Me:Before this starts i want to say that I love Ash Betrayed fanfics so

Ash looked around as he stared at his companions.A rock type pokemon breeder(Brock),an electric type gym leader from the region of Kalos(Clemont),The little sister of that gym leader(Bonnie),a girl he was friends with as a kid(Serena),His purple haired bestfriend(Paul),His Brother(Gary) and his two pupils(Max and Tory)

Brock:Ash what are you thinking about

Ash:That day Brocko


Ash and Pikachu were walking home from exploring the Decolora Islands and were surprised to see that his traveling companions and Tory having a celebration for getting in the Semi Finals of the Vertress Conference

can you please go and get us some more of this delicious juice

Delia:Ok Cilan,my you are nice

After Delia left,All of Ash's friends cornered him except Brock,Max and Tory

Max:May what's going on here

May:Nothing Max just go take Brock and Tory to the Professor's

Max dragged Brock and Tory by thier collar and they were spying on Ash and the others

Ash:So what was that about guys

May:Ash you suck as a trainer


Tracey:You always brings us bad luck you idiot

Iris:You are so idiotic

Ash:Well i saved your lives lots of time,do all of you feel this way


Ash tearing up ran to Professor Oak's Lab

Max,Tory,Brock:ASH WAIT UP

Ash then bumped intro Gary

Gary:Huh Ash,Why are you crying

Oak:Ash my boy,explain why are you crying

Ash then explained what happened and Oak looked angry

?:I would have never thought that Diamond Dandruff would do that

Ash:Huh Paul?

Paul:i came here to congradulate you,But somwthing far worst has happened

Brock:Ash are you in here


Ash:Paul it's ok Max,Tory and Brock are the only ones that didn't betray me

Oak:Ash i think it would be safe of you to go to the Kalos Region


Oak:Yes here are some plane tickets and I want you to meet my collegue Professor Augustine Sycamore

Ash:Professor thanks alot and tell Mom where i am,But there are 6 tickets in here

Paul:I'll go with you

Brock:Me too

Max and Tory:Us too

Ash:But that leaves us with just one more

Oak:Gary i think you should go with them

Gary:What about you Gramps

Oak:I'll be fine Gary

Gary:Fine I'm coming

Ash:Let's go guys

Oak:Wait i updated your pokedex,so that you could carry unlimited pokemon and other unique featurs

Ash:Again thanks alot Professor let me get my pokemon

Ash explains what happened to his pokemon and then got them in thier pokeballs

Ash:ok guys it's time to go


Ash looks back at his companions again and smiles

Ash:It's been a long five years guys

Ash looks at the entrance of the cave and sees a Pidgeot holding a letter

Me:Ok guys i'm letting you guys decide Ash's pairing in the comments,So see ya next time