All of Me.

This is me, loving all of you with all of me. Gruvia. AU.

..Inspired by Hapi Mari manga try reading it, it was sooooo good, my all time favorite.

Word count: 9863

Genre: Romance/Hurt and comfort/drama—heavy dose of drama

Pairngs: Main:Gruvia, slight:JuviaXBora and more pairings to come.

Rating: Mature, for future sexual themes.

*hime means princess

This is a multi-chapter, maybe three to four chapters, i don't know depending on what i can do. This is not a songfic though there are lines from the song. The truth is, I really have no idea on what I am writing. I just want to share it to everyone and for more Gruvia Love.

Friendly reminder, this is sooooooooo long.

Excuse me for errors, hehe.


Love your curves and all your edges

They had been married for five months. An arranged marriage; a marriage for both of them to benefit, he married her because of his plan to be recognized by his grandfather and for his petition to be the chairman of the Ice Lance Corporation, and she, she married him because of the debt that she could never pay.

Some might think that she did such thing because she was a gold digger but no. Her grandmother was friends with her husband's grandfather. Due to her father's company being bankrupted she had to juggle five part time jobs to pay for all the debts her father had acquired. His grandfather had been her life saver.

At first she was totally against it. She could never marry a man she had never met nor loved—safe to say that she was a hopeless romantic. But then he had to slap it on her face that there were no happy endings. Was it wrong to view the world with rainbows and unicorns when it was really full of rain and pains?

She was always the first one to fall. He had reminded her that he would never love her. He had told her that those feelings were not involved in their union. He needed something from her as well as she needed him. Both had benefited from this marriage.

Their marriage had been a couple of papers and signatures and nothing more. Consummation had never commenced. He had laughed at her when she told him that she would never sleep with a man she had never love and if ever she had fallen she wanted to have her feelings returned; thus they slept on different rooms.

She wanted to keep it as a secret. Really she did. It was just in that moment she could not stop herself.

He coaxed his lips on her, gently, slowly and languidly. And she would always feel her heart beating thousand times per second. She felt herself important, felt herself loved.

He laid her down the couch and probed his tongue inside her cavern. She gasped at this; this was the first time she was kissed in a way. She felt his hands caressed the sides of her thighs, making her nightgown hitched up. She parted her legs for him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. They parted only for a second and he once again dipped his head down, his tongue tasted just like their dinner, but there was this distinct taste of mint to it. And she liked it.

She felt him snuggled closer towards her and she gasped when she felt his want on her, gently pressed between her thighs. He broke the kiss first, and watched as she looked at him through half-lidded eyes. Strings of saliva connected them from each other.

Gray was about to dip his head once more, when she slipped and poured her feelings out. All the cloudiness she felt left her, and she sat upright not wanting to look at him.

"I love you" she whispered once more, and she embraced herself as she looked at him through her cobalt lashes. He was still shocked from her confession, and she felt tears gathered her eyes when he looked away and stood up.

"Gray-sama—"she called only to be shut by the raise of his hand.

"I told you, that I'm using you to get the company to win the favor of my grandfather. Love will only ruin that" he spat at her. She braced herself once more, she felt cold all of a sudden. How could she forget? He had told her that their marriage would both benefit each other, her, for her parent's debt and him, to win the company from his cousins who sought the same goal. She always knew that, but still it stung.

It was nice of him to tell the truth but then just as the old saying said the truth hurts.

She was just a tool, a pawn for his goal.

Then she heard him slammed the door of his bedroom shut.

She knew that she had to be the good wife he wanted, when they got married, he had told her to quit her jobs. And she thought he cared for her.

"Why?"She inquired, her heart swelled with hope that maybe, he was concerned with her welfare.

He frowned at her, "Why? You asked. Of course, it would ruin my reputation if they found out that I am letting you work, I'm a man with pride and a big one at that, I could not let my cousins think that I can't provide for you"

She watched as he continued searching for a file in his laptop, he did not care, and perhaps would never be. She left his office without saying goodbye, and tidied her table; she would soon leave the company.

The other months passed with a blur and she had grown accustomed with the fact that she was married to a very busy man. Gray had never kissed nor touched her, these passed months, she knew that he was getting tired of her but he could not break it off with her, not when his grandfather had really liked Juvia. He needed her for his plan.

Juvia had understood him. It was the least she could do from all the help they had done to her family. They were both benefitting in this marriage.

She sometimes could not catch him inside their home. He was adamant to finish his projects and be the best. He rarely eats and she was getting worried.

She looked at the paper his secretary faxed. It was the lists of his favorite food. He needed nutritious food for sustenance. She was about to turn the stove off when she heard the door opened. Being a dutiful wife, she approached him, and greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome back, Gray-sama" she tried to be cheerful, really, she always tried but could not.

He stared at her with those dark blue eyes of his, and Juvia cowered away. "Hn." He grunted at her. With that said she went to the kitchen and prepared the table. Her whole body turned rigid when she heard a loud thump.

She hastily went towards the sound and gasped upon seeing her husband face flat on the floor. "Gray-sama?!"

She went towards him and cradled his face, her eyes blurred with tears as he looked at her with unfocused eyes. "J-Juvia? Is that you?"

She bit back a sob and answered him. "Y-yes", his face was pale and hot.

He looked around, and then focused to stare at her. "Where am I?"

"Oh. Dear!" she exclaimed. Scared and worried for him.

He tried to prop himself up but failed. When his dark pools focused on hers, he cupped her face with his large hands. "Why are you crying? Stop." He said as he wiped her tears dry.

"S-sorry" he moved closer towards her face and Juvia felt his abnormal warmth engulfed her. He was running down with fever. "I hate it when you cry, my hime. Juvia, it drives me insane every night."

She gasped, so he heard her whenever she cried herself to sleep. She felt her heart beats with hope only to be crushed with her thought. Maybe he only thought of it as annoying. "Come on, let's get you to bed" she said, changing the subject and helped him up.

Mostly, he was dead weight on her. She opened his room and almost fainted upon seeing it. It could never be even considered as a room. It had all clothes thrown around, files and stuffs lied on the floor, really, and you could not even see the floor.

He could not rest on such place, so she set him on her bed. Her room was the perfect place for him to rest. She cooked him rice porridge and got him medicine and water.

"Gray-sama, you need to eat." She helped him sat up and offered him the spoon. He glared at her and scowled.

"Feed me." He stubbornly demanded.

She squeaked and Gray thought that it was amusing to watch how the column of her neck up to her face was now covered with red. He would have thought that she was the one with a fever. "B-b-b-b-b-ut—"

'I am not feeling well, and I don't think I can feed myself, my hands felt tired." He reasoned out, he really felt like his whole body was suspended by cements. Juvia stared at her wrists and nodded. "O-okay"

Gray's eyes widen, he was actually thinking that she would refused but….he guessed it was fine…more than fine. To tell you the truth, he remembered his mother on Juvia.

When she finished feeding him and made him drank his medicine she left him to sleep.

When Gray opened his eyes, he felt like tons of bricks had resided on top of him. His whole body was screaming pain. He groaned, the bed protested as well as his muscles when he tried to stand up. He hated feeling weak. He looked around the room and furrowed his brows because of the unfamiliarity.

Where was he?

Damn. He could not help but curse. Did he get himself wasted and slept around? If Juvia found out he would be on serious shit. He was about to bolt out when he heard snoring. He looked down and felt his eyebrows hit his hairline. There, sleeping was his wife. He could not help the smile that crept towards his face, and his eyes softened when he saw her. She had herself crouched towards him, her arms folded and served as her pillow.

He frowned when he saw her uncomfortable position and without thinking had carried her towards the bed—ignoring the pains that his body had shouted— and laid her next to him.

He sighed and sniffed her scent. Draped an arm around her small waist and settled his head on her soft bosoms and slept. His fatigues immediately went away when he hugged her.

He admitted that he missed her. He had worked non-stop, and could not get any sleep during night because of her cries. He knew he had hurt her and he was sorry. It was just he did not know how to respond to her. He did not want her to be tainted by him.

When he got what he wanted, he would free her. He knew that her pain was caused by him.

But he did not know if he could live without her. He was used to have her around; she had been constant in his life, her gentle smiles, her soft voice, and her cute face, everything about her. He did not know if he could take another day without her. He felt his heart skipped a beat at that thought, and his hold on her tightened.

First time in his life he had thought twice about something.

They divorced. Once

That was when they started living for a week together. If you look at them, you won't guess that they were married. They don't even share a bed.

"G-gomen, but, Juvia—I mean, I can't take it anymore." She whispered, her head bowed down and her hands wrung the hem of her shirt.

His eyes resided at her for a moment then she heard him sighed. When she raised her head, she cowered back; he was glaring daggers at her. "You know that when you married me, there is no turning back. So stop this nonsense and do your responsibility." He coldly slapped those words to her face.

When she saw him stood up, she stopped him. "Gray-sama, I don't love—"

"It's not like I love you"

She swore that it hurts her. He towered over her and Juvia felt like she was a little girl.

"If it is about love then forget about it." He moved towards her and her heart beats thousand times per second. His breath caressed her cheek and she found herself shivering.

"You are mine, as I am yours. I expect fidelity from you even if this union doesn't involve those shitty feelings."

With that said he left her.

But it's not like she would not continue with her plan. She left the divorce papers on top of his bed.

She remembered how mad he was that he almost breaks her father's house just to see her.

"Juvia!, Juvia, Damn, come out!" He called out. Her father was also shaking beside her, who would not be? Gray was six foot four and compared to him they would be categorized as midgets.

"Juvia, why won't you talk to your husband?" He suggested, and then they heard some loud thumps and clangs outside.

If it wasn't for her father's constant shivers she would not have faced him. When she saw him, she could not help but gulp. He was shaking with anger, and then he passed by her, to her utmost surprise. When she turned around she saw him walking towards her father.

"Gomen, father but I just could not let my wife leave me." He apologized at her father and Juvia felt like scoffing. "Do not worry; I will have your house fixed in no time."

Her father laughed and placed a hand on Gray's towering shoulder "It's alright Gray, Just talk to my daughter and have your marriage fixed."

When her father left Gray glared at her, "You know, grandpa had gone berserk."

She gasped "I'm sorry—I just.."

"You know when I first met you, I had admired you for your determination, and you never strike me as someone who quit so easily." he confessed. Juvia felt her heart expanding.

He stared at her with those dark pools of his and she swore she saw something—was that pain?

"Guess I was wrong"

At the age of 23, she had experienced happiness and major heartbreaks when she married the famous 28 year old Gray Fullbuster. She did not remember when she fell for him it just felt…right. Without further thought he would always unintentionally made her feel loved.

That was why she thought he was too, in love.

And she hated it.

He arrived from work and as always Juvia would play the dutiful wife. "Welcome back Gray-sama." She greeted with a smile though he knew that she had cried like last night.

His eyes were trained on hers for so long that it made Juvia squirmed from nervousness. "Hn,"
he grunted at her.

He moved to remove his coat and that was when Juvia went towards him and helped him. Gray said his thanks and slumped on the couch.

"Gray-sama, Juvia—I mean, I made dinner now. Let's eat." She cringed when she slipped speaking in third person. She remembered that she was no longer Juvia Lockser, she was a Fullbuster now, the princess of the Ice Lance Corporation, when she married Gray the potential owner of the said company, and she had to change herself for them, for everyone.

Gray followed her to the kitchen and took a seat across her. He was contented into watching her move in the kitchen; he just stared at her even when she started preparing for the table.

She smiled at him, and he turned his attention on the platter of food she cooked. She would always make a hearty meal for the two of them. Not that he was complaining. He liked it. He had stopped eating homemade foods when he was seven, and when he married her, he felt like he was a child spoiled rotten by his mother. When they finished eating Gray helped her to clean the table and dishes.

"How was your day?" he asked. She was surprised at his inquiry, it was the first time he had asked about her.

"Ah—an-ano, Juv—I just stayed at house and cleaned, it was tiring but alright."

He tapped her by the shoulder and she dropped the plate she had, good thing it did not break. "W-wah" she squeaked, when his arms wrapped around her center and pulled her towards his hard torso.

She felt herself having a war inside. Her whole body turned rigid and all her blood went to her face.

"G-Gray—s "

"You don't have to change. My hime," he whispered on her ear and she had to bit her lip when she felt him nuzzle the crook of her neck, his warm breath kisses her now warm skin. "It's alright." His voice came out muffled and husky.

His hand snaked from her tummy towards her left breast and palmed it. Her throat vibrated because of the moan she had forced back. "N-no"

He cut her off when he turned her head towards him and captured her soft lips. He slanted his lips on her and brushed it ever so gently. He licked her lower lip a few times asking for entrance, and she being obedient, shyly opened it. His tongue brushed all parts of her mouth, this was not the first time they had kissed, he was not her first kiss but he was the first to introduce her to this kind of kissing. Back then she did not know they could do it with tongue.

Next thing she knew was her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him down on her. He was a head taller than her, and she had to tip toe just to meet his lips. His hands were working on the buttons of her front shirt and that was when she started to push him away. "W-wait—" but her attempts were futile.

His hands gripped her hips and her eyes mirrored panic when she felt her back touched the island of the kitchen. She planted her hands on his chest and pushed him away but he paid no heed. When his lips were ghostly pressing kisses on her neck that was when her tears started to fall.

He immediately stopped "Hime, what's wrong?" his voice laced with worry.

"Stop, please." She balled her hands and wiped her tears "Stop, Doing that" she whispered, her voice broke and hoarse. She could not take it. No, not anymore. They could not just kiss without any meaning behind it.

"I stopped. So please, stop crying."

She lifted her gaze to meet his and he felt his heart broke when he saw her face. "Stop kissing Juvia like you mean it."

His body screamed shock at her accusations, of course he meant it whenever he kissed her. "But I mea—"

"Stop kissing Juvia like you Love her. Gray-sama said to stop Juvia from loving you but Gray-sama was making it difficult from the way you're kissing her!" with that said, tears rolled down her rosy cheeks.

He seemed taken aback from what she said, he pushed himself off her—albeit reluctantly, "Stop. Please stop crying"

She tried to, but could not.

Even with her eyes, blurred with tears, she noticed his clenched fists, and watched him leave.

"So that was it, Love" he whispered to himself and wondered why it damn hurts whenever she cried.

After that, he became kinder towards her. He tried to talk to her and that somewhat lifted her moods and sometimes she slept without tears staining her pillows.

He was gentle with her, he stopped ignoring her and he became comfortable towards her and she wished that would remain.

But damn was she wrong.

When she opened their fridge, she frowned, it was almost empty, picking up her purse and the untouched money Gray had given her, she made her way towards the door.

She would do grocery shopping. She would be quick because in no time Gray would be home and he would be hungry, he did not want to eat anything unless it was her cooking. She remembered when she told him that she had slept and forgot to cook.

"What do you mean you forgot to cook!?" Sometimes her husband could be so irritating. She had handed him a cup noodles and placed a chopstick in front of him.

"Well. That was what it meant. Juvia had fallen asleep and –" she tried to reason him but he was so stubborn.

"That is your only work here and you forgot!"

She gasped. She felt hurt from what he said, she quickly looked away, hoping that he would not catch the pain that she had. In his eyes, it would always be duty and work. Never her well-being. "Gomen, I will start cooking now" she was mad, she even stopped using her usual speech.

"Juvia—I didn't—" he tried to say something but it fell on deaf ears as Juvia started to check for the ingredients in the fridge. Gray kicked himself mentally. Nice job on making her hate you more.

Gray just remained sitting and watched her as she impassively cooked, even until she prepared the table. He was about to reach for his chopstick when he saw Juvia stand up. "Where are you going?" he asked, his eyes trained on the food she had.

She looked at him with blank eyes. "To my room" she stated.

He quickly stood up and took her plate and placed it on the table. Juvia indignantly hmmped at him. "What are—"

"You will eat here"


"Look," He started and Juvia forced back the grin she had when he looked so awkward. "I'm sorry. It's just that I really love your cooking" She stared at him, dumbfounded at what she heard.

She was balancing the paper bags she had in her arms when she bumped into someone and that made her fall. Also, her grocery was scattered around her. It was also her utmost bad luck that the person she bumped into did not help her.

She stood up but winced when she felt pain on her left knee and gasped upon seeing it bleeding.

"Juvia?" someone called from behind her when she was picking up her grocery. When she turned around she gasped, it was her ex-boyfriend who was her friend who was also her ex-colleague. "Bora-kun"

"What are you—you're bleeding" he exclaimed when he saw her knee. He immediately helped her up and took her bags. "Juvia's alright, Bora-kun does not have to do that" she pouted at him and he just stared at her and sighed.

"I'm sure you cannot go home like that, so let me help you." He said. Juvia tried to protest, but that made her wince. She agreed anyway.

"Hold unto me for support."

She wrapped her arm around his waist and thanked him. She gasped when she felt him hook his arm around her too. She told him where she lived. "I did not know that you resigned" he said while looking ahead. Juvia lifted her gaze towards him to search for any reaction.

"H-hai, Juvia's husband does not want her to work anymore"

She felt him freeze and that made her worried. "You did not tell me that you're married" his voice was laced with—regret?

"A-ano, it was so sudden, we were only married not almost five months"

"So who was your husband? Do I know him?" he inquired

"No, he was…" she tried to look for words. She did not want to tell him that her husband was the guy who might be the successor of the famous Ice Lance Corporation "His name is Gray, he's 28—" after she said his age, she heard Bora gasped.

"You're 23 right?" she nodded "Such age difference"

"Well, yeah" she finished lamely; she suddenly didn't want to talk about him.

"Ah." Then they were left with awkward silence.

She was about to unlock the door when it whipped open and they were faced to face with her husband. His face was of relief upon seeing her, but when he noticed the man she was with—not to mention they were still clinging to each other—his face immediately darken, and the bottom of her stomach tightened.

"Juvia" his voice cold and low and she felt herself shivering from fear.

"A-ano, Gray-sama, Juvia would like you to meet Bora-kun, Juvia's…..friend" she gestured towards the guy she was with. Gray noticed the way she said the latter. She seemed hesitant "And Bora-kun meet Gray-sama, Juvia's husband" she gestured towards Gray. The difference of their honorifics did not go unnoticed by Gray.

Gray's eyes stared at Bora's and Juvia felt the air run thick, she could see that the two males were sizing each other up. Bora's grip on her tightened and that made Juvia gasped.

Before she could say anything, Gray had snatched her away from Bora. "Are those my wife's?" Gray pointed at the paper bags Bora had carried. "Yeah, here" he thrusted the bags towards Gray.

"I guess, I have to go" Bora told Juvia, and she heard her husband snorted. It was the first time her husband showed hostile behavior; mostly even in front of his most hated board members he never showed an ill behavior, he would just remain impassive. "Bye, Juvia." He waved. Juvia was about to thank him and wave when Gray pulled her in their house. Her bleeding knee made her wince in pain.

Gray locked the door with her wrist encased by his hand. "Gray-sama—"

"Shut up" he growled without looking at her. She felt her heart breaking and tears gathered around her eyes, yes, he was mean to her before but he never acted like this.

He put the bags on the table and pushed her on the couch. She felt so small in front of him. He folded his arms in front of his chest and glared at her. "Who is he?" he demanded.

"h-he is Juvia's friend", she explained, her eyes trained on her knee, he did not seem to notice her wound.

"some friend eh?" he scoffed remembering how intimately close they were.

"H-he helped me" she even dropped the third speech, she could not understand why he was so upset?, 'oh, he's upset cause Juvia hasn't cooked dinner yet.' she thought

He scowled at her and remained staring at her, when she did not meet his gaze he grew furious. Tucking a hand on her chin, he forcefully made her look at him, She was about to apologize and tell him that she would cook now when he captured her lips, he dipped his lips down on hers, not minding her gasp when he touched her bleeding knee—which he did not notice. He kissed her roughly and painfully, his hand that was on her face a while ago was now on the back of her neck. She could not push him away because of his grip on her. When he parted from her, he did not give her a chance to speak, because he captured her lips once more. He heard her whimper and he felt tears rolled down her face but he paid no heed. He licked her and when she did not open for him, he pinched her nape and that made her open her mouth, his other hand left her knee and was now pushing her on the couch.

His hand came tangled on her curly blue hair while the other was busy feeling her up. When he parted from her, a thin strip of saliva connected them, her lips swollen from his kiss, her dress was half way undone, her yellow underwear was exposed, and her legs spread out in front of him "pl-please. S-s-s-s-s-s-stop"

He sat up and settled himself between her legs, he was so focused on those beautiful lips of hers, he reached for his tie and took it off, he was going to dip down on her when his hand brushed her knee, and that made him pause. Her face looked in pain, and he felt something sticky, when he noticed it, he cursed himself.

"You're bleeding?" he asked, his eyes searching for something in her eyes, his gaze reflected regret and sorrow.

She hiccupped and that made him feel worse, "h-hai, Juv—"

"What happened?" his voice low and dangerously edgy, his eyes looked like he would kill someone any minute now, she felt her heart stumbled a few times inside her ribcage. He gripped her shoulders and squared her in front of him, his whole face was etched with anger. "Who did this? Was it that Bora, huh?" the way he mentioned Bora's name would make anyone think that they had known each other for a long time and that they were on an unhealthy relationship

She raised her hands in front of him and shook her head no. "Iiie, Bora-kun helped me." She defended Bora but that did not made her husband believe her, if anything it just made him looked angrier.

"W-when, I was going home, someone bumped into me—"

"Damn that someone "

"—and when B-bora-kun saw me, he helped me and offered to walk me home" Even though he did not want to think that it was another man who helped Juvia, Gray believed her. He knew that Juvia spoke third person speech, and she rarely dropped it unless she was serious in something. Still, there was this gnawing feeling inside of him that Juvia was not telling him something, something about this Bora-kun. And it made his hands itched to hit something, as much as he could, he wanted to be the only man who helped her.

"Ok, if you say so." They just remained like that for minutes and Juvia wanted to move for she was feeling uncomfortable and she was dressed inappropriately. But Gray did not want her to leave his gaze. He stared at her like if he diverted his attention she would leave him. And that made his heart constricted in pain.

She squirmed underneath him "A-ano, Juvia would cook now—mphhhh" he pounced at her. His face sunk at the crook of her neck, his arms held her tightly, possessively caging her in his arms. "You will not leave." He demanded and she shivered by the way his breath caressed her neck.

"Juvia will just—"

"You are not allowed to leave. Never. Not in a million years." As he said those words, his arms held her like if he let go he would die.

"Juvia will cook us dinner, she will go at the kitchen. She will not leave." She rubbed a hand down his back to convince him that she would not leave.

"I'll go with you. After I tend your wound"


That night he showed her how serious he was to heal her wound. But she wished that the wound inside her heart would heal too. He did not leave her alone. He was with her as she cooked and after they ate dinner. He even entered the bathroom with her, to prove that he would not let her stray his sight.

And that night he demanded her to sleep next to him.

"Eh?!" her face looked nervous and horrified.

"I'm serious." He deadpanned.

Her face resembled of a tomato now and she gaped like a fish out of water, and when Gray caught up of what he said, "Not like that" and then he whispered "–though I want to"

He also added "We are just going to sleep. Nothing more."

"Okay." She shyly agreed. Gray could feel his heart lurched towards the sky upon hearing her agree to him. He admitted that he liked sleeping next to her—they slept together when he was sick—and even though nothing happened between them, he had never felt at peace in his life. He had never thought that he would share a bed with a woman without any sexual contact involved.

Juvia was strolling down the grocery shop. She was contemplating if she should buy pork or beef? The prices were now high, even though she was married to one of the richest man alive, she could still budget. She grew up in a middle class family and life was not easy.

"I think you should buy beef" a voice said from behind, when she turned around she was greeted by a handsome man. "Loke-kun" she said and bowed.

"Good day Madam President" he is Gray's secretary, and he called her madam President because she was married to the President of their company which was Gray. "What are you doing here?" gasp. "Could this mean that Gray-sama's home?" Her face immediately mirrored panic, she knew how Gray would react whenever she was not home and whenever she had not cooked yet.

"No. no., He gave me a day-off, so I went shopping." He explained and smiled at the blue-haired woman. He really liked her for Gray, even though Gray did not admit it; he knew that his boss cares for her.

"So, as I was saying, I think you should buy beef" he suggested and pointed at the beef at her right side.

"But it's so expensive." She pouted. She seldomly used the money that her husband gave to her, it was still the money she earned from her previous jobs that she always used.

Loke raised an eyebrow at her. "Eh? What's wrong with that? I mean with your wealth you could buy all the things sold in here" that was true. Juvia Fullbuster was filthy rich.

Juvia waved her hands in front in an embarrassed manner. "I-it's not like that, Juvia was just thinking of—"

"You know Gray loved beef, it is one of his favorite, and to say it is his special day today, you should make an extravagant meal for him" with that said, Juvia scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Special Day?"

Now it was Loke's turn to be confused. "You don't know?"

She tilted her head to the side, which made Loke thinks that Gray was a very lucky man to be married to such beautiful lady. He cleared his throat. "It is your husband's birthday today."

Juvia's eyes widened from the information. 'Loke-kun might think that Juvia is such a bad wife.'

When he noticed Juvia's horrified look, Loke added "He did not tell you. Am I right?"

Juvia's dazzling blue eyes turned sadder, nevertheless she nodded. Loke hummed and put his hand under his chin "Well, it is very likely of him, you see, he never wanted to celebrate his birthday"

"Why? That's so horrible, Juvia—I mean, I think everyone should celebrate the day they were introduced to the world" She said with a cute blush on her cheeks. Loke smiled and tapped her shoulder "You're right Madam President, Why don't you knock some sense into your husband's thick head. Ja! I have to go now." He said and waved her goodbye.

As she watched him walked away, she decided that her purse might weigh a little lighter than it was before.

"Tadaima" Gray said when he entered their home. When his nose was attacked by the wonderful aroma of his wife's cooking he could not help the smile to emerge. When he went to the kitchen, he could not help but raise an eyebrow at her. She was so absorbed on what she was doing that she did not even notice him. She was running frantically inside the kitchen. On the table was delicious variations of food were platted and Gray could not help but be amazed. Also all of the foods that were served were his favorites.

He leaned on the door frame and watched as Juvia ducked to see what she was baking. "What's the occasion?" Hearing his voice made her surprise that she hit her head at the counter. Gray quickly went towards her and braced her head. "Ouch" he heard her groan.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. When she opened her eyes, she smiled at him and whispered "Okaeri, Gray-sama"

"Shh, be careful" he guided her to a seat. And when she was well sat, he pulled a chair and settled next to her. Gripped her left hand with her wedding ring and covered it with his. "What's with this?" he asked silently gesturing towards the food, with amusement in his voice. Juvia blushed prettily at him, "Happy birthday Gray-sama"

She felt him stiffen next to her, and she wondered if she said something wrong? His face turned dark, his eyes were covered by his dark fringes. "It was Loke who told you? Didn't he?"

"Eh? H-hai" she remembered that Loke told her that her husband did not want to celebrate it. He was about to say something when she gripped his hand tighter, thus making him stare at her. "Juvia thinks…, Juvia thinks that Gray-sama should celebrate his birthday, because it was the day that his mother gave her life for him." Her innocent statement made him ticked.

Gray's eyes widen and he slapped her hand away. Juvia's face contorted with pain but it was not enough to show how hurt she was from within. "You. You don't know what happened that day." He growled, he stood up so fast that the chair he was sitting on tumbled over. Juvia did not know what she said wrong. She immediately went to him and tried to touch his hand, only to be slapped away. "G-Gray-sam—"

"Don't touch me."

Juvia froze at her spot. She did not even want to look at him, so she kept her head down, when Gray walked pass her that was when her tears fell. She heard the timer went off and she walked towards the oven and fished out the desert she baked. Biting her lip to cover her sobs, she heard him closed his door with a slam.

He lied on his bed with an elbow covering his eyes. He did not know what time it was. All he could hear was his wife's constant sobering from next door. He turned to his side and sighed. He should not have shouted on her. It was so inconsiderate of him. Propped an elbow on his side and sat up. He could still hear her crying and it pained him knowing that it was his god damned fault.

She did not know a thing about what happened this day. He stopped celebrating his birthday when he was six years old. Even his father did not celebrate it. He gave Loke a day off so that he could visit his mother's grave. Mika Fullbuster died because of him.

This day was the day he was given a life and took another to his expense. It was his second chance and he hated every single bit of it. He tried to go home early, because even if he did not admit it all his heartaches were forgotten whenever he was near Juvia. So even with all his pain just one glimpse of her face it was gone.

When Gray heard something being thrown, he immediately went to her door. Cold air engulfed his whole body. His heart racing inside his chest as he ran towards her room.


She knew she hadn't tried so hard. She knew it was her fault. Loke had told her that it would not be easy. But then she forced herself to do it. She tossed around her bed and covered her face with her pillow. She wished that he would not hear her. She felt like her heart was breaking in two. She felt like a failure. She always did everything she could do to make him like her. But whenever she thought she was closer, he would crash her down.

And it hurts, it hurts so much.

Then suddenly she could feel her lungs contracting, and her throat started closing up. Her feet felt like it was twisted, and her arms started to lose its warmth, she forgot her nebulizer. With the strength she still had, she threw her pillow to the side and the things on her vanity table were thrown.

She tried to keep her eyes open, but the soreness and tiredness consumed her into the dark.

When she woke up, she felt like she was thrown into the water. Her whole body was sore. She tried to sit up when something restricted her to. She found her hand being covered by a large warm hand. Her blue eyes followed its arm and she did not know what to feel upon seeing him sleeping on the chair next to her bed.

With an ease, she slipped her hand out of his grasp.

Feeling her take her hand away, Gray opened his eyes, and felt the soreness his body had. "Juvia?"

She just continued to stare outside her window. "Why am I at the hospital?" she asked, Gray immediately noticed her speech.

"You had an asthma attack." Juvia could sense his anger. Gray clenched his hands on his side. He did not know that Juvia had asthma. It was just told to him by the doctor. And what made him madder was that he was the reason why Juvia cried. It was his entire fault.

"Gray-sama should leave now." Her voice held no emotion to it, it was crisp and Gray felt like an ice bucket was thrown over him. "Juvia—I'm sorr—"

"Gray-sama should be the best, Juvia is sorry for making you miss your work but now that she is fine you can leave now."She's worried about his work and Gray felt like an idiot.

"It's not your fault—" he tried to reason her but she cut him off

"It is, It is Juvia's fault. She promised that she will help Gray-sama get the Ice Lance Corporation but she only made it worse because of her feelings. She would not be a hindrance to Gray-sama's goals. So please leave now, what would your cousins think if you miss your work." She was basically pushing him away. So even if it hurts Gray stood up, his face covered by his fringes, cold and dark. He turned his back and Juvia could notice that his nails were leaving imprints on his palm. "If that's what you want."

"I'll be leaving" When he closed the door, her tears immediately ran down. She did not know how long she could take this pain.

When Juvia got home from the hospital she was greeted by her father. She served him the food she had cooked the other day. Gray did not go to escort her home because of his work but then he asked Loke to pick her up.

"I'm sorry dear. I shouldn't have troubled you, you just got home" he apologized and Juvia could see the grey streaks that his hair had. She smiled at him and her father noticed that her eyes did not hold the cheerfulness it had before.

"It's fine papa" she said and handed him her money. "Juvia hopes that it will help you for your expenses at home, Juvia is sorry she can't visit you…..there are a lot of things that happened" she said and felt her eyes blurred with tears.

When her father noticed her tears, he immediately looked apologetic. "I'm sorry too." He bowed at his little princess, his angel. Juvia tried to laugh the awkwardness off and her father could see that she learned how to fake a smile.

"If it's hurting you, leave." He suggested and Juvia stopped smiling. "If it's the debt you're worrying, I'll do my best to pay it, it was my fault from the first place. I could not stay seeing you get hurt." He added and clenched his hands on his sides.

Juvia supplied him with a smile, not the fake one but a genuine. "I wish it was just the debt papa, but it was even bigger than that"

Her father seemed taken aback. "You love him."

"I do"her voice held so much convictions and she sounded tired too.

He sighed, stood up and went to his daughter and hugged her. He pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "If ever you think it was enough, you can come back home. You are still my little hime."

"I've heard that you were confined into the hospital, how are you feeling now?" Juvia sat awkwardly inside her father-in-law's office. Silver Fullbuster was downright intimidating. She thought her husband was the most intimidating guy she met but boy was she wrong. Juvia visited him to give him the bento she cooked; she remembered how the old man praised her cooking and relished to the fact that not only Gray loved her cooking but his father as well.

She cleared her throat and stared at the newspaper he had on top of his table. "I am fine now, father" she answered.

"You should be. I could not let my daughter-in-law get sick, people would think that Gray is not taking care of you" he told her and Juvia felt herself deflating. When Silver noticed the way Juvia looked, he immediately added "I did not mean it to sound as it was. I am…not really good at these things" when she raised her head, she swore she saw Gray in him. He was so awkward. She thinly smiled.

"It is alright" she assured him.

She heard him sigh. "Do you want to eat? Is there something you are craving for?" Silver asked. His dark orbs noticed her paler complexion and the tired bags beneath her beautiful eyes. The blunette blinked owlishly at him. "Juvia—I'm not, I'm sorry." She said and she swore she could understand what Silver was asking her.

She could see the disappointment in his eyes. When he saw her staring, he sighed and rubbed his nape sheepishly. "Hehe, I'm sorry, as you can see I'm not getting any younger now and I will really love to see my grandchildren soon"

Juvia could feel all her blood rush to her face, nevertheless "O-okay" she managed to croak out. They talked about trivial things and Juvia could not help but smile, she hoped Gray was here with them so that he could bond with his father.

Another reason she went to her Father-in-law was to ask if she could work at the company again. She needed money to support her father and she did not want to trouble Gray about it. She sighed when she left her Father-in-law's office. In the end she wasn't able to ask him.

She was on her way home when she saw her friend. "Bora-kun?" she asked and when he turned around, she could not help but smile.

"Juvia, what are you doing here?" he questioned but then the smile that was intact on his face made Juvia blushed, he was still handsome.

"An-no, Juvia was on her way home." She said and gripped her shoulder bag tightly. He moved towards her "Is that so? Do you want me to walk you home? It's already late" he suggested, Juvia shook her head. "Thank you, but Juvia can manage on her own."

"Well, if you say so, it's just that your husband strike me as someone who is really possessive and protective of you"

"Eh?" she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Gray-sama? Possessive of Juvia?

"Anyways" he sounded so awkward and nervous; Juvia tilted her head to the side. "..Are you really on a hurry?"

She waited for him to continue and sadly smiled. Bora was her first and only boyfriend after they broke up she never dated. She was so devastated of what happened before. "You see…I just got my salary and I was thinking if you want to eat out?"

Juvia looked horrified. "But, Juvia is already married "

"Eh? Not like that. As a friend." He quickly added then chuckled quietly. She was still the old Juvia.

"Well…It is still early for Gray-sama to go home, so …okay" She agreed and Bora would have hugged her if it wasn't for the shiny band on her ring finger.


"Eh? You're looking for a job?"

Juvia swallowed the beef she had and nodded. They were at her favorite local shop, the one where they dated when they were in high school. If she went here before, she would have been balling her eyes out, but now she just missed it and could not help but think that it was just a bittersweet memory. It also seemed like Bora did not mind being here. "Hai, Juvia needed the money to support papa."

Bora put soy sauce on her beef and she said her thanks. "Doesn't your husband give you money? I didn't meant to pry but your husband looked really rich"

"N-No, Juvia means yes, it's just that it is not Gray-sama's responsibility to provide for papa." She explained, not wanting Bora to think of Gray as a meanie, and she neither confirmed that Gray was rich nor poor.

"Well, look at this Juvia, When he married you, it meant that the two of you became one. Meaning his family is yours and yours as his. So it is also one of his responsibilities" he informed. Juvia took the shot glass and downed it with just one go, relinquishing the bitter taste of sake.

She watched as he poured himself sake. "That is true..But Gray-sama…had done a lot for Juvia's family" she said remembering all the debt Gray had paid to free her from the torturing clutches of what her father brought. "Juvia does not want to trouble him anymore." Her face was now flushed from the sake.

"What about this? I'll ask my manager if there's still a vacant for you"

Juvia's face instantly lighted up. "Really? Oh thank you" she was gushing out of cheerfulness and gratitude that he could not help but admire her smile. Everything was his loss; he remembered the time he did not make it clear to her. If he could take it all back she would have been his all this time. He sheepishly rubbed his nape and said "It's nothing, but you said your husband does not want you to work" he remembered the time she told him that her husband asked him to leave the company.

"Well what Gray-sama does not know, won't hurt him" the way she said those words made him blush, and his dirty thoughts submerged. He sighed and downed another glass; he knew it was because of his feelings for her and partly because of the alcohol.

"Tadaima" he said and tapped his shoes off, while loosening his tie. Hmm? Juvia usually greeted him this hour. He passed a hand over his hair, and mentally scoffed. Lately he had been very anxious of his appearance. Lately he found himself wanting to look handsome and neat. He went to the kitchen and sighed when she was not there, was she still mad at him?

He was about to knock on her door when he noticed someone sleeping on the couch. He turned around and was surprised to see his young wife dozing on the couch. He felt his lip twitched into a smirk. Bending down, he gingerly picked her up; instead of sniffing her wonderful scent what he smelt made him twitched. She smelt of alcohol.

He put her in the middle of her bed, he was about to straighten himself up when her arms locked around him. Forcing his face to sunk at the hollow of her neck. He felt his cheeks burn from her moaning. He was debating whether to take her hands off him or just lay with her.

He decided to sleep next to her so he took her hands off…for now, and stripped himself off his suit down to his boxers. Gray could not help but smile at her, she looked so cute, and He stripped her off of her coat and her boots. Should he change her clothes too?

Well, if he would not do that she would wake up so sore, so he changed her into much comfortable clothes. He also noticed that all of her clothes were very modest, if she wanted to seduce him, she would have to have a new set of clothes. He did not care if she got mad at him, he knew eventually he would see her naked. He tried to focus on the task on hand, but it was so hard, sure he had touched and groped her before but he had not laid eyes on her nude.

When he was finished he gently pushed her aside so he could lay down, when he was comfortable, he snaked his arm around her small waist, and unconsciously she used his other arm as a pillow.

And no words could describe how he felt when she hugged him back. His heart felt like swelling and for a moment he held his breath. It was so peaceful and perfect but not after her next words.

"Thank you Bora-kun, for tonight."

Juvia woke up when she felt gentle fingers dancing on her eyelids. When she fluttered her eyes open she saw her husband's handsome face trailing from above her. "Gray-sama?" she asked totally not understanding why he was here in her room, with her on her bed and half-naked.

"Morning" his voice came out gruff and hoarse from sleep, though Juvia could notice the dark bags beneath his eyes. She also could notice that his face seemed colder? But maybe it was just imagination because before she knew it Gray had already stood up. His broad back taut with his muscles and Juvia could not rip her eyes off of him.

"I already made breakfast; I'll see you outside after I freshened up." He said and went to his room.

When he emerged from his room, fresh and wearing his suit, Juvia unconsciously bit her lip. "A-ano. Gomen, Juvia overslept—"

"I know" Gray cut her off, and took his cup of coffee. He did not mean for his voice to sound colder, he could feel the painful squeeze of his heart when she looked down with sad eyes. After he put his cup down, he cleared his throat and gestured towards her side "For your hangover" there laid a medicine.

Juvia did not say anything after that, she could feel his stare on her, heavy and burning. Gray looked so awkward. "About what happened on my birthday…" he started and he swore his heart went to his throat when her eyes landed on him.

"I'm sorry" he looked away, he could not bear to see more of her eyes. It was drowning him in. "It is alright Gray-sama, Juvia is the one at fault" after hearing those words, he could not help but be madder. He did not like it whenever she blames herself.

"It's not your fault" he growled but she did not heed his words.

She lightly shook her head and looked him in the eye. "Juvia did not know anything about it so—"

"I said, It's not your fault….I'll…..explain it to you later."


When they finished eating, Juvia quickly went to the kitchen, Gray raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm going now." He shouted towards her.

The businessman was in the middle of putting his shoe on, when he heard her small but hurried footsteps. He raised his head and saw her extended a bento at him. "Juvia is really sorry for not making breakfast, so please take the bento with you."

Juvia raised a hand and pinched a splotch of skin on her face, trying to check if she was dreaming. Gray smiled. A genuine, full blown dazzling smile.

'Thank you," he grabbed the bento and put it beside him, he stood up and smirked upon her staggering movements. He cupped her chin and sealed his lips on her beautiful ones. A slight intake of air was what she did when she felt his lips brushing over hers. These past few days seemed like he had forgotten about kissing, but now, he had initiated another.

Had she mentioned that she missed kissing him?

Juvia would've been on the ground now if it wasn't for his arms that held her upright.

She felt her head go round when his tongue entered her mouth. Gray angled his head so he could further explore her, their noses lightly bumped on each other. He felt her hand fisted on the lapel of his suit and he did not mind if it would be crumpled.

He was so engrossed to her, her scent, her taste, everything about her, no one had made him felt like this. The raven-haired seemed like he had lost his senses and the only function it knew was her. He had kissed a lot of women before, hell, he had even did the deed with them but no one, no one had made his heart flutter, no one had even invaded his thoughts, no one had made him agitated, no one had made him worried, no one had even made him feel…


Gray, all his life, he had been very confident of himself, not one speck of insecurity was to be found on him, he wore his life like it was a suit to be paraded. He was a man to be envy of, and he was someone who does not envy others.

But when he heard her utter another name in her sleep, he felt like something from within him had broken loose. He remembered the time when he went home and found that she was not there waiting for him, the only thing missing was for him to go berserk and ransack their house, and he would never forget the day he saw her with another man.

That Bora.

He did not know what that was, he had never felt that so much anger before. The feeling that he wanted to snap that guy's neck in just a second. To be honest, he wanted him to die.

When he thought of Juvia being within those man's arms, his grip on her hips grew tighter. He pushed her on the door, and pressed his body on hers. Juvia moaned when he suckled her lower lip, she gulped as much air as needed before Gray captured her lips again; she had to tiptoe just to reach him, his hand made its way on her soft curly blue hair. Pressing and pushing her more towards him, he wanted more. More. More. MORE!

A phone ringing made Juvia to push him away. Their eyes still clouded, their face flushed, their breathing desperate, and they were both clinging into each other for dear life. Gray's thumb caressed her lips, he could not help but admire her more. Her angelic face, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen by his kisses she's so beautiful.

And she would be his.

Her half-lidded eyes stared at him; he cut her off before she could say anything. "I'll see you tonight, my hime" he cupped her cheeks and pressed a chaste kiss on those sinfully sexy lips of hers. "Be ready" He whispered.

When he left, that was when Juvia noticed the constant ringing of the telephone. She could not help but squeezed her hands in front of her chest. A wonderful smile plastered on her doll-like face.

She picked the phone up. "Juvia?" called the other line.


A/N: I have to cut it there, I know it was boring but then I just want to share more of my Gruvia stories, Anyways I wanted to hear your thoughts about this story.

So Drop a review, any comment is welcome. This had been in my documents for almost a year now, and I accidentally saw it, so I read it and I thought why not post it? So I post it. I'm sorry if it's boring, hehe. Now i feel nervous.