"So? You told Sarah?" Sirius finally asked James. He waited entire morning for James to tell what happened, but as his friend did not initiate any conversation. Sirius decided to ask upfront. They were going through the suspects files of their latest case.

"I did." James said, still looking at the file in his hand.

"And..?" exasperated Sirius asked.

"She slapped me."

Sirius kept looking at James for few moments, then started laughing.

James shook his head,"Yeah laugh at me. She made me sleep in our guest room."

At this Sirius started laughing harder. He finally calmed down."But Prongsy she still let you go easily. I thought she would put some nasty hex on you."

"I thought the same thing but atleast she is allowing Harry. Speaking of Harry, how was he." James asked looking at Sirius.

"Oh Harry is a very well mannered and sweet boy. He already made friends with Alex, and I think my daughter has a crush on him." Sirius finished smiling.

"Crush on him?" James asked with raised eyebrows.

Sirius started wiping fake tears and said, "Yeah. She tried making breakfast for him this morning. My sweet daughter Nicky, ruined her dress, hair, kitchen and everyone's breakfast. She wanted to impress him you see, but forgot she can't cook. And your sweet boy smiled at her and said - 'Thanks for your effort'. I am telling you James, I really like him."

James shook head at his friend's antics, then went back to the case's file.