A/N: So here it's. The next sequel and the last one of my I think that I love you series. As you may have already read in the summary, this is an modern AU story taking place hundreds of years after the ending of the last story. This story will take place in a future Camelot (they succeeded in creating Albion after all). I won't tell you more, so just read and if you have any questions than you can just ask me. I also am looking for a new image for this story, anyone any ideas?

Warning: Merthur, malexmale.

For all of those that haven't read the stories before this one I will advise you to go read those first, but if you really don't want that than I give you a little summary: Back in Medieval Camelot Arthur and Merlin have fallen in love, married and gotten twins; Kay and Will. They lived happily ever after till Arthur's dead. Merlin learned that he's immortal and his son Kay has inherited that 'gift'.

I also like to state that I'm not English so please forgive me for any mistakes that I have made.

So please enjoy and maybe let me know what you think.


Merlin watched as Kay walked up to him, just having ended the call from his work. The blond put his cellphone back in his jacket before rubbing his hands. ''Damn, it's cold.'' The blond mumbled.

''Language!'' Merlin hissed.

Kay grinned. ''Yes papa.'' He said jokingly. His eyes than fell serious again as he watched past his father.

Merlin followed those eyes and he couldn't help but feel tears well up in his eyes as he looked at the ruins that lay in front of them. Camelot. The old Camelot. The once mighty castle now lay broken in front of them, nature had taken over and most of the castle was buried beneath layers of earth.

The warlock closed his eyes, in his mind he could still see the castle in front of him as it once was, mighty and beautiful. His heart longed, not for the first time, for those days. Even though those days felt like barely more than a dream. The world had changed so much since then, they both had changed so much.

''You okay, papa?'' He looked to the side as he felt a hand wrap itself around his own.

Merlin nodded. ''Yeah, I am fine. Just remembering the past.''

''Me too.'' Kay mumbled as he lay his head on his father's shoulder. ''I miss them.''

He could feel how his shoulder became wet and gently brushed his son through his hair, ignoring the tears that rolled over his own cheeks. ''I know...''

They fell silent for a moment before Kay laughed softly against his shoulder. ''You know, it's strange. Things have changed so much since back then. We started with the four of us. The king, the warlock and their two princes... but now we are just two normal guys, we can't even call ourselves father and son anymore, who would believe us.''

Merlin smirked. ''Yeah, you're right. But you have to remember that we are father and son and no matter what happens, I will always be here for you.'' And with that he wrapped his arms around his son, his eyes settled on his former home and with the image of the man he loved on his mind. They couldn't go back anymore, they could only go forwards, they could only walk onto the new roads that lay in front of them.


''Daddy!'' A smile crossed Arthur's lips as he stepped through the front door and a heavy weight was thrown against his legs. He looked down, smiling as he crouched down to hug the little boy. ''You're home.'' The little black haired boy shouted as he threw his arms around Arthur's neck.

''Hello Will, I'm home.'' Arthur answered as he held his son in his arms.

''You're home early.'' He looked up to see Gwen walk into the hallway. She was wearing an apron and now that he looked closer at his son he could see the white flour that covered his hair. ''We're baking a cake, aren't we Will?''

The little boy nodded fiercely. ''Auntie Gwen said that we could have cake after diner.''

''Yum, yeah that sounds good. Auntie Gwen makes the best cakes, doesn't she?''

''And I helped!'' Will screamed as he pushed out his chest in pride.

''Great job, high five!'' Arthur said as he held his hand up so that the boy could give him an high five.

In the end Will dragged his father to the kitchen, showing him the cake that he and Gwen made.

He just couldn't see a life without Will anymore. He had definitely made some stupid mistakes in the past. One of them was sleeping unprotected at the age of seventeen with his former girlfriend and getting her pregnant. Elena hadn't really cared for Will, she told him that she didn't feel like it was her child even when she had carried him herself and ended up handing the baby over to Arthur. He hadn't seen her since then, she had only called once at Will's second birthday and that was it. It had been a struggle, but with the help of his friends, his sister Morgana and to his surprise also his father Uther, he was able to care for his little boy. Gwen was especially a great help, as she looked after him when Arthur had to work. Will was now five years old and a rather energetic kid. It always made him laugh seeing the boy tun around and Arthur had absolutely no idea were the little boy got all that energy from. Will was a smart boy and no Arthur wasn't only saying that because he was the boy's father.

Than there was that other thing, Will had magic. It had definitely startled him when Will used magic for the very first time when he was only an half year old. Morgana had assured him that it wasn't the strangest thing as she herself was also witch, but he hadn't completely calmed his mind. Morgana herself had first noticed that she had magic when she was a teenager, but Will... He had never heard of anyone being able to use their magic at only a half year old. It scared him, Arthur was scared for the boy's future, magic may be accepted, but it also caused problems. Magic was something that the government was strict about, Will would never be as free as he, a non-magical human, was.

His father had been shocked to learn of his grandson's magical power, the same as he had been with Morgana. He knew that his father looked down on those with magic and till this day he didn't know why. At the same time was Uther the chief of police of the city and Arthur worked for him. Arthur was captain of his team and mostly worked on magic related cases, both caused by natural magical events, magical creatures and magic users.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Will pull his shirt. ''Daddy, I wanna show you something!'' He grinned down at his son, who pulled him towards the living room.

Will climbed onto the chair and Arthur sat down next to him on the table, eying the pencils that lay next to the paper, Will had always liked drawing. He turned back to his son, who wore the biggest grin before the boy handed him a rolled up piece of paper. ''It's our family!''

Arthur carefully unrolled the paper and his smile turned into a slight frown. Will had drawn the two of them, but it weren't those figures that caused him to frown, it were the two figures at the other side of the paper. One was blond and the other was black haired, yet their faces were empty. ''Will, this is an amazing painting!... I only don't understand who these two figures are?''

Will looked confused up at him and he tilted his head slightly to the side as he looked at the paper. ''They're part of our family too... but I don't remember their faces.'' He answered with a pout.

He didn't remember their faces? Where these people he had met before or... he could hear a little voice in his head calling it magic. ''Do you know their names?''

With that question the pout disappeared. ''Oh, yes I know their names! He- ''He pointed at the blond figure.''- is my big brother, Kay.'' He then pointed at the black haired man. ''And this is papa.''

''I'm your papa!''

Will shook his head. ''No, you're my daddy and he's my papa!''

The frown on Arthur's face grew even bigger.


Will was smiling broadly as he was walking hand in hand with his uncle Gwaine, he liked his uncle Gwaine, he was funny and he always got extra candy from the man. Will looked around, he knew where they were going, they were going to his daddy. Daddy had promised him that he could take a look at his work after school. His uncle Gwaine had picked him up.

''So little mate, did you have a nice day at school?''

''Jup, it was lots of fun. We went to race and I won three times-,'' He held up his fingers. ''- and I made a really nice drawing, I'm really proud of it!'' His thoughts shifted for a moment to the piece of paper in his backpack, he hoped his daddy liked his drawing.

His uncle smiled down at him. ''You want to show your uncle?''

Will quickly shook his head. ''No, daddy should see it first than you can see it!''

His uncle Gwaine then suddenly stopped and Will looked confused up, they weren't there yet. He then noticed the nice looking lady that his uncle started talking to. She smiled down at him. ''Oh what a sweetie, is he yours?''

Gwaine laughed. ''No, he's my mate's. I have no children yet, till now I haven't met the right woman.'' Why did uncle Gwaine wink at the woman and why did she giggle in return? Grownups are strange.

Will's attention drifted off and he let his eyes go over the people around him. He could feel his magic inside him twitch, it was a strange feeling, but he knew that he couldn't use his magic without an adult's permission, daddy had told him that after all and he knew he couldn't be naughty when it came to magic. But it was strange for his magic to twitch like that. It was a strange feeling and it was as if his magic told him that he should see something.

He turned around, searching for the thing that his magic wanted him to see. He noticed a couple of witches walking on the other side of the street, but it wasn't them. He spun further around and it was then that he felt his magic pull at him. He looked for a moment at his uncle Gwaine, who was still in a deep conversation with the lady. ''Fine I will take a look if you find it so important.'' He mumbled to his magic and he ran into the direction that his magic told him.

He let his magic guide his small legs and he ended up in a small park. Will slowed down. It was a nice park, but why did his magic send him here. ''Nah, what am I doing here, stupid magic.'' He mumbled, but of course his magic didn't answer him.

Will sighed, but walked forwards through the park. It was then that his eyes grew big and a wide smile crossed his lips as he saw his daddy standing in the middle of a patch of grass. His magic had brought him to his daddy! ''Daddy!'' He screamed as he ran forwards and hugged his daddy's legs.

He looked up, but frowned when his daddy didn't act like he normally did. His daddy stood frozen for a moment before he turned to look at Will. ''Y-you aren't my daddy?'' He stated rather shocked.

''N-no, I am not.'' The man whispered as he starred with shocked blue eyes from underneath his blond hair at him.

Will tilted his head slightly to the side, there was something about this man, but he just couldn't place it. What was it... A smile crossed his lips when he did remembered and held his hands out for the taller blond. ''Now I remember! How could I forget my big brother Kay!'' He breathed out as he jumped into his big brother's arms. ''I missed you!''