Soooo... yeah, I need to do a story like this. A lot of my romances haven't been really established yet, so there will be a series of chapters here that will either introduce them, or expand on them. If anyone gets lost or confused, please let me know, and I'll try to explain it.

Anyway, enjoy! Happy Valentines day!

Fatch grunted as he tried to reach up and grab a box of granola bars. Due to his height, this proved difficult.

Currently the prince was at Winco, as it was his designated turn to go shopping. That, and Dusk didn't seem to be very aware of his surroundings lately. Like he had so much on his mind, that he was in another world all together. To be honest, it worried the prince a little, but he wouldn't press the issue. Besides, he understood the "deep thinking" state that Dusk was in. He had been there many times himself after all. So focused on one thing that you're oblivious to the world changing around you. It was only troubling when they were brought back to reality and they had no clue what was going on.

Finally, with a great stretch, Fatch finally got the box, almost getting it to fall to the ground. Thank goodness he had caught it.

Slowly the prince hopped to the ground, placing the granola bars down into the cart, walking down the aisle now. He couldn't help but wonder what else he needed to pick up. Perhaps he needed some coolaid flavoring? His family DID go through a lot of red coolaid. But they were all vampires, so it made sense.

As he turned the corner, he crashed into something, causing his cart to push harshly into his waist line. The prince grunted and looked forward, realizing he'd run into someone. But this someone... he knew her. It was... Sapphire Moore.

This vampire had white hair, which curled greatly at the bangs and covered her right eye, whilst the rest was in an up ponytail held up with a deep blue band. She wore an ocean blue long sleeved top that showed off her belly (she had a yellow belly button ring), short ocean blue jean shorts, neon blue tights, and ocean blue high heeled boots with a cut neon blue rim and bottom. She also had a small nose piercing, and four silver hoops in her ears. She had grown quite beautiful really.

Her ruby eye looked at him in shock, as his collision with her had clearly shocked her greatly. The woman suddenly broke into a wide smile before she squealed, suddenly rushing over and locking him in a hug, causing Fatch to blush horribly. He couldn't bring himself to move... slowly the girl let him go, and Fatch couldn't seem to look away from her eyes. Er... eye.

" Oh Fatch! It's so good to see you! "

Sapphire squealed, a certain sparkle entering her eyes and simply melting Fatch's heart.

" How are you? Have things been getting better for you since school? "

" ... O-oh yeah! "

Fatch chuckled, lightly scratching his leg with his toes.

" They've been pretty great, actually! "

" That's great! "

Sapphire said cheerfully suddenly reaching over and taking hold of the princes hand, causing said prince to suck in a breath, blushing brighter. He couldn't help it... he'd never admit to it but... he'd had a crush on her since he'd first seen her in school. He hated admitting the fact he'd fallen for someone practically EVERY GUY IN SCHOOL had a crush on. But... he couldn't help it. She was one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen.

Dont get him wrong, he still loved Amber dearly. But if she wasn't interested... he wouldn't press the issue. He didn't want to be that jerk that didn't take no for an answer. He'd been trying to get over her for a while now as well... he couldn't completely but... well, again, he understood she wasn't into him.

" Fatch, I'm going to ask something a little... strange, considering we just seen each other again after about 6 years. "

Fatch gulped, feeling his heart to flutter. He couldn't help but... hoped his was going the way he was hoping it was going.

" It's Valentines day, as you know. And... well since I don't have plans today... I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today. "

The prince grinned widely, feeling his heart seemingly doing acrobats inside.

" YES! "

The boy blushed quickly, realizing how eagerly he'd said that, eyes dilating greatly before he grinned nervously and quickly tried to look cool. Cool, calm, collected... all things he was NORMALLY good at.

" I mean- yeah. Sure. Whatever. "

Sapphire giggled, playfully punching his arm.

" Come on man, I ain't that scary. No need to be so nervous. "

Fatch chuckled softly, scratching the back of his head.

" R-right. I-I just... need to drop off my groceries first. "

" Oh of course. Same here. Meet you at that sweet ice cream shop at 3:00 ok? "

" O-ok then. S-see you there. "

Fatch couldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous right now as he entered the ice cream shop. He'd never really had many dates (maybe one if the Winter Chill counted) so he was a little unsure of what to do, or what to expect with Sapphire. If he remembered right, she had always been unpredictable in school, and no one ever knew where she'd go next. Or how'd she'd get there. But he did know it shouldn't be "horrible" or anything. Besides, if nothing ended up happening, it would still be nice hanging out with her.

The prince turned to a small booth, blushing a bit when he found her already at the table, drinking a milkshake out of a glass with two straws.

Fatch sucked in a breath and smiled, slowly walking over and sitting across from her. Sapphires eye lit up upon seeing him.

" There you are! Took you long enough! "

Fatch chuckled, swearing he'd blushed brighter.

" W-well... with 12 people living under one roof... it takes a bit to put away groceries... "

" Heheh... fair enough. "

Sapphire said simply, holding her hand up.

" You know Fatch, I'm gonna be straight for a moment. "

Fatch swore, if he had a heart beat, his heart would've SKIPPED a beat. He was really hoping... this was going where he thought it was going. His feelings became more intense when Sapphire placed her hand on his. He quickly looked into her eye, finding her eye simply glittering in this light.

" I... sorta ran into you on purpose at the store. I... I actually... think you're kinda cute..."

The prince felt like his face was burning. Like his heart was being crushed but... in a good way. He couldn't believe this! Was Sapphire, the head cheerleader and most popular girl in his old school, the same one every guy had a crush on, actually about to tell him she actually... LIKED him?!

" I guess what I'm trying to say Fatch, is... do you, maybe, wanna... go out? "

He swore... his heart would've stopped had it ever been beating in the first place. He felt like he was in a dream... the very girl he'd once dreamed of, the one he had never chased due to his poor reputation in school before... had just asked him out. It didn't seem real to him... but thankfully he soon regained his senses. Remembering this was, in fact, NOT a dream, and Sapphire Moore herself just asked him out. He needed to respond.

Immediately he clasped her hands, smiling brightly.

" I would LOVE to. "

Sapphire smiled brightly, her eye lowering alluringly, before she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, and... placed a kiss on his lips. Fatch remained frozen, his mind fuzzed and unable to function due to the shock, before slowly, he wrapped his arms around her neck and to the back of her head, pulling her a bit closer. He... he was so happy right now...

Yet unbeknownst to either vampire, there had been someone else near by, who'd witness this, and immediately rushed off crying at the sight.

How was this for a first chappie? Did anyone know who ran off at the end there? I'll give you a shout out if you guess it!

Oh, and naturally I can't post EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER today, but this will be an ongoing Valentines special. Hope that's alright, and I hope you all enjoy!