It appears no one has seen the update at the top of my profile, so that's why I'm updating this to all my uncomplete stories.

For anyone who is wondering when my uncomplete stories will be updated: They won't be.

I no longer use FF . net I don't actually like this website (no offence to the creators) and I'm now over on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) if anyone wants to maybe come and talk to me. I'm always open for a chat if someone needs it. I don't have anything posted there though. (My username for AO3 is Moose_and_Squirrel_67)

Anyway, I have absolutely no interest in continuing any of my fics on here. I've lost interest and inspiration for all of them and I have no ideas for possible future fics. The only fandom's I'd be interested in writing for in the future would either be Free!, Haikyuu! or Supernatural. I lost interest in Fairy Tail a long time ago and no longer watch it.

So, I'm sorry if any of you actually read and enjoyed my fics and were waiting for me to update (though I'm not sure how anyone enjoyed any of them, as I know my writing and grammar was abysmal and my fics weren't really going anywhere. But hey! Each to their own, I guess).

I guess this is my official statement of my retirement from FF . net We had a good run, but I'm leaving you for AO3 (though I've been using it for a few months so I guess that would make it an affair eh?).