WARNING: Romano's potty mouth (like Oliver says)

Italy found himself in the middle of a field. He didn't know how he got there, he was just there. Italy looked around. The fields seemed to go on for miles and there was no sign of civilization in sight. Italy got worried, he had no idea where he was or how he even got there. But in a way, it seemed sort of nice. Being away from everything, away from all of his stress and worries. Italy relaxed. A light current of wind blew, making the long grass rustle. It seemed like time had stopped.

-"Your friends can't always be there to save you..." a voice from behind him said.

Italy turned around and saw his reflection. He looked upset. His usual smirk was replaced with a frown. He was obviously not very happy with Italy.

-"You can't run forever. Heck, what's the point in running. I'll always be there, but your friends won't."

It was silent. Italy didn't know what to respond. Both stood there in silence. The refection seemed satisfied with that and started to walk away. Italy had the urge to talk back. His reflection always had the last word, those last words always terrorized him. It wan't fair! What gave him the right to do that! Italy was scared, but he needed to say something!

Italy you need to tell us if something is going on. You can't just ignore the problem.

If you have any nightmares, tell me okay?

Italy remembered Germany's and England's words. They wanted to help him... But Italy tried to hide the truth from them. Maybe if he got help from them he could get rid of his evil reflection

-"What if... I told them."

-"What?" His reflection turned around to face Italy once more. There was no turning back now.

-"What if I told my friends about you... About the nightmares. They already know that something is wrong with me, and I've been trying so hard to hide it, but they only wanted to help me. I don't know why I'm trying to hide you away, you only cause me pain. So why shouldn't I tell them about you..."

There was a silence between them. They stared at each other, not one of them dared to blink. The tension between them grew and kept growing. His refection finally looked away.

-"And, so... You tell you're little friends." The reflection said. He looked back at Italy and started walking over to him. "But what are the chances of them actually believing you hmm?" Now Italy and his reflection were face to face. Italy didn't know what to say. What if they didn't believe him. If he told them that his reflection was haunting him... they would probably think he's crazy! Italy tried to find a response, but his reflection was right. What are the chances of them believing him? The reflection grinned, amused by Italy unable to respond.

-"Now... Wake up."

-"Italy? Italy wake up."

Italy eyes snapped open. Germany woke him up from his sleep. He was in the backseat of Germany's car. Italy looked out the car window and noticed that they have arrived at his house. Italy gave a light sigh and looked over at Germany. He gave Germany a light smile.

-"Thank you for driving me home Germany."

-"It's no problem at all Italy. You need to get some rest." Germany said.

Italy nodded and got out of the car. He walked over to his doorstep. He waved at Germany, who, waved shyly back. Germany drove out of Italy's driveway and made his way back home. Italy sighed when he saw Germany driving away. Why couldn't just tell Germany about his evil reflection. 'Evil reflection'... Now that he thought about it, it sounded kind of stupid. But Germany would still believe him... right? Italy sighed once more. 'Why does this have to happen to me? 'Why couldn't I just tell him. Maybe it just wasn't the right time. I'll tell him the next time I see him...' Italy thought to himself. Italy turned around and faced the door to his house. He grabbed the door handle and opened the door. Just when he opened the door, he heard music basting from the kitchen. Italy closed the door behind him and walked over to the kitchen entrance. There he saw Romano chopping tomatoes, dancing and singing to the music.

-"Oh Maria Salvador, te quiero mi amor.

Tetraidro-rivoluzione, tra le note di questa canzone~"


-"Non è verde soltanto l'invidia, che divora la società.

ma è verde una foglia che vibra, piccolo spazio pubblicità!~"


-"AHHH!" Romano jumped what it seemed like 3 feet up in the air. He scrambled to turn off the radio. Romano turned around and looked at Italy. Italy held in a snicker while Romano's face became red as a tomato.

-"What the hell are you doing here!? Did the meeting end early or something?!" Romano said trying to recover from Italy scaring the living hell out of him.

-"I wasn't feeling well at the meeting, so Germany drove me home..."

-"But you seemed fine this morning. Were you not feeling well this morning ether?"

-"Sort of..."

There was an awkward silence after that. The two of them just kind of looked at each other.

-"Wait... What happened to our car?" Romano asked


-"Italy you drove our car to the meeting and Potato-bastard drove you home. Where is our car?"

It took a while for those words to register into Italy's mind. Then, it just sort of clicked . The car... He left it in the parking lot. Italy started to let out a nervous laugh. Romano looked at Italy furiously.

-"Well... I- umm, sort of... left it in the parking lot..." Italy said nervously. Italy prepared himself for what came next.

Romano's face became tomato red once again, but this time it wasn't because he was embarrassed. Then came the sudden outburst.


For a full minute all you could hear was yelling and crying.

-"Hey, don't worry! I think Prussia is going to drive our car back!" Italy said thinking it would improve their current situation.

-"WHAT!?" Romano yelled. If anything that made their situation worse. There was one more minute of fighting. Things started to settle down after that.

-"Feli... If Potato-bastard number two fucks up the car, it's your fault." Romano said, giving mini death glares at his brother.


Romano sighed and walked over to his brother.
-"Go get some rest. You said that you weren't feeling well, so rest up. I'll call you down when supper is ready."


Italy got out of the kitchen and walked up the stairs. He made his way to his room and closed the door. He laid down on his bed and started relaxing. The sunlight passing through his window made it so he didn't have to turn on the lights in his bedroom. The birds outside were chirping, which seemed like music to Italy's ears. In no time at all he was having a hard time keeping his eyelids open. Italy gave up trying to stay awake and slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you~"

Italy's eyes snapped back open. 'What the-?'

"Then again, there is no real escape from me now..."

Italy sat up and looked around the room. No one was there. But this time Italy knew who it was. Italy walked over to the mirror in his bedroom, to check if he was there. Surprisingly, his evil refection wasn't there. He was taunting him. Italy cringed. He hated how his reflection could mess with his mind so easily. 'Hate'... it had so much meaning, so much negativity for such a small word. Italy sighed. I never thought he'd be using that word, but here he was. He had to get his mind off of that. Italy walked over to his nightstand, grabbed the TV remote and switched on the TV in his room. He never thought he'd be using that TV in his room, at the time that he got it from America he thought it was a bit of a waste of space. But now he was glad that he had it, he needed to get his mind off of things. He laid down on his bed and starting browsing through the channels. But he just couldn't get that dang reflection out of this head.

Eventually, Romano called Italy down for supper, which was great news for Italy. First of all, Italy was starving. Second of all, he needed to get his mind off of that reflection. Lastly, the only thing he found on TV was Here comes Honey Boo Boo, which made Italy question America's citizens. Then again, Japan had lots of weird TV shows at his house and everything was fine with his people... Okay, that was a lie, but it wasn't the vast majority who liked those shows... That's what Italy hopped...

The supper was great! They had pasta, which was Italy's favorite! After supper him and Romano talked for a bit in the living room. Italy started to talk about that Here comes Honey Boo Boo show and how weird it was. Romano told him to never EVER watch american television again. Time started to fly by. At some point Romano got a phone call from Spain and they had to cut their current conversation short. Italy looked over at the time. It was 8:37 pm. Italy felt exhausted. The nap in Germany's car helped with his tiredness, but now that small amount of energy ran out. Italy told Romano that he was going to bed, Romano answered with a simple nod and went back to yelling at Spain on the phone.

When Italy walked back into his room he noticed that the sun had set and the moon and stars were out. He closed the door behind him and sat down on his bed.

-"Hello again friend..."

Those simple words sent chills down Italy's spine. Italy ignored him, but he continued.

-"What? Are you going to pretend I'm not there?"

-"Leave me alone..." Italy finally responded back.

-"That's impossible... I AM you."

-"No you are not!" Italy said, turning directly at his mirror. His evil reflection was looking at him with a devilish smirk spread across his face. "You are not me! You are just some twisted reflection that won't stop pestering me!"

Italy's sudden outburst made his reflection smile even more. Italy realized that his reflection's main goal was to upset him, to make him sad, to make him angry, to drive him insane. Italy wasn't going to stand for it anymore...

-"I'm going to tell them..."

-"I don't understand. What?"

-"I don't care what you say. I'm going to tell my friends about you. Heck, I'll even tell England. He will know how to get rid of you. They will take me seriously, they are my friends... I know they will believe me!"

The reflection flinched. He did not expect Italy to stand up for himself. Run away, hide, surrender, that's all he did. He never stood up for himself. The reflection frowned.

-"Fine... Be that way..."

Italy turned around and went to bed. He didn't want to deal with this anymore. He wanted it to go away.

-"Sweet dreams~"

Italy cringed at those words, but his face softened as he drifted off to a mindless sleep...

To be continued...

(A\N):Hi guys. I'm really sorry about the hiatus. Luckily I have an awesome sister who helps me. And a while ago we hit 1000+ views on the story! Yay! The chapter is a bit longer since we haven't posted in such a long time. Anywho thanks for reading this chapter! And once again i'm REALLY sorry about the hiatus.


(A\N 2): Why am I helping my sister's story... (I have my own story to write!) Anywho, Thanks for reading guys! We really do appreciate the follows and reviews! BTW the song that Romano was singing is called Maria Salvador (You can find it on Youtube). The song was surprisingly good... yeah (Italians make good music too!). Well that's all folks!
