The small girls scream rippled through the surrounding area before suddenly it was cut off. Scary and Ruby where outside and rushing towards the spot they though they'd find the small nine year old faster than anyone with the rest right on their heels. Once they got there though they all gasped at what they found.

Instead of finding their favorite brown haired girl sprawled out on the ground they literally found nothing at all. Scary started yelling out franticly as Ruby did the same although her eyes where scanning the area as well when they came upon a small pink covered body gently laying on the ground near the tree and garden. "Scary over there!" the tall vampire called out as she gently grabbed the other woman's hand and they both rushed over towards the tree.

Max, Skully, Bug-a-Boo and Harry all shared a glance as the former grabbed his son and stayed back a bit as the girls rushed towards the girl. Scary had tears running down her face already as they got to the small girl scared and also curious how she got all the way over here before suddenly she saw the shadowed area they were in and then looked back to where they had looked for Hannah's body first, in the shade of the house and it hit her like a ton of bricks. Hannah's fear had active her first jump between shadows allowing her to hit the shadows by the house and instead of falling and getting hurt it transported her somewhere else gently.

"She's okay. Unconscious but okay." Ruby said as she looked over the girl, whose roots of her hair had grown out more at the spurt of magic making a good on fourth of her hair a red that matched Scary's own. Not that said woman seemed to be paying attention to that as she quickly grabbed the young girl and started back towards her home. Ruby watched with care as the elder woman's aura spiked and so did the young girls almost in tune with each other further confirming Ruby's opinions but she still needed more solid proof before she said anything.

Skully and Bug-a-Boo shared a look as they both watched Ruby and Scary's actions, something was off and they planned to ask their oldest classmate what later after they all made sure Hannah was alright. Harry and Max along with Orsen had already followed the ladies into the house, the duo following soon after them.

Scary gently laid Hannah down on the couch as Boozle soon started floating around them gently nuzzling the small girl and his owner. Scary gently brushed some of the hair out of Hannah's face as she looked towards the girls ring that matched her own. It still only had the small speck of red in the center which meant she'd not gotten any further hurt from the fall but while one half of it was still green the other had changed to be partially yellow and partially black. Something the older woman had expected after the fall the young girl had, she just hoped she'd wake up soon. It wasn't long before that wish was granted though as the little girl started to stir.

Ruby had moved to kneel beside her friend as the small child began to wake up she looked over to the boys and motioning something to her husband and Skully she turned to Harry, Orsen and Bug-a-Boo shooing them away a bit to give the girl some space.

"Here my love. I brought the young girl something to drink." Max said as he brought in a glass followed by Skully who had his arms full with the things Ruby had asked for him to bring placing them down beside the other woman.

"Thank you darling, and thank you Skully."

"My pleasure Countess. We'll just get out of the way now so you ladies can help Hannah."

The countess nodded as she turned back to Scary who was still hovering over the young girl as she was starting to wake and she went to grab some things to help wake the young girl up when suddenly the girl sat up straight with a large gasp and a wave of something passed from her through the entire group causing the entire room to blink at the sudden wave. When they opened their eyes the entire group gasped as they looked between Hannah and Scary who was sitting back on her backside hands over her mouth and heart as the entire group looked at the tiny girl who's brown hair had suddenly turned to a more orange color with brown tips almost matching Scary's own only less curly.

Sorry for the short chapter folks as well as the cliffhanger. Hit another dry spell. I'll try to make a larger update soon! - AN