This is an adopted and continued story that was originally started by one, Immortal Wolf Lover. It has been a couple of years since I read and feel in love with this particular story as many of you have, or I'm sure will if you are just now reading this. I am sad to say I never got to meet or speak with the amazing author of this story but I hope I will in good faith be able to complete this work for her where she was not able to. I will be taking the story in a direction I think it shall go with keeping in mind what I know the original author wanted in this story. I wish you all good blessings and happy readings

The author's sister does have this little thing to add before we get started:

FunahoMisaki here and I want to thank Madame Erianne for continuing my sisters work. Not many know this but my sister (you all know her as ImmortalWolfLover) died a few years ago and never got to finish her stories, and I don't know her password to put up a message about this on any of her stories or profile, but I'm happy that someone else, besides me, is taking over and continuing one of my sisters stories. I know she'd be glad that someone is taking this over and will likely do it justice.

For a little bit of background for those new and old that I am making sure is known in this fanfiction:

1) Hannah is adopted

2) Jimmy and his parents will be in this as they actually like Hannah

3) Jimmy and his group are now High schoolers and I will treat them as such

4) Hannah is in elementary school at this point but thanks to Katie knows make-up

5) This story will contain some OC's later on I hope this is okay with everyone but this is now my story in a way too and I'd like to add some of me into it.

6) This story will also contain some of my headcanons as far as gender/sexualty and stuff in here that I kind of got from the movies even as a kid so yeah. Don't like that you may leave.

7) Please enjoy and any questions feel free to give them to me!