Chapter 30 – Unspoken Familiarity

Bella sat in the History of Magic classroom, sorting through papers and pamphlets in sluggish silence. Professor Binns seemed not to notice and continued to float near the upper window.

She knew if anyone had the answers she was seeking it would be him, but Binns wasn't exactly an approachable wizard – notwithstanding the fact that he was a ghost. Finally she worked up the resolve to just ask.

"Professor Binns?"

"Hm? Ah yes, Miss Swain," he floated down with a nod. "All is in order, I presume?"

"Yeah, I'm just about done. I was just much do you know about the sorting hat?"

"The cleverest of magic from Godric himself. Sadly the enchantment that he used is unknown to this day."

"Okay—" Bella trailed off, "—I was hoping you might know if the sorting hat had ever...not been able to sort someone."

He stared at her with a veiled gaze for several seconds. "There are no official records, and I am not one who delves readily into legend."

"So you haven't heard of anyone," Bella frowned.

"I did not say that. Unfortunately it was not within the bounds of my conscious memory at the time of my passing and is therefore inaccessible."

"Thanks anyway," she grimaced, sorting through papers once more.

Professor Binns did not return to the window, and Bella could sense his ghostly stare in her peripheral vision.

"May I inquire as to the reason behind this particular quest, Miss Swan?"

Huh, he'd finally gotten her name right. "Just curious about tomorrow's sorting ceremony."

"Indeed. Perhaps tomorrow's sorting will offer some clarity."

Bella seriously doubted that. She finished arranging everything for the upcoming week of classes and made her way toward the library.

After their last conversation Bella wasn't sure Madam Pince liked her very much, and those suspicions only increased when the librarian heard her request.

"The Founding Family Archives?" The witch's nostrils flared with indignation.

Bella swallowed. She didn't want to let on that Neville was somehow related to Gryffindor, especially since he just recently discovered that fact himself.

"Well, I was just hoping—"

"—Hoping you could find a long, lost heir of Gryffindor and use your wiles to exploit a treasure trove of knowledge?"

Whoa. Apparently Madam Pince had little patience for Bella's initial ignorance. Before she could get in a word edgewise, the wizened lady went on.

"As if the professors who made similar attempts hadn't tried the very same." She narrowed her eyes and proceeded to lead Bella down a restricted aisle. "Petulant youth, always thinking they know so much more than their predecessors."

"I'm sorry," Bella tried to placate the irritable witch. "I was just curious."

"Save your apologies, dear." Madam Pince pulled a thick tome from a dusty shelf and opened it to a page she must have had memorized. "But I'm afraid your search is in vain." She slapped the book in Bella's hands and left in a hurry.

Bella peered down at the page and frowned. It was impossible, yet it was indisputable. The Gryffindor line was extinct. Godric Gryffindor had no heir. There wasn't a single descendant to his name.

There had to be a less noble connection – some illegitimate progeny who eventually mixed in with the Longbottom line. Unless Neville was somehow related to Professor Binns, though Bella seriously doubted that. She scanned the pages around his pedigree, but all it contained were some flowery art and a few cryptic lines of poetry.

There had to be something Bella was missing. Maybe Hermione would be able to help.

At that moment her stomach grumbled, and she realized she hadn't eaten since Neville brought her breakfast.

She left the library and made her way to the Great Hall for dinner when a newly familiar voice echoed from around the corner of the nearest corridor.

"No, I just figured I'd drop in before the start of term tomorrow. I'd hoped Granger would tag along, but she's always swamped with one project or another."

Ugh. Cormac McLaggen. Bella made herself invisible without a second thought and hoped she could slip by unnoticed. As she rounded the corner she noticed a visibly incensed Headmistress replying in a forcibly hushed tone.

"Mister McLaggen, as honored as we are by your impromptu visit, I must inform you that Hogwarts is simply in no position to entertain visitors on the eve of an ensuing term."

"Nonsense, Minnie, I'm just popping in for a moment. You haven't happened to see Isabella Swan, have you? I was hoping for a quick word...see how she's adjusting."

Bella froze in spite of her current camouflage. What could Cormac possibly want with her? She cringed as nebulous explanations filtered into her mind.

Professor McGonagall's mouth contracted into a thin line. "This is a prestigious institution of learning. If Miss Swan has an interest in meeting with you, then I expect the both of you will seek more appropriate avenues than simply gallivanting into one another's work places on a whim."

Cormac frowned. "I suppose I'll have to try another time then."

The headmistress didn't budge an inch. "Good day, Mister McLaggen. Be sure to send my regards to Kingsley."

"You can be sure of that," he grinned a little too broadly before turning to leave through the main doors.

Bella didn't dare breathe until Cormac was well out the door. The exhale must have been louder than she thought, because Professor McGonagall turned toward her with an expression of disapproval.

"Eavesdropping is frowned upon at Hogwarts, Miss Swan."

She immediately cast the countercurse and bit her lip sheepishly. "Sorry, he really just gives me the creeps."

Something behind the elder witch's eyes softened. "Indeed." She motioned for Bella to join her, and the two walked into the Great Hall in silence.

The day had been a failure by all accounts. She'd broken a bone, she hadn't learned to open her mind, and she was nowhere near finding out Neville's lineage to Godric Gryffindor. But Professor McGonagall walked beside her like an equal, and for some strange reason...Bella felt like the day hadn't been a total loss after all.

I know it's been months. I had a miscarriage (my third one…not fun), but now I'm pregnant again and things are going well, so…high hopes! In terms of the story, I have an outline and know pretty well how I want the plot to unfold, but it's been tricky trying to keep it from getting too convoluted, so I just felt really overwhelmed about it for a while. Thanks for being so patient. All of my HP fics will get finished as soon as I can with life, and this one is one of the top priorities on the queue! Thanks so much for sticking around. You guys are great.