A/N This is a Valentine fic request from FangirlU. The prompt is that Carter and Reese go on a vacation trip together and she finds out that she is pregnant. Hope you enjoy it, girl. Some parts of the fic might be OOC, but overall I believe the story is true to their characters. This fic ended up being more than one chapter long. The final chapter will be posted by next week Friday at the latest.

No beta, so forgive any errors in grammar and punctuation.

***Disclaimer ~ Nothing you see belongs to me :)


Carter threw the rectangular box into the sink along with its contents and refused to believe the results clearly displayed on the test strip.

"Shit," she said, again.

She walked out of her bathroom and sat down at the foot of her bed while tears welled up in her eyes.

What the hell was she going to do? How was she supposed to tell him this?

1 Week Ago

Joss kissed her teeth and turned her head.

"I am totally ignoring you." John was in the driver's seat next to her, a look of disbelief on his face.

She entered the numbers into her cell phone again, dialing them once more. "Ignoring you. Ignoring you. Ignoring you."

The smile she had on her face was wooden, didn't reach her eyes, but John only laughed.

"Actually, I think that Taylor is the one that's ignoring you." She shot him another look and turned the car radio down, muting the song he was listening to.

"Don't ever mess with the driver's music," he said, but she slapped his hand away as he tried to turn the volume up again. "Come on, Joss. Leave him alone. He's 17 years old; he's not a little kid."

She knew he was right, and she was never this overbearing, but this was her first vacation without Taylor in years. They never travelled without each other unless he went on a school trip, and whenever she went on vacation, even if it was just to another state, so did he.

But this was a rare occasion, and instead of a family visit to her sister in Philadelphia or a weekend trip so that the both of them could relax, she was on the road with John, heading to the Hamptons for a four day weekend getaway that they'd both been planning for the last few months. The tentative beginnings of their bond was heading for the two year mark, and while the ins and outs of a relationship with a man who was legally dead had its challenges, they were making it work the best they could.

About six months ago he'd decided that they needed time away. Time away from the numbers, her job, and everyone else. Time where they didn't have to be who they normally were and could just enjoy each other. She was shocked at his suggestion, didn't think that with his unique job it'd be possible. But he'd made it happen, and here they were.

Admittedly, she was doing an awful job so far of leaving everything behind. They'd been on the road for over two hours and all she'd done was worry about Taylor and if he was okay. She left a message on his voicemail and threw her phone into her handbag.

She turned to Reese, and he had a wry look on his face. "I'm sorry. I haven't been good company have I?"

"I understand you're worried. I do. But you gotta let him be a man. He'll be okay. And we're taking this trip so that we can focus on each other. Remember?"

He scooped her hand up in his and kissed the back of it. The smile that he offered lit up his face, and it was so infectious she had to return it.

"I remember," she said, and she settled into her seat, letting her eyes travel down the length of him.

He'd traded in his uniform today in favour of a more casual look. Instead of the usual black suit and white shirt, he was clad in dark jeans and a gray polo top. Free from product, his gray peppered hair moved in the breeze that flowed through the windows of the vehicle and he looked more like a carefree soccer dad instead of an ex CIA agent turned vigilante. He was strikingly handsome today, and staring at his profile made her blush thinking about how she'd fallen asleep in his arms last night.

"Okay, no more calls home. At least not until tomorrow." She laughed, and so did he. "So if I'm not a detective on this trip, and you're not…whoever you normally are…who are we supposed to be?"

"Well I rented the house for us under the names John and Joss Warren." He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh. So we're brother and sister?" she asked.

"Funny," he replied. "Only if one of us was adopted."

"So we're married, then?"

"Just for the weekend. That is, if you don't mind."

"I don't know, John," Joss said, picking imaginary dirt from underneath her newly manicured nails. "I think I might feel some type of way about being married to you when there's been no proposal, not even a ring to seal the deal." A smile tickled the corners of her mouth, and he chuckled.

"Already got it covered actually."

"Covered how?"

"Look in the glove compartment."

She did as he told her and was shocked to find two small ring boxes sitting there. She was too stunned; she hesitated to open them after picking them up. The sight of the logo on the bottom of the boxes when she turned them over made her positively speechless. It was from one of the more expensive jewelers in New York.

"Don't open them yet," he said, covering her hands. "Leave them for later. We're almost there."

He was right. When she looked up at the road ahead of them, John had turned left off of Water Mill, and soon East Hampton came into view.

"And we need an entrance theme. Turn my music back up, Joss." He gave her a mock stern look, and she rolled her eyes, increasing the volume of the radio. Sounds of the Jackson 5 filled the jeep again, and he bobbed his head along to the beat.

"Oh baby, give me one more chance…." He crooned.

She groaned at the sound, but in the next moment, she was singing along with him. "To show you that I love you."

"Won't you please let me…..back in your heart?" They sung in unison, and she gazed at him, smiling, finally starting to relax. She really was looking forward to their weekend together.

When they pulled up to a tall iron gate and John entered the code to open it, he smiled at the sound of astonishment that came from Carter's lips.

"Who's staying here?" she asked, as the wheels of the Lincoln Navigator rolled over the long and winding pebble stone driveway.

"We are."


Ahead of them was a two story mansion that sat on two acres of property. It was white stucco on the outside, had a wraparound porch and verandah, and windows stretching over six feet tall. There was a second floor balcony, and from what he was told, the back yard led straight out to a secluded stretch of beach.

Carter got out of the front seat once the SUV came to a stop and walked up the front steps. She looked around the well manicured yard, green grass that stretched for miles and then turned to him as he followed close behind.

"John, this is huge."

He grinned down at her. "Wait till you see inside."

Once they walked over the threshold he took her from room to room on the first floor, showing her the stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, the entertainment room that boasted a gigantic mounted flat screen, plush seating that could easily accommodate a family of five, but for them it was just as good for their weekend rendezvous for two.

"I don't believe this," she said as he slipped his arm over her shoulders. "How many bedrooms does this place have?"

"Four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, a gazebo outside, the beach, fully stocked kitchen, washer and dryer…"

"You did all this for us?" she asked, turning around. Her hair fell past her shoulders and he threaded his fingers through it while he kissed her softly.

"I did this for you," he answered. He kissed her again, enjoying how she burrowed closer to him, loving how her body felt in his arms. "Do you like it?"

"Of course I do," she said, touching his face. "Thank you, baby."

"Let me go get our things from the car, and you can thank me later. You can thank me all night."

She laughed as she followed him outside and he couldn't help but think of how beautiful she looked. She had on a sleeveless navy blue romper, a tan belt around the waist. The hem of it stopped just above her knees and the glow of the afternoon sun made her legs look as if they'd been dipped in liquid gold. Right now he wanted nothing more than to have them wrapped around his back. Her hair was curly, glistening, and her lips were kissed with a deep shade of red lipstick.

"Don't think I didn't notice you taking more than a casual look around, John. I saw you checking out the rooms, clocking 'em. You expecting someone to follow us up here, Mr. Warren?"

"Like you weren't doing the same thing?" He hauled both suitcases up the steps and stopped next to her, looking behind her to ogle her ample bottom. "Always looking for the exits, right, Mrs. Warren?"

"You think you know me so well, don't you?" she asked, following him inside, up the staircase and into the master bedroom.

It boasted a walk in closet, a two sink bathroom with a Jacuzzi, and vanity, but the first thing they both noticed was the massive king sized bed. It stood on a raised platform straight ahead. It had recessed lighting above it and they lined the four corners of the room. The bedding was a deep royal purple with black and gold trim, accent pillows were propped up and Carter sat down on it, then immediately lay back.

"As a matter of fact, I do." Reese looked down at her from the foot of the bed.

"What you picked up from your past days of stalking me doesn't count."

He scoffed before he bent down and hovered atop her. He parted her thighs, lying between them, something he'd wanted to do all morning and afternoon. She put her arms around him, her fingers touching his nape.

"Past? Past? Who said that I ever stopped?"

"You -"

He silenced her with his mouth, parting her lips to slide his tongue inside. What was soft before downstairs was now passionate, and with no one around them for miles, no machine, no Finch, Shaw, Taylor or Fusco, he finally felt like they were free to do whatever they wanted. And with her hands moving over his shoulders and back while she felt so soft and sexy underneath him, what he wanted…was her.

"Don't get too carried away, now. No sex before the wedding, remember?"

"Whose idea was that?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbow.

She wiped at the lipstick smeared on his lips, and he traced his finger down the length of her nose. His cock was throbbing, but as much as he was tempted to have his way with her in every way possible, he hadn't planned for them to spend the rest of the day in bed. That'd happen another day. He wanted to take her out tonight, sit in public and not have to worry about the wrong person seeing them together.

"Mine. I just came up with it."

He pushed himself upwards and got up, groaning deeply while she smiled devilishly. "Fine, I'll be right back."

Carter giggled as she watched him leave the room, and when she sat up she realized there was a balcony outside. She slipped her sandals off and unlocked the door, stepping out into the breeze. The beach stretched for miles, and in the distance she could see a lighthouse. She stood near the railing wondering when she'd ever been on a vacation like this and if she was honest, she'd say never. She and Paul had been to some nice places together while they were married, she and Taylor had taken a few trips as well, but this place was nothing short of luxurious, except she felt right at home.


She rested her hand on her stomach; a sudden feeling of nausea hitting her out of nowhere. She hadn't eaten since the night before and attributed the lightheadedness that accompanied it to hunger. Food was definitely what she needed at the moment. She heard John behind her and turned around.

He had the rings in his hand and without preamble he slipped hers onto her ring finger. Her eyes widened as she looked at it; not only had it been expensive, but the centre stone was huge. A princess cut diamond joined two separate platinum bands. She wondered just why he'd done all this for a weekend trip. They'd been getting closer over the last year, but marriage wasn't something they'd ever talked about or mentioned. She wondered if it was something that'd ever be in the cards for them. But she couldn't deny the feeling of warmth that went over her as she slipped his band onto his finger and how he looked at her while she did it.

"I love you," she said, kissing him. Being wrapped up in his arms was the perfect way to start the weekend.

Carter watched Reese down another shot of Patron Tequila before he let his glass land on the table with a thud. The bottle beside him was empty, and the two of them were both more than a little tipsy. His tray of quesadillas was just about bare, and to his right, only crumbs littered the plate that had been full of crab empanadas. So far she'd had wings, nachos, and enchiladas with rice and beans on the side. She was stuffed, but that last quesadilla on John's plate was looking mighty good at the moment.

They were at Mercado Mexican Grill & Tequila Bar on Montauk Highway. The place was packed, alive with people eating, drinking, watching sports on the huge flat screen TV, and shaking their asses on the dance floor. The atmosphere was upbeat, energetic, and splashes of colour were everywhere.

"This is some good tequila," he said, pointing a finger at the bottle in his hands. "Really good."

"I guess you're an expert."

"You're talking to a former drunk."

His remark reminded her of how far he'd come since they'd met, how far they'd both come. It had been an eventful journey. Smiling at her the way he was right now, he seemed worlds away from being the Man In a Suit. Here, he was relaxed. Despite his being aware of his surroundings, he seemed lighter, smiled more and the twinkle she sometimes saw in his eyes was significantly brighter.

"What are you thinking about over there?" he asked, sliding his chair from the other side of the table to sit next to her.


"Yeah? What about me?"

"Oh, just that you look handsome…" Her eyes wandered over to the plate he left on the other side of the table.


"And sexy." She could probably reach it without much trouble or effort.

"Go on."

"And I just….I want that last quesadilla, John."

Before he could stop her she grabbed it off his plate and took a huge bite.

"You little…!" he said, as she swallowed. He tried to grab it from her, but she bit into it again.

"I'm sorry, John," she said, with her mouth full. "I had to have it. And it's so good, too."

"Taste good?" he asked, moving even closer.

His voice dipped and took on that devilish tone that he used when he called her name while he made love to her. She swallowed, not the food this time, but because of the hand that he rested on her thigh. "Does it taste as good as you?"

"You tell me," she whispered. His face, his lips were so near hers right now. "You ate them both."

She put the quesadilla down and stared at him, arching an eyebrow. His hand moved further up her thigh. She looked around, but the chatter and everything else suddenly disappeared. The room was silent except for their voices and her pulse that instantly quickened at the thought of his mouth on her.

"My memory says it doesn't come close," he answered. "But I should probably taste it again. Just to be sure."

"You know, I don't have any objections to that. You always could appreciate a good meal."

"Well…" he cocked his head to the side, and Carter felt his hand skirting closer and closer to her core. "When it's that good, I don't stop until I swallow every bite, every drop, every-"

"Keep talking like that, John…we won't make it back to the house before I push your head down there."

They almost hadn't made it. They'd just barely gotten up the driveway before their hands were on each other. They were heated after more drinks at the restaurant, and his hand fondling her on the car ride back to the house. She was already wet, already ready, and feeling a raging tequila buzz, she didn't think they'd make it upstairs to the master bedroom.

Their feet moved swiftly, hurriedly over the maple wood floors as they got inside. Carter could taste the tequila on Reese's tongue as he kissed her. Almost as potent as if she'd drunk it herself, the flavour made her giddy, and her hands moved over his back as his kiss deepened. As if he'd read her mind, Reese picked her up and carried her to the den. He rested her on the couch and her fingers moved quickly over the buttons of his shirt, undoing them. His hands moved under her dress again, pulling at her panties, drawing them down her thighs and legs.

"I wanna taste you, Joss."

"Go 'head and taste me, John. Don't let me stop you."

He spread her legs open, and she lay back while he sucked on her pussy lips. A mixture of tequila and arousal seemed to heighten her sensitivity, and she bucked against him wildly, fisted her hands in his hair. His tongue circled her clit, his fingers bore into her hips, and she felt like she would explode from the pleasure as his tongue and mouth moved so expertly over her. In every way that he knew she liked.

"I wanna taste you too, baby." She cupped his face and pulled him up to kiss him. He pressed her into the back of the chair, bit her through her dress, both of them panting, both of them hot. "I wanna taste you too.

She fumbled with the belt at his waist and zipped his pants down. "Stand up," she told him, and he did, stepping out of his pants. She drew his underwear downward, ran her hands up his thighs and took him into her mouth.

He gasped as she sucked on him, lobbing the head, his shaft, until he was a groaning mess in front of her. He gritted his teeth as she licked him over and over again. He was weak with want, but at the same time he was overcome with the desire to be inside her. Reese eased her onto her back, about to lie on top of her, but she stopped him. She wordlessly moved from underneath him and pushed him into a seated position against the back of the couch.

He let out a breathy groan as she straddled him and lowered herself onto his cock. He moved his fingers under the straps of her gown, lowering them to expose her breasts, cupped them as she started to move. She rode him hard, swiftly, and she ground her hips into him as she dug her nails into his shoulders. It wasn't long at all before her groans were deeper. He'd grown so used to her body and the sounds she made whenever they made love that he knew when she was close. Right now, she was practically there.

"I can't hold it, baby," she said, moaning into his neck. "I'm gonna come."

He squeezed her nipples as her body started to rock, and she wrapped her arms around him as she reached her peak. She fell limp against him as her movements slowed, and she eventually slid off him, sitting beside him on the couch.

She let her head fall onto the back of it while her fingernails teased his scalp.

He was still standing at attention, still hard, but he watched her get up from beside him and head to the kitchen.


He could see the light from the refrigerator; hear her fumbling around in the dark.

"Joss, come here."

Carter heard Reese calling out for her, but she opened the fridge, looking for something, anything to cool down. She'd just come but instead of the calm that accompanied her orgasm, she still felt like her body was on fire, erotic energy still pulsing through it. She grabbed a small bottle of water and put it to her head, draining it. It helped a little, and she poured some of it onto her bare breasts.

"I said come here, baby."

She turned her head slightly at the sound of John's husky voice behind her. The light from the fridge cast a glow on him and she could see the outline of his still hard cock as it hit his thigh.

"What are we gonna do with this?" He asked, holding it in his hand, coming closer. "Hmmm?" he asked, moving behind her. He slid his hand between her legs caressing her, sliding his fingers over her labia. She could feel his cock against her butt cheeks, warm and pulsing.

"I need to feel you, baby."

His hand moved over her breasts, his tongue snaked out to slide along her ear and he bent her over a little to slide his shaft over her wetness. She started to moan and moved with him as he guided her away from the fridge and over to the counter. He pressed her into it and entered her from behind.

She moaned as he slid into her, pulled out and ran the tip of his shaft over her opening.

"So warm," he murmured, softly.

"Don't stop," she said.

"I'm not gonna stop," he said as he slid back in, thrusting hard and fast. "I'm not gonna stop fucking you."

She stood on her tip toes, angling her bottom to take him all in, flattening her palms over the granite.

"Don't stop fucking me. Don't you dare stop, John."

"I can't stop. Can't stop, Joss."

All she could see as her eyes fluttered was the light from the fridge and their shadows as they played along the wall. All she could see was their bodies joining together. All she could hear was him slamming into her and their flesh colliding deliciously together. He didn't stop until she was calling his name, muttering things that neither of them understood. He didn't stop until she felt his nails and his teeth digging into her back. He didn't stop until they both came, hard. And even then their lust wasn't satisfied.

From the kitchen to the den, to the entertainment room and eventually to the bedroom upstairs, it continued. All night. It was as if they couldn't get enough, as if the freedom of being away from it all manifested itself into something hungry that had to be appeased.

The moon was low in the sky when she finally lay on his chest and started to dose off. She felt his hands in her hair, a soothing motion, and she felt more relaxed and satisfied than she had in years.