak that covered his shendyt with a hood concealing his face, the young Enchanter blended in with the crowd.

"I heard Prince Atem is really handsome!" one woman next to him said to her friend.

"He is the son of the Pharaoh! It is only natural!" her friend gushed excitedly.

Yugi resisted the urge to snort at their comments.

Suddenly the crowd parted into two straight rows as soldiers marched into view. Yugi craned his neck to peer over the crowd, which wasn't much use as he had a short stature for a boy of twenty. However he saw servants carrying sedans on their shoulders, one for the Pharaoh and the other for his son. Yugi lowered his head as the entourage passed, as it was forbidden to look directly upon the Son of Horus himself, but snuck a glance at the Prince.

Adorning the Prince's body were golden accoutrements, wrapped around his upper arms, with a golden headband in the shape of the Eye of Horus adorning his forehead. Dangling from his ears were a pair of golden earrings as well, and he was clad in a beige tunic with a short purple cape fastened to his back. What stood out to the young Enchanter was the fact that the Prince of Egypt looked exactly like himself, save for the crimson irises that occasionally swept the crowd.

A sudden wave of nausea swept over Yugi as he doubled over on the ground, a hand held against his abdomen as a splitting pain tore at his head.

'What is this? I've never felt this way before...unless...'

"Look out!" someone screamed out loud.

Whipping his head up Yugi saw a ring of fire burst forth from the ground, enveloping the Pharaoh and his son only, leaving the Medjai and servants out of the flames. The Enchanter recognized this as a summoning, but that cannot be. Only he, as the last Enchanter, was capable of manipulating the elements. Could there be someone else out there conjuring this?

"Father!" the Prince suddenly cried.

Pharaoh Aknamkhanon tried to swat away the flames, but it seemed like the fire had a mind of its own, snaking around the Pharaoh and his son relentlessly, threatening to burn them alive.

'I must do something!'

"You must not reveal yourself as an Enchanter to the world," Solomon's words echoed in Yugi's mind.

'Forgive me grandpa, but I cannot let such a good Pharaoh and his son perish like this.'

Getting up from the ground and walking towards the ring of fire, Yugi found his path blocked by blades as the Medjai stood firm.

"If you do not let me pass, the Pharaoh and his son will perish," he stated calmly.

"We will find a way to put out the fire. Do not cross or we will be forced to raise our blades," the leader said.

Yugi lifted up his head and stared the leader in the eyes. "They will die. Let me pass. Only I can stop this fire," he repeated.

The leader wanted to object but Yugi narrowed his eyes slightly, calling upon his Enchanter powers to manipulate the man's actions.

"Very well," the leader relented.

"But Odion-"

"Let him pass," Odion said.

The rest of the Medjai stepped aside.

Whispering words softly under his breath, Yugi lifted his hands and beckoned at the flames.

"Come my friend, leave these two alone and play with me."

Darting forth like a snake striking its prey, the flames snaked around Yugi's arms, curling around and around until his hands were completely covered by the element. All around people started screaming, shouting for someone to put out the flames, but Yugi did not move. Instead he turned and lifted his hands into the air, startling the Medjai as the entire group stumbled backwards, afraid of the fire flaring out and burning them.

"Go back to your home. You do not belong here. These are good people, they do not deserve to be hurt," Yugi murmured.

'But someone told us we can play with them!'

"Who did?" Yugi inquired.

'We don't know, but this person called on us and instructed us to make our way here. They said we can play with these two people if we followed his orders,' the flames twisted around, forming a spectral being which perched on Yugi's shoulder.

Atem could not believe what he was seeing.

One minute his father and him were surrounded by flames.

The next they were witnessing a young boy conversing with said flames.

" cannot be..." Atem breathed, eyes never leaving the boy's lithe frame.

Aknamkhanon moved to stand next to his son, he too, fixated by the mysterious boy that was standing in front of them.

"He is conversing with the flames," the Pharaoh murmured.

"An Enchanter..."

"That cannot be. I had that clan eradicated thirty years ago!"

The Prince of Egypt shook his head. "No. There was a survivor, and we are looking right at him."

"Go back my friend. I promise I will play with you another time," Yugi said, holding a finger out to the spirit.

It took his finger and nuzzled him, then with a small giggle, disappeared in a burst of flames.

Satisfied that the spirit will not return to cause trouble, Yugi turned and made to leave but a voice stopped him.

"Please wait!"

Calling upon the spirit of Air to aid him in escaping, the young Enchanter bade it to cause a burst of wind to blow through the streets, spraying sand everywhere while he took the chance to escape.

"Thank you my friend," Yugi said when he was far away from the streets.

'Call on me again soon!' the Air spirit whispered against his ear, fading away with a childish giggle.

Certain that he was safe for the time being, Yugi hurried towards the direction of his home, afraid to lower his hood until he was within the safety of the four walls.

To be continued...


How was the first chapter?

Do let me know your thoughts!

See you all next time!

Shadow Songstress~