I will be trying to post these chapters in a reasonable amount of time. Hope you enjoy!

**Warning** This story includes/will include:

Sexual Suggestions



Yaoi (male on male love)

**Read at your own discretion**

RECAP: Sasuke is the head of the human breeding facility since he is an heir to Uchiha Corps., the monopoly which produces blood for the millions of vampires that rule the Earth. He is asked to look at a human that the Police had found in a forest along with a whole village. Upon closer inspection the boy turned out to be no other than his best friend, who he had assumed had died. Now Sasuke is on a quest to discover the truth behind his friend and the truth behind the new society he lives in.

Chapter 2: Mission Impossible

"Wh-what!" The raven shouted, "How- there's no way."

The only thing the blonde could do was look defiantly back, he gave the vampire a sly smile.

"You have the proof you need, no?"

Hastily, Sasuke grabbed Naruto's plush robe from the ground and tossed it towards him.

"Quickly redress."

The Raven grabbed his keys from the top of the mahogany desk and the jacket from his swivel chair.

Now it was Naruto's turn to be surprised. "What are you doing?"

"No time!"

Naruto made a face that was adorned with a pout, but just continued to fasten his robe until it sat snuggly around his body. Then next thing he knew a tight grip wrapped around his wrist and pulled him into complete focus.

The raven was merely three inches away and was starring dead into his eyes.

"Now, I want you to listen to me, and listen well," the raven barked the commands like Naruto was another employee, "I don't know how you are here, or how your even alive, but you will damn sure tell me when I get you somewhere safe. Got it?"

Without any means, or reason to refuse, the blonde nodded.

"Good. Now this is the most important part to pay attention to." Naruto caught his breath in order to take in every word that was going to be said. "Don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone. If anyone tries to stop you, keep walking, follow my lead, keep your head down and swear you will not get distracted by anything or object to anything you are about to see. Is that clear?"

"How do you expect me to promise all that!"

"I said do you understand?"

"Sasuke, how am I supposed-"

"Naruto, listen to me!" These words stopped Naruto midsentence. "The things that go on here are horrid, are whole society has gone horrid. I realize that I won't be able to save many, but please, let me save you."

"I would rather you help the others of my village before you help me then. Why am I the one who has to be saved?"

"Naruto, you have been live for 117 years. You are 117! Don't you realize it? Your special, and not only that but, you are the only true friend I have ever had."

Naruto slumped and considered the proposition. Friend huh?

"Well." Sasuke asked glancing with concern at the door.

"Again. Do you really leave me with any alternative?"

Without anything else said Sasuke swiped his security card through the door and dragged Naruto with him as he exited.

"What's-," Naruto started to say but instantly received a glare that shut him up.

"Oh Mr. Uchiha."

Fuck. His secretary had already been looking for him.

Sasuke cleared his throat, "Mm. Yes, what can I do for you?"

"Your product count is supposed to start soon Sir."

Sasuke mentally face palmed.

"I'm sorry Sakura, I'm not felling the best today. You see I haven't had lunch yet, and well, with this human in the room I couldn't help but have a quick bite, but he must be having some blood issues because I feel terrible now."

"Oh sir! That's horrid," Sakura looked towards Naruto with disgust. "You need to plan an earlier lunch Sir, Its obvious this animal is disgusting. Look at the state of him, it's like he hasn't ever showered. That's why we have this program I guess, so likes of him don't get into the blood pool."

Naruto clenched his fists at the harsh words and constrained his head to remain down.

"Stupid animal, not even apologizing for what he's done." Sakura continued.

Naruto could barely resist the temptation to argue at her harsh words.

"Anyways, I will be sure to have your assistances appointed to the task. In fact it still amazes me that you don't get them to do all this icky work for you."

"No, I'm am completely capable of my job."

Sakura regretted the words. "Would you like me to come over later? I can make you some blood soup to make you feel better? Or I coul-"

"No, I will be perfectly fine," Sasuke stated coldly cutting her off, "I just need to spend some time not in a brightly lit facility I believe."

"Oh, that's a shame. Well, at least let me take this trash out for you." Sakura stated inferring Naruto.

"Actually, I am in need of him."

Both Naruto and Sakura were taken aback by this statement.

"You see, I have been doing some experiments of my own in order to find a cure for blood sicknesses, but I have never gotten the chance to obtain a human that I was aware had it." Sasuke went on, "This is also a highly classified project so if you would please keep it classified I would be in your debt." Sasuke said the last part with a bow.

"Well," Sakura looked unsurely down at the back of Naruto's head, "you are my boss, why would I ever break the trust of Uchiha Corps.?"

"Thank you Sakura" Sasuke said, "Now, please contact Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo about my leave, oh and please take his report."

"Oh!" Saukra said startled taking the notes from him, "Yes Sir!"

She raced off around the corner to contact the trio about the sudden situation.

"So annoying," Sasuke snapped as he grabbed Naruto and pulled him into the elevator, clicking the button to signal their descent, "You're doing a nice job. Now you just need to keep it up a little longer."

Naruto clenched. He just hoped that they didn't run into anymore problems.

Noticing the discomfort Sasuke placed his hand on top of Naruto's head and patted.

"You- you don't have to try to make me feel better."

"Nonsense, my top priority is to keep my patience content after all."

Naruto smiled a bit at this.

As the elevator dropped Naruto looked out the glass walls of the elevator. On the other side of the transparency laid a sprawling city, the cities lights shined brilliantly in the darkness. Naruto could see cars zooming on the highways. It was almost like he was back home.

"To think," Naruto said out loud, "That almost everyone is really a vampire now."

Sasuke turned to look out the window with him, "To tell you the truth Naruto, I can't believe it either."

The elevator dinged open, but not on the parking deck. No when the duo looked up at the illuminating numbers they read '27'.

I wonder what it is this time.

In life, it seems that whenever you are actually trying to do something, something goes wrong. On most days Sasuke would not run into one single person on his leave from the building. Those are also the times when you see the people that you never had wished to see during those circumstances. For Sasuke, this could be no truer.

The cold metallic doors slid opened and another raven stepped in.

"Well, what a surprise."

Sasuke prayed that Naruto kept his head down now.

"Hello Brother, what brings you to my facility today?"

"Oh you know a regular checkup." The older raven eyed the human that was in the elevator with him and then eyed his younger brother.

"Itachi, is there something I can help you with?"

"Is that, what I think it is?" Itachi spoke out slowly.

"Perhaps," Sasuke said with a grin.
"I thought you sai-"

"A vampire can change his mind sometimes you know."

"That's correct, but I'm happy," Itachi spoke giving out a genuine smile.

Naruto kept staring at the floor of the elevator, this time his eyes did not want to shoot up in anger, but in curiosity.

"Why are you smiling?' Sasuke spoke back monotone as ever.

"I thought you had sworn yourself from having your elite pet. It gives me a nice feeling to see this. A brother can only worry you know."

"Will you be needing any help in his training?" Itachi went on.

"I will be perfectly fine on my own dear brother."

Itachi moved closer to the human.

"Hm, he has fair blond hair, but are you sure he is the one you want. His skin is tanned and-"

Regardless of Sasuke's inner plea his brother cuffed Naruto's chin and yanked it up.
Despite Naruto's will his teeth automatically barred at the action and a small growl emerged from his throat.

"Woah! Look at that spirit," Itachi interjected, "He will be needing some training indeed Sasuke."

"I can handle it brother" Sasuke stated back, but Itachi sent him a look of worry so Sasuke with a sigh went on, "you know how much I like a challenge."

Itachi's eyes lit up with understanding, "I see."

The elevator dinged on the first floor in order to let Itachi out.

"I hope you come to realize that this is all for the best Sasuke."

Those words made Sasuke shiver.

"Yes, of course Onii-chan," Sasuke spoke back with a cringing smile.

Iatchi sent back another smile in Sasuke's direction as he left the elevator into the front lobby.

"So," Naruto said looking towards Sasuke, "Does that mean he likes me."

"I have no idea," Sasuke said the pair still staring at the door that was now closed.

Almost instantly the elevator dinged again and this time a 'P' light on the screen.

"Finally!" Naruto shouted.

"Shh," Sasuke said putting a finger to Naruto's lips, "Were not out of the woods yet."

Exiting into the parking deck Sasuke could see his car nearby in the CEO parking space. Through the echoing of the concrete walls voices could be heard, they most likely belong to employees going on a lunch break.

"Stay low," Sasuke whispered. "Stay near the cars, mine is the red corvette you shouldn't miss it."

Sasuke gave Naruto the keys. "Just get into the passenger's side, I will distract them okay. The fewer people who know about this the better."

Naruto nodded and Sasuke left the safety of the elevator's cove.

"So I told the human I don't care I have a job to do," the first employee said.

"Haha, you did not. If they found out you said the CEO would have you head," the second employee said.

"Whose head am I having?" Sasuke said from behind the two employees.

Sasuke motioned to Naruto with his hand and Naruto dashed for the car as the two employees squabbled for their life.

A few minutes later Sasuke sat into the driver's seat. He did not say anything to the human sitting beside him, instead he stared up at the roof of the car and closed his eyes.

Naruto stared at Sasuke face as he tried to relax, and a pang of guilt bubbled inside him that it had been his fault for the stress Sasuke had been under in order to save him.

"I'm sorry Sasuke."

Sasuke cracked an eye open and looked towards Naruto that was looking down with guilt.

"I'm the cause of your stress."

With that Sasuke gave out a chuckle and Naruto looked up slightly in anger that he was being made fun of. Sasuke looked at Naruto's glare and just patted his head.

"You are not the one stalking me, you are not the one trying to control my life, and you are not the one disobeying me. So there is no way that you are the cause of my stress."

These words stopped the blond's glare.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto with a smirk. "Maybe you should become my elite pet."

Naruto blushed, "Wh-what does that even mean!"

Sasuke chuckled, "You'll find out."


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I hope you like the story so far and I wish to tell you that I do know where this story is going, but if you have any suggestions feel free to say them.

γ˜γ‚ƒγƒΌγ­Jya ne!