This story has been terribly fun to write, channeling my inner Brit. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I look forward to your comments! Cheers!

P.s. - Sequel is finished, go check out: Golden Opportunity, Silver Paradox

The entangled couple crashed into the Doctor's bedroom. Once inside, Rose slipped the tie out from under his collar with a satisfying 'swish'. Tossing the silk tie to a far corner of the room, she returned to the final buttons on his steel blue oxford. The shirt was so stiffly pressed, that she had a hard time unbuttoning it without parting from the lips of the man wearing it. She growled impatiently. It took far too long to remove the offending garment only for her to find yet another annoying layer underneath; a gray tee-shirt.

"How many frickin' layers are you wearing?"

"Last one I promise."

"You're not wearing four layers on your lower half are ya?" Asked Rose, as she moved her attention to the button at the front of his trousers.

"No, just three."

"Three? I was joking, how are you possibly wearing more than two? Trousers, pants and what else?"

His cheeks reddened. "I wasn't ready to give up my usual boxers when the Tardis gave me those new lightproof boxer-briefs… Therefore, I am wearing my usual ones on the outside of my new ones…"

"Oh my God, Doctor…" Rose laughed so hard then, that she snorted.

"Oi! You know how particular I am when it comes to my wardrobe." He said, as he straightened up his posture indignantly.

"More like peculiar!"

Rolling his eyes did nothing to stop the torrent of her laughter. "Ha, ha… Very funny, Rose. Seems rather unfair, though, that you are still fully clothed while you laugh at me."

A wicked grin spread across his face. Rose squeaked as he pulled her tight against him again and unzipped the side of her dress. Keeping one hand firmly on the small of her back, his nimble fingers brushed up the newly exposed skin on her side to the clasp at her collar bone. With a flick of his thumb, the clasp came undone and her navy chiffon dress slid down to her waist. A step backwards, a shake of her hips, and the dress fluttered the rest of the way down to the floor.

Her heart was pounding and she felt goose flesh prickle along her arms. If he was trying to silence her giggles, it worked. Rose was speechless but unabashed as she stood, nearly bare, in front of her Doctor. His arms and jaw fell slack, and she watched as his eyes slowly darkened. It was as though he was having trouble comprehending what he was looking at.

"Rose Tyler, you're not wearing a bra!" His voice cracked.

"Noticed that, did ya?" She winked. "Couldn't find one that worked with the neckline of that dress."

Rose shrugged coquettishly, sauntered over to his bed, and sat down. She almost felt guilty for how much she enjoyed teasing the Doctor... Almost... She didn't worry about whether or not he was enjoying himself anymore, not considering the look that was currently pinned on his face. The fact that she could dumbfound a 900 year old genius of a man bolstered her confidence tremendously. Leaning back on the bed, she held herself halfway up on her elbows. Her eyes trailed up the partially dressed man still standing in the doorway, and she gave him her best 'come hither' look. He really did look handsome with his hair mussed and glasses askew, after sharing such an impassioned snogging with her.

It only took another moment for the befuddled Time Lord to finish processing the situation. He pulled off his tee shirt, pushed his trousers down, tripped stepping out of them, and scrambled to chase her to the bed. He caught himself on the edge of the bed frame with a manic chuckle. Rose helped to hoist his lanky body up onto the mattress next to her before they both collapsed in laughter.

"You make me feel so young again." He said, catching his breath.

His freckled chest rose and fell next to her, and Rose wondered if his respiratory bypass system had kicked in yet. The Doctor rolled onto his side next to her, and propped himself up on his elbow. With the cool pad of his finger, he began tracing circular patterns on the skin of her chest and stomach; Gallifreyan words, she realized. Words he had yet to say? Words he might never say out loud? Simple words carried so much weight for the Time Lord, but she loved him, even if he was never able to say the words back. Gradually, his fingers wandered lower to the elastic band of her knickers.

"Really Rose? Sparkly gold knickers?" She struck her tongue out from between her teeth, and the Doctor couldn't resist kissing her smile. He also couldn't resist teasing her back about her choice in undergarments. Fair is fair, she supposed. "While I appreciate the sentiment... By the time I had gotten to your undergarments, I like to think that I'm not be so daft as to still be misinterpreting your romantic cues and intent..."

"You are pretty clueless when it comes to picking up on my romantic cues."


"Actually, the Tardis won't give me any other knickers today... I have no idea where she hid my usual ones that I brought aboard with me."

"Well, I suppose that would explain the pile of pink lacy things that I found under the wormhole refractor this morning."

She giggled again. "Just shut up, Doctor."

Their lips locked and the Doctor moved so he was holding himself over her in a way that kept one of his hands free to knead her breasts. A trembling Rose wriggled out of her undies and let her hands explore his lean, fit figure. She couldn't believe how cool his skin felt to the touch. Every muscle in his shoulders and back were stretched tight, straining to maintain the current position of his body. When he pulled back, the way he looked at her made her feel as though she were the only thing he cared for in the entire universe.

He ducked down to kiss her pulse point before tracing his cool tongue from her neck to her navel. Rose realized he was crawling backwards off the bed. Once he was on his feet, he lowered both sets of his pants together. Rose sucked in a sharp breath when she saw him, in all his golden glory, for the first time... Magnificent! Could naughty bits be magnificent?... Didn't matter! That's what they were. He looked human enough, save for the fantastic, ethereal glowing that pulsed faintly in time with his hearts beat... Wow...

"Doctor, you're beautiful."

"What a coincidence, I was just going to say the same thing about you."


What followed was a haze of lust and urgent need. The Doctor was so excruciatingly aroused by the time he found his way back onto the bed that he could no longer maintain his composure. And Rose... Oh Rassilon... Rose was so thoroughly ready for him, that he slid deeply into her immediately. For so long, he'd wanted her, fantasizes about her, dreamed about her... but nothing he imagined could have prepared him for the reality of their union. Heat radiated from her core, surrounding him... Growing hotter with each movement he made. Every nerve ending in his body was ablaze with Rose.

He longed to reach for her mind as well but the intensity of his pleasure in her mind would have overwhelmed her, since they had never tried any telepathy between them before. Sometime they could try it, but tonight, he was having a hard enough time holding on as it was. Any additional stimulus would have driven him over the edge far too quickly.

Rose was writhing beneath him, calling his name over and over. He had his head buried against her neck in her hair as he called back to her in his native language... Sometime he would repeat those words to her in English... Sometime he would tell her his real name, so she could call that one out in ecstasy too... But tonight... Tonight it was enough to finally release all the pent up tension between them, to revel in each others bodies, to feel time slow down around them... Time might even stop for the union of Rose Tyler and her Doctor... Rassilon, never let this end...

Based on the strained moans coming from his Rose, the Doctor knew that she was rapidly chasing her climax. Her breath was coming ragged and hot. In an effort to hold on as long as possible for her, his quick rhythmic movements deteriorated and became erratic. The heat and throbbing pressure brought on by her peak, however, proved too much for him to ignore. He cried out her name and let himself tumble after her. In that shining instant, he forgot all his pain, forgot all of his suffering, forgot all of time. There was only now, only Rose.

They collapsed onto the sheets panting together, reveling in the afterglow. They exchanged languid glances and the Doctor collected his precious pink and yellow human into his arms. As she snuggled into his embrace, she whispered quietly: "I love you, you know. My Doctor."

His hearts soared... How did he ever earn the love of such a perfect creature? How could he ever hope to be worthy of it, damaged as he was? He did know that he would spend the rest of his life trying to live up to her perception of him, trying to be the man she thought he was.

The Doctor placed a tender kiss on the back of her neck and murmured a string of beautiful Gallifreyan into her ear. The delicate, flowing words could have been roughly translated as: 'You are more dear to me than all the stars in the universe, my beloved. I never expected your love to grace my existence, but love is nothing if not unexpected. As it should be, so we are.' She hummed contentedly and drifted off to sleep.

Only once her breathing evened out and her heart rate slowed, did he allow himself to whisper in English: "I love you too. My Rose." Damn his persistent cowardice.


The next morning, Rose opened her eyes to find the Doctor sitting beside her on the bed and a tray of blueberry waffles with a steaming cup of tea on the nightstand.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead."

She stretched and yawned. "Mmmmm... g'morning Handsome... Hey, where did you find the ingredients to make blueberry waffles? I couldn't find a single thing to make for dinner last night."

"I popped out to the shop while you were sleeping... 10 hours was a long time for me to try to stay in one place. I didn't think that you usually need quite that much sleep."

"Well, it might have had something to do with the mind blowing shag I had last night." She knew that stroking his ego could be dangerous, but when it came to their love making he absolutely deserved the accolades.

"Oh? And how mind blowing would you say it was, exactly?"

"Mmmm... I'm not sure I remember the precise amount in which my mind was blown... I might need a second sample for a proper analysis." She giggled and rolled back into the blankets. "Holy shit, I'm starting to sound like you."

When the Doctor leaned down to kiss her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her. The couple shared a few lazy, wet kisses, as Rose dispelled the last remaining vestiges of sleep from her system. Memories of the night before clouded her waking mind with renewed desire. The Doctor was endlessly sexy.


"Hmmm?" She managed to get out while capturing his lips once more.

"You're glowing."

"Well, I am pretty damn happy right now."

"No, I mean... You're physically glowing, faintly, but your abdomen is definitely brighter looking than it should be."

"Oh hey! Would'ya look at that. Is that some sort'a side-effect from what we did last night?"

"I really don't know. Not much precedent on the matter... Regardless, I think I would like to run some tests on you in the Med Bay." He sounded so clinical.

Such a bloody buzz kill, that was. But she could let it slide, the stars had finally aligned and allowed them to be together. They had all the time in the universe laid out before them, waiting for them to begin their adventure. The Doctor and Rose in the Tardis, as it should be. Besides, they could alway return to his room for the all important 'second sample' later.

She blew out an exasperated sigh. "Fine... but not until after breakfast, yeah?"