Author's Note: Hello all! I haven't written much in a while, but this story was sparked based on helping actors with a production of Oklahoma! currently in rehearsals. Getting into Jud's character is hard and this sort of starts to give insight into some of his issues, to my mind. Of course, I own nothing except the storyline; the rest belongs to Rogers and Hammerstein. Also, please note the rating; much of it comes into play in this first chapter. The dialogue is also written in dialect similar to that of the show (or as close as I could manage). Hope you enjoy! (Yes, there is more, so let me know if you like it and want to read some more of what I have written!)

"You – you have no idea what you done –" Jud said, advancing on Laurey. He gripped her arms hard, shaking her.

"Jud! Jud, you's hurtin' me!"

"You's hurt me too, Laurey! Why can't ya see what you's doin' to me. You's pushed me too far this time." Jud couldn't control his temper any longer and threw Laurey to the ground there in the pasture.

Laurey, not having anticipated such violence toward her, fell to the ground hard, but scrambled to turn herself over to look at the man she was completely terrified of. "Jud, what you doin'? You don't wanna hurt me. You know that ain't right."

"Miss Laurey, I'm done with right." With that, Jud got to this knees on the hard ground and pinned Laurey's hands to the ground.

"Hep! Hep! Curly! Aunt Eller! Somebody! Hep me!" It nearly pained Laurey to fall into the 'damsel-in-distress' role, but there was no way she could overpower Jud who had muscles that were toned from the daily manual labor on the farm.

"Shet up, Miss Laurey," Jud warned, pulling his knife from his pocket and holding it near Laurey's throat. "I'd hate to have to slice that purdy throat of your'n."

Laurey swallowed hard and looked into the crazy eyes of the man atop her. She was scared. She didn't know what he was going to do to her, but that knife scared her and she was sure he knew how to use it. She nodded gently. "O-okay, Jud. Okay. Jus'…jus' put the knife down."

Jud looked into Laurey's eyes and, for a moment, he broke out of his rage when he saw the fear that laid behind her gaze. "A-Alright, Miss Laurey, I'll put it away."

"Thank ya, Jud." Laurey allowed her body to relax slightly, but suddenly a sound came from the distance.

"Laurey? Laurey, where'd you get to?" Curly's voice came from the direction of the farmhouse.

Before Laurey could answer her love's call, Jud had roughly pulled her to her feet and was dragging her along behind him as he hurried toward his smokehouse, mumbling to himself. "Cain't have her – no good fer her, Curly – She mine—"

Jud reached his door and practically threw Laurey inside. Jud then locked his door and pushed a table in front of it to barricade them inside. "Jud? Jud, you're scaring me again," Laurey said tentatively, trying to break Jud out of his trance again to no avail.

"Cain't have you – You's mine –" Jud approached Laurey slowly and Laurey tried to back away from him until she bumped into his bed, sudden realization donning on her.

"Jud, please. Don't do this. Jus' let me go. Ya can stay here in the smokehouse as long as ya like. Jus' let me go."

"Nah. You's jus' gonna go back to that Curly."

"Jud, I…I love Curly."

This set Jud off. "He no good for ya!" Jud yelled, rushing toward Laurey and knocking her down onto his bed. His rough hands dug under her voluminous skirts, trying to push them up to her waist. Laurey was kicking her legs, trying to get free, but Jud had her pinned down with nowhere to go. With her skirts gathered by her hips, he roughly ripped the top of her dress and pulled out his knife. Laurey's breath caught in her throat, thinking he would kill her. He roughly twisted her to lay on her stomach as he sliced the lacing of her corset, throwing his knife behind him to the floor. Turning Laurey back over, Jud looked down to see her face bright red and tear stained. His thumb brushed the tears from her cheeks. "Wha's the matta, Miss Laurey?"

Measuring her words carefully, she responded, "I…I don't wanna be heer, Jud. I wanna go home."

"That precious Curly ain't come to yer rescue. See, I told yous he's no good for you. You needs a real man," Jud said, becoming possessive of the girl in shambles in front of him.

"Please, Jud. Curly don't know where I am. If he did, he'd be heer for sher."

Jud couldn't stand it. All she wanted was Curly. She would never want him, no matter what he did. "Well, he damn sher ain't heer now, is he? He don't know his girl is in trouble. Well, his girl is my girl now." With that, he ripped the corset down, revealing her chest that was heaving with her sobs. The pictures of the naked women on his walls were nothing compared to this living, breathing beauty beneath him. Laurey so desperately wanted to cover herself, but had no power to do so. Her embarrassment and fear fueled her sobs as Jud bent to kiss her. She fought to turn away from him, practically gagging on his tongue that he shoved inside her mouth.

His rough hands felt the smooth, previously untouched skin of her breasts, gripping the flesh harshly between his calloused fingers. Jud let out a sigh of contentment; the dreams and thoughts he had had for months were real and he had her all to himself. To kiss. To touch. To have. These thoughts had his breathing rapid and his desires at a peak. He leaned back onto his heels to undo his pants.

Laurey saw this moment of distraction and tried to make an escape. She pulled her leg back and, kicking Jud in the chest and knocking him backwards, she rushed toward the door. She frantically pulled and pulled on the table that blocked her way. Tears furiously falling down her face, she screamed, "CURLY! CURLY, PLEASE! HEP! HEP!"

Jud recovered from the blow and angrily grabbed Laurey, throwing her back onto the bed. "Naughty, naughty, Miss Laurey." He reached up under her skirts and pulled her bloomers off, throwing them to the floor, and positioning himself between her knees, pushing her skirts up so he could see her in all her glory. Seeing her most intimate of parts seemed like a dream. He licked his lips. Laurey held her eyes tight closed, trying desperately to imagine herself anywhere but here. But suddenly, everything came crashing back down to her reality as he pushed inside her and she felt a strain and pain she had never even thought existed. Barely audible, she begged over and over for Jud to stop, to let her go, to stop the terror and pain she was enduring.

But Jud was living his own dream and continued thrusting into her tightness. Women hardly ever touched him, and he had never experienced anything like this. Now, he had his dream girl in the most intimate of ways. His pleasure grew, as did her torture, until he released inside her and collapsed to her side. Pulling himself out of her, she felt an odd sensation and was just able to look down and see the blood staining the bed and covering her thighs. She sobbed even harder. Her innocence was gone, taken from her by the man regaining his breath beside her. She didn't know what the future held, but it was the not the future she had ever pictured for herself.

Jud turned over and brushed the hair from Laurey's tear-soaked cheeks, tucking it behind her ear. "You mus' be tired. I knows I am." Laurey couldn't bring herself to speak and just nodded. "Well, afta your little escape attempt earlier…." Jud got to his feet, pulling his pants up and closing them. He crossed the room and took a coil of rope off a hook on the wall. He tied her wrists together and then ran the rope under the bed to tie to the frame. "There. Now, just lay heer and relax. I'll go's and gets us somethin' to drink." Jud pushed the table aside, unlocked the door and, picking up his water bucket, headed for the well.

Laurey knew the well was a good ten minutes journey from the smokehouse. She tried to fight the knots binding her, but wasn't able to overcome the skill that Jud had used in securing her in place. She was able to swing herself off the bed to view the knots that held her to the bed from beneath. Sitting on the floor, Laurey could feel how sore she was from the encounter with Jud and all she wanted to do was to cry, but she had to keep fighting. Her time was limited. Seeing the knife across the floor, she inched herself cautiously toward it, carefully listening for the slightest sound that would indicate her captor returning. Reaching the knife with her foot and scooting toward herself, she began sawing through the thick rope. While pushing herself to keep going, a small voice in her head told her that there was no way she would get through the rope before Jud got back.

Laurey then heard voices coming toward the smokehouse. She froze and listened closely. Male voices. Loud. Angry. Then she heard the long drawl that she knew belonged to her beloved Curly. Her heart raced. Was it worth it to try to call out to him and chance Jud hearing? She listened again and realized there were two voices and that second voice was one that was burned into her brain forever. It would haunt her as the voice of her captor, her rapist for the rest of her life. And it was getting louder, close enough that she could finally make out words.

"Where is she, Jud?" Curly yelled, holding Jud by the collar.

"I don't know. Cain't you handle your own girl?" Curly punched Jud across the face.

"Where is she?! Nobody in town's seen her. What have you done to her?"

"She's mine now." Curly punched Jud again, hitting him hard enough to knock him to the ground and Curly took off running toward Jud's smokehouse.

"CURLY! CURLY, I'M IN HEER!" Laurey called out, knowing that Curly was coming for her.

Curly burst through the door and didn't even register the situation before rushing over the Laurey and taking her into his arms. Laurey's strength gave way and tears rushed down her face once more. While holding her, Curly undid the knots around her wrists, releasing her from her confines. "Shh. I'm heer, Laurey. I'm heer."